HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1985-8-19 -' , ' I .1 ' I : . . 0G- 8-<10 pI L6"PcJ< 'Oc~ County Authorization for-:- SFD BUILDING & SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION , Lane I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I APPlica~ion/~3SI_ OtP- ' Perm~t # ~ f" tT...:;, "," :\0'":;5"" l.~ I &'''"" , ,02' I SEC1'l;~:'2 ~ 4 l'r~'9;;;;' DOUT UF ::;::BDI\'ISlOi'-l/PARTITIO:~ lif applicable) LOT/Pl,i{I.:r:'S I, BLOCK /~~ CdE0;'1(~ "I:Y 'L __.~, p, "-', n:;; l?t" Springfield se!i:s (~,~~Y;: ~;PE:/7?\ (_ W~C7Z/'//-F5 Corner of Jasoer Rd. & 42nd St.. SDrinqfield I ::;;,jl-t...:;tD USE or PROPERTY i ~j ~':t2sidc.ntial' 0 Indu5tcOial .1 l D Cc.l!i.rnercial 0 Public. I 'ZIP 974771 JESCRIPTlO:1 OF PROPOSED \>iORK - 31:: SPECIFIC DECLARED ~ VALUE . OF SED'OO"'S / I' OF #//J Q;"~;ER' 5 Ni\HE AND ADDRESS / Verna Reece, P. O. Box 184, ;ON~S N~ OS~ 4A'VC "'~ ~~ --:,\"'~R.:HT TO BE HAILED TO WAHl:: AND ADDhESS) RJIi.1r1 ,rinmp hrw,<? ))ll0 in<t.ell SJ1~ I ';P;;;;?~ I :';h':'L:!'-. :..iE'P:.i ~ o Proposed q.Existing TELEPHONE NU:1BER 746 0471 Springfield, Or. 97477 Verne Reece ?".4mG' , L~~6 J , ! I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE C()I<IPLETED APPLICATIml t'OR PERMIT, dId .10 horclJv '.:,.(~.;f,' t.h.lt all infol"llliltion hereon i~ true and corroct, and that I I have the followinq leqal intere9t in the property: (XIowner of recol'd; Dcc.r'f;cac::: pllcChil.s~(;O.J.uthOri<'.:ed agent with evidence of authority attached. I f:.::rther certify that any and all work pl!riormcd shall 00 done in ;;CCOtd,l:lf:t' wj th tb~ nrdlllilnCtl~ of Lantl County and the Laws of the State of Oregon Fcrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will,"", ::\<ldc of 'lr.j' st-.n.ctut"e without tIle pcmission of the Building ~ivision, I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force <<nd effect. ilS rec;uil'ed by ORS 70t.OSS, that if exempt the basia for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors And employees who are in compliance with ORS '701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CIl7k;;;;/;:ORO~bce- --" //~4'L?-; Q~ fwtE (pl~a;; print) SIGNATURE 8-19-85 " DATE \ .REA,D T~~ SECTION CARE'FULLY':' YOUR Ayf~R8~!~~.N 'IAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: \~ : o 'P~N'ING;\~I~~ 'zone\?^/t J' 'p~~ion # \\,\DD - e>~arcei # ':::3 Parcel Sm \- , ~Q " l ,t:.!D, ~' ~ - :t "S&lot;~\- 1rrJ.....P,.I.- ~p_.\--' , 'Hini.:numsc~: L, front \..j-l.;L,~ide \-..: " -'\i L)ll rea \...:)_ cm~),~Ts,II/'1/jY" ~ - '., \ ,-,~,--,,,-_~-,-,,<-. ~Ii)"",\.,",-~.D _0 ~ -/ \ ."::'-'~d~{'.: ",~ C 'J.c..,\('__ ~--p~-Q Date~.. ,,", \C:t ( 1>\< ~. '~' \' \ \. a,r '--;J ~' "'""r I r<.. SANI :r~T~ON':\ s. 1. ij B. P. tf~ Jr 4- Installation Record ISSued? D YC*O ! '~nsta~\~ation Lineal F~lct I/~ Maximum Depth I s~e~ifi fa.qons: / J 0 vf llrilir:f it: lJ I~ Y 0: Trenches . I C&":EllT'~, / ~ ~/f .A~;;Nr ~) tJ&f~, A'" ~ ;~,', ,! ~ >;tL./U ~/dC..