HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-4-18 . .. RESIDENTIAL" AF?LI~A'l'IONIPERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl"';r.gfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlELC - . (()~Ilt>~~ RC~6~=t it Jab !.oC.3.:i.~": q LJ 5q. ~ '7 (' P J'rIA'vLRP f1 / Loop ___ " '1r5 8.~?:'1 T!J, ~t' (,)'M CO Aaafl.tDON .~ SrJJdi:r;"icn: >C ,--- f ~JJtJn (Jf', ~).l ~ of" /) ~ tU~d.. ?AJf/Ur, '1, 1 ~ Fr.or.e: ~U" oaiiln f,ua'//'ICL~ r9t' ~ (J Zi?: 97l./0'-i o a..'71.UO: ACd....,u: C~=-:J: n n n n .,...., ,t&:!~ tiC" R~.Z .'!Db~ltl ,':!~3 l\- \~,&y Dat.a of Applica:icn ~:O":r::::C:Ol"8 C.rn4U'-al. Plumbing Et4lctr:CcZ. .'./a::har.ic.:l \..)\ \'I~t)( Co1\8t1'"'.lC~~ t:.tndfll' ......... Describe rl'ol'k: ~Cl \)~-l- Value {oo.6D Siqr.ed: Date: rlt7~1 4--11( -rl.f Ad.t:ires3 .\ L~:..'l(:.~ \ \ \ \ E::oi:OC8 Phone 'I It. ill ~h. r..~onDibiti:!I of the perr.ri:' iIolduo co 8.6 ~t aL!.. incpflcti07t8 ar. r.u:uU at :h. ;;ropu timc~ t,J..c.t ~h ::ddrflS8 ill r.....,.;...:.!. j'rem tluJ atree:. en:! that the permit card ill z..x:::zted.:It ens f1"01lt of eluJ property. .. . . ":ui!d';~.g jo;ui.:io:-:. C?Fro1.'sd ;:Lan sr.c.LZ. rena-::n on cr.. Su";Zdin? Sit:; at aLl" times. . .. . P:~OCS!JUP.~ FIJR r.-:SPEt:TIQlf ~!"ClE~CAll726-376~corder) state your City dtlsi.gr..:Jt.d job nur.:ber~ job ~ftC8S~ typ" of in::p"c-:icn r3tf'l.flStcd cr".a :J.':~n you :.ri,,~ ;Je I'eaay jOt' ;'r..3pCCt...:.u.1~ Ccm'tractat's at' CUne~s 1'fC;tlfl .::nd phar.e nu.~C1'. Hequi:s;s rflcflit:sd bsfer. 7:00 c=t :.'iZl. be nr::ds elK sarr.II c!c-b requests .'rlc.ae efta' '1:00 C'lI wilL b~ nruie t.w nc:t :JOrkin; ~'. ~~O& '7B " ~P"'L1:ft.,f,- T..,-..~..ir.'l'!~ O Sri'E [!l~PEC':'!~,'l: ~o be If'IU!.e a:rcav.:t:'.::Jn~ .::Jut: i'M.cr t:; se: [__a, D at:ll'l' up of lr."'=RS:'A!J p:'l'..~r.vG. ErZC':'PIC.t!. ,"eCr::;,"Ii::.U.: :'0 De r.c:iB befortJ wric is .::ovc~ed. o FrXn~:;G ~ FOU:lD.1TIC.'l: To be r.r:ce aj":.tl' :1"enci't.,s are a=cc:ua.tJd a,..d ferms c:N: s1"Bc:~d, bue pr~r tc pourir.g CCncr8:... !r.!C"!::iC.~rr..TD ?:'t'~::l~" SE:t::R. :I.l~!',~,' DRA.:.-:I:.t;2.- ro i:;. r:r:C.s pMor :;0 fH- zt".g :rer.c;...as. [J o /JUCERP:.cC,f? F!.iJ.'.~r:"G i ;.~C!!A,'lIC:.!.: ':'0 be ITDJd.. pn.,;r :0 in3:'::i.~~01'1 oj' rtoor ::".suZceicn or dsci<ir.g. . - ?'JST .4.V{) 3r~":-I: To bs t:".I:1ic pr-;"'r to t1tBtal;.::;;.cn oJ.' {!oor i7tSto:Za:ior. ot' dJlcki"., o o 8'2t.~H ~~:,~~r.'.'c_ !'r:~~~!"c~~ ~ :.fEC.1- ,IN[':;.!.: .'10 'JO!"k ia :0 be COL'e:oec: w::-::z. :hcfI<I ::r.3:)ec:icr.fI ;''':V4l' .;eer. rrruf.tI =r.d. ~?1''''.'::. F;'_~E:?!...lCE: ~Or--;01" -:0 ?l.t::.:(.r.g .'c.:i.~ lnat"riai.cr ar.d 1:)I:[ore j'rc:r.ri.,..g inap<<c- tior.~ o o .rpA!~!.'lr,: .Vu3: be rtC".I..::Jt:cd af':"r c:r'?rcv.:~ of rough plt.r--':'ir.q, J~ec:ri- caL & mecr..:mi.:aL. At! roofing b~~".g & ciri.mn~IJS~ "t~. .