HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1994-1-11 'i - ;.r;.Il""''40 . . ROBERT H. BENNETT P.O. BOX 1639. BEND, OR 97709 TELEPHONE (503) 385-7132 FAX (503) 383-1738 January 11, 1994 City of Springfield Development Services 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Permit for repairs 2727 Gateway Street (Driftwood villa Apartments) Gentlemen: We request the issuance of permits for the following cosmetic (not-structural)' work at the above; 'referenced property: 1. Replacement of "mansard-type" shingle~trim on 13 four-unit apartment buildings and on the pool house. Materials to be used are Certigroove Cedar Shakes, Number 1 Grade, manufactured by Teal Cedar Products. A specification sheet is attached to this request. 2. Replacement of approximately 14 sheets of 4 X 8 T-lll siding on various buildings where plywood has delaminated or other- wise failed due to lack of paint. 3. Replacement of approximately 10 4 X 4 posts supporting decks, where posts show rot at base. 4. Exterior painting of all buildings. Thank you for your attention to this request. \ RObe~H~ Bennett Managing Owner Driftwood villa Apartments enclosure ;10 ?~~ / T )"-5 C c:v?-q d;;25 ~~r /-//'7'7 .~ . 'JTlN"/v--94 110N 15: 55 p.U I LD I NGPRODUCTS' FAX 'NO:"'&84~364 . SPECIFICATION QUIOI!UNI!S Thi$ infor::"fion Ms been designee to eid ~rCl1ifllClS and builders in Specifying c~dar shingJflS and shakos It sugaeSlS a sfandardizad lerminoJogy and slyfe tor ordering on Ihe hope 01 imprOVing eoou. feC)', Ancj, it incorporafeS a. general oulline of lhe lateSI eppliCSlion inrorma- tion, Ples!j& nole now&mr. 1l1allhl. igs specjfica:ion guide only, It is not inlend6d 10 be e comp"'l~ ref.'ence 10 th. charac. lenllics or OPpl~lion 01 ,ed Cadar shin. glas and snakes. Cornptlllleflsive I'~e'alure on Such Subjects Is availabla Ir(ln Ina Burea" on 'aqueS!, .&:;ifiGaliorl . ':J~I:nWlSo. . :~'C\Jnlr\J1 QUALITY CONTROL W~SIP.rr. M~f1 r."rj~r tJl!"'Jl~~ .,Me: ';i~,W(;~ i\:j~ r't, l(:~ (~y "~:"\~'rl~rl~(':j ~r2!!t!.n'10n _, :;(l"('i~!l~IS who lAke pr.tje in their lfa';j.., and 1"&Qua!ily01 Ihei, P/Oduct . Oesplle their VlItying .1.... and soma. limes remole locationv, tnose member rnrlls lhat mar~:al shingles and Shakes unae, fhe ;oI;e:. 01 Ihe Ceo., Snalol & Shingle Buroau ate bOl.nd 100efllar by s ,i_lei Qualify COde. Unschedl/I..d che~~. l"/)(I(JU<'".ted tl'l ei';j~rt .shingle '"d shak,., In!J)eClorD assure that the products a'& ot the htohesl ori!oe e""inRt:l19-~~r ~l.