HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/18/2008 ]Oty of SprIngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 Date Received: MAR 1 u 2008 '7 i Final Site Plan Review Final Submittal pplication Type (Applicant: check one) ~ Minor Site Plan Modification: D Major Site Plan Modification: D Site Plan: Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Wilham Buntmg. Propem Management Ser\1ces Phone: 334-416~ Company: Address: LIbem Bank Fax: 683-7651 POBox 10426. Eugene. OR 97440 Applicant's Rep.: Scott StoIarcz"k Phone: 342-8077 Company: Address: Robertson/Shem ood/ Arc1utects Fax: 345-4302 132 East Broad"a,. SUIte 540. Eugene. OR 97401 Property Owner: WIlham Buntlllg. Propem Management SerHces Phone: 334-4164 Company: Address: LlbemBank Fax: 683-7651 POBox 10426. Eugene. OR 97440 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: il-03-15-4 TAX LOT NOeS): Jetr 3Y-oO Property Address: ~ Corner 6fI'i;",ul,,;.6nal ,v~/: S:l;}Cb;:~T;:=. ~5 D ~ Wa.J.j Size of Property: 216.323 SF / 497 acres Proposed Name of Project: LIbemBank Corporate Headquarters I Acres ~ Square Feet ~ Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Ne" office bUlIdlllg and related sIte de,elopment of Lot 3 of the LIbem ProfessIOnal Center Existing Use: unde\eloped I Tentative Case #: DRC2007-00066 Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the approprIate box on the next Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Associated Applications: Case No.: \)Q C. '1 fJ~) -=t - ~b<O Date: ? /, '&/ DcA - I J Reviewed by: -~ Application Fee: $ -<t 'b 1) . q 0 Technical Fee: $ Z:4~. 7\ 0 Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ t:; I A. ~ I . PROJECT NUMBER: P6Z-c) ~~ -~Vi Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the applicatIOn IS provided herein or the informatIOn Will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application wIth the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: tdiItt~ 7' ~~~ Signature 'L/........( IV 1U-/~Nt F. BUJ.1T1 J.J 61 Print Date: 3f~id13 Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final Submittal , Final Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Final Site Plan Review Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. . Planning DIVISion staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determrne whether all required items listed in the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . Applications mlssrng required Items will not be accepted for submIttal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check wlthrn 30 days of submIttal. . The assigned Planner notIfies the applicant rn writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all Information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, ItS Impacts, and ItS compliance with the provIsions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. ., Incomplete applications, as well as rnsufflClent or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result rn denial. 3. City Staf~ Review the Application &. Issues Final Approval " This IS a Type I decIsion and thus IS made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. . Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. · Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. · The City malls the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which IS effective on the day It IS mailed. . The deCision issued IS the final decIsIon of the City and may not be appealed. 4. City Drafts a Development Agreement · Applicant and City sign Development Agreement · Final Site Plan and Development Agreement become null and vOid If construction has not begun within two years of signing the Development Agreement. 5. City Conducts Final Site Inspection · City authorizes provision of public faCilities and services and Issues Certificate of Occupancy Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Fi,",~1 Submittal Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanatIon to thIs form. D Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the approprrate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the tIme of complete applIcation submittal. D Final Site Plan Review Application Form D letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lIsts and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each Item. D Five (5) Copies of the Final Site Plan Sets incorporating all required modifications and applicable conditions D Additional ,Documents requested as Conditions of Approval as part of the Site Plan Review decIsion. Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final Submittal Type II Site Plan Approval Narrative for: LibertyBank Corporate Headquarters 250 International Way Lot 3, Liberty Professional Center Springfield, Oregon Revised 15 February 2008 Date Received: MAR j 8 2008 Final Submittal ------::.::=_-=::"-":::----r - --((--:J,L- rr'T'~'-r--: ., ~! - }~ff~ - . == =: ;(/~ c::::: = =II~I= - _ _ _I -r _ _ = - . - -I If; - - ?AI jl ~ ~ == : '-u I --i == =1 ~ ~ [~ , i~ - '~I.LII J IIIIIJJ) 1I1I1 r\ I ;i:V---~ I1III111 III. .1. If. i I ~----------------------------t-1;-~'~ ~ II/III/mill III I ...----J I1I1111111 U I1I111II1111 j) ! t.:: ~ GJf '110 :t.1 ~)llll 10 . 1j]111UII~ : ~IIIII'~ .' I ~ [~ I ro[~::;;';~'~ II'. r"r~ =~... - ,,' I : 1 ~ i i ~ ~ . '~~a -~ L ~ I :"'~ c. . ~ I I II - I I ~ - _ prl'l., I I" ~Ml~1 ml~ ?'IIIIIIIIIIII 1(' ~ :!JIll III II '.~ru.1111 D ': ~ 1IIIJiM~. ' IIIIIIII ,: I ~ (I ~ .w:o II ,r- ~I ~ l ~. .--.-;:~~~--~.~':~'"~:~4#.J t~~~~ ---;:~~~~~~~~ Q.~~~~~~~~~; .~~~~-M ~ "",,----'<tj;, ~"'" "'" to,. ~ --- ~ W '-'l>' '<1Y ........,. '-<J ----- '-... """'" I f ) ---r- - ~ AoolicantlProoertv Owner LlbertyBank 355 Goodpasture Island Road, SUite 200 POBox 10426 Eugene, OR 97440 Attn. William Bunting Phone: 541-344-4164 Fax' 541-683-4281 Architect RobertsonlSherwoodlArchltects pc 132 East Broadway, SUite 540 Eugene, OR 97401 Attn' Scott Stolarczyk, AlA Phone: 541-342-8077 Fax 541-345-4302 Civil Enaineer Branch Englneenng 31 0 5th Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Attn. Lane Branch, P E Phone' 541-746-0637 Fax: 541-746-0389 landscaoe Architect Stangeland & ASSOCiates, Inc. 285 Lawrence Street Eugene, OR 97401 Attn Jeff Lanza Phone 541-484-7367 Fax: 541-338-8909 Project Description: This application IS for site plan approval of a new corporate headquarters office building for LlbertyBank, to be located In Lot 3 of the newly created Liberty ProfeSSional Center, the Master Plan of which was reViewed and approved by the City (Case Number LRP2007-00020) LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 1 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc revised 15 February 2008 ~~ ~" '" , " . - .......-... ~~ ~'" -~-"....- "''''~''''''''~, _ m~ ~ ____A":;::. >->'"'",....~ -.. -.. - ~- View at Main Buildino Entrv from Southwest Project Location: The property IS Lot 3 of the Liberty Professional Center, Tax Map No. 17-03-15-40, Tax Lot 300. Based on our search for permits Issued on this site, the project address IS 250 International Way. Approvals Requested: Type I, DWP Overlay Dlstnct Type II, Site Plan Approval Type II, Minor Vanance Request Attached Information: Type II Site Review Application and Check for ApplicatIon Fee (1 copy) Preliminary Title Report (1 copy) Recorded Declaration of Easements (1 copy) Extenor Light FIxture Cut Sheets (1 copy each) Drawings (18 copies) AO Project Information Final Replat Survey, Sheet 1 Final Replat Survey, Sheet 2 Site Plan BUilding Plans BUIlding Elevations EXisting Assessment Survey Utility Plan Grading Plan CIVil Details CIVil Details Landscape Plan Site Lighting Plan A1 A2 A3 C1 C2. C3 C4 C5 L1 E1 Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final Submittal Information Submitted with Pre-Submittal Application: Storm water Scoplng Sheet and Report, prepared by Branch Englneenng (4 copies) Transportation Impact AnalysIs, prepared by Branch Englneenng (4 copies) Geotechnical Report, prepared by PSI, Inc (4 copies) LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 2 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc revised 15 February 2008 Other Applications Being Submitted Currently: Type I DWP Overlay District Application (1 copy, w/ 6 copies of written statement) Preliminary Generator Cut-Sheets (6 sets) Preliminary Generator Fuel MSDS (6 sets) Final S . Type II Variance Request Application (1 copy, w/ 15 copies of written statement) ubmlttal Date Received: MAR j 8 2008 Site Ownership: As of thiS submiSSion, LlbertyBank IS the owner of the 5-acre parcel shown for development In thiS site plan review application Please refer to the updated preliminary title report Included with thiS application. Project Use: Corporate office bUilding Employment projections: Phase l' Approximately 100 at time of occupancy Approximately 150 positions at full capacity Phase 2: Approximately an additional 150 positions at full capacity. Hours of Operation: Normal office are 8 00 AM to 5 00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays Staff work hours may vary due to work assignments. Phasing: \ The project IS desIgned to be done In two phases Phase 1 will Include a 3-story