~. _ {J~n"te,---L r~(,,$ ~ I MU. ~H~~ ~, I " '~ i EXAMINATION: Ty' \I u kI G'" - ~ ... _.... pe~ roup~ Use -"_'J COM>lENTS, rJ!J I ~ D~lt:l~'" 1-"l~GTlI!)~ ... --- O~ Date, ~f#1815 fi:eT)r)l=. -:f/ZI ,03 :ith. ~ ~ PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456,805 (1)) .9/~ ~ DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION tJC(JI / C 14-25 R84- . .' r'1 " . . . . ."1 r . . . . 'r I, . ~ ' I. I 1- . . . . . . ""T A ' .I~ ;0 III .~ ~ < ~ o . e~ b i; i .;:. . !;! 11"e ~ . .. , 8 , s e~' ~ o ~ e:< < . G: CODE....ACT , . 'tlF'F'LICANT m::ECE'.. \lEF~NA, TLO 1802052406900 SUBDI\! \, NEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 . mJNEF( NME REECE, \!EF,NA , CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION ElF .HP :' ill'" ...., BF .BF' RECEIPT . 235185 DATE 09108~ '184, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . LOT ElLK 1'1 .. UNITS 001 STORIES IHLDGS 001 DHONE 746 0471 ADDF( PO BOX iB4, SPRINGFIELD, Clf<EGON. S(~ FT , UNIT COST vt~LUA'TION FEE DA' 'S I~ .;0 III . ~ I::'L' .MECH SUI', PCI( .HP PC/( PI... ' . SUI', Ii liDS " Ct-,TG: . SEOU : TAKEN . . LANE COUNTY DEpT ENV MGT ADDI:, 1"0 [lOX ,/ , ,1TIX/BATH: SIAl:, : I"T. I,JTf,: MECI"I,~N I C(1I.. F:'I::E STIHE SUf,CHAr~GE PLAN CHECK FEE LC 235185 SUPF-' APP ,0 !}Y I,LH FP SDS SI PCK F:(~ EST. COMPLETION DATE FT. /',AIN: 4;(, 2~:)% OTH ISS o TOTAL FEE-H' FT 45.00 "<3,97 i "(. ~)O 2.:>0 60.00 121.03C'( e~ . ~ w e~ 'I 1 "Iil w .~ ~ . . .~ ~ 5 .~ .. 3 I"~: " .~ . . TRS/TAXLOT I e-02-o5Z.4 /t,900 , OWNER VE1Ul~ Pt=t{,E P.O. 80)( (e~ ADDRESS APPLICATION # ~/-85.. 74ft,-047/ PHONE APPLI CANT (IF DIFFERENT) AUDRESS PHONE JOB ADDRESS ~~ ~ WAl-IS ~F4aJ) VALUATION. , . . . . REVISED ~5~51 PRIOR :t~~' [ ] Refund [ ] Addition [ ] Dep. Only W Amt. Due ~ Correction MAlA! ~ ~MJ:"_ LOFt" Bldg. ~.OO /75'.00 4 ~ ./JD '4lcb J~.I() Invest/ Db 1 Fee ~b5 Ulo!,T.\U.A"Tlb'" ~ IW Mech. 2./ . 'iO 19.00 2.~O ~Eb r:zBW/l!I!b'1O Plmb. 8 ~.OO &0.0() Fi xtures -ct - ee ""~ C1<!)J2,,(JOJ SHR 14'5 FT ol\'~.OO 3().~ /6~ ~~.r46i NOTS! HTR roo FT 2LJ ,tJO Zo.oo -0- RAIN FT PCK (1'.&,3 197.~O (-17.~" ) Surcharge /4.('0(.; t"l..IGo ' , #,.!i'O Sidewalk ......'I-~ 14.~ _0- '4.00 SDS /10.00 f#O.OO rd'J.OO DEQ 5.00 'J .DO ''':'0 -- Other 2.'5.()() ,~L.JO _0- TOTAL ' 724.19 &,03.7'G. (2.1 ' ;O~ (AMI. PAID) (AMI. DUE) {f){)) > / REVISIONS CALCULATED BY: DATE: '/(,/to ; . . " 28-\e~..~ \)~~..~\ "'"", ,\ ,.~ -:.. ~ A '--hJ'::"~\ -t>o.~,,<;;~::..O-\;;)l (u99G .):.8\ Xoel.():=:\ a.-:."'3aS\ -Al-\S3V (\"s:"H4 f.u,.,t \ VA W ~:i:,"J ?~a i E:~~~ I ~~c<.': '.>-c" . ... ~~.'~';:" r':>('):~\"\ oo.~~~ c~.s CO.G! \)~ ,\~ -...".- ~.e~ co. 0.>> bo.~\ C(:I. oF. ~\":l.~,," -0-- c~.os O~. <.."