~t1'it'l nlaleli~l~ gra(led, packed, fe06lsd, and \;,:oped accwding 10 BlriCI stancJar(fs. , ....IUI,. .1'.' 111~1''''''(''!'lrlr.'.t,;'::'r!i. ~3_:l"l. ~nd C"'Ug'C>>.'el.3~11 ar~ ynll' !j\lljrtWlee mat only the finest male'la/~ onClU'.e m061 Olflliculou8 cra"SIYlS"shIP 11"~ gone into prOducing shingles and sr.a.es,lrslsl on Ihose fimehonored, . liMe'lested, and naliorelly.reco9nizad inci'jSfryl~hr!!q o.n.rallpeolfteetlon D.ta, I. ThooOnfraetor .hellcova, all \1,1111 surlac~, with Re<l CedarCetllgrade shingl~1 or Certi.S~III shakos bear. Ing tho CDdar sneke & Shingle JlU/aau ~ o:ficlal gr.d. ma'ked label. 2, Shingt5ftlsh.k9S 10' Ilid_1 shoH be (sPGClfy grede and IMglh). . 3. Shingl6tlsha""" tor outer courses shall be (lpIcify grada and length). 4. Shlnglq/Wlakes for undetcOUl1l1lS shall be (SPeoily grede and length). 5, Shingles/&I'Iakes Ihall be laid with . a weail)m eXpOsure O/(SPiJOily ,...inlncno8), ",.' '", ';.,,'. ""","':'. '.' .'1:" .....,. ald_lIliAPIIIJc,,,ron . 6. Sldewalf 'hlnr,jl$s/sl1ak9$ :l!,.1I be doubled 0' frlpled al rounda. rioOUnel. . ......' .' . 7. Sid_H shlnQia~ "hall be'SPllced . aparl '1." lo '1.1" or If dosed joir'lls, nOl hammered togelha,. , e. Joints 01 shlnglll8 in any 000 Course tl1aff boo ~ not less U1Ml 'I," from fIlejo/ntsin adJacentcriur$e8:':', . . a, Shake. on sideWall, Shaff be 'paCed , apannotmO'e,"e~ 'lt~ :":.':': 1 O. Sfdv.van stling'as/Ilhake. aI1.U boi applied v.1rh a _rher .'pooUra ' of (specify in In.cI1es frOtli 1QI10w; . Ing lable). .' . Mal(. WRath., €.-.po.l.jrt 6hin~ Slngl. Doubl. lArtgln CQUI1' Courso 18. 1112- 1~'" 18. 8~11" 14"" a4l" 11'rJ" 10" iM;;ml.fTl.~POSllte/C' 'Z1.J,actwi.s 10".. '~ill/trl..m.o!)(PQl\Jre r~r ~.2 0'~0(l i4 I ,~ . '.:' \:,:/;. '. ". I,. .' . ".' j"'" . j"'..:.l',." C~QIl ~~.~UBC)Q.lt ,,'" ":.:, ....14..._ If .,.....".. C:.J 'IIBII ttt;~~ "'III l.ett.IItIt a&llv..." Uft"'-'Iom ~OII ..'CIIIOI....U...A&ll-.a.unWI,lt....' ~!I, rl~.~ ~..I. ..1 . ~1.IoO'''IO l..hl .~~10l' "<1..110 ... urn!) r.I'('~I"J UN' . ....;..1:-. '0,' . . .'. . ~ 'j' .,~,\...f,~. \.i., ~,91'.t '''',dlJ6C~~,...\. .~~~'t '.:.~.:,.~:. .r ~ ";l 'UM8111 L:::':J -_..~ "~UJ ............... .................. .-. .. t ,f,'~: /. I'" '::",:.; ~I ,)\~:' ;~ :,": '.: , .':~ ',. : :..""~'J;;'1~','.li"""'~(tl'f., '., ..., "" P,11 ",::' ,"" ,",":,:'~:'{;:~:::<: MM,Wo.I~E'I"'Ol!" ".":': . " . 8l>.... ':.'., SinOI. " 00_ u'$IIlAlmo '. eo....... c..... ..... 