HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-7-6 .. RESIDANTlAL" APPLICA_/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 " l~ It'-' _' .... Job Location: 5' ) 6 VO~O'f\\o.L J 1 ) (J6!)!:l I CLJ TG% wt g rJl:)[y) Omc", I A'\\ \ . ~ l\1\fl.L(' S AddrB83: 'y)V\~ l'tl\O\\kO(). City: '~.~1~CJ'JG' n n n n l1occ8Dorz Map N Subdivision: 'l1"l.I Additicn Remodel ,,' !.'obi Za Hom" r;-!o~qo Date of"l1ppZicaticn Contractors General l Plumbing \ t-lechanical E~"ctri!'aWc..9...)V\O d I SuoeIi.",.r..tt;;,..lg Electr:ician Address Phone: I Q 1o~18lo'L zip: C{ \4 17 Describe fl'opk: Value nftU Rcce;pt ,~ I' !D~ " ~ \ .0Y uG~ Siqr.ed: Data: d (~{): ) '7-/0 - C/() LiRe. III Bldrs Board Re~. l~XD:i"i"eR Pl,nnp Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Nwnber Io: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all inBu.l.:;.ti~n and required vapor> barriers are in place. but before any lath, gypsWTI board or u:ztt covel'ing is applied. and befoN any inoulation i3 concealed. . O DRYWA{,L INSPECTION: Tc be made aftol' a It drywa II is in place.. .but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel Location, boiul beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance IJith V.B.C. Section Z41~, O WOODSTOVE: After instapation is ccmpZeted, o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftero forms are orected but prior to pouring .::Gn.:Jl'ete," SIDEWALK .f "DRII'ETo/I.Y: For all con- el'ete paving LJitllin stroBot roight- of-LJaY, to be made afteI' all. e:rca- vating ccmpleto & fom W1'k & sub. base material. in pla:le. j l"oadab:e I It is the l'BsponoibiLity of the pe~it hoLdsI' to 888 that alL inopections are ~dG at the propel' tim~, that each ~88D is fl'OtlJ tho street, and that tho pormit oard is Lvoated at the frant of the property. ~Bui!dina Divicior: approved plan shall. remain on tha Buildinfl Site at all times. PROCSDUHE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recordel') state your City dosign:Jted job number, job add.Pcos, typo of in3pec~ic'l requested ar:d when you LJUZ be ready for inspection, Contractors or GUnero name and phone number.> Requests rtlcoived bsfcrfl 7:00 c::1 /..'Ul be made th€ sarno day, requests made after 7:00 am will b3 made the next :..JOrking ,day. q()()0f)~ ReulI.ired Tn.srJ~cticn8 O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set 'up of forms. 0, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING {FOUNDATION: To be made after trencheD arB excavated and forma, are erocted, but prior to pouring ccncrot~. WWSRGROUND PLUMBING. SSWER. W.1TE.f?, DHAINAGE: To be made pl'iOl' to fi!- lir.g trenclltlc. o o UHDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to inotal.lat-z.on of ltoor insulation 01' decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation Oft::, t;-.... 'lation 01' docki11{j. rJ1 jo/ff(c" PUIMBING. ELECTRrCllr ,e MECll- L.J.}' ANICIII~: No lJOr i8 to b covered until thcso ins ctions ve beer. made and approve.... O FIREPLACE: PrioI' to placir.g fao.ing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. I ,: o FRAMING: Muot be requested after approval of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cal & mechaniaaZ. AU rocfing bracing 4 chimneys, et.::. m"olst be . ,completed. No IJOrk io to be con- : cecle4 until thia inspeotion has . b6~n made and approved. o o o PENCE: lIher. compZote -- Provide gates or movable sectiono through P.U.E. I DEMOLITION OR t.:OVED BUILDINGS :=J Sani~y seuer ~apped at P:.opcrtli Ur.o 3 Septio tank p'.mtpi:d and fi 1111~ L1i th ara;J/1 L ] Final - rfltsn arove itams are ccmplsted ar.d when demolition io complete or Dtru~- ture moved and premises .::l9aned up. ~ . Mobile Hcmes =:J Blocking and SBt-~p =:J Plumbing connections .- sower and ~ater ---, Electrical Conneotion - Blocking, sot-up ----' and plumbing connootions m'~8t be approved before requesting Blec~rical inspsc~io~ =:J IIc~cssol'b. Bui14ing ] Final - /lft:Jr porcheo~ skirt'ina, dockB, stc. aro oQrnpletcd. o All project conditions, ouch ao the installation of streot trees, c~~plation of the l'6quired landscepir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied befora the BUILDING FINAL ,can be raquestad. o FIliAL PLUMBING ; ~~NAL NECIIANICAL FINAL,ELECTRICAL , (:J "l o o o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must bo requeDted altor tho Final PZwnbin.3 Electrical, and Mechar:ical Inspections havo been made and appr~v~d. ..' 