HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/5/2008 (2) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..~. Information ~..,. eTo Build On ElJflineeting · Consultillll · TestilJfl Geotechnical Engineering Services Report For the Proposed Abby's/Sonic Springfield Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Prepared for ZCS Engineering, Inc. 1654 Williams Highway Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 Prepared by Professional Service Industries, Inc. 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 January 25, 2008 PSI REPORT NUMBER: 722-75075-1 ~REoSUBMiTIAl RECiO MAR ~ 2008 I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l"'" ~ ., lriformation ~.,. @ToBuild On Engineering. Consulting. Testing January 25, 2008 Mr. Justin Gerliiz, P.E., ZCS Engineering, Jnc. 1654 Williams HIghway Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 Subject: Geotechnical Investigation and EngIneering Services Report Proposed Abby's/Sonic Spnngfield Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 PSI Report No. 722-750751 Dear Mr. Gerlitz: Professional Service Induslries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit our Geotechnicallnvestigafion and Engineering Services Report for the above referenced project. The purpose of these services was to assist you, the engineer, and the architect in designing foundations, floor slabs, and prepanng plans and specifications for construction of the proposed building addition. Our geotechnical engineenng investigation mdicates the property is considered to be suitable for the intended building from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations in the attached report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project If we can provide additional assistance, or observation and testing services during construction, please do not hesitate to contact Ray A1iperti at (541) 746-9649. Respecl:fuliy Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~CftJr Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager A" U. V tli,; I. t.:r;4ll..-l' fr'i" vew~~ '" v Charles Lane, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Attachment: Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report Distribution: Addressee - (5 copies) RVAfNa PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 Professional Service Industries, Inc. 1040A ShellElY St . Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table of Contents 1 0 Introduction 1 20 Project Description 1 30 Scope of Services 1 3 1 Subsurface Exploration 1 32 Laboratory Evaluation 2 33 Engineering AnalysIs 2 40 Site and Subsurface Conditions 2 41 Site Description 2 42 Geology 2 43 SOils 3 44 Groundwater 3 50 Conclusions and Recommendations 3 5 1 Seismic Considerations 3 52 Site Preparation 5 53 Site Preparation dUring Wet Weather . 5 54 Foundation Recommendations 6 55 Floor Slab Support 7 56 Pavement Recommendations 7 57 Construction Dewatering and Drainage Considerations 8 58 Excavation/Slopes. 8 59 Construction MOnitoring 9 60 General 9 Appendix Site Location Map SOIl BOring Location Map SOil BOring Logs Laboratory Test Results General Notes SOil ClasSification Chart PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 1 Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report Proposed Abby's/Sonic Springfield Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR {) 2008 1.0 Introduction ProfessIonal ServIce Industnes, Inc (PSI) IS pleased to submit our Geotechnical Investigation and Engmeerlng Services Report for the above referenced site The purpose of these services was to assist the architect and the engineer In designing foundations, and preparing plans and speCifications for construction of the proposed bUlldmgs Our evaluation was completed In general accordance with our proposal number 722-07-147 dated December 17, 2007, which was Signed by Mr Justin Gerhtz with ZCS Englneenng on December 19, 2007 2.0 Project Description Project mformatlon was provided to us In an e-mail on December 12, 2007 Based on the Information provided to us, we understand the proposed development will consist of a (1) one story Abby's Pizza bUlldmg with an approximate footprint of 4,800 square feet and a (1) one story SOniC bUilding with an approximate footpnnt of 1,800 square feet We also understand there will be associated asphaltic concrete and concrete pavement areas Detailed structural loading was not prOVided at this time, therefore we assumed maximum column and wall loads will be on the order of 50 kips and 3 kips per linear foot, respectively 3.0 Scope of Services Our authorized scope of services Included conducting three sOIl bonngs under the proposed bUildings to a depth of up to 15 feet below eXisting site grade Evaluation of the site sOils Included laboratory testing In order to generate foundation recommendations, site-work recommendations, and the preparation of this geotechnical engineering services report In general, our evaluation Included the following authonzed scope of servIces. 3.1 Subsurface Exploration In order to charactenze the general nature of sOil and groundwater conditions at the site, sOil test bonngs (B-1 through B-3) were dnlled per ASTM D1586 uSing our CME 75 truck-mounted dnll ng with an automatic Standard Penetration Test (SPT) hammer The locatIons of the sOIl bonngs are shown on the attached SOil Bonng Location Map In the AppendiX A log of the sOil bonngs are also attached m the AppendiX Samples were Identified In the field, placed In sealed bags, and transported to the laboratory for further claSSification and testing Upon completion, the sOil bonngs were loosely backfilled with the auger cuttmgs and granular bentonite ChipS, DUring drilling operations, standard penetration tests (SPT) were performed to a depth of 16 ~ feet. An SPT test IS performed by driving a 2 Inch, outSide diameter, split spoon sampler mto the undisturbed formation located at the bottom of the advanced auger with repeated blows of a 140 pound, pm gUided hammer failing a vertical distance of 30 Inches The number of blows required to drive the sampler one foot is a measure of the soil consistency (cohesive sOils) and density (non-coheSive sOils). