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Permit Correspondence 1989-8-10
i . , . ~~7 i --. -:~B-"'nF~-~6C--- , .1 -- +-T --- -- - - -~- _.- - -- . --- --- - - ------ ~13kJL~_~_l/t. ~/~.-..r/~,4!~. . _~,. __ .. _n. n __ _ . _ _, _ _ - - -1. :i-~n5er- CSA_#/~~" , ~ / ~_.:r' - / ?'" - 'I ' t:::-T~er----""""'f'-~S'~~ ---. Shf.$-II/t.,-)<<Jf_.c!~r-~r - :-asv-seJtt.. _~l:K __s...~I<' - - --- ..~.'_-7&J'n~6--~S_,dS'..KW0 - .. , .---~~--.70Ur--THt:.. r::;tic..L507-=,~u - , --"fr-,~tG--A-!'-~_._~$f5!!'<.., . ," ~ ,. @,()/~ IS.. CSA-, ~/.J/; I - .- 1 i ~ t- _ _ _ _ __ _u. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ __ _ ... -+~,-l$-ST/a---~-h " ..---- tr~' ~-~~I" ------ , . ., -'+-r-'. ...., -, -. u. .,-. .,....... . . , :1 J.- . . --. ...t-Of- '?ne--,K.(j~., Ir--~ --- - --- '-t.v~ -JU~5--~-{;I;::Foe~)r-, 'I - .-.-, ",/J.Jf'!!o---- ------,--. --~-,t<o,ol(.. . ~__.. _..,______,_~sA ,1tP/~_ ~u-~__ I I, } (0; (.. r.... L+' ~ c<\,' -1r-:~ ~""~.'!j.t..,-..'..-.-.. ri~"'" '-:'r';:"(.""U~'("IJ'ft.."'\'" ~;> (I ""'-,>:;.~F ." '.v' ~'17' +~~............l..." , \..' .,0:-" L ,_..~ ,., '1 . . 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J~ < , , 0.' .~'~..,' ~t~l~)~~'h " ':' ~' . , .. .. ''''lJlI.W@~t::ili~ ., @:""'- , :,.. @, ..~..u. :rzb ,....,. .~ . r~'" 't- . fl,;' ~ 01- . D' lo~ o . ," o . ,~' .'.1' .'.> 0, ; . ,. . =. .~ I ~~~.~,_:. ~ . '. , ' , ,. ~: '. , \' ,. ,". ". ipecllicatlon Sheel ~--'. -- --- " '~~';:i~ ." ~ i :- it;;. . ~ ., .....t ~" .'$I!' /-,..... "I.J" ......."..: ..: 'a'".r~ . ',.1\#. ,- ,,,~..j{~ , . 2cj . . I~;rl. Q" "'~!: _,.1 .", '~j , \.,~ ;, fi.~~~' . "':'.+~)!{;' . ...,nv..,~ .' ...."e~. " : ~y~ , ,,~. .>-~~ . .~. . . ~.t . .~" "--\-J .. ,\<,\ ". lir"~ - ,,..;~ , 0.' .-'"''l~ '4' 1'~"'. ' '. ~ ...... ,. t, ~ '~"1.~" " .~~ .'Ii . ..~. ,.;; ':! Automatic Transfer Switches L 1] ~ 0 ~ Series 30/60 100/200 Amp Models Combining Reliability and Flexibility in a Small, Economical Package ,.." · 30, 60, 100 or 200 amp ......UL' Listed '(St~rldard1008) .CSA Certified i, . \...' -.- . SO/60-hertz' . Three-pole .' . NEMA 1 cabinet '. Mechanical interlock, 'all models . . Modular expandable control · Field voltage flexible' , . Specifications May Cllange Without Notice .. ,..r , . . . ,~ ~ . Prmled in U SA. 3/87 A.959C 'FROM ONAN-CUMMINS SERUICE ... ,. , , . ~ - I . 8.10.1989 "'17 . P. I FAX TRANSMISSION TO: ~n f rJ ii! IYv./ . @3 - 'N(,,- /~,~7 FROM. Onan Service Department 6600 West Bro~dway Brookl~n Park, MN 55428 ,..,... .IN ~ 'r(J I-w (612) 574-8190 (fax) REI Here are the diagrams or information you requested. PleasQ make sure they are the proper ones for your application. Also, every generator 'set and associated equipment presents hazards. Read the Operator's Manual for important safety pracautiona. Number of Pages ,,--5 Including this cover shoat. FROM '/'" ... 