'A{,{, NANIIO{,ES AND CLF.ANOUTC IIUST OF. ACCESCIBLF., ADJUSTIfEII'!' TO RE /L1Di: AT /10 COST TO CITY .....~ .'" ~ ,I Parle of j J I JOB NO.Gf[f'f3'lS SOLAR A.ifESS OCCU?a/1CU G. LOT TYPE I ;~onc: Lot Sq. Ftg. l ~f lot C~verag< .~ of Storieo TotaL Height Topography Interior Corner PanhandLe cut-dc-sac I I JTFJI I "kzin I.er.raae I CarVOl't 1,1cce8sorll S~.FTG x Value TOTAl, VAWE Is.o.c. 1.5 x llJat.UCI 1 BuiLding Permit I State Surcharge Total Cha..g6:J I lITEM NO. FEE CHARGE I Fixtures !nesidential (1 bath) I Sanit.'1l"Y Sewer I Wntel" I Plumbing Perr.:it State Surcfo.arge Total Charnos , ,IITt:M I NO.' FE/.' CHARGE I Res. $('1. ftn. INaw/Er~end Circuita ,:9-'- I-JI-.J .7D I Temporary Service r I I Electrical Permit ~.?-..Ol State Surcharp6 J. \~ I Total Clllll"qes ,()'3. (0::\ I , ITEM NO. FSE CIIARCE Furnace ,rrru' S I E:r:haus t /lood I Vant Fan I Woodstove Permit ISBuanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharoc Total Charao3 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SOC"'..Iri tu I Storage Daooait Mainto1tt1ncs Permit Total CharaDe Curb(.'U~ I Sidmua.lk I Pmlca I Electrical Label I Mom Lo Bern6 I I I TOTAL AMOONT DUE:' I I Q~. \03 R EQ.- L-COC"" ./ BedroomS: 1 1 1 1 1 'I 1 , 1 -.. Type/Cor.st: -1 I Setbacks 1 I Hou.se r:arage I Access. I I II I i I En8r'l" Sources Heat Water !/t'atf'r RanGe I fi ran lac~ . Wooda tove T"re I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North East South r;ent -- f:ws I I ] 1 & Pe'rmlit Building Value This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construct.ion slraU, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by tJta City of SprinGfield, includino the Zonino erodina1lco, regulating tlte CCIlGtru.::tictl and UDe of buildings, and m:lY b.c sw;pmuied or revoked at c':y t~mc upon vie- lation of any provisions of oaid Ordir;Jm~es. I Plan Check I Catc Paid: IRecdpt g, I Signed: Fe~: Plumbing Permit No percon Dhall construct, instaLL, aZper or change G.ny nelJ cr e=ir;tillg plumbing or drainage sY8tem in whole or in par't, unless such perr;on is tha legal pos8essor of a valid plumber'8 Zicense, except that a pe:oson may do plumbing ~rk to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Perm it Where State ~ requires th~t the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit ohall. not be valid untiL the label. has been nigned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit P tan Examl-ner uate I I, I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tho compl.eted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aZZ i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fur thoI' certify that any ar.d all work perfornled shaH be do:1e i:1 ac~ot.- dane. rJlth th. orodirt.2"OGS of tM City of Spl'in(Jfio1.d, and the Ltr";/J of tho State of OregDn p~rtaining to the work cescribed herein, end :J~t NO OCCU- PANCY bli!l be II'Ild. of any structure fJithout p3rnris3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractorG a1:d e:llplDyecG w}:o are ill c~pliance with ons 701.055 witt be used on this project Q1 ,,~~,-~- Si(Jn3d -X.E~C(n /!ute . ..--:;--.. .:.. .. - Permit No: q()()~0~ Address: ni)?J Cr'))OY1 {(l ~ Issued by' ~li)() )Date: ~flo STATEMENT: . INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: / 1. I '-'"' I I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. L-J My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR '0 ~ W ,-0 n , I , ' B. V..--I will be my own gemJl'al contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and 00 hire a general contractor, I wilr contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. ,- / I here!Jy certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. 0J~~ " ~ L_ Signature of Permit Applicant J- (~- In Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10/24/89 \ ()~PY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE ~COPY TO APPLICANT , .