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 2 PRE.SUBM\TTAl REC'D MAR 5 2008 3,2 Laboratory Evaluation Selected samples of the subsurface sOils encountered were returned to our laboratory for further evaluation to aid In classification of the materials, and to help assess their strength and compressibility characteristics The laboratory evaluation conSisted of visual and textural examinations, mOisture content tests (ASTM 04959), Atterberg limits tests (ASTM 04318), gradation tests (ASTM 04228 and 01140), and sOil classification tests (ASTM 02487) Results of the tests are shown In the Appendix 3,3 Engineering Analysis Engineering analyses and recommendations regarding general foundation design Including allowable sOil bearing pressures, minimum footing depth requirements, and estimates of foundation settlement are Included In this report In addition, recommendations were developed addressing site preparation, placement and compaction of fill materials, and site preparation of the floor slab areas 4.0 Site and Subsurface Conditions Site and subsurface features encountered at the time of our field services are described below 4,1 Site Description The subject site IS located Olympic Street In Springfield, Oregon The proposed bUilding site for the Abby's Pizza bUilding IS currently occupied by an eXisting single story CMU block bUilding The proposed SOniC bUilding site is currently covered With asphaltic concrete The remainder of the site IS also covered With asphaltic concrete The elevation of the site IS similar to Olympic Streets The site IS bordered to the south by eXisting reSidential development, the east and the west by eXisting developed commercial bUildings, and the north by Olympic Street 4.2 Geology The subject site lies Within the southern portion of the Wlllamette Valley Geomorphic Province, east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Geomorphic Provinces The Wlllamette Valley Province IS regional lowland that extends from Just south of Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, British Columbia Within Oregon, thiS narrow allUVial plain IS approximately 130 miles long and ranges from approxImately 20 to 40 miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996) The province IS drained by the Wlllamette River, the longest north-flOWing river In North America Compressional forces attendant With uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountain Ranges dUring the Miocene and Pliocene epochs depressed the Wlllamette Valley The bedrock lithology of the Wlllamette Valley In the vIcinity of the subject site IS the late Eocene aged (approx 35 million years ago) Eugene Formation, a generally well consolidated to IIthlfled, tuffaceous near-shore marine sedimentary rock that was gently folded dUring the geosynclinal compressional period described above (Yeats and others, 1991) Prior to deformation, low energy streams and lakes present Within the southern Wlllamette Valley dUring the Pliocene epoch covered the Eugene Formation With flUVial and lacustrine deposits of Silts and clays to various depths With the rapid uplift of the Cascade Mountains In the Pliocene epoch, steepened stream gradients resulted In Increased erosion of the Cascades I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 3 and rapid deposition of thick gravel layers that incised the soft fluvial and lacustnne deposits overlYing the Eugene Formation Locally, fining upward sequences of rhythmite deposits from the Pleistocene aged Missoula Floods are preserved that record up to 30 advance and retreat cycles of Lake Allison (Waitt, 1985), which filled the Wlllamette Valley to a depth of approximately 350 feet with each flooding event (Allen and others, 1986) 4,3 Soils Based on the sOil bonngs, the sOil profile generally consisted of approximately 2 }-2 Inches of asphaltiC concrete overlYing approximately 6 Inches of %"-0 crushed rock fill UnderlYing the crushed rock fill was approximately 8 }-2 feet of medium stiff silt with sand UnderlYing the medium stiff silt with sand was dense to very dense, well graded gravel with silt and sand (locally known as "bar-run" gravel) The well graded gravel with silt and sand extended to the maximum depths explored of 16 }-2 feet For more speCific details of the sOils encountered In our sOil bonngs, please reference our SOIl Bonng Logs In the AppendiX In-situ mOlstures on the silt with sand ranged from 24 to 33 percent Based on the laboratory work performed, the sandy silt classified as ML, low plastiCity silt For more speCifiC details of the laboratory work performed, please reference the attached Laboratory sheets In the AppendiX 4,4 Groundwater Static groundwater was encountered from 9 to 14 feet below eXisting site grades dunng our site Investigation on January 7, 2008. We antiCipate the groundwater may nse dunng months of high runoff Vanatlons In groundwater levels should be expected seasonally, annually and from location to location The contractor for thiS project should antiCipate surface and subsurface seepage Into any excavations performed dunng high mOisture penods of the year We recommend the contractor venfy groundwater levels at the time of construction 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the results of our field work, laboratory evaluation, and englneenng analyses, It IS our opInion that the site IS SUitable for the proposed bUildings prOVided that the following recommendations are Incorporated Into the design and construction of the project 5.1 Seismic Considerations In accordance with Table 161352 of the 