HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-6-25 Cl ~.~.. RE'SI.TIAL.. ., APPLICATION/PERMIT"':.: 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 " , . Job Loc,tion: S IS (' A.f.&vl; cJL Asecsaore Nap 6 \ I 0 ~ '.4:l. \ "l Subdivision: O:.mcr: ~ nV'\ ~^r-J..M <:"OV\ S IS ('~I 0.1. ~cP.()Q Addreae: CitlJ' n n n n ,'/t'M ~. jjOV\a.~ . &d-.L/ T5 .1ddi tic" Rcmo.-!.r.1. ,'.!ob-:. Zt1 noma Go, I t.,\ c, 0 'Rccs-:pt N' I. f J4 8' I 1':':1',: _:~ ,~:'~ ;.('{t...~ :' ~... . '.t , :~;: / ., i~':,,': I " ... t 's, ~ . H, \ R-JA .:. Tc:r: Lot 6 Oll,.,nf'l ItLfA.-G-B I . " .. I Phone: 7 d!.n-03fl'7 zip: q,LJIJ , :' :' Desc1""~bl1 (I'ork: j ...., ! . . ~.... . , tfJtJ.' . ...., "':.' - -- , v . V, 0 .r4.~.Yr ) , . Va Iue Q,iQ<;{.L10 , $inr.cd: Dato: Date of Appz.icaticn ~ontractors Arldrpss -General \h.nVV\~K'~ V\I; .' d ,Plumbing -~HeChanical EJ,ectrical {)lAW,-OJ'\ J ...Supeli'\lCn.;~."!g_ Elec t r~c i3n I II llldrs lIoard ReQ. l,xoires ~,:,)I~rcdt.tJ./v\d: l(~d'~. .Lise ~ ('../"lv'\"".J Phone S:::l~ 1'1 . '1b\(J"l1 ;SY;;! .4j;J7 ..1 It in tho responsibility of the permit hoLder to soe that all inspections are.made at the proper tim~J t~at ccch,~es8 is roaCab!e from the -strcctJ and that the permit card is tocatod at the front of the property. .,......._ ..~ I. .~ ..... .*Euitdiro.g rr:vi::ior: appl'"ot.'cd plan Dhcll r>emain on the Building site at all times. I:' I '.' . ~..,-~: , .' .. . . , .. " h ," . I ' - . .: . PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorodel'"J state you'!' City desi(!7tO.ted job numberJ job add:rcs8J type of in3pec:icn ' l"aquestcd a!':d fJ.':en you !.Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors ,or Q:.mers ncme and phone nwnbC1'. Requests received befere 7:00 c::'Il :..'ilZ. be made thf: came dcy, requests mcdc aftcp 7:00 am L1i1.Z. be made the nat :.>orkin;; day. . _.; .. -1- _ : .. , . '" q(X)J(.) ( ,.; !..11cmn:r....ri Tn.<:12~~Hr.'J~ ID SITE INSPEC':.'ION: To be made after C%cavation, but prior to set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & : NECHMJICAL: To be made befoI'e any work is cOTJered. "., . . ." . "oJ' FOOTnlG & FOUNDATION:' To be lrtUle ./" after treneheo are excavated and forms arc c'!'cctcdJ but prior to pouring ccnC1'"st,z. I -y I )!r~D~CF!{JUND PLlJM3INC~ Sgr'(ER. W.1T~,Ff., /' , AI//AGE:") To be n'Xlde pnor to ft.l- .i1.r.g trenchec. 0, UNDEHFLOOR PLU/fEING & MECHANICAL: . 