HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-30 .. RESIDEIlIlTlAl.. APPLICATI!J!!fPERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SppingfieZd, Ol'egon 97477 I BuiZding Division 726-3753 .lob Location: (1) 6 L~{)I()n.1 a J). LYuI ';V \ '!()3 (~~\ r;:) T= wt # ()\ ~ ABGe8DOr~ Map N SubdiuiBio~l: , -, Receivt !I ~6b , tt"'jrJ4X: , ~ ~ \ ' ,. a.mer: ~ ~ C\ \\t\ \\(\ V. ~(\ fln Q ~ ' , . AddreBs: 0<\?; (\Jj\Q\\\@ DUhone: I,tllo t}r../O'J; ""p"--\~lS\\~~'1 (QP ,,' C\f\4i1f1 n n n n ~ b ; ~\x\~\m~ct'\D~: NplJ .1ddi tion Remodel !.fobi La !loma I \\)I~n'oMq Date of Application Contractors General i P l.umbing t.lechanical E~"ctrica 1 Superv)-"'Sin_~_ Elee t rj.c ian 'Address Value Lise. Bld rs , , , \ ~ . , Sidr:ed:(f) t.tfA-J I () . ,~O . 'KCf , ,I Date: R~~. Exoirp5 PllQnp I ~ ' " I, ii Ii I' II Board 111 II . , Ii It is the 1'otJponDibility of ths permit holder to see that aU. inopactions are made at the pI'Opel' timel that each .:;ddr688 from thB street, and that the pcrnrie oard is ~ocated at the fl'ont of the property." . 1 I 'Bui!.di~J Divido,,: app!'Ol.Jcd plan ahc.z.z~a Bu.;..ldi'l(f :::it.; at aU times~ ' PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTroN RS.QUEST~CAl( 7 26-3769ftec:orderJ atatc your City dcs~gn.ated 'job number, job address,' typo. requested a!':d when you will be ready Jor ,'H.OJf'5..:(.."t;"t.on, Contrac:torn Ol' OI.mers ncmej and phone number. Requests l'eceit:ed, :..'ilZ. be made thE: same dc:.y, requests made after 7:00 am LJiU bz made the next :JOrking day. ' , , . -', Your City Deaigr.ated Job Numb€~ ~a:" '~oJ I,-SrJ, ... ,- , i ~.. 1 is l'Oa:::aD..e , I of inapacoic" 1 baral'a 7: 00 ""'j ,",I iI!Io.,.... '~EUirpJi r~$~p~~~qnR O SITE INSPEC7'ION: To be /Mde after . excavation, but prior to set up of fo1'ms. O UNDERS~AB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befo!'iJ any Lxn'k is ~ovcl'ed. o roOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches ar'e excava ted and forms are erected, but prior to pouring COT1Cl'et~. lINDSRGROUND PLUMBINC, SEIfER. W.1TER. iNlAINAGE: To be ITKde priO!' to fil- U,..g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL~ To be made prio!' to in:Jtal.lation of 11001' inDulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor' inst.lation 01' deckin.g. ROUCH PUJ,'!B[!!C. ET.ECTRTCAL ,~ MEClI- ANICAL: No work is to be cOl..'el'ed . ur.til these inspecticms have beer: madc and approve:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. FRAJ~INC: Must be requested afte1' app!'ovaL of rough pZwr.bing, alect1'i- cat & mechanical. AU roofing bracing .& c}limn-=ys, et~. m'.,wt be ,compl.etcd. No Lxn'k is to be con- , COG led unti l. ellio inspection has 'becn made and approved. o o o o o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insul.ation a."'.d required vapor barricrs are in place but before any lath, gypsum b~ard or LX2Zl COVC!'inu is applied, and befor-e any inaulation it] c:oncealed. , DEMOLITION OR :~;OVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani :w'Y 8e".Jer capped ~t prop.;rty lir.a UJ ' I \- ' ~ Septic tank ~~~ed and fiZlc~ with Gra~eZ ] Final - h~en above items arc compZeted ar.d when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Nobile Ilemes ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbi~3 connections -- scwer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-up ~ and plumbing connections m'~8t co approved before requesting electrical. inspoctio~ ~ Accos:;01"d Building ] Final - Afte'!' porches, etc. are completed. skirting, decks. o DRyr/ALl. IfJSPECT!ON: To be made after all dl'YLJall is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel loaation, bo1ul beams, groli tillg or vcr tica Is in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241~. WOODSTO'lE: After illstal.Zation is ccmpZeted. '0 All. p}'ojeet conditiont], :.nw.z: as the ,!',nstaLlation of st!'eet treeSJ co::rplotion of the required landsccpit:g, etc., mllst be satisfied before t.1:e BUILDINC