2007 State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code (SaSSC), an amendment to the 2006 International BUilding Code (IBC), we recommend a Site Class D (stiff sOil profile) for thiS site when consldenng the average of the upper 100 feet of the site According to the USGS probabilistic ground motion maps (http //ealnt cr usas gov/eq/html/lookup-2002-lnterp html) and uSing a latitude of 44 057323 degrees and longitude of -122967684 degrees, the maximum conSidered earthquake (MCE) ground motions for the site are Ss=O 63g and S1=0 30 (for Site Class B) In accordance with Tables 161353 (1) and 161353 (2), the Site Coefficients Fa and Fv are 1 30 and 1 81 respectively, for site Class D Therefore the adjusted MCE ground motions are Sms=O 818 and Sm1=0 536 (for Site Class D) The PGA (peak ground acceleration) for thiS site IS 026g The return Interval for these ground motions IS 2 percent probability of exceedance In 50 years PRE-SUBM'TTAl REC'O MAR 5 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 4 OSSC Section 1802 2 6 Seismic Design Category C 1 Assessment of seismiC hazards Including liquefaction, lateral spread, ground surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading, seismicallY-Induced settlement of sOils due to ground shaking, and earthquake-Induced landslldlng Liquefaction Based on the results of our sOil bonngs conducted on January 7, 2008, the nsk of liquefaction IS low-pnmanly due to the absence of loose, saturated, low-plastiCity or granular sOIls within the explored depths We do not recommend any measures be taken In the design of the proposed structure to address nsk to life-safety regarding liquefaction Lateral Spread The nsk of lateral spread IS negligible due to the absence of slopes adjacent to, or on, the site, as well as the low nsk of liquefaction as stated above No measures are recommended In the desIgn of the proposed structure to address nsk to life-safety regarding lateral spread Ground surface rupture due to faulting or lateral spreading The nsk of ground surface rupture due to lateral spreading IS negligible There are no known active faults mapped In the vlclnrty of the Site, nor did we observe eVidence of faulting In our sOil bonng However, due to the active seismicity of Oregon, the pOSSibIlity of faults In the area cannot be completely ruled out SeismicallY-induced settlement Based on the anticipated earthquake scenano and the sOil stratIgraphy of the Site, relatively minor seismically Induced settlement IS likely to occur (up to about 1 Inch) Such settlement will probably affect relatively large areas so that differential settlements over short distances are likely to be very small We do not recommend any measures be taken In the design of the proposed structure to address nsk to life-safety regarding seismicallY-induced settlement Earthquake-Induced landslldlng Landslldlng IS not conSidered a hazard on thiS site due to the lack of slgnrflcant steep slopes near the proposed bUilding location We do not recommend any corrective measures be taken In the design of the proposed structure to address risk to life-safety due to landshdlng The follOWing addresses the requirements of OSSC Section 1802.2 7 SeismiC Design Category D 1 Determination of lateral pressures on basement and retaining walls due to earthquake motions Based on our review of the project plans and information provided by the design team, we understand there are no plans for any basements or retaining walls Therefore, a determination of seismic lateral pressures on basement and retaining walls IS not needed 2 An assessment of potential consequences of any liquefaction and sOil strength loss, Including estimation of differential settlement, lateral movement or reduction In foundation soil beanng capacity PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRE-SUBMtTTAL REC'O MAR r; Z008 PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 5 The nsk for liquefaction, sOil strength loss, and any differential settlement due to seismiC activity for this site IS relatively low due to the absence of loose, saturated low-plasticity or granular sOils within the explored depths We do not recommend any measures be taken In the design of the proposed structure to address nsk to life-safety due to liquefaction, sOil strength loss, and any differential settlement due to seismiC activity 5.2 Site Preparation In general, we recommend that all structural Improvement areas be drained of surface water and stnpped of asphaltic concrete, eXisting crushed rock and gravelly sand/sandy gravel fill sOils, highly saturated or disturbed sOil, and any other deletenous matenals Including construction debns encountered at the time of construction Additional site preparation Will depend upon the proposed site grades and bUilding features Dunng construction, we recommend the subsurface conditions be investigated In this area by a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer to venfy sOil conditions are similar to what was encountered In our SOIl bonngs Fill matenal should consist of an all-weather, clean, granular fill containing less than 5 percent matenal passing the U S #200 Sieve, such as sand, crushed rock, or sand and gravel A non- density testable fill matenal such as sandy gravel (locally known as bar run) may be utilized for achieVing desired grades Due to the vanablllty of the fines content In locally available bar run gravel, If earthwork construction uSIng bar run gravel IS anticipated to take place dunng wet weather, It Will be Important that the sUitability of the bar run gravel IS evaluated by the Geotechnrcal Engineer Selected samples of the matenals to be used for structural fill should be submitted to our laboratory In order to evaluate the maximum density, optimum mOisture content, and SUitability of the sOil for use as fill All density testable structural fill matenals