-=:s: .!l" conrpLJ:cd. .~IO '01.:)1"< "':8 ~o ae ecn- . ctu:!.d Wlt::L :J:i:; inst:'ec:iC11 r.as . bc~ trr3.i. and approved. . lOW' City. Cssigr.ated Job Numbco 13: , Ply O INSULATION/VAPOR BA."f.f?IZa I.'lSP:;CTION.- To bs rrruiB a.ftsI' aLL insuL.::ti.:rn a--.4 . rcqu';red vapor tOZTiers are in place eut" /;sfo1"s any t.ath~ gypsur.r beard or wLZ. covering is c?plisd, and btlfo'l"fl any ir.3'.l.Zation ~s concealed. I CE:,~:OLrrl0.~' OR .~;~V!; 3UILDliiCS =:J S~~ Sll:Jel" ::a:;:ped ::t f'12oP&r~' Zi~fl .=J s.Pt~.: tcn!c Y.i1?d ar.d fiZZ~ uith ;rci"~.,~ :J Pi.naL - :r1um ~cv" i:6:::S arB c=rpZQt.d ar.d when ~l~:ior. is complete or st~.:- ture molJed <:::nd p'l"~3U eZ..ane.::f up. I Nobi. Ls Har.es :=J 31.cck.ing and SiJt-:.t.p :=J PlWf'.bi~ connee:!ons 'QJtIr and IJc:r:.ar ---, EZBctricd. Ccnr.8ctian - BZocki,..g, ..t-U? --1 tmd pLumbing ccnr.actions nr..:st ~. at'?r:;t;"t! before t'eqUe.:::r4 flL.c:~caL i,,~?"c:io~ .=J Accesso~' Buiz..:::ng I Fin.:1L - Aft;;r ;:)'("0;';118, sk-;rt'!,..g~ dscJ.-..$, -..J etc. are c:::mp~8-:.;d. o ALL pro;ec: cor.di:ians, ~uc~ as ~he ~n3:alu::::cn of s:ra4t ~8~S, :~!at~~~ of ~ha required Zand3ccpil"'4J ~tc. J must; be sae{,s!"iod 'b.:jare er.s 3Ulr=I::C :I:!~[' zan ~tl rzqu.est~d. :=J rr::A!. P!.iJgB!::C =:J fl:/:., ,'..'!::.u.A.'JIC)'[' ;.=J :or.":A!. !U::.r::l::'[' ,~ o J'!."AL aUIr.~!:lG: 1?:e.Final BuiLdil".g !1':s?ec:ion "':"..L8t bs reqtl.eDtad 'C:..-.:.ll' :ha :Oina.l ?!~birtq ~!.1f;;r:ri~aL, and .'1scha.r:::c::.l Ir.specr:i.:JnD ;1lWO bun maca and app'l"olud. O DR":!'.lALL INSP~C1'~O~l: Tc bs made after aLl. crd'.JaLL is in pZace~ but p'l"ior to any tapir.g. . O MASONRY: StilsL Loc.::ttion~ bo1ui beam3# grouting ot' verticaLs in a.ceorodancs ~:h (J.B.C. Section 241S. O ".JOODSTOVE:.- After installation is cc;rrplat.d. ~ o CURS:! APPRCACP. AP_~fl: Afts...... forms are erected but prior ~/pCUZM;ng . ~-ret., I SID~rlALi( & :JRn'EWA:!.- Fer aU ccn- cr8ta paving ~th{,n street righ:- of-I.)CY~ 1:0 be made at~2r aU uca- vatir.g ccmpLe:a & /am work & zuO- base nt:terial in pla::e. ~A;:L: ".!:..:IEC:'!S J:.ND C!.E~NCUTS ,'[US!' BE .4CCSSS:3!.S, ADJi'/S'i'.'!E:::: :0 BE :.:Ole! ..!=" :,'0 :::sr Z''J CI':r f ?-;-;. ! 01 2 o _~CE.- Wher. compl.;te -- Provide gat;; or o7Icvabliil sections tr.rcugr. P.U.C. I JOB NO. i ! :::"':~: ~40~'1~ SOLA.CCES S 1:.0: Sq. F:';. I: :;f !.:.: C.:u<<rc.~: ~ of 5t.:n-;es I :',,:al l.r;Gn: I To~hy I I ::~.'./ I".",,:. I~!.:::::,,, I ;':""C"O 1.~C.::'C3S":"'".J I I 13.D.C. 1....::"~CJ 1.5 = Euil.dir.g Per:r.-;t 5t:l.t;a Suren.:aoqe Tot.::1. C1-.a......ga3 II:::.\f I E'i....-:ures I R..::d""tial (1 'ba:hl I Sar.it.:r-.J Se'..Ml' ...i::tL.... Pl:.unbing P.rr.:i t Stat. Surcr.:l.-;.e T::taZ Cht::!"~UIS I iT;..." I.rtf!s. Sa. ('J:,a. I NGIJ/E...-t1l7'lli. Cil'C"..l'i:s I ! ......