6.10.1969 p' ~. v' v@@ ~ 1J@~@[f ~@@ GenSet G.soline SJB G ~d~:;~o"'r;U,S,A ..~: ""' "J.;.(~ ':. .;~'~g~:r~!~'~;I;.:': Aa950~ ~~ Standby Power u , ..- - . 'FROM ONAN-CUMMINS SERuICE 8.10.1989 11' 19 P. 3 -Oen"set On. .t.p ..oceptance: 100% of nameplate . EI.tl.agnaUC Inl.If....nee Att.nu.Uon: kW rotlng, Meet req..lrel11~nl. or NFI'A 110 Meete requirements 01 mOSllMuBtrlal ana Perlormance paragraph 5.13,2.6 commercial appllcatlone Vollag. recovery after acceptance of 100% of . Total Hannonlc Content of the AC waveform: rated load In one step: 3.0 eee Le.. than 7'10 Voltege Ngulatlon under varying loads from 0 to . Tolophonolnfluonco Foetor (TIF): Lees tnan 60 100% load: :1:90/0 mllll por N!!MA MClt-22,43 Aandom voltage .000.llon: Will not exceed :1:1'1, . Altemator Temperltu... AI.. at rated loed: of It. mlan vllue for con.tant loads from no load Within NEMA MClI-22.40. BS 4999 part 32, ond to 'ullload I EC 34-' Frequency Ngulallon under varying loed. tram 0 . WI.llorn. Dovlellon Foo;\ol' ~ess than 0.06 to 100% load: S'I> ma. IIn&-lo-lIne, reduces rlek of overheallng W1d 01 Aandom Frequancy VartaUon: Will nOI exceecl~.O% InlerfOfOnoo with eonelllvo oommunlcallon Of 11& mean value lor conetllntloads IrOIll no loed 10 equipment !ullload Engine Detail Model: Chryeler Hi35 Do""n: 4.cyHn IIn.-4 cycle Aaplrallon; Natural Bore: 3,44 in, (87) Stroke: 3,82 In. (92 mm) Pleton Dleplaotment 135 In' (2.2 L) COmpretelon Aatlo: a.5 to 1 Aldlllor Coollnll: Coolant capacity - 19 qi (18 L) Rated at 40' C ambient agel net an external roetrlctlon of 0.25 In. (6.4 mm) H2O Alternator Detail llo.lgn: Onan revolving field, 2'pole, drip proof conetructlon, Superior mechanical intogrlty OChlevod tnroug" u.e of bost ovallablo motorlol. Stator. Skewed lor mlnlmo' field neatlng end voltage harmonics Twlco Impregnatod with hlgn temperature polyeeter vornlsh Aotol' Olrectly coupled to onglne ..lIh a flexible drive disc Contlnuoye end rlnge for maximum strength and dynamic balance In all planes Windings vacuum Impregnaled wllh 10~ solid epoxy reain for improved cooling and environmontal protection Amortleseur (damper) wlndlnge minimize voltage daviation or un!>slanca Control Detail Unit Mounted Console with Panel Lighting Dotector 2 Control Ftun-Stop-Ftemote swltct) Remoto atartlng, 12-volt, 2-wlre 011 preseure gaugo Coolant temperature gougo Battery charge rale 8mm~ter Running time meter Exalter clroult breoker rault roset switch '. u C6rItlftU6U6lhMdIty RttIftt: Tnt unit 'NIII &(MI'4t6 61 lM e,..led t.'l(IU for th. durallon of normal utUlty pow., Interruptlool. Main Seering" 5 Lube 011 Clpaclty: 4.0 qto (3.8 ~) F...' Syetem: Gaaoline. Nalural 13as. Propane Mechanical fuel pump lift 6 It (1,a m) Cylinder Slock: I-piece caet Iron CYllndor Haad: Aluminum, overhead eam Valve&: Overhead Stal1lng: 12-volt, negatlvo ground Qovemol' Mechanical, belt driven excitor. 