..S /, \. t~').il- .) Qc;,).'i€1 e~.~~i C;)~.~ ~ I..~\ ..1';',~\ ~v.~~ -0- ~.-t>-l IJO. Or;) co, ()"J C);,)..\! \ .-- ~- OO.~ ;);) .C' "- 0_ O~~ \.)~.~~) cO. I.~\ .;,'1) J~ () <il) er.4"'~1' :>< {'1 ~~\ 001 ~~e.J .3,.~~ Lo.iAM \)l.&~ l\J\~,e J ~J .d}tOJTA..u;'1'c-LlI cae- (jf' (t:l%lj<;a~ ~\q()') (~~<t~'i') ~<tAtJ. a8 tt;! 7ev. \~\ ....~3C' .~R~ / d.~Qj ~. c'7; ~ \j> . .' ,-",,, ",~,:;,<;' .J~-=-ER. ~I '''',r - "..'f;', . ' I/o ~o I" 10 -1' I ~I , ' I ~I ~I I ..-,~::-:' ) r f{ ~!Iq'Ge m~"t ~ ~ t ~"- ~ '~'ji , t' f ~ J f t' ~. ..' (; ,. 110' , r.o' ,...-- _._._-- -----; 1 I c:U.A....E.L Ve.IU€WA.'t : - : ~ 1-21' ~I ......"-,"'" ___ I I L__n______:=... Cole" W. ~ ,- r" l 1- t . ., " ^ ~ e <: III "2_1 >ScN.E . J>-' PAIUE.L '"3 , . . ~. .' \~l~~!.,~... "." .'1 _ t,' '. '. . "','" ~ -'i" ,. ,L ,~II.~i.'d_ ~2- , .-'O':~.......--- .~~::;.2;, .~:.~~~~:;:.;~~ / ':;;.:~...'Itr..'fil'!r<; . t~:" l';;":'~ . ""~~.~.. -, '" , ~. " I. ~.' . . . . . . " . .I~ ill ~ PI 'I ~ I Iii I . .' I if I . ~ w b . ef r' .. ~~~ w '. . ~ e~ ~ . . 'I " 0.--' . . .~ ~ ,~ ;' . .~ 3 I.... "1 f' ?: .~ I . . I~ 1 LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT . 235185 DATE 081985 . f~J:'Pl..ICANT m:u:;E:, VE:RNA, ADD!~ 1"0 BOX 184, SPRINGFIELD. OJ~EGON . ~L. 1802052406900 SUBDIV ~OT BLK NE:W BLDG TYPE: SFD USE R BDRMS 1 UNITS 001 STORIES tBLDCS 0e~ PHONE 746 0471 . OWNEF~ NME I:~E:ECE, VEF(NA ADDF( PO BOX 184, SPfnNGFIELD, OREGON . CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS ['." BP SFD ~ 679 38.10 25869 .EIF' IJ)PT 21~ BP BP, SDr~~! /,2.0.00 .I~ ill @ .~ 175.00 , FT. 110,. ~)O if 1 9 . 00 . ~ 12 ~ 1 b b ;;: w il .;:. . ~ ""1-:: ~ ~ 197.Ml 60.00 ~~\" (:)0 2~5 . 00 eBP ElF' I', F;L .MECH SUI', F'CI( .SDS SUf~ PAD . I...C 23518~) NEWR ,~, FIXTlJl~F:S: B Sl,IF( : 14~ ~') FT. eJTF:: MECHAN I Cr~L I"EE STATE SURCHARGE ' Pl.AN CHE:CK FEE lOCO 3() 'FT. 25869 I~AIN : 4% 6~:;% FEE . CiHG: AF'P .S"EG!U : 1 Tf\KEN tW Rl.H If I . RA FP SDS SI ' F'CI( ~! OTH ISS 3 TOTAL FEE*>f 60:3.76 1.. CK 2 . 5' .~ 2 EST. COMPLETION DATE . ~ o 3 .~ r-- --- ... c-... Q) (\J ~ l' .JA5r--t::.t<.. 'Rt>. ;!. 1/(/ J r (,rl t flq,r(Qt;9f, 111'/ft , {l -L; '7' ... ~ ~ '/0' 0,3 , !Jr<(1 '1 (., '- t{ oJ 1i. ~ ~ 20 .. 10 ID 40 30 ~ ~ ~ 1#0' r-------------- , <<teA'/E.l- 'PeluEWJ!.'{ I , I ~I I I i i____________~_, ~ pMl....I/i4 ,<.::I '" II~I ffiU~i1l' ~~')~'irfi ~~.;t....~ it~ -K'io?..~~~1Ji ..... '... .. , . ~ Q<ltH~t"1l j:~d1t.~ ili re:rJlr~ ~M'-W!t~ ~"rw~...;I,i- r~?:it~~"~'~ y..v~ """<."...;2-~-iil':;........,j,.~~V..,.i,h~ f}Jl',.. ...IW:L_k ~~.~., .-= ~~if,~ I r,t~~~ D:"lJB-': ~~&~.tji>...j.~~.~~ ~~);oif..b"~~ ;?~~ -1~~~ _ _>,,,._..,_ 'T_ 1\ ~ e < J II '2r\' ~fJ1..5 ::- Jo-' PAfUEL ~3 , ,... /10' .... ~ , ... Cole" WAc, -- ....-.... .... , 'TIVITY INFORMAT~N SHEET ~i~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! 