'To be made prior to in3ta l Zat'1.on of , f!oor inoutation or decking. rJ FOST AND BEAM: To be made prior to ~ installation of floor insulation 01' dccking. -:l 'Rf}!!Gll PLW!8IllG_ ELECTRICAl. A MECH- --' ANICAL: No work is to be cOl..'ered ~ur.til .thesc inspectior.s have beer: made and' approved. . , :J FI,~EPLACE:: Pi'iar to p1.c.eir.IJ feeing materials., and before framing inspec- tior..., ,: . ..' ,..' I . .' ':'-~ l/l FRAJ-!INC: 'Must be requeoted' after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, clectri- .caz,t.mechani.r::az,. AU. 1'00fing~ ...\,',,~ braCing,.t chimncys,etc. nr.lst 'be , .';. completed.' !JollJOrk 'is' to be con- . ....\ 'ceaZ,ed until I thin inspection has '.~.bce:: made anc!~app:l'Oved..., .. j'.' ....- o [J o ~ FIliAL FLU/I,BIIlG FIliAL /.{F:~HANICAL . 0. FIliAL ELECToUCI.L Your Citti Deoigr.ated Job Nwnbcr 10: .. . :1. D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION: I DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDIilGS. To be made after all 1.nsulatum (V"'.d . . '. rCl[U";red vapor bC11'1'icrs are in place - =:J-S~i~ se'..Jw' ~apped at propcrt":i lir:a '; : but before any lath, gypsum board or _ t \-' .' -:,.. ' . I . . wl1. .CO?eri~g i~ appUed, ana. beforo . -=-i:s;p~ tcmk-p.~cd a7uI fined i.n.th gra'Jai 'any '1.noulatum '1.0 concea'Led. :. ... ---1_,. I . . ,I',;. ' 11., ,',' . . "..... .'_ .. '.' ~"......:~ ~.~..:...<;~;:~:'::;.::...'.' .:.,:, ~.~... I Ixl DRYf/ALL''INSPECTION: Tc be made" . --, Finat-'rlhen above it"",. aro ccmptetcd after alZ. drywall. io in pZacs, i ---1 and fJhan der.ioliticr. is comploto or stru.z~ . but p1'ior to any taping. !.-'-' -ture moved,and prcnri..s ctemuu1 up. " I ...... ..t. '---"-r-' '.l.' ,...t O. MASONRY: Steel 'Location, oona! beamo, grouting 01' verticals in accordancs with U.B.C. Section '2415. I .. ,'. '.B. t_~I'.ki.".'M._and.. :' Set-,~p _ o WOODSTOVE: After installation 'is --.J _ ."U~. ccmplated. .". _ ~ ::~~~..:.~~~:.~.~s:,~~_~Cl.JD~ ~ "wter'; O CURB & APPROACH AP8()N: Afte,. ,forms. -::I EtJc.tricat ,Connectio~ - 'BLoeki"ll.' set-up: are erected but prt.~r to potl1'1.ng .:.::.J and p'Lumbing connoctums 1tr..lst ts approvaa '. . conc1'ete. . ~''''_I"''''. ~..bBf01'c 1'"equcsting. elec~'l'ica'L ,'inspsc~io~ , . O' SIDEI/ALK & DRIVEWAY: For an ~01l- -::"l I' .. . .' .' : , crete paving fJithin street right-.,-::: ~,AcCe8~Ol".i.But.'Ld-:.ng"'.':'\:~.l,.;,,:'. '.. j ,of-~YJ to'be madss-after all ezca-....; ;...._..,.,"_~:..~~....:;.~~..\~~.~~~~~\~;:~..:...:..:'.:~.~':'j vat'1.ng c~'Let~ & J orm wrk & sub- ---, Final _ Alto!' pO'l"Cr.os, sldrting, dscks, . base matB1"t.a.l '1.n. pta.~e: ~ .. ..:::Jstc.~are.canplotcd..:.-. ~ " '=-_.1 -,;..~. I ., . ,,:' D ITNCE: I Jlhor."complGte"--~ Provide. t' I .gates 'o~ _~~able 'sef?tio.n~...th'1'ough". ....D''-~. .'~ ~II-"+- - ;:"-'-' _........:.r~.'..' ! P.U.E. ~. I '\.. L . 1;, i '_.: .",' - "," -..,.. -.. -:___0-4'" ..