bUilding of a 45,274 square feet, and partial site development of the parcel, Including landscaping and 173 parking spaces. Phase 2 IS estimated to be constructed within 5-7 years and Will consist of an approximately 35,000 square foot addition to the bUilding, and landscaping and an additional 95 parking spaces. Proposed Development Site Data: Total Site Area. 216,323 SF Phase 1 Phase 2 Imoervlous Area BUildIng Footpnnt 15,588 SF 11.044 SF Vehicle Area 74.709 SF 27,525 SF Pedestrian Hardscape 10.144SF o SF Total Impervious Area 100,441 SF 38,569 SF Pervious Area 115,882 SF (38,569 SF) Ooen Soace Landscape Area 115,882 SF (38,569 SF) Pedestrian Hardscape 10.144 SF OSF Total Open Space 126,026 SF (38,569 SF) BUlldina Area 45,274 SF 35,000 SF Percentage (Phase 1 / 2) 46,43% /64.27% 53 56% / 35 73% 58 25% /40.42% Zoning: The site IS within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth boundary and IS zoned CI, Campus Industrial District. A corporate headquarters use IS a permitted pnmary use In thiS district The adjacent properties to the south and west are vacant lots of the Liberty ProfeSSional Center and are zoned Campus Industrial The property to the east IS the corporate headquarters for PaclflcSource and IS also zoned Campus Industrial. The property to the north IS City owned property Refinement Plan Designation: The applicable refInement plan for the subject site IS the Gateway Refinement Plan The Gateway Refinement Plan Diagram applies SpeCial Light Industrial (SlI) designation to the property The property IS Included within a portion of the refinement plan designated as the McKenZie - Gateway SlI Site The project complies with all relevant goals, policies, and Implementation actions of the Gateway Refinement Plan, Including from the Industrial Element LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 3 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc reVised 15 February 2008 "0 (J) co > <<::) 0(6 <<::) 0 C'-l (I) co a:: -- ~ (l) e:: "e - <( m ~ ..Q 0 ::s en m c: ir Goal 8 Ensure the orderly and efficient development of the McKenzie-Gateway SLI Site. The project IS part of an approved Master Plan for the Liberty Professional Center Goal 9. Ensure the economic viability and attractIVeness of the McKenzie-Gateway SLI Site development. LlbertyBank IS a well established, local business serving areas throughout Oregon The proposed design for their corporate headquarters will Include high quality materials for the bUilding and site development Goal 1 O' MInimize the potential conflict between McKenzie-Gateway SLI Site development and other neIghboring land uses, including eXisting on-site residential and agricultural uses. The properties to the east and south and west are zoned Campus Industrial and Include similar office uses. The property to the west IS currently a vacant lot of the Liberty Professional Center and IS zoned Campus Industrial The property to the north IS a City-owned parcel that contains a City stormwater detention pond and a BPA easement for overhead power lines The proposed project will not adversely affect any of the neighboring properties. Policy and Implementation Action 7.0 Ensure that McKenzie-Gateway SLI Site development achieves a high level of aesthetics and amenity, consistent with the Intent of the Metro Plan SLf designation and with the "campus Industrial" concept. Pedestrian sIdewalks connect all the parcels of the Liberty Professional Center to each other and to the public streets. (7.1 and 7.2) 'The site design for the project Includes multiple pedestrian walking paths to encourage employees to walk through the site. The property could be connected to future public path systems through the City owned property to the north and on to the McKenzie River, If ever this path system IS developed (7.3) The main entry to the project off Internattonal Way proposes a monument sign and the use of landscape to create a "boulevard" leading to the bUIlding. In additIon, an "entry plaza" uSing landscaping and contrasting ground matenals will be created at the bUildings main entry. (74) The Liberty Professional Center Master Plan has' design gUIdelines to create attractive, well designed development that relates between lots, both In bUilding construction and In the landscape (75) Policy and Implementation ActIOn 11 0: Ensure that development plans adequately consider the site's natural landscape features and amenities, and provide for the development needs of future developers The project addressed floodplain overlay reqUIrements through the Master Plan and ItS aSSOCiated