HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Historical Commission Applicant Interviews AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: . Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 24, 2008 Work Session Development Services Kitti" Gale/Linda Paulyy ~Il 541-726-3632 ~. Ct' 30 minutes ~J'~ ITEM TITLE: HISTORICAL COMMISSION APPLICANT INTERVIEWS ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct applicant interviews for the vacancy on the Springfield Historical Commission. The Council is requested to confirm their selection at their regular session on April 7, 2008. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Historical Commission has one opening on its seven-member C commission. The recruitment for this opening began February 7, 2008, and closed March 10, 2008. Two candidates have applied. The first applicant is Sean VanGordon. The second applicant is Kimarie Lamb. Attachment 1 - Interview Schedule and Questions Attachment 2 - Profiles of Current Historical Commissioners Attachment 3 - Candidate Applications Section IX, 3.8 of the Springfield City Council Operating Policies and Procedures, states that the ((. .. Mayor and Council will hold formal interviews of applicants for positions on the Budget Committee, Historical Commission, and Planning Commission and a recommendation from these bodies is not necessary although they may have a representative present to participate in the interview process. . ." ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION / FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Springfield Code 1-10-1, Historical Commission Charge, requires that the seven-member Commission shall be residents; electors; property owners within Springfield; appointees of other Springfield public agencies such as Willamalane Park & Recreation and School District #19; or, specialists with expertise in such fields as history architecture, preservation, architectural history, planning, or archaeology who live within the Metro-Area General Plan boundaries. For state certified funding it is recommended that a majority (4) of the Commission have professional qualifications. The vacancy on the Commission is that of Commissioner Tama Tochihara, who had served on the Commission since April, 2004. Due to family obligations, Ms Tochihara chose not to apply for a second term. Interview Schedule and Questions March 24.. 2008 Tentative start time: 6:00 p.m. 6:00 Council discussion and preparation of interview questions 6:05 Interview of Sean VanGordon 6:15 Interview Kimarie (Kim.-a-re) Lamb 6:25 - 6:30 Council discussion and deliberation City Council Interview Questions 03/24/2008 1. Describe some personal goals that you wish to achieve by serving on the Springfield Historical Commission? 2. Statewide Planning Goal 5 requires that local jurisdictions should foster and encourage the preservation, the management, and the enhancement of historic structures, resources, and objects of historic significance. Will you give the Council an example of what type of structures in Springfield that you think should be preserved? 3. Will you describe any specialty or skills that you have in the areas of preservation; restoration or archival expertise; knowledge of Springfield history; rehabilitation construction or architectural experience; reconstruction design skills; or archaeology? 4. Springfield's preservation ordinance is patterned after the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation. If a citizen's development plan conflicts with the City's ordinance, how would you approach the review of their proposal? 5. One of the goals of the Historical Commission is to foster public awareness of historic preservation. Describe to the Council one way you might go about this? 6. The Historical Commission meets the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. There are also special meetings and projects such as Historic Preservation Month activities in May. Will you be able to meet the time' requirements of the Commission? 7. Do you have any questions for the Council? ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 . l . mSTORICAL COMMISSION MEMBERSIllP PROFILE 03-12-2008 CHAIR, ROXIE METZ.J - - - Roxie is a Springfield area resident, currently serving her second, four-year term. Sp~gfield School District # 19 recommended Roxie to the Commission. She is an Oral Historian with a Masters Degree from the University of Oregon in Special Education and currently teaches part-time. Roxie is a previous Springfield Museum Board member as well as a volunteer with Sand Mountain Society and Friends of Huckleberry Mountain. Having served one term on the Commission from 1994 to 1998, she was again appointed to the Commission August 2002 to complete a partial term and then went on to server her second, four-year term, which expires 12/31/2010. VICE CHAIR, TED CORBIN - - - Ted is a Eugene resident and Intern Architect in a Eugene frrm. He has undergraduate teaching assistant experience from the University of Utah in Architectural History curriculum; holds a Masters of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon where he coordinated two major exhibits. Ted is currently serving his second term, which expires 09/21/2010. SECRETARY, PAULA GUTHRIE - - - Paula is a Eugene resident and a Computer System Administrator for the City of Springfield. She is an active volunteer for the Springfield Museum, the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, the Oregon Genealogical Society, Lane Community College's ACCESS Group, and LCC Transitions to Success Panel. She was appointed to fmish the term of Commissioner James McNett, which will expire 04/03/2011. KURI GILL - - - Kuri is a Springfield property owner and resident who commutes to Salem where she serves as The State of Oregon Preservationist for Oregon Historic Cemeteries. She was appointed to fmish the term of Commissioner Michelle Dennis and has recently been appointed to serve her fIrst, four-year term, which will expire 09/30/2011. TAMA TOCHIHARA - - - Term expiration 9/30/2007, declined re-appointment MAREN TOMBLIN - - - Maren is a Washburne Historic District property owner and resident. She holds a Masters of Architecture degree and has a background in preservation from Dubuque, Iowa. She is currently serving her fIrSt, four-year term, which expires 03/02/2010. .JOHN TUTTLE - - - John is a Washburne Historic District property owner and resident who has a background in architecture from the University of Oregon Class of '88. John specializes in home design from his Springfield office. He is currently serving his second, four-year term, which expires 04/30/2011. ATTACHMENT 2 - 1 " ' .., ..: r . r . , APPLICA TION . ~; RECtD SEP 1'3 2007 City Managers Office'. 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora . City of Springfield . Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee' Please print or type: Board I Commission I Committee applying for. HI~-rOR.IC. Comm/~5/0t-J' . (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name: 6eAJ-l First MP Middle initial \{aJ boe.Oo'rJ Last Home address: Z3Z. 7 ~l-~ l~ LN. Street SR2Jt-!byl bl-~ City . Of. CJ7t.(77 Zip Day phone: 5~1.. Z 2. J - 800 ~ Evening phone: - Do you live within the Spri~gfield city limits? ~ Yes C:)lf'yes, how long?'" 4p..tJ. . 2001 , Ward num~er (city -resid~nts only);. ,(' . ' Are ,you a Sprin~field ,prqperty owner? o No ~ If no, do you live inside Springfield's ~rban growth boundary?' .' .'. . .' .0 Yes i...' .P ,No . ,! . ,ElVes',. .; I.; .0 No' . Are you a Springfield business owner? . DYes ~No' . Are you a registered voter? ~. ~ Yes D No Occupation: I,.JPU~"11Z1N..- ~aJ6/Nuell-Jb' Place of employment: UN 1'1~pflLc.EL- . ~-e."/c..€ ft~~d'" . S\JP~"tf.OK. . Bu'siness address: 3~z.o 01--1 mPtc. S-/:.. .5fklN bfiu.~. Oe ?7477' . , ) . Education: mA$'"(E.~ O~ .sc,,!',J eEJ '~CON()m /(;'5 B. s. €'~o,.J()mIGS AN ~ .16/'7i~AL SCltt..lCE: . (Over, please) ATTACHMENT 3 - 1 ~4IIi APPLICA TlON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Page 2 .. I . Please print or type: 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this par:ticufar' board I tommis~ion I committee? "A . j.(),.J'~,'rt.e~.fAS~~, t7JtG ;'/~~ ',rt6rotei -0':-' f?~ES. ' 2. What specific contribution do you hope to ~ake! I W~..rr -1l:> f1HZ..11.{~e.. .17~ OtJe..rl/~-rOe.Ic;;.:' i.-eb~~r' 70 . oJf. . g vI51/J~5S ~~~"'f~. OcJt!. M i~"'o.e.lt... L~ t:,AWf /5 fN2.1"" oF" ocJ~ '~-rRoNb c.ommtJN":"r'-t rr J~ . ()ul2. C." cffnm~~1 -(i.J.A~ . ~ ~~ u~, A.pAe.r fO(l. . E ~o,..to trI J.G ~,eou.r~.. 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will nof necessarily' disqualify you from consideratio~.) . No,J~. _ .', ' .' 