16"CcltllglOCMl ",: 7th": I:.... 12"0\' 's"C~-. a..- " W" 18" fOlt,Mtt 814." ~'" 14.,..~. 24" teee.-m "lJJ-.. ". 181.'-: 0 18" 1spel'.stwn elf,. I.'.' 14' .,: . 24"1.Olpltr1~ ." 111.." ..' '0..:'. ,'. 24"'\aIJeI.1IM'n....;~./.. l1VI~' .,18':/ ',,' 18"Ctighl'fl)lll :'.~.: 8111.:~' :: 10":,. "'::'.~ '.' . .' '. ;', ',',:. :"""','" . ::. 1'."1'. . Fostenlng8'dew8U :;::'. ",.;' . :.: ,::' :-';'.; ',',:: Shl r....hak . ..: ,""'" : '. .',. ., n9.... n,.." 'l.".:. ',' '.',' ''';,,'' . '.. ..' :., .... ~ I . :. :. ,~'. ,: '. ;.. ..,. j.^f'.' . '" . . ~ " ;..., 11. FllStenar.,EaCI18n1ngI8,i!r~.~:'i": ::~".' . ShaUbsSelCuredwilhtvioMOI.d!ppliti, ,,' .... ',,, ' Zil1c-C(lal~d~ailil~.ltalnl~"'lllpel::':'(:', :,: :;: :.: (typa304Qf31e)orSI"'T1Inurn~adaor', . :':". Sleplas. Staplll'UhallhiilOirrilnlmUlT1 " I crownwldUlOl'fis.andiri1inimlNil.".:.:.',::' . wireglugAOr16.Naneandelli~' :: .' .' 8haJlbofongon?u9htO,*,elr\l~U)''':,,::--: :.:' J sheathing ''''~ to'\l.~ ~I!~n~"".:: .,~'.' '. . GI1al/ ba driven RuM fo the iI'JOtl '." . : . Burtao.andnOtovilrdriveillloes'IQ:::~' . Orllg/1 the 'wood fibers. Srap;ailhe/f .;. "';: beapph~wilhGiowns'pe;,affelWilti. ':' > ~ bun r h' -". "I < .. ,.. ."' ... " '0 Ul' ot.~~"nRe.~. l.:.~',..II;.':...'" :..j 12. Sldewoll,.Ullilsq 'boic"Q1apecllll.: ',"'. ' 14.gaugesl)inglenaif,lo;neWC;1ou. '., ,". .' blacourOedshfn'gleiildeWa1fe.Ppii@'. ..... lions.U"5dI)8!1Ir~;~pplylnll::;;., :; :" , . " GI1lngle& 10 lafll O\I&rgYPtIJJTI CI....,. . ,,' , , Insulstfld bos'd Wleallllng.ln I)~h .. na~ngdOublecoursostnllnallsa'e. ' exposed 4nQ shoufd be pfaced 2~ 103" abovelhGburtfina Sia8IWI1 shakel sh.1I benailad nOCm0l811l8li 1 " 'rom oacl1 Side. N~I..DonoluSeOtigt,l~rJlJ'.'dSl_wl" ;' ,:., n~ilGl ir~ ii1PP"ttng~~'~~!~~~~o~rU. .,'. SQHohak~ :' ~ . .,., '. I,'.. .,' .' ,....I.~"i" .,: .: ." :,;,,:. " :":~',:~::'.;~:j~"..,:,}~ ;.,::,::::'.?:,,'~. ':;.::::', .:\: o I I , " . .... ." I , 'i"',:'I,. J . . ....;. .. .. . . :/..:,,,,; , ~\. . . '. ',1 '(:-:i::',' .' --......',.. ..,.,.......,,,,,.........., . . I ~'i)'.;\:\;:;. . ,''',;.,;'J'''I l '.:~ : ,!. " ". K~<:t;::~' ~ .1.11...... . ;~:;~:.~at:: I.:,~~~ \J "'":". y:~'...:;y;'~ ,,":<i> ~:~.(i~i'~::';,1f;;:-:~)'?:'/;X::.'df.;;.' , u I"'.......... I"'~ I"" AI a.. - '............---... -.....w........._........ -..............c-...... .................. . filii: ~ I ...1 ,.." , 'l{~C~:~, .'.-11 [_~:-.~ I ...-.... '11100 ~~"".. ,--.-",. .......... , . I, ',"'. :.IIIIWJ iII'~1I1 ~'I'l', '""