Floodplain Development application. Refer to City Case No SHR2007-00003 (11 2) There are no eXisting trees, significant vegetation or other significant natural features or amenities on the property (11.3) The proposed plant list for the project Includes several native plant species that will be used (11 4) Site Access / Transportation: Primary sIte access will be provided vIa a driveway off International Way Pedestrian access and circulation will be provided via this same dnveway With sidewalks on each side. This driveway will be shared by the other lots of the Liberty Professional Center, and lies Within a recorded shared access easement that crosses multiple lots LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 4 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc reVised 15 February 2008 The Liberty Professional Center Master Plan indicates this site to also have a dnveway connection to Corporate Way, via a shared access dnveway across Lot 1 of the Center. The development of this future dnveway will be part of the development of Lot 1 The proposed site design for this project accommodates this future connection Off-Street Parking Facilities: All off-street vehicle parking will conform to the standards listed In SDC Sections 46-110 through 4 6-120 The minimum number of parking spaces IS calculated as follows Phase 1 - Vehicle Parkmg Code ReqUIred 45,274 SF /300 SF per parking space = 151 parking spaces Phase 2 - Vehicle Parking Code ReqUired 35,000 SF /300 SF per parking space = 117 parking spaces Total vehicle parking spaces required 268 spaces Total vehicle parking spaces provided. 268 spaces Compact Parking MaXimum 30% of spaces 81 compact spaces allowed 40 compact spaces provided Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final submittal. Bicycle Parking: Covered long term bicycle parking will be provided adjacent to the west side of the bUilding Short term parking will be provided adjacent to the pnmary bUilding entrance. All bicycle parking spaces will conform to the standards listed In SDC Sections 4 6-140 through 4 6-150 Phase 1 - Bicycle Parking Code ReqUired 45,274 SF / 3.000 SF per space = 15 spaces Phase 2 - Bicycle Parking Code ReqUired' 35,000/3,000 SF per space = 12 spaces Total bicycle parking spaces reqUired' 27 spaces 25% long term: 7 spaces 75% short term. 20 spaces Total bicycle parking spaces provided. 28 spaces 8 long term 20 short term Loading Areas: The office function of the project does not reqUire significant amounts of loading or unloading to occur since products are not manufactured at the site nor are products sold at the site Dellvenes to the site are baSically limited to office supplies. There IS room accommodated for vehicles at the front entry turn around for qUick deliveries to be made without vehicles blocking mternal traffic flow For longer dellvenes there IS a small area at the west end of the bUilding to accommodate delivery vehicles and access the bUlldmg through a receiving room at the west Side of the bUlldmg. ThiS dedicated area IS approximately 800 square feet. SDC Article 3 2-440(C) reqUires screening for truck parkmg for vehicles necessary for the operation of the faCIlity Since there IS no manufactunng or sales occurnng on Site, thiS screening requirement IS not applicable Transit Facilities: There IS currently a lane TranSit Dlstnct (L TD) transit stop located on International Way to the east of the property, In front of the adjacent PaclflcSource property. As noted In the Liberty ProfeSSional Center Master Plan, l TD IS in the plannmg process for creating a new leg of the Emerald Express (EmX) bus rapid transit system which Will seNlce the International Way and Gateway areas The planning documents for l TD currently locate an EmX station along International Way Immediately adjacent to the liberty ProfeSSional Center dnveway entrance The anticipated schedule IS for construction of thiS leg of EmX to begin In 2009 LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 5 Type /I Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc revised 15 February 2008 Utility Infrastructure: The project site IS served by adequate public utilities. The project proposes to extend these utilities on the project site, to provide adequate fire protection and utility services for the proposed office bUilding development. Location of the new access dnve will necessitate relocation of one street light on International Way, as shown on the Liberty Professional Center Master Plan All new utilities will be placed underground Refer to the drawings Included with