HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-7 . .. RESIDAJTlAL" . ..RCCo~Pt' COM,BINATION X_CATION/PERMIT -SPR1NGFIELD- #-19 )...tJ'') 225 North 5th Street '. . i . Springfiel.d, Oregon 97477 Buil.ding Division 726-3753 ~. l'~\~ Q.,~ 17-03-22-1 2 . " .rob Location: CQ Vl A.DGSOOr3 Hap . SlJxliviaion: Pf\-Cf\- u,~ Q.m.,: Svcan B _Corn. Addr.io:3405 Baldv View Lane City: Snrinl?:field. OR o n n n NmJ Ta:c Lot I 1300' . I ~ . ... /' ...... \' .'",,\ . l':., q(}\D.\~ Phone: 746-8444 Zip: 97477 .' , - , . ~ ...... 06aorib. Work: , . \ ,. , . /' I Additicn move . house from 3651 Game Farm Road to' , lot irimediately'south of Colonial Drive in Springfield ,OR Rsnrodel ."lobi!. Nama '/-/Si::l1' (: Dat. of Appticati<m e,;ontract01"a Csn8raZ Phmrbing ~t.ctMca t U.,ahar.ic:: Z SUDervisino'Electrician ;Valu.' "hrrn .d:J nwnpr tn ~rfnrm'wnrk nthpr th~n mn'T;no Addrll88 . . ., .... . Si.qr.ed: ~~ .r-2.l /::7 /~ / (I '. \Dat4'"".. '. , Li.so.N ExPires phone ... .. ~. .';;,: . . I. ,r/ .:' . . It i. ~h. r.sfDnoibil.i.ty of the permit holder to BeG that all. inspeotionB are mads atj~ll. propCl" time, t}o.at c:aah .:dd:rfloD is r.a:ia!:l~, from tho otr..t, oM that .th. p""":t card i. !.oaatsd at tho fr<mt of tho prop.rty. . .Bu.i!.di.~ Diui.::ior: appr01:lId ptan shall. J'"fZDIain on eha Building Si.t~ at aU timBs. . <,,~""J.~E FOR INSPEc:rroN R!"OUEST.: Can726"J7~9 C:rceordorJ otat. your city :Io.ignatsd job nwrbor, job oaJro", typo of i..poctic. raqu.:,tfld ar.d w.':4rn you uiH bfl retUly /0'1' inspection, Contraotor' "1' a.m.rs ncme and phoM number.. Rflqucate reca1.",fId befOl'tI 7:00 a":'I ll,oizz. lH1 mad. Che Bams di:y, l'squ4oto mad. afta' 7:00 an win b. nr:uls tho nc:%t' :JOl'ki"'1 day. f'.I\. . lOW' city D..ignated Job NIonb"" Ia: q \ \".A..-) 4') R~mJi~-~ r"rv-~~~~~ D: srre INSPEC':'10N: To b. mula alt.r ucau.2ti~n. but pria.,. tc ,.t up of . fo...... '0 UNDERSC,AB PWNBIN(;. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To ba mads b.fora any WI'/( 'L. .;Joller.d. I'\7f FOOTING . FoUNDATICN: . To ba mula ~ a.fter tnnchQB azos azcQf)Q.ted and forma are ersoted, but prio.,. to pouring cener.C.. I"Vf U.VD;G/IOU.~D PWM!lIN~ ~~"~ To bo....d. Pffor toT;.,- - eneMa. 'fV'I' UHDERFCJJO~A IfEC!lANICA~: ~ To bs mad.. r>..... ...J inQtaLZat'l.on of {tool" insulation or a.eking. ~ .POST AND BEAM: docki.... [J" RO~,1fl1f ,ftlInBI."lr:. er.ECTR reA!: .c MECH- ANICAL: No :.>ark is to DC covsred untiL thoa, ,inspections have besn tfl1lii, and approv8.:!. . O FIREPLACE: . Prior 'to pl.acir.g facing mateM.a.ls . and b.~fol'.. framing inspeo... tion. . o FRM~INt:: Mu.3t b. NqU8:Jted after appJ'Ov~L of rough pZurbing. ~lectri.. caL & :1t8chani.:aL. AL! rooli"IJ bracing. ~ Chimneys. fit". rrr..zst be completod. No wl'k is to b. con..' ceeled "until thiD inspecticn has .been made and,approved. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRrER INSPECTION: To b. RUle aft.,. all insu lati.:," trtd ,.cqtr;red vapo,. barM.,., are in place but bsfor. any lath. gypsum board OJ" wtt COUflM.rtg i8 applied, and before any. inDuZation is concsal6d. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To b6 mad. aftsr aU c:!!'ywll is in placs, but prio.r to any taping. O HASCNRY: Stsel l.o..""CItion, bo7u:l . bflamo, grouting or u.9rt:icats in aacoNancs rJith U.B.C. SBction 2415. O WOODSTO'IE:. Alt.r installation is ,ccmpl.stcd.. . O CURB & APPROAC" AP.'?ON: Aftor forms . ars srsated but prior to pouM.ng .:on..."TfJte. O SIDEWA~K & DRIVEWAI: For aH con- crote paving within strGot right- .' of..wcy, to be mads aftsJ" all ,zea- v.ating Ccmpl.st8'~ fOl"M.wrk & :;ub-. . bass mats:ri.al in ~la::s. O .~ENCE: lo'hor. compt.t. -- E'rovido gatss 01' movabls 8,ctions through P.U.E. ~ ~JJ(t2r 7if'86S I DEMO:JTIO!l OR .v,ot'!".7 3UIL::.1CS ~ ~ Sani~ 8e1J':- .;c:ppec ::t P=:'OPC.:-t:'i :ir.. :=J S.pti" tank p-...urq,,:d cr.-..; fi 1. i.otd .:.nth ;ro.:1ot ::J Final - .flhll1f..aDoU. it:::,s are c:::r.rplstsd ' ar.d iJh.m 3er.teU,tior. i, cCJr.J?l.t, or struc- ture mousd and pl'm3Jl1 ::'Laar1_:! up. Habit. Hemes =:J Btook.:ng and S.t-~p =:J Plumbing COMBctions ..- BaJel" end W:SJ" ---, Electriccl Ccnneotion . Block~r~, sst-up .......J and pZwnbing C07lr.soticns n:".43t ;. CZ??NJv,d before requesting .lsJ:ri:at ir.spsc:ion =:J Ac:eSt1ol"'d BU:itdi",: I ] f~L . t.ft~l' .,?:Jrc.1:.s, sk~rtirt(t, decks, etc. ars ccmp..,t"a. ~ ~t..e:c::{: $I!KP'/U? All PJ"ojoot conditions, such as .ths installation of s~..t tr.es, cC:~fpl.Jtwn of :;.., 1'fIqui1'fld tandscc:pir.g, cto., must be satisfiad bolor. tJ-.. BUILDIt:C FI:tAL .;an :e rlqusst.1d. JZf FII1A~ PLl/KBING' D. FINA~ ME:r:NANICA~ ~ FINAL'ELEc:r,~ICAL o :~INAL BUILDINt:: Tho Final Buildi.ng InspBotion muat ba requ.ated aft.,. :~e Final ?Lumbinv Elactrica~, and Uochanical 1"8pf1cti.c"~ hava bso" Mad. and approu,d. , . o 'AU IIANHCLES AND CLEANCllTS MUST BE ACCESSIB~E, ADJUSTIIENT .To. BE II.~DE 'AT NO COST TO r:IT! I F~i. of: .. I 1.lvb Nwnbcr: q 1004~ I ;;'onr.!: \. OcauoanclI GraA.~ ILot Sq. Ftg. . LOT TJ~~-- - . % ,,' lot C"ueragc Interior N 01 Stories CornsI' Total Hoight Panhandle i Topography ~-.2.~" CuI-de-sac I lITEM L~tain Hcfcrer.ca Vumbers: L-COC H: I Lot Face' - I I P.L. Worth lEast ISou th IWoot \ ~ Bedroom,: I EnerQ:u Sources Hoat ~ Access. I Wate,. IIp.ntnl' I I Range I I Firevlace I I Wood. tove II TIme AA. Type/Cor.st: ~ Setbacks House GaNlge ..