HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 3/18/2008 (2)
March 17, 2008
Andy Llmblrd
City of Spnngfield
225 5th Street
Spnngfield, OR 97477
Date Received:
MAR j B 2008
Final Submittal
Farwest Steel CorporatiOn currently owns Lot 1 in the Liberty ProfeSSiOnal Center on
InternatiOnal Way. It IS our understandmg that Liberty Bank IS proceedmg with the
construction of a new headquarters bmldmg on Lot 3.
As outlmed m the tentative SIte plan reVIew It appears that a driveway noted on the
master plan runnmg from the LIberty Bank site to the west to Corporate Way is a
reqmrement for an occupancy permit to be ultimately issued to LIberty Bank. The
driveway in question runs along the southern penmeter of Lot 1. As owners of Lot 1 we
are commItted to workmg WIth representatives of Liberty Bank to ensure the completion
of the referenced dnveway.
If you have any addItional questions please contact me at 541.681.7297
Patnck Eagen
Farwest Steel CorporatiOn
Post Office Box 889 · Eugene, Oregon 97440-0889 · (541) 686-2000
LocatiOn. 2000 Henderson Ave · Eugene, OR 97403
Eugene Tele/ax (541) 683-9250