this application for descnptlon and location of the proposed utility extensions Easements: Refer to the survey Included In the drawing set for descnptlon of easements associated with the project Refer also to the declaration of easements for the Liberty Professional Center Included with this application. Stormwater Management: The site IS designed so that all parking lot area stormwater runoff will be pretreated through vegetative swales and Infiltration basins pnor to being piped Into the public stormwater system BUilding rooftop run- off will be captured by Internal downspouts In the bUilding that connect to the stormwater system. The site IS served by an eXisting stormwater line running along the east side of the property, which feeds Into an eXisting City owned stormwater retention pond that lies Immediately northwest of the site. The design team IS also explonng two other options for addressing stormwater management on the site. The first option IS to capture rooftop stormwater runoff for collection and reuse In landscape Irrigation and to reduce potable water use for plumbing fixtures In the bUilding. If thiS option IS found to be viable for the project, the rainwater collection system would be design to meet at a minimum City of Portland rainwater harvesting system gUidelines for filtration and punflcatlon. The second option the design team IS explonng IS for the use of permeable pavers for the parking lot area, to allow for direct Infiltration of stormwater If thiS option IS found to be viable for the project, the permeable paver system would be designed to meet City of Spnngfleld englneenng design requirement for achieving acceptable water quality to allow direct Infiltration ThiS system would also be designed to meet Dnnklng Water Protection Overlay Dlstnct design standards. View at Northeast Corner of Buildinq Date Received: MAR 1 B 2008 Final Submittal LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 6 Type /I Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc reVised 15 February 2008 . " "C ~ co C) "(i) C) C"-I 0 00 (I) a::: ...- Q) e:::: -.. <( cu :E 0 Floodplain: The property IS within the floodplain of the McKenzie River In an area at the Intersection of two FIRM Map (National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Map) panels, Panel #41 039C1133F and Panel #41039C1134F Portions are the property are In FIRM Floor Hazard Zones AE and Zone X5The Liberty ProfeSSional Center Master Plan provided Information on how all lots Within the Center Will conform to the required floodplain deSign requirements The proposed office bUilding development Will conform With the reqUirements of thiS floodplain development application. Refer to City Case No SHR2007-00003. The bUilding finish floor elevations are being established at a minimum of 12 Inches above the flood elevation Wetlands: The property IS not In areas Identified In the Spnngfleld Local and National Wetland Inventory Map. Drinking Water Overlay District: The site IS located In 1 and 5 Year Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) The proposed bUilding IS for office functions. The project does not propose to store, handle or use matenals which are listed as hazardous matenals except for those conditions exempt from regulation per SDC Section 3.3-200. The bUilding IS being planned to Include rooftop mounted HVAC units. These Units Will be prOVided With spill pans that Will be piped to the sanitary sewer system. Landscape maintenance IS contracted out No landscape maintenance matenals, Including fertilizers, are stored on site A Dnnklng Water Protection (DWP) Overlay Dlstnct application IS required for the proposed emergency generator that IS to serve the office bUilding The proposed emergency generator Will be deSigned With double wall type fuel tank If a leak occurs In the main fuel tank, a secondary tank With an audible and Visual alarm, contains any leakage A Type I DWP Overlay Dlstnct application IS being submitted concurrent With thiS application. Please refer to the DWP Overlay Dlstnct application and ItS attached narrative for a more detailed descnptlon Fire Protection: Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 bUildings Will be fully spnnklered Location of the fire department connection (FDC) Will be coordinated With the Fire Marshal. Fire truck access to the bUildings IS accomplished by a 26 foot Wide access route fully enCircling the bUilding. On the west, south and east Sides thiS lane IS a paved surface that IS part of the parking lot. On the north side thiS fire access lane IS a reinforced