FINAL can be rsqlloatsd. o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG o FIliAL MECIWIICM. o FINAL ELt.'CTHTCAl, 10 o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms a:re ere~ted but prior to pouring .::on~f'ete. o FIN.1L BUn,DINe: The FiliaL Building Inspection muat bo roqueate.d aftol' t}le Final. Plumbin;J El.cetri~at, and Mcc:har.ieal bwpectiona have been made and approv2d. o SIDE'rALK l~ DRIl'!:.WIlY: FOI' all con- crete paV1:ng witlli" street right- of-ocy.. to be made after all. exca- vating conpteta .fl 101':71 work & sub- base material in pla.::e. .AU, N,lNlICU:S AN/) CLF:f1NOUTS NIJ."iT nr: t1CCg,<;:;rBLF., AD.TUST!ff:NT TO l'lE r,f.~DF. t1T NO ['Cl5T TO CITY I P:1[7C O I'ENCE: r,rha,: (!ompl,.;tc -- Provide gates or movable sections thl'ough P.U.E. ~~-~~ - of:; , ~r I I Zone: NO. m I \8) SOLAR ACCESS OCcuvancl! C. LOT TYPE JOB Lot Sq. Ft:;. ~ of lot Ct)vef'ag~ il of Stories Tota~ Height Topog,;"phy" I ITf.1f I Naill I GeItaee I Carl>Ol't I ACCCSDOl'lJ . SQ.FTG x TOTAL VALUE IS.D.c. fva{..u~) 1.5 x Building PtJ1'1ITit Sta to Surcharge TotaL Cha.rogea lITEM I NO.' FEE I I Fixtures I Reside,ttial (1 bath) 1 I I I Sanita.ry Sewer I 1 I IIIateI' I I I I 1 1 Plwnbing Perr.:i t I State SW'cr.a1'fJe 1 Total Char'alJs I lITEM I NO., FEE I I Ren. So. fta., I Naw/Extend Cil'cui t8 I I I I Temporary Service I I 1 I I' 1 il Eleatrical Permit 1 State Surcharae I Total Charc;es I IITSM I NO'1 FEE FUrnace ETU'S E::;haus t Hood i I I Vent Fan 1 I 1 I Woods tove I I I 1 I I Pel'mit I38uanca I Mechanical Permi t 1 Stato Surcharae I T"ta7. r.harnRn I -- ENCROACHMENT -- SSC"..lM.tlJ Daoo3it I Stol'ago i I Maintena""e tlpermit I Total Cha.l'OOS II Curbcu; . 1 SidewaZk I i Fence :, I Electrical Label :' ~ Mobi lo Home It .lJ\.L-\ ). ffi \ N'\). 1\ ; I " ' I TOTAL AI.fOUNT DUF.: - "-" Interior COPIIOI' Paniuuuile Cut-do-sac Value CHARGE I I 1 I , ' CHARGE '1 . I II , I I Iii i 'I' ,1" , ~ ClIARGE REQ;- L-COG"t Type/Cor.:lt: . Bedrooms: I E'lero1Y $ow"ces I !Ieat I flatel" !It?atm' [ I Range I I Fil"eplflce I I WooeD; tOl.:e II TIIj1e I Lot Faces - I ,I P. L. IINOl'th , llF.asl ~ ISou ih . Illest Sp-t1xwks !fo/Wl'! r.m'a(le ACCe.'l8. Fees I I I 1 I I I I- , I 1 ,- Building Value & Permit This pennit in granted 011 the expreSfJ condition that the said constl"'uction shall.. in aU respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopted by t}U1 City of Sp,'ingfield. 1:llc!uding the Zolling Cl"dillf21/ce, r'egulaiillg the CC,tstpucticn arul una of building:;, afld m:ly'be l1ul1pcndad Or' l"cvoked at CI:Y time upon vic- lation of any p1'~vi:;ion8 of naid Ordi1:alICcs. I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRec.cipt H: ISig"ed: Plumbing Permit No pe1'con o}UlLZ construct. inn tall, alter 01' change mlY new or e;:;inting plwnbing 01' drainage synte.i1 in whole or in part, unless such pe1'nOl1 is the legal 1'03803,101" of a valid pLwnber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned.. leased or operated by the appli- cant, Electrical Permi t Where State TAVJ requires t}~t the' electroical work be done by an Ele~troical Contractor.. the electrical p01.tion of this pennit shalt r.ot be valid until the label JUlS been signed by the Electroical [;ontractor. Mechanical Permit .1 I I , - I, I I, I I H,1VE CARBFUDLY EXAMINE:D the completed application for permit. an.d do t hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and corrocct, and I : II further certify that any ar4 all work perfo~ed shall be do~e in accor- "I.. dance with the Ordinances of tha City of Sprinafie7-d, and th;: La-..JS of the State of Orca,?n pertaining to the work described herei,l. and that NO OCCU- ',I' PANeY will be rn:J.de of a.ny ntruatUl'<1 without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors ar.d e:i1plvyee8 who are in compliance with DRS 701.05E will be used on this project ,I Pi-an E:xannner /"!ar;e I I CO;/, I\~. II ~ --'~ ~ I ' 'I '>v~X-.-_ ~ \.',_., '\. ~ I ~,cU 1'_ 'Si,gnad - l('Y~-8~ Dat.