4. What community topics concer,n y~u ~ha~.fel~t~ to th,i~ board ~ c,:omfTlission I commi~~e? :Why"do you want to. f . become'a member? ,', . , . . ... .... 10 M i':.:..P FeaOC':",-f f?.€~-rou S~.I,J ~I"te/.. ~ HI $;~~ c.. ~ l-r~'f,. / - . , , , '5. , , . Mo~t boardsl commissions Icommittees meet monthly.', Subcommittee;; may '""eet more frequently. Meetings . generally.last one and one-half hours., It is highly iec~minended yoLi attend a meeting before submitfing . 'the applica,tion. Check the times when you cou!d attend meetings. . . ~ Early moming (6:30-8:30 am) . 0 Noontime (no,,",1:30 pm) ..,f Late aftemoon (4-6 pm) )1 Evenings . 6. How did you ,hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ~d 0 Newspaper ~rticfe D RadiolTV D Board I coliimis~ion I comr:r,ittee mem~er .~~... . ' Applicant's signature : 0 Mail notice 0 Word of mouth g Other n--rr~f..JJ E.. ~ 9hD ~1 " . . Date ~ Return this applic.ation tothe City Manage(sOfftce,. 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR '97477 . For more. information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 . ft Printed on recycled paper. \1 ATTACHMENT 3 - '2 Questions for Historic Commission Applicants 1. Why are you interested in Serving on the Springfield Historic Commission? I am passionate about history. I spend most of my free time reading about history, and my reading has inspired me to travel and visit historic sites. It is . important to bring the story of sites alive through reading and visits. I believe that the history of a community is a vital part of the identity of that community. Serving on the Springfield Historic Commission is my chance to help manage and protect the character of our community. 2. . What special skills do you have to share with the commission? I have several skills that could be well. used serving on the Historical Commissio~. First, I have strong analytical and persuasive skills, which will help . articulate the views of the commission to the community. Second, I have a strong business background. This gives me insight into how important historic and community service is to the business leadership. As a member of the Springfield Historic commission I will work to have the historic needs of the community work in harmony with and compliment business needs. 1bird, I have a passion for history, and the protection of historic sites. I am sure this view is common amongst those serving on the commission, and it will serve as a common ground by which we can create policies to protect and preserve history, while allowing . . for the growth of Springfield's future. - 3. Why do you think historic preservation is impo~t to a City like Springfield? To me, Springfield has always been a pro-growth, pro-economic community. Historic preservation maintains the character of the city. It contributes to the pro- growth agenda because it gives the city government additional non-tangible benefits, which allow it to better compete for business interests. Also, historical resources contribute to a sense of self to so~eone from Springfield, giving perspective to the past and a solid sense of who we are as a community as we move into the future. 4. Describe your familiarity with Springfield's historic resources. The Washbume Historic District is by far the biggest of Springfield's historic resources. It is important because of the geographic area that it covers and because it is a contained community. There are additional, smaller, but no less important resources that are scattered through the older industrial areas, Thurston, and Mt. Vemon. These resources include bridges, churches, schools, and industrial buildings. ATTACHMENT 3 - 3 5. When a citizen's development plans are in conflict with the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, how would you evaluate the situations? First, I would review the relevant sections of the historic preservation ordinance. Second, I would ask the citizen relevant questions understand fully their goals. Some examples of those questions would be: 1) How can your goals meet both the historic ordinance and your development needs? 2) What changes are you willing to make to your development plans? 3) What are your development goals? Third, I would try to work together with the citizen to resolve the situation to meet both the community's historic needs and the citizen's development needs. 