- Fees SQ.FTG I X Value I RJtlN,~ b..vL.l/ 5oot),-1 Gc3'aae fi:Pe Al ~ /hi i)4 I I I ~. rro.e4 I N/A I- I I .1 I- Cal'oort AcceS80r-'l I I TOTAL VALUE: Is.D.c. Cuczt,UC} 1.5:r: . . Building Permit 5t9..r;o 2,'S3 ,5~.o'3 Stato Surchargo Total Chargo' , I ITE:M NO. FE:E: CHARGE: I FUtUl"6S ,"". ... -: IRo.idential (J ba.thl LlilDli'~(lJtJrl) /5.tJD I Sanitary Se","r ~G, tJD I Water '2--G.- 157A'tH1 ~.()~ ~$.tx:> PlwnUng P,rmit '9 a dO Stat, Surcr.argo 4. >IV Total CharaDe q f, W " I ITE:M NO. FE:E: CHARGE: . Ras. Sa. ftn. New/EXtend Circuits Tampora:ry Ssrv1.oe I Kloatrical Permit State SW>CMr118 Total Charr;es I lITEM I F'urn:lce ETU' S I Ezhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woods tave I . , NO. FSE: C/lARCE: Permit I3sttanoa Ue::hanic3.l Pemt State Surcharoe TotaZ Coorn60 I -- ENCROACHME:NT -- Isec-.4rity D2POSit I Stor0!18 I'faintenan~o Panni t -, .~ ~. ~. '- .... "'.. \ - TotaZ CharrlCs Curbcut sid"""lk Pen::e ElectricaZ LabeZ 'MobiZ6 H0IT/6 I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE::' I 147, 53 Building Value & Permit This psrmit is granted on the exprsss condition that the said construction. shall, in all respects, con/ann to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning crdinance, regulating the oonstruction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: . {-j,!-,! , h6 Dat. Paid: I - I ( 0 - Gj f IRocdpt H: " -/ (,,1' n-x.r l I Signed: 811/ Y 'It ./- . Plumbing Permit No person ehaU construct, inataU, alter or Chang6 any rWw or existing plumbing or drainage systsm in'whels or in part, unZess suoh person is the legaZ possessor ofa valid plwnber's lioense, e:x:08pt that a p6rson may do plumbing work to property whioh is OL1nBd, leased or operat8d by the appl.i.- "cant. ' Electrical Permit Where State LaJJ requires that the eZectricaZ work be done by an EZectrical Contractor, ths electrical portion of this pe~it shall not be valid until thB labBl has been eigned by th8 Elsctrioal Contractor. ' I I I- 1 I I I I I I I I I- I I I Mechanical Permit .' ~~~~ 1..-f"-"l( va.e I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXAMINE:D tha completed application for pormit, and do hereby csrtify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and an work psrfor:7led shall. be done in aocor-. / donce with tile Ordinance. of tha City of Springfield, and the La:.I, of ,tho., .4 S~_te of OJ:egon pa~taining to th9 work desoribed hers:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wf-ll bl! nnde~C?f any structura rJithout pannission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:lly oontractors e:rrp~yees who arB in compliance with CRS 701.055 wilt used 0 hi project /~. /~~ c;;: *.:6~....i; ,,__ ~ff C!imothy ~et;'Operations Manager~ Sycan B Corp~ I bK? ~~.&~t1?1 I Jerry D. Bishop/Kenda Sue Bishop