~.. -..' :-.....-:.-.~. I ,'1. ';;- ....! '\. '11 ' " I ... I ' . ............._.....__... .H.....:... ... I.-..'O(~ .. ,:. ,', . ,.....' \.'i . l...,...'~I........r...."fI<........ .\!......._. ""."'."_ ~! I 1.' ,':, . "~.l . ; .Il I 'I" "'.1,;,.":: :'~;':: ,\.;~"" '" : .~..:_-~..",....,,~_.,.;..-).l"'i:". ~::...,-,:""....~...._... ~.l"'.:~:~~' j .j '.' ." "".1 '. ,'- ...-~....-~ ~'--~'-~'.-.-..-..-.-:--_.'.,-.'~- All proj~ct' cOnditions, ouch as the inota'Llaticn of Jtreot trosBJ;c~~lotion of the. t required Zandsccpir.gJ etc., must be sati8f~ed~bcfol's:ltJ:B BU~LDINC. FINA~ can.bo l'equeBt~d. ~ 1 l' , I..,:'.' : "1' '\:.J\' '" ~l~r\l ~'_.,~'\..t~.'~l\\"", . _ '. . ............" ,_ -...,.""t"-~""~""I-"~"""" ....- J; :.\.. .f.... FINAL BUILDING: '!'he Final Bui'Lding Inspection must bo requeotiid attero .tho F'1.nal Plumbing,'j ., t" and'" ha"I t' L_, b' d' -> roved. -, <t:-It..I\..,...,I'I"1 . I:.loCC M..ca", -j'l(]C r.'1.ca" nspec wno 1l<<....O~; een.ma e~anu_app, .......,...r...li.~.......... - ......~,... I .,':, 't.' I ,,\.'" ',.~. . ., 'I 1 " :, ..........~~~....t~-~..;+:..:~.;._..... ..~l... .~ ..--~::~:... " .' I ., I.. "I J./obi. Io Hames ': 0: . :. , . ~". !'~: (.; t::.:~: I..', '.., r'.:-. "I1U, ,',/;1;mcr.r::s I1ND CLr.I1NOU'f;. Nnr:r nr. Accr:.';t:rnr.F.. IIf).Tflt:r:rR.'IT TO m:; /Jllm: liT /10 C'ST TO CT'!'Y '.:.~r(' ! of :J ~- ~I . -.'- ",1 ~..i ,.\ I JOB NO, zon~:~/ U~ . , ~') I Lot Sq. Ftg.' .' '.' " . t, " S of lot COlJ"""u." .. N of Storiee TotaL JieiUht TopoUra:phy -'I- ,~t:<;!r.;~~~~~. -'J.,ri~;;;~~,f! ~.::~,=;':OG' ,il" /. l't"" Y'l~' .,,'fi " I ~ ,I!' Setbacks' I :.~eat I,. " .' . , ' .. :~\/' Interwr:, .'1' 1 .ji ~l;. .l!t1::i1l'}",'\1.1 'P.L." House IC~qe I Access. 1 'Water.fJl?otj'r 1./. . .\ Cor~~l:lk11 'L ..~ jNorth' . S'O'" I I Range ' . :, '.-.: P~1.~' lEast ." i:."! II FirevZacc' -; f~' Isouth Q/~ I Wood~to};e . ,l _; CUt7ds-sact. 'West '" ~~" ..,.;....,... ." I :;.>p1. "'"I, i......i.. .. __ Fees I r '1 <Q , -hq 9.:41 ) I r---.".... . ...: ..... 1",1 ,j; ::> \ ~:. Ii I ITEM i I Main " ~ I Ceroae I CarOO'l't SQ.FTG x Value (",~L..I 14./D '~~ 1 1 I I ,; , , , 7Y.5"c!:> 1 ?,~~ I 76'.2'3 ], AccessorIi i Is.o.c: i TOTAL VALUE: 1.5:r lvat.UC; Bui7.ding permit Sta te SWrehtirge TotaL Cha.~uee \ I , , IITE:M ,.: F~e8 " I I Re;iaent~( (1 bath) NO. FE:E: CHARGE: ~.___.:.:..I_1J~::' I .-. --....... . C. I :~;:;'F' . " Sanitary Sewer :'.:. !!.;)~... Wate1' 1_' h_ . PLwnbinU Penr.it State Surcr.arge Total. ChaM08 . '.: ~ . 'l"'~ ~ .. I J',I : I~ I lITEM NO. FEE: CHARGE ' IRes.' So. fta. d Cllt .'1" .1:' J~ I, I I NQ,)/F::rl.nd Circuits .j' , I Tempol'a:ry Service I 1 I I. ," i . _1,::'" :..L.I E1.6~tl'iaal Pe.rmit-.....