placed In the bUilding area should be mOisture conditioned to within :t 2 percent of optimum mOisture content and compacted by mechanical means to a minimum of 95 percent of the matenal's maximum dry density as determined In accordance with ASTM 01557 (Modified Proctor) If bar run fill IS used, that matenal should be evaluated for compaction by Proofrolllng with a tandem axle truck, or Similar, with a weight of at least 45,000 pounds Fill matenals should be placed In layers that, when compacted, do not exceed about 8 Inches Loose lifts of about 12 Inches are generally acceptable prOVided the desired compaction IS achievable Excavation and construction operations may expose the on-site native sOils to Inclement weather conditions The stability of exposed native sOils may rapidly detenorate due to preCipitation or the action of heavy or repeated construction traffic Accordingly, foundation area excavations should be adequately protected from the elements, and from the action of repetitive or heavy construction loading 5.3 Site Preparation during Wet Weather Placement of crushed rock should follow Immediately after site grading In order to prOVide protection of the senSitive subgrade sOils dunng construction actiVities In traffic areas, the placement of a one-foot thick granular working base IS generally recommended with thicker sections and/or geotextlle fabncs recommended In heaVily traveled areas Generally, three to SIX Inches of crushed rock IS sufficient In foot traffic areas Dunng wet weather grading operations, all excavations should be performed uSing a smooth- bladed, tracked backhoe working from areas where matenal has yet to be removed or, If I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 6 necessary, from the already placed structural fill If excavation equipment does work on the structural fill, care should be taken not to disturb (pump up) the underlYing sOils Should sOils become disturbed, the sOils should be removed to firm native subgrade and replaced with structural fill In accordance with section 5 2 of this report Proofrolllng of excavation bottoms IS likely not appropnate dunng wet weather grading In order to aVOid disturbance of mOisture-sensitive sOils Should construction take place dunng wet weather, we recommend that a representative of the Geotechnical Engineer be present to observe the subgrade In order to evaluate whether additional preparation IS Indicated 5,4 Foundation Recommendations The planned construction can be supported on conventional spread footing foundations beanng on 24 Inches of structural fill overlYing the silt with sand If foundations are placed as recommended, they may be Sized for a maximum net allowable soli beanng pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf) The structural fill should extend honzontally on all sides of the footing a minimum distance equal to one-half the depth of the fill (I e for an 2 foot thick fill, width of excavation should be at least 1 foot wider than the footing on either side) Allowable sOil beanng pressures are based on dead load plus design live load A one-third Increase IS allowed for short-term wind and seismiC loading Minimum dimensions of 24 Inches for column and 18 Inches for continuous footings should be used In foundation design to reduce the POSSibility of a local beanng capacity failure All footings should be located at a depth of at least 18 Inches below the lowest adjacent extenor grade to provide frost protection Consolidation of the overburden resulting from the foundation loads will result In some foundation settlement Based on the results of the field tests and the anticipated foundation loads, we estimate that foundation settlements should not exceed one Inch Differential settlement between two adjacent columns should not exceed 50 percent of the total settlement Honzontalloads acting on shallow foundations are resisted by fnctlon along the foundation base and by passive pressure against the footing face, which IS perpendicular to the line of applied force The coeffiCient of fnctlon between the base of the footing and properly compacted, granular fill IS 035 If a well graded gravel with silt and sand IS used, the design coeffiCient of fnctlon between the base of the footing and properly bar run fill IS 0 30 Passive sOil resistance values equal to an equivalent fluid pressure of 270 pet may be used for either compacted, granular fill or bar run sandy gravel against the face of the footing These values, for fnctlon and passive resistance, Incorporate a factor of safety of 1 5, which IS appropnate due to the amount of movement required to develop full passive resistance The foundation excavations should be observed by a representative of PSI pnor to steel or concrete placement to assess that the foundation materials are capable of supporting the design loads and are consistent with the matenals discussed In thiS report Soft or loose sOil zones encountered at the bottom of the footing excavations should be removed to the level of firm sOils free of deletenous matenals or adequately compacted structural fill as directed by the geotechnical engineer Cavities formed as a result of excavation of soft or loose sOil zones should be backfilled With lean concrete or dense, well-graded, compacted crushed rock PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.5 Floor Slab Support PRe:stmM\iiAl REC'D MAR 5 2008 PSI Report No 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 Page 7 Where the concrete slab-on-grade IS not already underlain by crushed aggregate, the concrete floor slab-on-grade can be grade supported on at least 12 Inches of properly compacted, crushed, granular fill placed as described in the section 52 of thiS report In order to achieve compaction of the granular fill, a geotextlle fabric and possibly another 6 Inches of granular fill may be necessary depending upon