6",shI088, with S.pole etator and 3.phaeo rotor OutbOard ullSlgn for euy eervlce end enhanced cooling. Rectifier, encapsulated tor proteCtion from ed\lerse environments Field CirCuit breaker (manual re..t) VOllage Regu'atol' Onan Torque Matoh-2 provides torque matChed operation for Improvad motor starting and reduces engine otllling In. overload ,ltuotlone, Asvnohronous oporatlon provldEl6 Immunity for SOA trflcking. Ineulatton: Clea, F per NEMA M13"'.85 and as 2757 dAflnltlon Ineulallng varniSh conforms to MIL.'.24092. Grade ce, Class 155-0 lIeering: Oouble .ealed, prelubrlcated bell bearing Coollne: Olrect drive centrifugal blower u Run light (green) Fault light (red) with common alarm contact (monual reset) Indlcato. engine shutdown tor: . Overcrenk . Overepeed . High coolant temperature . Low 011 pr83sure Oorootof' 12 (Jft~ DotoororAC motor ptJDklJ.go aM opt/em.' (&tI' Options and Accenod,,). 8 u u u FROM ONAN-CUMMINS ./. . SERUICE . 8.10.1989 P. 4 1.0 .f,/' \. ~OO'21'1 lei ~\'INll'........c.~--" "~i'lJ':J::~' . .'-.~'!a tr"fI~r:I'~.lIf'\ -If!, ~"'lAun I I :""'~I\ \, C'M\! / IYl"-'l1 ....". ".",,, \ RS~f.l,~\ '\ ['l~\i~ / M.. :::>, ~~,,;;-' '-+~~i~l"'~'7I("" "" . .rn~ '--1 I .1 P\.\, :," ,\';.', ,1:\, ': I '... Ii 'II, 1,' (:i~YID~ t- '1-:1 ii J~"il' " ,l,~ 'ii~'rl' .~ ., '.' ~ "", I. .' "'. .1' I' '/' I "'1 " '11,~ IItll ]1 - II I. I.:'" -' -1--1 "'''' I uu.' II LJ_. = _.I -. l")' '-'-I -:J'-j- -r.;.,/ L ',---'1 ~- 1\ /., .... -.. '\- .....",,-1 ....J L'.~IO' ultl \' I . I I " ",11 l,u'fla..:w.u./' --,~\'!, -,1\' unM~IUUJTt - -'l~n -.--Ill,il-- NOU'l ~ 1,00rotCfirltll)llt lIlrIN MILLIfrI1[Ttltt . OIW:N1mt INIIAIl[ INCU1TOMM'l UIIIT\ ~ '" 2 OIh'W[IQHT..otllOlUUI'11 - Jl ",fn~. -',\1\1. ....,Utl-... -.-/,';.-1,--.... r-lljl-.-t...O'~~" 1 111..oCll.f.t ,. . ...1."11 -. -- I r-....-' .. ....... fi.. ..--.. \ '-j7~'" .."... .hl . ~ ...._...0,....1 J..L. ~. -.::;" .-....-'...---1-. I~..... r-' ...,. '" .', '.."..,..... "'.. :. ~J--tT:~:-_: ~:~~~~'l; 121~~;.~L~~. J~~ ~~I',~.,,~,,-, .:;;.~~:';~..._._- ~ ...-.-........-.. --- 'd'" "'1' .."..,..~. .,,~.. OUTI.INf.: (fIIGc;Ek ""'" illi..':"'" :.~": ~:::~;:,;;.".~::~: ~:;';;;-~';~-l.""-' ...."t.-.~--.~rr ...... I(jl'~"hl"'- ,.'M". :'<"":';'""1., SJB I '0011)1 I-e ~UT'ON: Tnl. "rawln; luppliod tOlttforo,..el o"ty end thould not be ueed tor In.tallation. OIY w.tthfllOt kO (11221D1) o paratl ng Data 35 SJ B .... "HI H..I "_*tad ~- ..~.... \O~ ~1t10l\ - Clf\~to -..., CoMMU"" Otl**I., (I"'l~'''' II:" ::)1 -, t;lI~. Rtqllnmenl Cooling o_"*! Molor "'"Ifil. N1ln.onp &hvmln OP"' AIr."'