lawn deSigned to support 80,000 pound wheel loads. The route Will be marked to clearly define the route. Trees: There are no eXisting trees on the site. As part of development care will be taken to protect the eXisting trees on the PaclflcSource property to the east where there IS a stand of trees close to the shared property line. Bu"lding Height: In t 1e Campus Industnal zone, bUildings are restncted to a height not to exceed 45 feet A Type II Minor Va~lance Request IS being submitted concurrent With thiS application to allow for the bUilding height to be' Inc 'eased up to a maximum of 52 feet. The pnmary reasons for requesting thiS vanance are' a. To prOVide a slightly higher floor-to-floor height for the three story bUilding, allOWing for better daylight penetration to the Intenor of the bUilding and for more room to Integrate mechanical and electncal systems InSide the bUilding. S b. To give greater fleXibility In parapet height vanatlon to proVide stronger Visual interest to the ~ E bUilding. -g c To prOVide more opportunity to allow the bUilding parapets to screen rooftop mechanical (ll equipment t 1 FiJ?ase refer to the Minor Vanance Request and ItS attached narrative for a more detailed descnptlon. Campus Industrial Zone Operational Performance Standards: The following IS a summary of how the proposed project meets the operation performance standards of the Campus Industnal Dlstnct, as noted In SDC Sections 3.2-425 through 3.2-450. The summary below IS listed as shown In the Spnngfleld Development Code LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 7 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc reVised 15 February 2008 3.2-425, CI District- Operational Performance Standards A All manufacturing operatIOns shall be entIrely enclosed wIthin a but/dmg There are no manufactunng operations In this project B. All applIcable on-sIte desIgn standards specifIed In SectIOn 32-445 shall be met Refer below for narrative on how the project complies with the Campus Industnal Design Standards. C. The storage of raw materials and/or fInished products shall occur entIrely wIthin enclosed bUlldmgs. The parking of trucks necessary for the operatIon of the faCIlIty shall also occur wIthin enclosed bUlldmgs, unless permttfed as specIfIed In SectIons 4 6-125 and 3 2-445C. The proposed project IS an office bUilding, and as such thiS standard IS not applicable D. OffIce and commercIal uses shall not primarily serve the public. The proposed project IS not Intended to directly serve the public E. The movement of heavy eqUIpment on or off the sIte shall not be permttfed. Heavy equipment IS not used as part of the normal operation of thiS project I F. Proposed uses on the prohIbited use list specifIed In SectIon 3 2-415 shall not be permttfed; Corporate headquarters are a permitted use In the Campus Industnal Zone G Proposed uses shall also comply wIth the addItIonal operatIonal performance standards listed below... The proposed use of the site will comply with thiS standard Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 1. AIr pollutIon. 2. FIre and explosIVe hazards. The proposed use of the site will comply with thiS standard Final submittal 3. Glare: The proposed project will comply with thiS standard. The extenor lighting deSign will comply with a minimum all City of Spnngfleld requirements for extenor site lighting. In addition, the deSign team IS exploring meeting deSign standards for control of extenor lighting as referenced In the Leadership In Energy and EnVIronmental DeSign (LEED) Rating System 4. Groundwater Protectton The proposed project use of the site Will comply with thiS standard. Refer to the Dnnklng Water Overlay Dlstnct application being submitted concurrently with thiS application 5 Hazardous Waste The proposed project Will comply with thiS standard. LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 8 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc revised 15 February 2008 6. NOise. Site generated nOise from roof top mechanical equipment will be less than the maximum 65 dba, 7 AM to 10 PM, and 60 dba, 10 PM to 7 AM, levels as required by OAR 340-035-0035 Measurement taken at property lines Final sound data on the roof top systems will be submitted with the bUilding permit application 7 Radiation. Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 The proposed project will comply with thiS standard 8. VibratIOn The proposed project will comply with thiS standard Final Submittal 3.2-430, CI District- Monitoring Uses. ThiS standard has been met as part of the approved Master Plan application for the Liberty ProfeSSional Center (City Case No LRP2007 -00020) 3.2-435, CI District- Status of Existing Uses. ThiS standard IS not applicable to the project. 