6. What can the Historic Commission do to foster awareness of historic preservation? It would help to publish information on non- Washburne sites to help foster awareness of citizens of historical' sites within their own neighborhoods. Also, any community service events that involve activities to appreciate or restore Washburne sites would help foster awareness. . - . 7. The Historic Commission meets the first Monday of every month with occasional special meetings. Can you meet the time requirements of the Historic Commission? There will be no problems meeting the time requirements. ATTACHMENT 3 - 4 ... .' APPLICA TION City Manager's Office 225. Fifth. Street . Springfield, OR 97477 . (541) 726..3700 fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory BO;lrd I Commission I.Committee . liAR .1 0 ZOO8' Please print or type: Board I Com~ission I ~ommittee ap~lying for~ . (J ~. '. _' r:. (' 3Eg{fJ. 4lieJd 4Icr~fo n tttLLfJ(YJ f)1l$SffJJ1 (A separa applic.' n must be completed for each board I commission I committee) . ~Irnarle~ =A ~ Home address: Firs~~e AI u'ffi Jt:dd1elnmal ,~r7~f'}e1c1. Last. .91177 Street ~. Zip. . Day phone: 508) q~ ., OlRCZO . Evening phone: FiJfI) 12li- 8ttos . Do you live within the Springfield city limils? I0Y es Q If yes, how long? . ,3 /je drS . '0 NOQ If no, do you live inside Springfieldis 'urban growth boundary? ' 'OYes .D No'. .n Name: . Ward number (city residents only): . Are you a $pringfiel~ property owner?' .DYes .~ Are you a Springfield business owner? .0 Yes ~. Are you a registered voter? .~ ONo occupatiO~/fIiJ1 ~hVjjfa1t~ Place ~enr.Hio!o~ ?re~tn oIrtte Business address: 120 SltrJtt?1lf 8f- J.1G $St/em. erz 11M / Education: 8~ (Over, please) ATTACHMENT 3 - 5 ~4111. APPLICA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commissi,?n / Committee Page 2 Please print or. type: rvUJ 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community grou'ps and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disquali you from consideration.) 1 " l -. , 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committ~e? Why do you want to become a member? . " 11 :' m ~ 'llf) W ~.df1 df15&r' 4b . '. 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. . . . D Early.moming (6:30-8:30. am) D Noontime (noon-1:30 pm) D Late afternoon (4-6 pm) ~E~eningS 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? D Newspa.per ad D Newspaper article 0 RadiolTV D Mail notice ~Word of mouth D Board I commission I committee member D Other ---'1mffib 0amb Applicant's signature o~ /0-0'6 Date q ReturJil this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, o.R 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 . . ft Printed on recycled paper '- I ATTACHMENT 3 - 6 Questions for Historic Corilmission Applicants 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Springfield Historic Commission? . 2 (lJO-uJd ~ 40 Urn+ti~ t mOfe;.~ IJYJd, " ~fJW.Ili# f ~ fYl()re.. t/l,VO.V~ tll 1H(8'JfJri6 -rfJ.'@tr.v~o' ;. ~ ~ (j/u) /6 a ~J all) r;LL, ~-. SFat=J- OU~ ..2. ~aI s . s do you have to ~ with the .commission? (J _ . :I \JJDI'k ~~ VJH.h N.a-HQY\,:>.-I ~f5leY u)o,\'Cl~ ~ feci ~ ~ ~hare., .IYlY 'P~Vd.tiD(\ 8~JHs wiHJ 4VUL Um1~lOf) 4 J>h.t UJrnl11Ll.rlLff , . 3.. ~oc;~~:;ai~~~af%~~~br.... f#rLiJ'(~ f)-tLL$ fJcn~~ F1!A:~' 'J~ . . w..efl- as 111 arr ~ . -10 ~ W. 7:j.' ~ aHF" r:.an.- ~. P'~' _~n/lE'h fJ11 C4/} b.t;.: rrjJJ::k. ~r ~ ~de.r 4-fld ~ ~:b/t1YJ. 4. Descnoe your familiarity with Springfield's hi~tori.c resoUrces. . X ~Ifl;j ~tc/G Wl~.-I.lJa.s.h tu.r/1.12.- .41/s-frnc Jt'Jlt5-/ti:e:t:' a!:hd VJ:::J lIe, ~ <:3 ,l./G;;;ifS IlA 1LI · 5. Wtren a Cltizen's developmen~ prang 'are in conflict Whti the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, how would you eVaIu. ate \Xith the sitqation? L/" (f tlJfJUl.J eAtal u.aJo ~ . t.J;ht..eniS deveJOp-nmtr pl.;U1 fA Cf3Or&f/I~ t/.I/ cfhe-, ;Pl'tberl/d:Jt011 ~ee, ;: f/J~ ~ ~'~~ur:~ ~~ ~{J~~dt!!J 6. ~an the ~storic CommisSioi ~~er CItizen 8:wf!{;~f'Tif'lt.oP ,. preservation? .- {!;tlutr'eS . . - ~~(777a:Jt"ina1 rt!ehSf.;/e;. 7. The Historic Commissio~ meets the first Monday of every month at 5:30Pm with occasional special meetings. Can you meet the time requirements of the Historic Commission? y e...S ATTACHMENT 3 - 7