the mOisture content of the native sOils at the time of construction (I e If the native sOils are wet) If the sOil conditions allow, proofroll testing as described In section 5 2 should be accomplished In order to Identify any soft or unstable subgrade sOils that may need to be removed from the floor slab area prior to structural fill placement The crushed rock fill should provide a capillary break to limit migration of mOisture through the slab If additional protection against mOisture vapor IS desired, a mOisture vapor retarding membrane may also be Incorporated Into the design Factors such as cost, special considerations for construction and the floor coverings suggest that decIsions on the use of vapor retarding membranes be made by the architect and the owner Please note that we were not able to perform a subsurface exploration under the eXisting bUilding, therefore dUring construction we recommend allOWing PSI the opportunity to explore under the eXisting bUilding with a backhoe or similar equipment to see If the material IS similar to what we found In our sOil bOrings and to be sure our recommendations stili apply. 5.6 Pavement Recommendations Our scope of services Included evaluating the surface sOils for the specific purpose of a detailed pavement analysIs The recommended thicknesses presented below are considered tYPical and minimum for the derived parameters After the site has been stripped and prepared In accordance with section 5 2 of thiS report, and pnor to plaCing the base or leveling course, the pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a fully loaded dual axle dump truck Areas found to be soft or yielding under the weight of the dump truck should be overexcavated as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer's representative and replaced with additional base course The base course should consist of well graded crushed stone with a maximum particle size of 2 Inches and no more than 5 percent passing the U S #200 sieve (0 075 mm) The base course should be mOisture conditioned to within three percent of optimum and compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent, as determined by the ASTM 01557 (Modified Proctor) USing the AASHTO method of flexible pavement desIgn, the follOWing design parameters have been assumed a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 5 for the Silt with sand sOils that underlie much of the proposed new parking lot and dnveway pavement areas, a pavement life of 20 years, a terminal serviceabIlity (Pt) of 2, a regional factor (R) of 3 0, and an 18,000 pound eqUivalent axle load (EAL) of 10 per day for car parking, and 100 per day for driveway areas. Making these assumptions It IS possible to use a locally tYPical "standard" pavement section consisting of the follOWing Asphattlc Concrete Recommended Minimum Thicknesses (InCheS)~] Pavement Matenals Car Parking Dnveway Areas : Asphaltic Concrete Surface Crushed Aggregate Base Course l underlain by Mirafi 500X geotextile fabric or equivalent 21/2 31/2 10 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSI Report No 722-75075-1 PPE.SUBM\llAl REC'D January 2~:gOeO~ MAR 5 2008 AsphaltIc concrete materials should be compacted to at least 91 percent of the material's theoretical maximum density as determined In general accordance with ASTM D 2041 (Rice Specific Gravity) Geotextlle fabnc should be placed over a smooth subgrade and should be placed with no wrinkles The fabric should be overlapped a minimum of 18 Inches Construction equipment should not be permitted to travel on the geotextlle fabnc Water should not be allowed to pond behind curbs and saturate the base course In down grade areas base course should extend through the slope to allow any water entering the base course a path to eXit 5,7 Construction Dewatering and Drainage Considerations Water should not be allowed to collect In foundation excavations, on floor slab areas, or on prepared subgrade dunng or after construction Excavated areas should be sloped toward one corner to facIlitate removal of any collected rainwater, groundwater, or surface runoff Positive site drainage should be provided to reduce infiltration of surface water around the penmeter of the building and beneath the floor slabs The grades should be sloped away from the bUilding and surface drainage should be collected and discharged such that water IS not permitted to Infiltrate the backfill and floor slab areas of the bUilding If excessive water seepage occurs, the Geotechnical Engineer should be notified 5.8 Excavations/Slopes Temporary earth slopes may be cut near-vertical to heights of 4 feet Excavations deeper than 4 feet should be performed In accordance with Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) gUidelines In Federal Register, Volume 54, No 209 (October 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended ItS "Construction Standards for ExcavatIons, 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P" ThiS document was issued to better Insure the safety of personnel entenng trenches or excavations It IS mandated by thiS federal regulation that excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavations, or footing excavations, be constructed In accordance with the new OSHA gUidelines It IS our understanding that these regulations are being stnctly enforced and, If they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties The contractor IS solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sIdes of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom The contractor's "responsible person", as defined In 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the sOil exposed In the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, Including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified In local, state, and federal state regulations We are prOViding thiS Information solely as a service to our client PSI does not assume responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's or other parties' compliance with local, state, and federal safety or other regulations I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRE-SUBM\TIAl REC'(}sl Report No. 