3.2-440, CI District- Conceptual Development Plans and Master Plans ThiS standard has been met as part of the approved Master Plan application for the Liberty Professional Center (City Case No LRP2007-00020) ThiS project IS part of Phase 1 development for thiS approved Master Plan. View at Southeast Corner of Buildinq 3.2-445, Campus Industrial Design Standards: The project meets the goals of the Campus Industrial Design Standards, SDC Section 3 2-445. The combination of various design elements for the bUilding reduce the apparent mass of the bUilding as well as together meeting requirements for variation Within every 100 lineal feet of the bUilding The full design of the Phase 1 bUilding IS shown in the drawings Included With thiS application The treatment of the Phase 2 addition will incorporate similar detailing and massing LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 9 Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc reVised 15 February 2008 A BUilding Extenors Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 1. Offsets - . q, -tt The bUilding design Incorporates multiple elements, matenals, and heighfs~8Iprd~de'tr?ual- - - - Interest and break up the overall mass of the bUilding Elements used to help break up the mass Include bUilding offsets, difference parapet heights, changes in matenals and colors, and bUilding elements extending from the bUilding such as extenor sunshades and canopies These architectural means for breaking up the mass occur In both the honzontal and vertical directions on all sides of the bUilding, and meet the requirement for offsets or features occurnng a minimum of every 100 lineal feet. Refer to the following diagrams of the north and south elevations and the drawing set showing all bUilding elevations, included with this application 237' -.' , . 100' 100' 0 1 J , 1.- '1 I lO to} h~ ,..L-, J!t --tt " .- . ~~ :bf II =r - - ___ WI lj irrl' II I l II - -I -- ~ - __J -~-u~ [ ---. I I 1L14-'-S" OFFSET 6'-0" OFFSETJJ 1L 4-'-S" OFFSET SUNSHADES PROJECT MINIMUM OF 4' -0" FROM FACE OF BUILDING South Elevation Diaaram 2Jt '. 'co' 1:) 0' 1 .. 1 <<- '; \, ~ - , j u"'1.. I.j-i iJ 1..1 EEl HI IJ I j t EEl -"-. 1- ^ ::..~S::. r --.., 4'-b"" orrsc L C0RVCD R~or ~POJ[CTS ~r.OM ~ AC:: m SIJ Ult~G North Elevation Diaaram , 1 ' ! :--+----~. '--i' J 1--:"'-, , 'i---J--' I~; L:;1 BLlliJ~! ..... - I I EEl , I i I U ~ i I liJ ILl '2'-&" The west and east elevations are less than 100' In length, but stili Include multiple matenals, windows, and bUilding offsets 2. Windows The ground floor of the bUilding's south elevation (facing towards International Way) has a high proportion of glazing, approximately 70% Windows look Into lobby or work areas of the bUilding This meets the reqUirements for a minimum of 50% of a street faCing bUilding face to be glazing LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 10 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative revised 15 February 2008 3 Entrances The pnmary bUilding entrance IS onented toward the Internal circulation of the site, and IS vIsible from the street. A prominent entry canopy IS Incorporated Into the design to provide a visual cue towards the entry and to provide protection In Inclement weather. In addition to the entry canopy, the bUilding entry Itself IS recessed Into the mass of the bUilding to provide further weather protection 3 Roof Treatments Multiple roof deSign elements such as varying cornice treatments, varying roof parapet heights and projecting extenor sunshades are the pnmary elements used In the deSign. Overlapping masses of the bUilding are also expressed at the roofhne, helpIng to break up the overall mass of the bUilding and to prOVide screening for rooftop equipment Some sections of roof will Include a prominent, overhanging cornice treatment that will contrast with other parapet treatments and cast a shadow across the face of the bUilding. There are roof parapet offsets of between 2', 5' and almost 7' between different portions of the roofllne; as well as offsets of 16' and 21' between portions of roof at the northeast corner of the Phase 1 bUilding. Protruding extenor sunshades are also used to cast shadows across the bUilding fayade and down to ground level at vanous pOints of the year. The flat roof of the bUilding IS completely screened from view at the ground Rooftop units Will either be screened by buildIng parapets or architectural screenIng Refer to the Image below that shows how the rooftop mechanical Units would be screened by bUilding parapets from a vantage pOint at International Way. The exact number and placement of the Units IS yet to be determined. --~ ---- ".