HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-12-26 . .. RESI-NTlAL" ... . COMBINATION AfIfIlICATION/PERMIT - SPR1NGFlao _ ' .225 North 5th Street. . . . . .., ..... .; Springfield, OrefJon 97477 .~. . . Building Division ~:7" . 726-3753 . ~ . Job Loo~tion: tfS7 Co lOYl r-:~LJ?rL..tL~_~ _ A.....or. Nap , )7 0'33< 2- 12.. . 'Tez Lot I 0 [7 () \ 140x(oU Skbdiui,wn: !.\m.r: h-fn'Vrr-: Jl~ i:V\S-h~'c2 MdJos.a: ~ ~7 ({) [(IVI iO-J 1>1':- City: S?y)~h'eld. [L., n'.Addltic>l n RdmOd.I' . .... . n ~obii~ ,,~~:. ' .: Oat. of AppHcatiDrl 1{.~IO' ~96':, . Fhort~:72-fo .. OQZ/1 :-Zi1"q7~f7 .\ :.:.;' Dssc.l'ibe (,fork: ... b\A~:\~\'0~,,'sho p . .. .;..". '. C;ontractor8 C....Nt V r; I~ Sa vr+- Ptwnbt:1I41 ~'Dtl'l..t f.ltlchar.ic:: I SUDervfsina'Efectricfan .,....,.. ,,~~tu~;,5:0734 . oD Adtb-es 3 ~ ZIJ3Cl!7 f3Yi::tJSHi I( ed Rccs'!.pt .f /9( 4 ',( 'l/ " .....~ ,\)y.. L.~ . .... r "'.;.' . ~ . . . . to ~ .\pol- /. . . IJ, . Silmed: U!/~ Oat.: 17- - 2-(;, ~9?\ Liso..' rXUi.rD8 .47,0 ( 9-4..:::i./ Phon" It is 'tM ,...ponoibiZity of ths pemMt holdl1Z". 'to ... that aU. insp.otions err. r.ra.ch at ths propao tim~# t".at ~h .:ddzosso 1.. rsa.::aM" from the .tr..t. and that .th. pormit card i. toeat.d at the front of the prop.rty. . .Su.i.!.di.ng Di.lJicior: trp?l'Ol:ed pt.an shaU remain on tha Building Sit# at aU. tws., , , P110crDURE I'On INSPECTi:ON R!:.OUES'f:' catt716"311j9 c.,.ccortLJr) ..tat. YOUl'CHy .;l..i.gruIt.d job /UIlr.b.r. job a&Jrc... type of ,""p.cHcn r4qUQ.C4d ar.d wr.Qn you rAU b. ,..ady fol' inep4ction, ContNatol'B "I' Q.7mrrs nam.,and phaM numbC2'..' .~.quc.t8 ,..o.il1,", b.fC'l'. 1:00 c:n ...:U be BrUI. tM sam. <k1J. ....que.t. nu:tIs afta 7:00 '"" .nt!b. BrUI. tM nat.""'rki'\1 day. . lOur City o..i.gruItsd .lob. NlImbQ' I.: OJ 1) I L{. t; / UHDE.~FUJOR PW~,gINC A IIEC!lANICAk To bQ ma.a. pM.or' to inataUati.on of floor i...ula~ or d.oking. . 'I':Il' POS'l' AND BEAM: To b. ~ p~r to.. D CURB & APPRpACN AP.'!ON: Aft';; fo_ p tnsCaL-l.o:zt1.On of floor tnsuZat1.On 01" ' ars e,.eotBd but prior to pouring tUoking. ' '. oJOn...'"I"fJte., . O l1QJJ!i!U. W.',!B1!(t;, ~LE;CIqrcAL A liE;} O. SIDEWALK & DRIVEl/A!' For at! con- : ANICAL: No ~I'k,t.s to be COl.'er ", cretB pavi.ng W'ithin'streGt 'l"'ight- " w:t1.~ thoss inapeceions havs bef171 . ,of-way; to bo 'ma::l8, after' aLt e%Ca- . .; riuUi and apprOv~., . : .~,'" ~ vating ccirrp14tB & form. wrk, & ::ub-. O FI!1EPLACE: . PI'ior to plaoir.g. faoing ba.. II<ltsl'lat in ;>lac.'- II<lt.....l..D1!'i bf'fOl'..ff'OJlri.ng inapeo-. . . . tier.. ..' '.,' .' . O ,!'ENCE:.. filum comp~t....