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 M~n r) ZOOR Page 9 5.9 Construction Monitoring It is recommended that PSI be retained to examine and identify soil exposures created during project excavations in order to verify that soil conditions are as anticipated. We further recommend that structural fills be tested by our representative in order to evaluate the thoroughness and uniformity of their compaction. Costs for the recommended observations during construction are beyond the scope of thIS current consultation Such future services would be at an addItional charge. 6.0 General PSI dId not provide any service to investrgate or detect the presence of moisture, mold or other biological contammates in or around any structure, or any service that was designed or intended to prevent or lower the risk of the occurrence of the amplification of the same. Client acknowledges that mold is ubiquitous to the environment with mold amplification occurnng when building materials are impacted by moisture. Client further acknowledges that site conditions are outside of PSI's control, and that mold amplification will likely occur, or continue to occur, in the presence of moisture. As such, PSI cannot and shall not be held responsible for the occurrence or recurrence of mold amplification. This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representative to design the proposed structure described herern and to prepare construction documents. The recommendatIons contaIned in this report are based on the available subsurface information obtained by PSI, and design details furnished for the proposed project. If there are any revisions 10 the plans for this project, or if deviations from the subsurface conditions noted in this report are encountered during construction, PSI should be notified immediately to determine if changes in the foundation recommendations are required. If PSI Is not retained to perform these functions, PSI will not be responsible for the impact of those conditions on the project. Services performed by the Geotechnical Engineer for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area, No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, lnc. ~(1~ ~PRO~ I~~ I~( ~ ~ i' :\t:J tl~1? ~~ ~\ V' GREGcm {}! ! ~~y .~~ J4- j /-- 3t -('2' Charles R Lane, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 APPENDIX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A '~ .:: MA.PQVES".::.' T s.t I L u ......U..'IU'4..... 1111 '/ 01 1200 m ~ 600 ft (( - q' l- - r- R Stll /) '1/ - I, J' . " I :z ,I /- ---- - -, ~St) ~ -- --=:"'... to- ".,. Marcola_ ~d_ _ ~ ~ ~::J} ~ I ~/ // lq~t...-_::=~ / r- --") ~aia-tobll J-L.-- . , ,":- ./--:.::: 1ieamont St 11 ", Subject easant St I ~II ;j^>, Property 'mplc St J ~ ~II /1< ~ IL_-~~ '"_'_ J '~I if"1 I--~ Scott Rd ~ ~ M s.t~, -7 ] ~/I J ntennlal BMJ 1 ~ I L_ _ ~ ~ l5' _I ,;::- Pa~/~ll__ .~ J St I', ---ll 1;1- - 1- J.St _ I ~~/- I L J- r ll~ I B(ittle // --__ - - - - ' H St I , ( '1< /';/ L~:::-~:.=;;::I r-- - - - -I lXI' ~ 206.7~Mapouesffnc'____ - - - ; l : (';;a I Olympic St ~ ;:; ~t. r L Centennial BlVd , ,c:: ~.~-~' I, -J! I' -('") -s, f') J '1 I I I ~ _L __ 'iJ--':-' . J (1-- ,.., . .~ II r:;",rcnl1 ,J) t Map Data ~ 2007 NlI\YUQ, ~r TeleA,!!as PRE.SUBMlrrAl REC'O MAR 5 2008 Source Mapquest PrOject Proposed Abby's/Sonic Springfield Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 SITE LOCATION MAP PrOject No Date 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 ProfeSSional Service Industnes -1040-A Shelley Street - Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 - Phone (541) 746-9649 - Fax (541) 746-7163 ------------------- 1r I I '" " ~~.,~ ,f 1~1!:;.'~7,'/' . .. I M1D.n1-441jo \ ~(~~~l \ rnU..I~~ '~.~ d~;.p , '",:"",:,:. ~/I ..... ilL.-.- J l<' Ir~ , I ___.___~n, ~ ""'-"71 j~,__. =~~~it~-rr I' j~H'r~(Jt&tl':%:;=:f~Ll3~:rll'"<L~~.~<- -~'.' -\L- -...p, " _.... ~. ." ,t. "',. i 0 ~-:':'_1t ' IIIIU..NIIII "'II r "'~-J:"if MU"'....c. '( ---S".--.-',---i~ 3 ='~:.s----n\ B-2 .~u ~~,:;_. . I (-r~..--',\ ~~"-" ;;;.:.f-- El~i\j _-__ 46~-",' r: - ~ - ~/i l..:T_!_Irn l/T" ~ 1- ~:" .. ',_ -~ --- u -- -~ &~~ -\ t~ ~ 'e- B-3. '">~.L "i ,c,';'T!~ .,J,~2 :~ ~; ,.' '. ~'" = ':,. - '" .,.,~_. ~''''i' ,/d"\ ~) ;;;::-;;;-1 '., ,;r/~ ~ ~ =+ - --- il i! \ AARONS ~ ~ ~ . ~J ~ / -+-:= -+ UNDINe OUTlET ClJ1ZENS BAJa i r 1_: j : S - -+ r- -+- G HAtMan 0/>1 :' ~~/1 ~---i . :J'/),I ~ ~ - f- iat~ ""'01""''' 811M"" (.1-1-," t .~ .~. \ ~I r~J \ PKRr--- _ ~ /__U~ ~ - mS17NG BUlUJING :. -t:--: ! . I -1 ~ I, i ,=-1' .-,~. ~ . ~ -,::"~~!m+:~lqTrtJ)~ I:~'>~' i = -~' 1".". ,./ \ ~ ~. ~ B-1 __.,/ ~~~:..r,O- ,~u V . &"~ t I (~-'-:.,~ '" ;:~;-.,: ~~- ," <~. ~'-:). :tt;S~j \~,;,; :~\ . r.~::::: ') ~ ~. " J I J-:";"":,'~-'". I :::~".," ~: .~:, PRE-S BMITTAL REC'D '~!;.'~~" 'fl f,j R 5 2008 ~/~// OLYJlP1C STREiT --~-- S - ApproXimate location of SOil bOrings Source zcs Entllneenn~, Inc Scale 1mch = 70 feet Proposed Abby's/Sonic Springfield Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 TEST PIT LOCATION MAP Project No Date 722-75075-1 January 25, 2008 --~i5}ofeSSlonal'&irvlce Industnes - 1040-A Sheliey Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 - Phone (541) 746.9649 - Fax (541) 746-7163 I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-1 I I CLIENT ZCS Engmeenng, Inc PROJECT Abby's/SOlllC Spnngfield LOCATION OlympIC Street, Spnngfield, Oregon PSI PROJECT NUMBER. 722-75075 SURF ELEV w~ 0::: ~ w Co ~t-< ~o:: t-< Z -1 g: (/]w <CUl o ~ ~ 6 :?:o Z....J r) co I SPT ~~:ft~e~l:ic concrete 2 1/2 mches thIck, lIttle to no f, ~ ~ = = == = = = i-i.