~,....-~.,., -.- lITEM State Sureha:rqe " . ;. .1' -: <,-1l,'1 }\.t, ";,~' Total Cha:foqeB , .1 N~.. ,>,,~E~ "j i ....-1 ,".t' CIIARGE: Furnace !!TU'S' . If..' E:s:haust Hood Vent Fan WOodstove P61'mit Ia8ua11ca ,1.i'l' '. Mechanical Per>nri t Stato ,~/l'charol! Total CharaeD -- E:NCROACHMF:NT -- I SaC".lritl/ D~OO3it '0' I Storage i ., ~- I . .' , " Maintenance permi t I,". .... r Total. Chal'CCJ8 :: , Curbcut " I Sid_Lk I Forc:e I Eleotl'ica Z. Labe 1. Mobi1.s Home' \..... , . .., ~ r , ,',' ',' \"~' u' .\ '. . ~.l!,i,'" . . \:. . I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' 1 I ? 8. :z"'3' TIme" , j ,,1>1 ,,]of 1 J If l; 1; I ,'1'" , . ~ .1.' 1.'-. Buildin~g Value & Permit, . .' . This permit io granted on the expl'OD3 condition that tho B.a'id. conatruc.tion shall) in all respoctD) conf.oPm to tile Ordinar.ce adopted by the' City of ." Springfield) inc!uding the: Zoning Ordinance) reguZc.ting the constr'o.l.~tion and use of buildings) "ana'may'be suspended or revoked at cny ~ime upon vio- ~tion ~f.any prouiGion~'of Gaid Ordinances. ..' .' ,t, I Plan 'Cheek Fee: '!f I.e.) '1(.. L.J::;>' . .-- Date Paid: 0/~ IReedpt #: IJd.SJ I Siuned: ,C't A Permit I I I I I I I --I' 'J, ' -...1 Plumbing " No pereon shall construct., instal!., aUer or change cony neW 'cr e:isting. \ plumbing or drainage DYBte~ in ~hole or in part) unleDD skch person io the -" legal. possessor of 'a valid pl.umbor's license) e:rcepttr.at a pe:'Don rr.ay do, - pl.wnbing work to property which is owned) leaDed or operated ,by the appli:- , cant.., 'I' ,I A"'l! ",' I ,..\ \ . ~ :".1 Electrical Permi t ,', " Where State Law requires tr.at the cl.ectrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor) 'the el.ectricaZ portion of .;his permit shazt roOt be valid untit the Zabel. has been Digned by the El.ectricaZ (;ontractor. "e>}V/Y~ :5#~cc '<$>/F~/-r-,,? ;:J",,-y'7;./',.?Q""''''S- 4"':::~Tn'"/~ ,?~~/;r. I , " '. , Mechanical Permit , /1~~~--?) P'9'" /"",",ner ~ -. tb.:z<)-~ iJate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit., c:nd do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct) and I furthe:ro certify that any ar.d atz work perfor:ned shaLt be done "in accor- danc6 with the Ordinances of tho City of Springfield., and tho; La:.;s of the " Stats of Orsg.:m pcrt.:Jining to tho t.IOrk dSBCribod heroin., and ~hat, NO OCCU- PANCY win be rrade of any struotura witho:J.t p3rmia3ion of tho Building Di- vision. I furthe~ certify that o~Zy contractors ar~ ~~l~yees who are in compZianco with ORS 701.055 will. be used on this project I I I I I ' , , '~,.// I ~e~ 1,)iUn3~ e: , , &,-2~/() [).;zt~