~ :Provide FRAMING: Nu:lt b. rBqtuI:Jted ate.,.., gatss 01' movabl. ssction/! ~hrough app""""t of rough pt.....bing. .tsotl'l-P.U.E. cat & ....ohan""'t. At! ""ofing bracing ,& chimn&ys, ,.e". must b.. . D. . compt.ted. No wrk i. to b. con-' ' olU':l.d ''until thio ins".cticn has . . b..n IIrUUJ and app""..d. , R""!lf,...,, r"Jl'"PG~~'M" , 0: SITe INSPEC':'10N: To b. nrc:uI. alt.l' ~tio?n, lnat 'prior tc s.t up of . 'foms. . '0 UNDERSLAB PWHBIBG, ELECTRICAL & 'HECHA/1ICAl.: To b. mad. boforo any loIOrk ia ~or.I. ' rc?( FOOTINC J FOUNDATICN: . To b. nruI. . ~ after tJocmahoa are. uCGVdted and fol'flltl a:t'fI .,..ated, but prrior to pouring CC7ICl"~.. U.YDERCROU!!D PWN!JINC. SEIlER. W.iTER,' D.QAInACE: To be m2d. prio,. to f~~- hr.g trmoMs. o o ~ O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To b. nnd. after all in.sulati.:m a."fd raquirsd vapor bazoroi.rs ar. in p lac. but before any lath, gyp8U/1l beard or uzU oopmng is applidd, and bo[oro. any, inoulatlon is concsal4Jd. .0 DRIll ALL I/1SPECTION: Tc . b. BrUI. aft.r aLl drywall is in plac., but prior to any tapi'\1. D. HASON"Y, St.at tooation. Ix>>.d , 'b~, grouting or tJ.ertiaa1.8 i~ aocordanas with U.B.C.' S6otion 241S. . O WOODSTOVE:: Aft... ....tatlatien.i. . . c:cmplet<d..., :' " '. -, I D;:JKJi,ITIO.'1 OR .\10179 3UIL::.1GS :=J Sani~ BCU':O ::c::pped:t ~pc=-~:I lir.o =:J Sopti4 tank p-oiMpcd ~..! f'l tllld :ri th JI"G:Jd :J Final - .flhen abov. itc.~ Gr. ccr.rpt.ted ' arad whdn ds:teUtion i6 cor.owt. or atrwa- tur. movtld and p,.crri~... "I..aM': up. I Nobi 1.. Hem.s :::J Btocking and S.t-~p :::J Plumbing oonn.ctu,nB -- 8Q.UlJr end tJa~sr :::J Eleatrical Ccnn.rccion - Bt.ocHr.g, 8.t-kP cuu:l plwnbing conr..cticn8 1r.".,UJt ~. O?Prov.d b.foI'e l'GqwI.ti.ng .Z,.::rical. ;.r.llp.o~icm :::J AO~.'DOJ'!,' Build"'",: :J F~l - Itfc~r ?3l'CJ:es, 81cir~:rt{1, dsoks, .tc. are ocmpZlltcd. o . All proj.oC ,ecmditions,' BUch as .the ',installation of strB.t tr.e., Co::1pt~tWn' of:h# . 'J'(IquiHd. ~~cc::pir.g, etc., 'must b. satisfi.o~ bdfor. tJ-.s BUILDI.":C FI:lAL .:an ~. "'qu.tJ~.td. o FIliAL. PWNBINC . 0: FINAL KEeHANICAL o FINAL' ELECTRICAL D '%. fINAL' BUILDIHe: . ,Th. Fina.l Buildi.ng'Inspeation must bo requ.ot.:l aft.r eiz. Final ?lumbing Bl.c~cal" and Heohanical Insp6ctiona ~o bBBn ma~. and appJ"OtJlld. . 'ALL llANHOLES AND Cf,EANOurS ~IUST BE ACCESSIBGE, AD.lUS'fIIENT, .Tfj BE, M.1DE '~T NO COST TO Cr.! I P.;. ! of Z IJOb Nwnbcr: C\()\"\~1 l7.ono~ \\y -\)61 r~ OCCUDanO" Groue'X\ \ ILot Sq. Ftg. . . WT TYPE . , ,,' l.ot C"IJ'eragc . _ Inte1'~" 6 of Storl.. I Corner TotatH.ight Panhandt. I Topography eut-dB-.aa I IITEH II-bin SQ.FTG Garan. CaM>Ort I ACCeSBOl'U ..-04rJ I \L\.\O. ~~~ I I .IS.D.C. roTAL. VAW~ C&.la'UQ} 2.6 z aultding pBJ'IIIi t St4t. Suroharge Totat Charg.s I ITEM ' NO.' FEE I Futures I R.sid8ntiat (I bath) I Sa~i tary Sm.J6l' I Water I Ptwnbing Ptmr.i.t . Stat. SurC1-,tJPgfl Total Charaas ITEM NO. Res. Sa. 