1 l/e07ot. Qeeoe PERSON MAKING REQUEST f? (). /J erv /.1-</ MAILING ADDRESS .so ..LId of? tJ Ui'Y STATE H BusiNESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS /0 ro 3 Cole. ?U. (IF ,DIFFERENT FROMrMAILING ADDRESS) ~ 77.y7? ZIP CODE Zdn ~ q.. t/ern<>L ?eee.c:. / PROPERTY OWNER PtJ. 8 a A-" 13'c( MAILING ADDRESS ~ -// c! i C!TY ()g STATE 9'/'7-'77 ZIP CODE I 7-1/cP - cJv7/ 7<?7-1J>-?-r' '79'6-0Y7/ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # ,'''f0-1/~ IJIF Y:?9/f 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER t::.;, :,:::';;3 ::, CoOp.a.!=.t~t of Assessment and Taxation (REQUIRED INFORf1ATION) or from tax statement) ___________ , ~cr oalO /71 O:J- O,5;:(/~ .~ O~'166 " \;1\ ~ ').fA.'D \ G~'~bN TAX LOllS) PA~CEL # ZONING ~~ (\.Q J~ UJ.... nC;- --- f ----- ,'\..\\~~ 'I TO'WNSHIP RA~GE SECrIl5N q<ltl~d)f(S) 0 PARCEL # ZONING ~ ~\ I tS _ lOJ TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION 11~AX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ~, '67- 'f- ID ACRES , 'I " 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) 5 REQ~~tQ(7ac~da~ you plan to do) --.v -- LOT BLOCK houY e. Y: tf?u./d' a.. c./a rYJ e i u d" 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: Cc).rner- a/ S -cS /'}.<;'r I2d "'- / / Y2 ,.C! ~, .5r, ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** -- NUMBER DATE . " .....0' :0 V> . ..... r-, ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN: OUT: LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth ^VE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 . BOLD . SLIP lane county ~ APPLI CATION # 2351-85 LOCATION 1063 eole Way, ~pringfield Verna Reec e NAME D. 0, Box 184 ADDRESS Sorinofield. Oreoon 97477 ZIP CODE The above application is being held for the following reasons: 1. Provide a plot plan, drawn to scale, showning the information on the attached Minimum Plan Requirement sheet. 2. Provide clarifications, details and calculations from the project engineer on the following: a. All calculations submitted are for a dome with a decagon base, The proposed dome has an octagon base. Provide revised calculation$ for a dome with 4 support walls, instead of the 5 walls shown in the cales. b. The long side of the dome (10'-6") appears to be supported by a cripple wall, which provides no lateral suppoot, since the wall is supported by a pair of 2x12's running perpendicular to the force of the wall. Provide cales which show whether the wall is required to be a shear wall to transfer forces to the riser walls. c. The isometric detail, 1/S-2, appears to occur only at the laundry room, while the cales indicate that it is to occur at 10 locations, 3. Provide specifications for the wall covering on the extension walls. 