~... _ d SU'JiCfI I EtsC'rncal. Per.r.it St.::ts Sur::narce Tot:zl C1-..r:::rces I II'E.~f I F'o..a-r..:c.r ?'!'fJ'S I E.:hClst Hood VB7'It F:::n ;t~,;stO,;)B Perr.rit I3su::nc# .'t.C';..anic=l Perr.r:.:- Sta-:t! Sur.::'~c "'0-=::1. ~~~; ;"("-(-t;I":C"'"" ';:"':'.l':J: !.c': :!P; !rr:ozricl' ComB:" ?~.c:..,al. Cul-de-sac ~ 5(;..r:':C x ~'alu~ ~T.~!. VA!!/E 1,\'0., I I I , I I I I FEE Cl:ARGE 1::0'1 I i I :..:.~_~G~ /"0., I I I I I I I I ::'1:":' C!!A.Rt:E - ~.'lC.~::ACH:.!E..'r: -- I Ssc-.a-;e-J !)J:03it I Stor~tI 1.\1r::il1teJ".:::r..:::: I P;'..",;: I I To-:-.-;' C1-.c!'"'7CS C'..Ll"';C"'~: Si.:!e:.JaZ:C :e"~e I !1.i!c:r-.:.c.:! ;;.:.blJt ! .Vol;iZ.;z i/:;ms I :~AL .:.,!o~.'r. CUE:' /890 .pi 8. Q5? ?=::a 2 . L-COC~ REQ.- I "ot ZO-..=e/c.:.,..s::: =~d--~or.':.s : I I ~.....arT.J SC"..a'~~s II I II II II i I P~Ce3 - T':.1':3 ;;'ea: .:;e::-2CKS ':~-tZ=e ! .-lo::cess. I I ?". INo:'~i1 lEes:: IsO'..:;i1 IWest 120'.:.s.;J I I ;;C~2r _(Jt'~":;H. :~anq e ?-:. reD ic.ce ;;()oa~ ;o:.:e Faes ' --. Building Va'lue &. Permit This penrrit i.3 granted an the ezpr98S condition tha: :hs a,aid. construct-:.or. sha~l, in ~Zl ~eB?CctsJ conform to the Ordinar~e ~peed by ehe C~:~ of SDM.rt.g.,ciel.d, f.nc!udf.na :r.e :On-:.no Crdf.nc:r.ce, r~auk:::r:o the ccr:se1""..I::;icn ~~ use of ~ui:dingsJwar~ m~y ~cvsu~pended or r~vckei ~t cr.y ~~~e ~?()r. vie. ta:ion of any ?r~ui3ior.s of 3a-:.d Crdir~es. . I Plan Check Pee: I Co;. Po::d: IRec.ipt #: IS,:g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No person shaZl cons~..Ict, in8~L!, a!ter or change any .,.~ cr 6--ia:i.,.~ pl~ing'or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ur.less such ~erson is tr~ ugal possessor oj a valid plumber's license, ace?t :r.a: a pe:"son tr4'1 do PUc.bing work to propert;-~ which is ownsd, l.ea8oo or operat~d by the a;pU- cant. .' / .. / I . II ,/1 Electrical Perini t fIhlrre State LaLJ requires tr.at the elsctr-;cal work be c!cne b'y an E1.4::rncal Contractor, the eLectrical. portion of thi3 pe~t shaLL .,..ot be valid until the Zabel has b~e:n signed ~y r:he Etecrncal ~ontractor. -. . I I I I I i I I I , . Mechanical Permit '. ~ j I I ,. I RAVE' CARSFULtY EXA."!I:tED t.":s compt.z:ild applicar:w", for pe:-mi:, and de I hereby certify that aLL i~fo~4:ion hereon is true and correa:, and I f'..aothezo certify tr.at any ar.d aU IIXJrk performed 3haLZ be d.tr.-.. in accor- 'dance :.lith tha Ord-:.n=nces at tr.e City of Springfid,d, and ~h.: !C..:S of ti:o . . St.2ta of Oreg:," pzr-:.::i.n-:.ng' tv the wor:( dllScribcd herein" O"~ :;..a: SO ~CC::- I PL'lCl :Jin oe :rr%~e of c:n.y 3tnlCt".uoa tJitr.ou.e parm-:.s.1ion :Jf' the 3uitding ~;- t1'ision. I fur-:har ~ert-:.fJ e;'~: O":1ly ::ont"ra::~rlJ w.d ~~yeea r.:r..o C's ir. j co:::pLi<mcs :.nth CRS 101. OS!' will be used or: this ;rojzct I Plan ~ner 1Jc.~e I~~ I ~ir.Zd ~ f\-'\~.~ tI:<:.