/", Air.flI,A'I 81l.llmln ,.,,,...r<WtkVA, .... [kWI lmm/tl Jma'mitll t~JJmlnl tl.lml/'l) (ml/ml) Iml/mlnl (UJ/mln) a.1II6 N af. e!'!!.. to (MOO tflft!tl,l " 2112 ..Ill '000 .. ,,. m '" .U.1 30,'1 44.' {1O1 {Ilene, ~7~ ~Ol (1011 tHI 10" "'" "'" oJai A...,.,. F_ CoMlunpHon ~,-,,(LhlI.1ftd- ""....,.,1 A.. Il1o lull"'" "...*"..1""'..... ...... , ". '/4 '" ,/4 81\l1n' 1\'/1'1 DlloII'" ..'" ---.... Ab(IWtlmll\) 2.' .. .. .. I. "'" ... 'SO, '" Iii (11) (141 I'~ It') 11011 It&:t) (::iM) (1.11 Model Selection o o 311 SJB-111R(j) . ~._r.. ...,0...._ 1iO/2O\GV li,'" . 1211220 ", ..- '10/140 104 110/2<CO 106 1AG/"" '1 Ia4/MO a1 1171410 0" Aaldd 35 Wi Co/'linwJI8II~. 43.1 W;." 0.. ~ ~ Adn._ and petformInoe ~o.\ZlI ap~lr to 61~t".dot up to 300 ft (01.. rn). standard cooling, 71" (25'e, amblenl and wtItt QUOllna. naI!Jtt.1 gu. Ot . IQ\ p~no '",01. Oo",*=, '1'\ oulhorlud 0n6n ,.PftMn'Atlvt fOt op6(8ting eMraeterlltlet al otn6t U'\Cn ..~ condllSont. I ] @SIngle.ph.... paw" C6n be taken In 0lP6,1~.. up U) full rated :).phe.M kW at 1.0 ~r. Groad tange tJl6me10re. he.... 12 load. btot,tght Oul tor ~ ~~~~l -.:. Wr.u;;;olord Moddro.....C8A_.j/ 35 SJB.7R ~.pMM. ".wIN t:/l)1_ ... RI*'~Wi~~.431kVA&108PF o 35 SJB-9XR t.pheM. "_wIN 3471VItt:N .t.2A RMM,. JItN ~ GWwSby, 431 WA al QJI PF 50-Hz 3600 r/min I'" A.QSOO . '. FROM ."--"'" .. ON~N-CUMMINS SERUICE 8.10.1989 ".- t. 1- .~ Standard Equipment Options and Accessories Onan Design Integrity ___"06 . . Opartc 'gnlllon Inglne . AC Allemato, . Skid 8upport Chaaslo with Thrae.Polnt Mounllng and Vibration 100lalo1'8 between Englne.aeneralor and Skid . Mounted Conlrol Conoole, adjustable io face roar or acceaeory eldo De/oOlOr Con/rol (comple/e pec*ege opl/on.) Delector 1 a Control o Twelve-light generalor ,et monitOring syslem Inglne Mlonilor with Indlvldualllghla, lamp leat awilch, cycle cranking. and common extarnal alarm contact Indlcallng eaen of tho following condlllona- . Flun (green light) . Overcranl< Shutdown (red) . Overapeea Shutdown (red) . Hlgl, COOlant Temperature Shutdown (red) . Low 011 Prossure Shutdown (rod) . Pre-warning for High Cool anI Tamperature (yellow) . Pre-warning for Low 011 Pressure (yellow) . Low Coolant Tamperature (yallow light - Indlcatea Inoperalive COOlant heater) . SwitCh OH (flashing red . Indlcatas gensal nOlln automatic alart moae) . Low Fuol (yallow) . Two cu.tomer ..Iecloli 'Iula (red) 11: 20 . P. 5 . BaUary Rack . 