-i- ~ g::: ~ = = I \_______________________/ ML : lc!u~h~~r~~ Eg,!:,...z~~ ~~s~ ~eE.s!> lIi:'.:9 _ J I SILT wIth sand, red-brown, mOIst, medIUm stiff 8PT -, 0.. (9 "' 1'-. o "' I'- N' N I'- (9 - 35 - z 0: 0.. CfJ ~J tile;l I t-< IJ;., ::r:f t-< 0.., W a I I I - 5 I I -10 I I -15 ISPT I I I - 20- I I I I - 25- I '" o a; I f0o- D (9 0.. gj - 30 - o Ui 0.. I I I (/] W -1 0.., :?: <C (/] SOIL DESCRIPTION ISPT I I I I 18PT I ISPT I I well graded GRAVEL with silt and sandgray, wet, dense Bonng was termmated at 16 5 feet below eXlstmg sIte grade The bonng was loosely backfilled WIth auger cuttmgs and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploratlOn on January 7,2008 Groundwater was measured to be 12 feet below grade unmedlately after auger removal StratdicatlOn lmes/depths are approx1ll1ate Actual soIl condltlOns encountered dunng constructlOn may vary from those descnbed above 1040-A Shelley Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 DATE OF EXPLORATION 1/7/2008 EQUIPMENT CME 75 with auto hammer LOGGED BY Ray Ahpertl BORING LOCATION IO'N, IO'E of the SE corner of eXIstmg bldg -1 o co :?: :>< (/] Ow E-<cZ> w",-w ~~(/]- UZ(/](/] oW <Co 0..,0..0 0.. ;;': ~ REMARKS (/](/] u(/] <C (/]-1 ;:::>U 28 2-2-2 1 75 37 1-2-2 050 43 0-1-1 .25 -,---- --- ---- ------ .,. · , 7-17-2S .e, · ,. ~Z I. , .e, .,. I. , .e, .,. 8-18-15 .. PRE-SUBM\TIAl REe'l) MAR 1) Z008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-2 CLIENT ZCS Engmeenng, Inc PROJECT Abby's/S0111C Spnngfield LOCATION OlympIc Street, Spnngfield, Oregon PSI PROJECT NUMBER 722-75075 SURF ELEV. DATE OF EXPLORATION 1/7/2008 EQUIPMENT CME 75 wIth auto hammer LOGGED BY Ray Ahpertl BORING LOCATION 20N, 5'E of the NW comer of the eXIstmg bldg f-< L.L.; ::c f-< p.., l.LI Q LI.1~, ~ _ l.LI \0 ;:::J f-< ;:::J 0:: f-< Z .....:d: ClJl.LI -<'" o~ ~ g ~ 0 Z....l \ ) iJl SPT i~:ft~:slstIC concrete 2 1/2 mches tluck, little to no /( ~ = = = == = = = i.i.-i- ,3: (} ~ ~ = = ~----------------------/ ML I lc.!:u~h~~r~~ !g,!-,~~~ ~~s~ ~e~s~ 1/~':9 _ J I SILT wIth sand, red-brown, mOIst, medIUm stIff ISPT: I ISPTi I I I I sPy 0-1-2 .25 -------------------------..,---- --- ---- ------ I well graded GRAVEL with silt and sandgray, : ,. I wet, dense t I SPT t..' 7-19-9 I .,. I t. , I t. ~ .,. I ~ , I t.' I~ :~ I I REMARKS Ol.Ll f-<cZ> LI.1Ul-l.LI ~-'C/J~ UZCIJCIJ o l.LI -< 0 p.., p..,o p.., ~~ CIJ l.LI ......l Q... :E -< CIJ ......l o CO :E >- CIJ CIJCIJ U~ CIJ......l ;::JU SOIL DESCRIPTION 30 4-5-7 20 76 - 5 47 2-1-2 25 -10 :z - 15 5-1O-2S - 20- Bonng was tenmnated at 16 5 feet below eXIstmg SIte grade The bonng was loosely backfilled wIth auger cuttmgs and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploratIOn on January 7, 2008 Groundwater was measured to be 12 feet below grade 101lnedIately after auger removal StratIficatIOn 1mes/depths are approXImate Actual SOli condItIOns encountered dunng constructIOn may vary from those descnbed above - 25- co o <0 f- o t9 0.. g5 - 30 - u u; 0.. -, 0.. 19 en r--, o en r-- N N r-- 19 - 35 - z C2 0.. (f) ...J <D ~ )RE.~UBMITTAl REC'D YAR 5 2008 ~;, I~ 1040-A Shelley Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 (800) 783-9649 I I I I I I I LOG OF TEST BORING NO. B-3 CLIENT ZCS Englll~enng, Inc PROJECT Abby's/Sol11C Spnngfield LOCATION Olympic Street, Spnngfield, Oregon PSI PROJECT NUl'vfBER 722-75075 SURF ELEV, DATE OF EXPLORATION 117/2008 EQUIFMENT CME 75 With auto hammer LOGGED BY Ray AhpertI BORING LOCATION Northend of old Perk City Coffee Bldg I-< u.. :If I-< 0.., ~ Q ~~: 0::: - ~ ~ ::J I-< ::J ~ I-<Z .....lg: UJ~ -.<'" o ~ ~ ~ :2 0 Z..J [ ) co SPT i asphaltIc concrete 2 1/2 lllches thick, lIttle to no ~~= = = == = =4 +-~4 ~ ~:: = = I ~i~~i~i~I~bj~~~~~ie~~i7f:9__j ML - SILT WIth sand, red-brown, mOIst, medIUm stiff SPT REMARKS Or..L1 I-<cZ> ~Cf)"""r..L1 ~~UJ...... uzUJUJ o~-.<o 0.., 0..,0 0.., ~~ UJ ~ .....l 0.., :s -.< UJ .....l o a:I :s >- UJ UJUJ U:< UJ.....l ::JU SOIL DESCRIPTION 35 1-2-2 10 54 - 5 I ISPT 2-2-4 1 0 I I SPT 1-2-14050 ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I -10 - 15 - 20- ., o 05 - 251 I I I I -wellgraderGRAVEL-WlthSiltandsalldgray~-J..~---- --- ---- ------ I wet, dense · SPT ~_, 1C -28-35(;") . . ... t. , .- . ... t. , .- . SPT ... 4-16-2C l Bonng was terrmnated at 16 5 feet below eXlstrng site grade The bonng was loosely backfilled With auger cuttrngs and asphalt cold patch at the end of exploratIOn on January 7, 2008 Groundwater was measured to be 12 feet below grade rmmedlately after auger removal StratIficatIOn lllles/depths are approxrmate Actual sOlI conditIOns encountered dunng constructIOn may vary from those descnbed above PRE. SUBMITTAL REC'D MAR 5 2008 I t- ~ -11 040-A Shelley Street D~.. Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 _. .." (800) 783-9649 f0o- D (!j a.. gj - 30 - u iii. a.. ..., a.. (!j UJ ..... o UJ .... N N .... (!j- 35- z ii:: a.. [IJ -1 f1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specimen Identification I I -I B-2 at 2.5'1 IZlI B-3 at 2.5'1 ~ I I ~ I I I b I 1 l'J ~ Specimen Identification I 0100 I ~ -I B-2 at 2.5'1 ~ IZlI B-3 at 2.5'1 ~ I 1 I ~ I I ~ I I I l'J z I ~ lil.si/ ~ Engineering Consulting Testing I 5 1 040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ Phone (541)746-9649 Fax (541)746-7163 These results apply only to the sample tested US SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES IUS SIEVE NUMBERS 6 4 3 2.5 1 3/4 1/23/1 3 '- 6 810 1416 20 30 40 5060 100140200 _II ,. I I I III I .1- ,-------, r ---- ,-------1 r ------- r ~~~=_I I ----- r i r I I r- ..---- ,~~~===I ,- _____ ,- I- ~----- r ------ r ------ r r r r r , 1 I 1 ( 100 95 90 --- 85 80 I 75 - --, 70 - -- I 65 - -- .~ 60 -, LU .