4. Provide a cross section of the room extensions showing the slope of the roof, the ceiling insulation, the height(s) of the ceiling and the method of ventilating the rafter space. 5. It appears that structural sheet S-l, has no information which matches the proposed construction, Peovide plans that match. 6. Revise the underSiab insulation so it extends on the exterior of the footing from the top of the slab to the bottom of the footing. The insulation shall be R-6. Detail the flashing/protection for the insulation. 7. Provide specifications for the boiler,i,e., Btuh-gas rating;and installation details and specifications for the radiant floor system, 8. Submit heat-loss calculations for the building, comparing the proposed dome construction with reduced insulation to a dome with equivalent wall, floor, ceiling and roof areas which has the minimum insulation required by code. 9. Submit the name of the contractor who will be doing the framing, foundation, insulation, mechanicalwwokk, etc., if applicable. ..., _ ~ A. ' Alln ?"l. J QR<; ~~ SIGNATURE - DATE AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY .. ( HOURS This application will be held until Seot. 11. '85 If the infonnation required above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled, RETURN THIS SLIP WITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING PROGRAM / LAND MANAGEMENT DIV./PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 125 East 8th Avenue / Public Service Building / Eugene, Oregon 97401 / (503)687-4061 _ . '.:.1: .-- , 1-,~ . r_", - . . -PII P- ORECion DOm~.lnC. P~n , 5T 2~ -os:. C> I e,o ~ Dete: i J~6 h s' ,I HHT LOSS CMCUl~TJO~S FOR DoME ,'- DEGREE DAYS: 47..2.1.1' DBJC~ TEMPERATL'Rf (liT): 'TO-15 = S5 DOME SIZE: Z 3. '- t.P II I v) / J e,.!t,- FLOOR ARE....: base"..,e,.,t mair, floor loft ;otal s'a~ ~jmeter 'lin. f1. I{AU: 1'7 q r:r (.p7Q "t insulated floor area EXTERIOR DOORS: llLJDI'G GL ,"~S ODOR S: ""'00110 AREA: '..'j'ldo..'s sk JI hIS .. r/J 40 <./ fJ.. ') 'iI'ALL ARE'" TOTAl: '''LL "~t'" i.~ss EXTERI0R OPE:\I~ I R,,, ROOF ARE"': ROOF "REA LESS SKYLIGHT OPE'\'~GS . 9~~ 74',,:)7 VOLL'ME: ~ ..1.....-,,', L..o<><;", ZS- "'TV It /t..r: G, TL'," r9 q .:)D ( ....... (.J .., ~. , c:=-.. I J .~ c:- ID-;./ ::.:' /, ; I ~ ;~,' c: :r I i ~':.' '7 -:;.:: =, 1'1 '.? '17 OREGOn DomE,lnc. \..'\ ....."" .. .' . . Plan, -Si23-oS"-OIOOA-A Date: 'K' J 30 1/5 'S" HE"T LOSS CA.LCUL"TIONS FOR CONVENTlONA.L HOME ~ , "1. 3'1/.0 TOTAL FLOOR AREA: (., 7 q ~, SIZE: /,j' K ::, 7,75' - 18' FLOOR AREA . insulated floor area TOTAL ",A,LL AREA: Ja W,A,ll AREA: 'i0"lo (:"l..LmtL ~." IML I. cp) "AlL AREA, LESS W'ALL OPENI~GS: 1/ I ." l-F //no'liJ ~ !pi., <4 q '{, S' 4-0 EXTERIOR DOORS: SLIDI~G GL....55 DOORS: V.'INDOV. ARE,...: ....indo....'s skvJji!hts 10'),"" 42, I 7{J), ,r:; \ /~ 7~, 5 \ '71.12'7 ROOF AREA: ROOF AREA LESS SKYLIGHT OPENINGS VOLUME FLOOR \\'I~DO\\'S .t.., YM \,.., \, \..,. DOORS' I SL. GL. DOORS I WALLS j I I I I'( ......'