011 Drain Valve with Hose Extension . Radlalor with Air Olachargo Ouct Adapter Flange o Ballery Charging Aftamalor (12V, 37A) u Dotector AC Meter PacIulll8 o Addltlonel melers and controls (complete peckage only) a AC Vollmater . AC Ammeter (dUal rlngl Indlcatoa currant each phlae) . High/LOw MeIer Scale Indicator . Voltmeter/Ammeter Phase Seleclor with an Oil Poalllon . Frequency Mater . Conoole mounted Voltage Adjusting I'Ihooolal alerting o Battery. one12'VOI~ 74 Ah (266 kC cranking ampe at O' F) HouDlng o Weatherprotactlve housing o Weatherproteclive housing with /actory InltRll1IM1 .IIAncer AC Output o ~Ine olroult breaker o See Your Onan Distributor: . 0"." Corpor.tlo" 1400 73rd AvenuI N.E. Mlnnaepollo, MN 55U2 Talop/Ionl .,2574.5000 "~"u_.,.I_06fl..".....,,lM&&.t"Il.,P~d....-o'.ZIo"ot lennKtI. MrlllollWll'I' _1M.."..... """ 1ft,.."." '" '''''\1" ..... ,"4 .11" 111111111", ",,1ft .wilM II '!'MY, ~ T_ 278477 TWlI .,0 87...113 Cable OHAN . , ' . c (:' C', . . - ---. ..... .........-...- --....-... -.za ELECTRICAL INSTALLATI. 11' CONNECTION VOLTAGE . . fte baleI' -.. .hipped- 18 connected fol' eithel' low 01' high voltage .. follow.. LOW - 208,220, 01' 230V, J phase, 10 cycle HIGH - 440 01' 410V, 3 phase, 10 cycle . CACTION. DO NOT CONNECT THE BALER I' TIm . w"..R SUPPLY DOES NOT AGRES WITH THE CONNECTIOH VOLTAGE 0' TBB BALER. SERVICB WIRING AND I'USINQ fte .eI'V1~ Une. to the unit B1u.t be suitable fol' . 10 BP ~tol' with full lo.d amp current a. follow.. 201/230/410 motOI' - 27 amps at 208V, 22.1 ~. at 230V, 11.4 amp. at 460V. ~se. .8 Ga. wire fol' 200 to 230V.) Note. Use heaviel' wire 1f d1stance .12 Ga. wire fol' 400 to 460V. 1. more than.25 feet. iMETY SWITCH VOLT}\CB FUSE TYPE or FUSE CIRCUIT BREAKER 60 ~ 200 to 230 45 amp Time Delay QP3-B070 70 amp' 30 amp 440 to 460 2.5 UIp Ti_ Delay EH3-B030 30 amp Hote. aal.1' Blust be conn.cted to. a fuse able c!J.sconnect awl tcb (01' c1rcuit breaker) to be furnished by cUft.oll'er/usel'. The . disconnect 01' c1rcuit breakel' MUST be located on . wall adjacent to the baler, but in NO cas. more than l~' from the operatol' and ALWI.YS within clear view of operator. . .' IM'ORTAHT .tiMP. ~OTATION When... ,I' has been properly connected, the controls should be set a. follow.. AUTO/MAH sw1tch set oil H,AH ... UP/DOWN sw1tch set on ~w'''" Pres. the 1iP/~"".. button lIlO_ntarily and observe the direction of rotation of the pump. The pump must rotate clockwise when facin~ the OUl!lD shaft as indicated by an arrow on the motor frame. Ii: the rotation 1. not correct, interchanq. any two of the three power conductor.. CHECK O.ERATION AS FOLLOWS - 'OLL GATE DOWN, AtJ'1'O OPERATION Set MAH/AtJ'1'O switch. to AliTO. Pull qate down. .rea., then release, ~ button. Raa will travel down, reverse at Illaxi~UIII DOWN position ~travel up'.topping at full UP position. MANUAL OPERATION (Used to Bject Bale) . Set ".AN/AUTO switch. to t!;M. Pull qate down. Set tlP/DO"<'iN switch to DOWN. Pres. and hold button, ram will travel down, stopping at lI'axiJ::Wa DOWN .osition. Set UP/DOWN switch to L? Press and hold button, r~' wi~l travel up, .topping at the lI'axi~um U' position. C~/25/8]- tIL APPROvED) . )\ODEL 1600' with 10 H' !!IOtor tr.lDEL_2300 with 10 BP '. '''''_ (I.oDEL 2700 with 10 in> motor.; "'La BALER ELF:CTRtCAL t~STALLATtOtl-l'Atit;}\L GATE BALEfDWG. NO. 330155-1 , . . . 