$ >- 55 - ~ I LU 50 --- z u: f-- 45 --- z LU 12 40 --- ~ I 35 - -- 1 30 -- - I 25 - -- 1 20 - -- , 15 --- 10 --- 5- 0_ COBBLES I 1 I I I I 1"-------1 r------- r-------, r-------I ,-------- r-h----, ,_h____, 100 GRAVEL coarse 1 fine ---- -I I ----I -----I ~~===I I _____I ~~==_I ----I ---- -, ~~ I I l--- L 1----- i ---\ . ---- ~11Jm nfAti1eCI) __n_~ _unn_1 ~A~ -5 20~a ---- . ------, 1--- ---I I --- --- I I I , ----I 1 ----I I ----I I ----I I ----I I": ~===, iT r~ [ ----I I ~===I ----I ----I ----I ~===I ----- I - --~I GRAIN SIZE IN MilLIMETERS 01 coarse I medium I SANO ClaSSification SILT with sand (ML) sandy SILT (ML) 060 PL 28 I 28 I I I I %Sand I %Sllt 24.0 I 46.0 I I I I I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 030 fine 010 I LL I 43 I 35 I I I %Gravel HYDROMETER ~~~t- --- 1_-- ___ .- .-. --- ---1---1 ____L I r-------, -------, -~~~~===I ,--------1 001 0001 0,0 0.0 SILT OR CLAY PI 15 7 Cc Cu I I I , I %Clay 76.0 54.0 Client ZCS Englneenng, Inc Project Name Abby's/Sonlc Springfield Project Location OlympiC Street, Springfield, Oregon Report Number 722-75075 Review By: I 60 /" I @ @ 50 '" I p // L A S 40 // T I I C I 30 T /' I y I N 20 ./ D /'" I E X 10 /1%] I CL-ML /' @ S 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 I LIQUID LIMIT SpecImen IdentIfIcatIon LL' PL) PI Fines I Classification I . B-2 at 2,5' 431 281 15 761 SILT with sand(ML) I%] B-3 at 2,5" 351 281 71 541 sandy SILT(ML) I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I ! I ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I <Xl I I I I I I 0 <0 f- I I I I I 0 FRE-StlBMffiAl REC'D l'J , 0- I I I n: 0 u ii5 I I I I MAR 5 2008 0- I -, I I I 0- l'J '" .... I I 0 I '" .... N N I I I .... l'J Z ii: I I 0- (f) (f) f- lDil A TTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS (ASTM 04318; I ~ :J l'J ~..,. Client ZCS Englneenng, Inc n: w OJ Project Name Abby's/Sonlc Springfield n: Engineering Consulting Testing w I ~ Project Location Olympic Street, Spnngfleld, Oregon <( 1040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 (f) Phone (541) 746-9649 Fax (541) 746-7163 Report Number 722-75075 :l I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I l-"~ ., Information ~~. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDENTTFiCA TION The Unified SOil Classlficatior System IS IJsed to Identify the sail tjnless otherwise noted. SOIL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Standard UN" penetratIon Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 Inches on a 2-mch 0.0. split-spoon. Qu. Unconfined Compressive Strength, TSF Qp' Penetrometer value, unconfined compressive strength, TSF Mc Water Content, %. LL. LIqUId limit, %. PI: Plasticity Index, %. ad: Natural Dry Densrty, PCF T Apparent Groundwater I.evel at time noted after completion af bonng. DRILUNG AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS 55. Split-Spoon -1 3/8" J.D., 2" 0 D., except where noted. ST Shelby Tube - 3" 0.0., except where noted. AU' Auger Sample. DB: Diamond Bit ca. Carbide Bit. WS: Washed Sample. TERM (NON- COHESiVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (SAt-I: I ., HAMMER) 0-4 4-10 1 0-30 30-50 Over 50 , I Very Loose II Loose , I Medium I Dense I Very Dense I I L TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) I Very Soft I - Soft Finn (Medium) Stiff Very Stiff Hard Qu - (TSF) 0-0,25 0.25-0 50 0.50-1.00 1 00-2.00 2.00-4.00 4.00+ P ARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel 8 In.... 8 In. -3 in. 3 In. -5mm Coarse Sand 5mm-O.6mm Medium Sand 0.6mm-O.2mm Fine Sand 0.2mm-O.074mm STANDARD PENl:l rcATION RESISTANCE (AUTOMA TIC HAMMER) 0-3 3-7 7-20 20-33 Over 33 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAR 5 2008 Silt O.074mm-o.OOSmm Clay -o.005mm ProfeSSional Service Industnes, Inc. 1040A Shelley St . Spnngfleld, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I l"'~;l Infonnation ~~. .To Build On PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D Engineering. consultinS.OiLngCLASSIFICA TION CHART MAR 5 2008 SYMBOLS I GRAPH I Lt: I I ER ';'0':0';'0': >000\ GW 0000000 S>o?o?o? ~I':"':'f':' (UTTLE OR NO FINES) . - - - · GP ......... ~I~t~t~ :~F~Ff~ . . . . . . . GM WITH FINES ~ t ~ , ~ I ~ APPRECIABLE AMOUNT...~~i GC OF FINES) :-""',.';:-~ "vy~ CLEAN SANDS .!!i!i!Iii!!!!i!J SW MAJOR DIVISIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOilS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO 4 SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS CLEAN GRAVELS GRAVELS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) If . ~ f , .. , . .. . . . f. . If . , .. , .. .. , .. If If " . .. .. .. MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH :t' :- ., :- OF COARSE FINES: ': :: :,' :. FRACTION .~Y~0~" , PASSING ON NO.4 APPRECIABLE AMOUNTYh~~. SIEVE OF FINES) . /y/~ '.~ SILTS AND CLAYS SILTS AND CLAYS L10UID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 ~ SP TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEl- SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY,GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES SilTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND- SILT MIXTURES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND- CLA Y MIXTURES WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, UTTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND, LITTLE OR NO FINES 8M SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES 8C CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS. ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLA YEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO CL MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR D1ATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS FILL SOILS, CONTAINING VARYING AMOUNTS OF DEBRIS, NON-ENGINEERED FILL NOTE' DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS L10UID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 v//;///p-:;/. / // //'//' 1//f//f//f. /////////)'/ ~ff4f/ff/f . MISCELLANEOUS FILL SOILS Professional Service Industnes, Inc. 1040A Shelley SI . Spnngfleld, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 ~