~- -- ~- ~ -- --- -- ---... ---- / ,/ / / / / --- -J__ _ _ ~ ", " " '.........., -.:-;:' ", '''......,....., " " """-..., " "-, --,...... .:;:::~--:---..::- "'--... ..,.,.~ - ---- ---- -- ---------- ~---- - -~- --- --- - - - / / -7-:- - :-:::----~_= -- ------ --- - - ., '""""" -,",- - - -' --~ "'-"--~ """ : -",-- -,:::- -,::: -=- -:::.~-==--:::;:::-~- ~ -- --- View from South at International Wav Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final Submittal _ LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 11 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative reVised 15 February 2008 B Landscaping Refer to Sheet L 1 of the attached drawing set for detailed calculations of the landscape design. The site plan Incorporates approximately 41 % of the site as open space, Including landscaped areas and enhanced pedestrian hardscape areas such as the entry plaza to the south of the bUilding and north plaza to the north of the bUilding Plants shall be sized to attain 90% coverage of the landscape areas Within 3 years of Installation. At least 10% of the Interior parking lot area will be landscaped. C. Screening The proposed project complies With this standard The loading area, used primarily for deliveries of office supplies to the bUilding, IS set back from view from International Way and from view of the main bUilding entry. D. Pedestrian Walkways and River Access A continuous pedestrian walkway will extend from the site entrance along International Way to the building entrance. A system of pedestrian walkways will also Circle the bUilding and travel through landscaped areas for bUilding occupants to enjoy. ThiS system of pedestrian walkways also connect to many parts of the vehicle parking lot and extend to connect to future develop of adjacent lots Within the liberty Professional Center. Liberty Professional Center Master Plan: The project IS consistent With the approved Master Plan for the Liberty Professional Center (City Case No LRP2007-00020). The project complies With the design gUidelines developed as part of thiS Master Plan: Fence Standards All walls and accessory structures will be detailed to match the appearance of the main bUilding, through use of color and/or materials. Building Exteriors The primary exterior materials for the bUilding are brick, composite panels, and aluminum curtalnwall These materials are consistent With the design gUidelines Exterior colors for the bUildings will primary be subdued or earth tone colors. Accent elements, such as the exterior sunshades, and area around the primary bUilding entry, may Incorporate brighter or metallic materials. The building entrance IS clearly Identified through the use of elements such as large expanses of glaZing, an entry canopy and exterior sunshades. The entire bUilding (both Phase 1 and Phase 2) IS served by one main entry. Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 There are no exterior stairways. Roofing material will not be VISible from ground level Final Submittal All rooftop mounted equipment will be screened from view at the ground level by rooftop parapets or architectural screening. landscape A mix of evergreen and deCiduous plants will be used, along with the use of native plant species as part of the proposed plant palette Plants will be Sized and space to eliminate large areas of bare mulch at the time of Installation. Tree species will be selected to unify IndiVidual landscape areas, and a mix of species will be prOVided. LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 12 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Type" Site Plan Approval Application Narrative reVised 15 February 2008 The vegetative swales and Infiltration basins used for stormwater management are Integral to the site design and are meant to be major aesthetic features of the site Pedestrian hardscapes (walks and plazas) will use a mix of materials and colors, and contract with vehicle areas Site lighting, signs and furniture will be used consistently through the project View at Main Buildina Entrv from Southeast (Phase 1 Buildina Onlvl Date Received: MAR 1 8 2008 Final Submittal LlbertyBank Corporate Headquarters Page 13 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Type" Site Plan Approval Application Narrative revised 15 February 2008