'tn. I iJ<Ll/E:t:t.nd Circui t. . I TomDorary SQrlJioe I Etectnaat. Permit State SW'ohtJ:ae , ~ 'Total ChtJ:ttc.. I ITSII I~(!~ eTU'S 'j E:z:hauBt ,Hood Vsnt Fan I Ne. I ll00dstolJe I I I Permit I:JBWZ1IC~ Mechani.ca 1. Fermi t . State Surc~e Tota l Ch2rat1D I. -- E~CROACHMENT -- S6C".J.M.tlJ D3'OO3it I StorOQ8 I Uaintenanafl I Pennit . ~!l"l Charrras .- I Curbcu~ I Sid8Wlk FemB Et.ctricat lab.t IHoblt. H:xn. I I I TO~AL AMOUNT DUE: ' x Value ~~ffi I /J IA " '/ I 44,'5D I 2.~I. 4~.~~l' CHARGE j': FEE CHARGE . FEE I 1 1 I C/lARCE 'co ". 1 I I I I I I ..11 I I I I 4&.13 I. Refcrar.ce Numbers: L-COG H: o V ~ Bedrooms: (.,() . Enel"(", SOUl'Ce8 I Heat Water 'lMtP.l" Range Firevlace ll00d0tov. TlIDB Type/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - I Setbacks ",- P. L. House Garage North ~f18t South IWest .:- Fees -.. Access. Building Value & Permit This psl'mit io granted on the ezprs88 condition that the said construotion' ehaU, in all respects, conform to the Ordinanoe adopted by tho City of . I' Springfield, including the Zoning Crdina.ncs, regulating thB oonstMl.oticn and uoe of bui1.dings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon VUJ- . lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I I I Plan Check Fe.: 2!Z - q ~ Date Paid: I?-: -fO -'to R.cdpt H: Ix q It:; ISign8d:~ Plumbing Permit No .pS1'son shall. construct, ins taU, atter 01' change any new OJ- uisting plUmbing or drainage system in 'whols or in part.. unlsss suoh person 1.8 tM legal. possessor of a valid plumber's licen86, e:tCept that a person may do plumbing lJOrk to propBrty which is owned.. l.sased 01' operat6d by the app1.i- . 'oa:nt. I ... ,.: .. Electrical Permi t I. I I I I ~ J i I I I 1 Where State LalJ requires that the Bleotrical IJOrk be done by an EZeotricaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until thB 1.ab.t has be8l1 signed by tho Etectricat Contractor. . .. ... . Mechanical Permit , j" ~ . I Pd'~ o/dY~ /2..-20 -70 wi. I I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAHIN~D thB compt.t.d appUaation for permit, and do hsreby certify that all infol'fOOtion Ween is tl'UB and correat, and I ' fut'ther certify that any and all. work performed shall be done in accor- donc. blith tho Ordinances of thll City of Sprlngfic/.d, and the Lt&.Is of tha State of Oregvn partaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY rJitl be rode of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contractors and ~loyees who ar~ in compliance with CBS 7~1.055 will be used on this project I ~~~l JA.. f':2-'2c'-<tv /lat. o . " Signad .