80" -j 42" l- I I 106,68 em C I , fC 152.4 em ~ .~ I" I ! . ~ j :' ~ I 48" I 121.92 em , , I --,-- 1541fa ' . J n II' ~L 138:43 em , v \U "i: .\,... 'L \ Y J 117' I 297.i8 em ~ ffiillillJffIBllllibJ f.lt',(~~lllltl ~11 Capacity Length Overall Width Overall Height Overall Loading Height Charge Opening Floor Material Side Material Outside Reinforcement Ram Panel Breaker Bar Piston i.. Piston Stroke Penetration line Pressure Maximum Pressure Maximum Force Cycle Time Motor Pump Valve Reservoir Controls Island Guide Shipping Weight specifications 2.3 cubic yards [1.77 cubic meters) NSWMA 1.64 cubic yards [1.25 cubic meters) 117 inches [297.18 em] 78V. inches [198.76 cm) 54'12 inches [13B.43 em] 48 inches [i2i.92 cm) 42" x 60" x 33 106.68 em x [iS2.4 cm x B3.B2 cm] '12" plate [i.27 em) V..' plate [0.635 em) 6" Channel [15.24 cm] 59V..' x 30" x ('12" plate), [150.5 em x 76.2 em (1.27 cm)] '12" x 4" x 6" angle boxed [1.27 cm x 10.16 em x is.24 cm) 6" with 4" rod [is.24 cm wilh 10.16 em) 54 inches [137.16 cm] 12 inches [30.4B cm) 1750 psi [120.7 Bar) 2000 psi [13B Bar) 56,500 Ibs. [251 kN) 51 seconds 10 hp al17S0 rpm 230/460V. T.E.F.C. 12 gpm @ lBOO rpm [4S.481pm @ 1800 rpm] 4 way double solenoid 37 gallon with 1" sump [140.23 liters - 2.54 em] Weatherproof 6" channel standard [is.24 em) 5000 Ibs. [227 kg] I ,,,,,'JIINDUSTRIES INC. ~~(I::~nrm:i\:nli'; BOX M, UTICA. MICH. 48087 ~ ',: . ' "-, ,:'::'" PHONE (313) 264-3611 ~eaGU~~~ -I< High Density Packing -I< Eliminates frequent refuse plck.up -I< Easy Operation -I< Large Clear Top Opening -I< Container GuIde Standard l OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ,Dock ramp (8,000 Ibs. capacity) Handrails, gata, Intarlock Standard hopper (lor dock loading) Side opening hopper (lor ground loading) Fully enclosed dog house Fully enclosed dog housa wldoor (right or left) & Interlock Side loading chute used with dog house (un assembled) Rear loading chute used with dog housa (unassembled) Security door and Irame assembly (unassambled) Fluid filled pressure gauga Extra length hose (10' standard) Remote operator Container lull light Cart dumpers rear or side Multlcycle control panel Hydraulic cart dumpers We reserve the rlghl to change designs and specilicatlons without nolice. This equipment conforms to alt applicable safely standards irfANSI Z245.1.1975 J (, 4/B6 Printed In U.S.A.