\Jt' I I I'FIL TRATlO,," i ,"r('a 111.5 ! R-VA,LUE I U-V~UE ')(; ,.os P-'TVt-H - .: I ! i I I , I BTUH/F 6T BTUH ~7,"'A Loe; .,.. , '-+':) &.In , <"p, .5 ,'-i.q ~~ .,,, ??" ......0 Aq I I 'ic) 1r17X 2 '9 q '-+. C; i l ,C7/.7Q I I I I I I I 7353 I q ql5 I~ "'.,- LJ ..:l n il I~ 7 Ii, "'> -=?o 1( ,c)/~ ,""o,? ~" , _i <.j k.J 7~d..7 _5r IUIt'U. :,T~'~ . ;_ DATE- 12121/84 TIME- 8:04:23 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION/PLANNING PERMIT PROCESSING SYSTEM HISTORY OF PLANNG ACTIONS - HARDCOPY STEP-NR REFERRAL AREA DATE RECVD TAKEN BY DATE COMPLD DAYS TAKEN ACT I ON TAKN . . . TAXlOT - 118020500019001 APPL NUMBER - PA294584 DESCRIPTN - SPEC USE PERMT 01 RVIEW 102284 GMC 102284 0 COMP 01 ENTRY 102284 RLH 102284 0 CJMP 02 MAPPG 102284 xxx 102284 0 COMP 03 RSRCH 102284 XXX 102284 0 COMP - . 03 REFRL 102284 XXX 102284 0 C<JMP 04 DECSN 102284 XXX 102284 0 COMP 05 NOTCS 102284 XXX 102284 0 CJMP 06 MAILG 102284 XXX 102284 0 COMP 07 APLPD " 102284 XXX 102284 0 COMP ** TOTAL RECORDS IN THE CATEGORY 'DESCRIPTN - SPEC USE PERMTI = 9 ** TOT AL RECORDS IN THE CATEGORY IAPPL NUMBER - PA2945841 = 9 ** TOT AL RECORDS IN THE CATEGORY I TAXLOT - 18020500019001 = 9 ,. hI> ~; r ( -" [,;",,l Il>,:r~"-.o~ I''::'""~ p-'~ ~1~.(::.;:' j >'-"-' < ,- " i,~"'~:~:- '," . ~ 3 I} :,1", ~ ~ ~ j>- ','- .... ()o-. Q) (\j '-',-- " , ", ," " 1/5'/ '~--'. --'<~J,;;;~ri'~.,,~~"~ > ~~. - ~~ .... ~ 'fa' "0 ":Z pr",/f (., ,.1<1 .... ii , . . ~ ~ to I II) 4 I "'A5PE1<. 12t>. 'b/'lJ:. I/o f{r./qce l11",f ~ Z 30 u ~ ~ C--' v o ~.",,"'-~'- ';~',.._..... 1\ i ~ u %fLfEl"",~1 v o ~-~H;itli. !':. -- ~-';;;~~~~::,'.._:t- ."f:;::-, -:;;'; ~.:;.!::~~~",-~ '~':;-;'~- .;1 _;~ :;;; ~ .~:-:~,.... ::'::~; "'_.:- <-:. :.~ -. ''1,. ,~ IkL',--L~ !'t~ -a.~V -'fp " '1; ..',;;..;- _"- *'~~ '!!;';;$t" ",-'~~__""" 'ii\~,:,~,: ;'~~~.~ .#". . _ tt,,-~ ~Z"~"':;r~3'-:?" -T__ .] ~~. "' --;;,..'~~'.j;--"'~" '~'~~"ii"' "e,. ~"t:. '--;;;';:'-0,..~a"'i'!""'__ ," ~ _,. . "'~_ .~,:V::.o:.;Jlf'""" ,,-. i':,;';'..4:J.'>,Sr,z-?;jiT !?::~... ,~#!:}!;1-~~l' ~":;,. ~~-~.1:~;.,-~'>~~~ ~..' ~-"~ , -,fi ~<:.~ ' .T - .<r- _ ~-- ?-~jufl~~-~~''''''''~N_~ ., -",~ ""';..&:'~W~---~-M'--"'~v' ~~"~ _'.\.~,.~~~",~~~~ ~!~~:\1-''''->]' ;~~.,.~~yt ...'/-~-;.-~>>;, V :'~,"-i'~ -;.' 2. 1ft) I ~ f I ~ (,/:>' ---- ------;- <UA'iE.L. t:'e!~ : I ,--- I ! I I ~I I I I L__ ____ ~ p,o.l!,\/.l!l4 --~--~_. I~ '" f=tl,PC~L "'3 ~ -' -, ;<:0 .t :~~5:t~4t~i~~bti{;f~~~~f~. 1101 ~~c '.~j,",1 . Ci!~ --' 1{,,' ~ ' ,. , iii' 0 . ~ ,; -, .. g , , CoLe" W4y , -- ...... -..... ..... " . ,'. ;::r.'~. j:.~t~{~j;f~:c' -"",,,-,,~;>-M,,. ~, ',-,- ',. -I I ~. ::.' ,.', ~ ~~ I I -I 'I " " 1 I 1 !'. , ; , , t :: ,4 l , , ., , -;"~:~I-./ - -,' ~ , v' '~'f0~~:~:~~1~~~1'~~~<~:hi~,