HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-6-21 / '1 " ) .. RESI~NTlAL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: q 0 'Z., - 90'--\ C-Lave."f~ \"1 D:-{) ')3\ T=U>t # [4)\~cO (' h ~ r \'Y\ 0...X'\ ) s,-tJ. A.}..(l Y\ q q 'L '"B I'" f'D t.,c, 1'd 0 I..\JY. Phone' ~1 ~ & -d./- ?Q- AsaesGors Map # Subdivision: CUnel'": Address: City, )("Q o "^ 2 Q,v~., n Additicn n Remode~ n ~~biZe Homa Date of Appticaticn t:ontractars OIJ-) V\.SL. r General. Plwnbing I el.ectrica 1. I l1echar.iocL l. COPlstl'"Uction Lends!'" Zip: , e c\()CLl"'\ lo~~-IS-/I q"'1L/O~ . ",97- '-/;$- Describe !rork: VaZus y~ \ 000 ,c1J Rcce-:.pt # , y~ /800 Addres3 Siqr.ed: Date: (l~~~ fa -.:11- R a-- Lise. Ii Eroil'CS Plume re is :hs 1'68F01toibiLity of tits permit; hct.der to 888 that azz. inDpections are :~a.de at ~he proper tim€# that ;;::ch ~e88 is l'Sn,.:"'......:e Jfeom ths street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the front of the property. <48ui!din.g Di1)i:;io~ appl'Ot,'sd plan shelt. remain on ehB Buildi7tfl Sit;;; at aU times. Pt?OCSDllP.E FOR INSPECTION R~"UEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordQ>) state your City designated J'ob nur.:ber, job address, type of irwpec-;icn raqtl.estcd cr.".a uhen you 1.Jil.l. be ready for inspection, Contrac:tol'S 01' Owner'S name c:nd phon.e number. Requ~sts receil.'ea. eefere 7: 00 .:;":"; :....;.U bs rrrzde the Satn6 dcy, l'6qu.ests made afta' 7:00 am wi'Ll ba made the next :.JOrkin.; day, .r?eauiY'pr1 Tn~~I:.G."mL O SITe IIVi:Jt':.-I,.,;").UN: :t'o De maae aftel' e:rcavation, but prior to set up of forms. D UllDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTFaCllL & MECHA:IICAL: To be made before any work is :JoverGd. D POOTING ! FOUNDATIotl: To be rrru!.e after trencnGS are e:rcavated and forms arG erected, but prior to pouring cencr6to.. U.vDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, W.1TER, DRAINAGE,' To oe nnde prior to fi7..- lir.g trenchss. o o UNDERPWOR Pr,UHBIYG & MEC.9ANICA[,: To os mads prior to instaLlation of f7,oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be mad.e prior to instaUation of floor i7l3t.:lation or dsoki,,". ROt/GN ?LlP.!BI!1G. E[,ECTRICAD & MECll- ANICAL: No :.Jork is to be cOl.'ered w:tiL these in3t:lections hcv€ beer: made and approve.::, FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.air.g facing matBria~s and beforG framing inspec- tior.. D FRAl!ING: lotust be requested after approva~ of rou.gh pl.wrhing, el.ectri- cal & mechanica~. An roOfing bracing & chimneys, et~. lTr'..,lst bB . completed. No work. is to be con- . -' cec.~ed until this inscection has ~besn made and approved. D D D Your City. Desigr.a.ted Job Nwr.bao Io: D INSl/LATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPE:CTION: To be made after a~l. insul.a.tian (Z!"'.a required vapor barriers are in p tace but before any tath, gypsum beard or wU covering is applied, and befor8 any insulation is concea~ed. 'Yd-O?O / I DEMOLITION OR ;',:OVEi; 3UILDItlGS :=J Sani =a:ry sS'..)er ~apped :::t ~op&rt":i ~ir:e :==J Septi~ tank ~~~~d a~.d fil.l.ed with ;ra~er =:J Fina~ - r/hen aD...""Ve it;e:::s a:re cc:r:;Leted ~ .'." ..... ar~ ~hen ~e~~~~~r: ~s comp~ete or s~~~- ture moved aru:: pr~3es :::leaned up. . Mobile Hemes ::J B~ocking and Set-up ::J Plumbing c:onnections s~er and water ::J Electrical. Con.r:ection - Blockir~, set-up and p~umbing connections lTr'...st =8 approved before requesting elec~rica~ inspec=io~ ~ Ac.:::'esGo1"'.; 3u.i t.i.-inq :J FinaL - Afti3r porcr.es, si6rting, dec'ks, etc. are ccmpZe~~d. o AU project conditwna, suah as the ,-'.nstaUar;ion of street crees, co::-:pla;:;wn of tite required Zandscc=pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the {jlJILDI:lG FINAL ~cn be raquest,zc. 0 FINAL PLUl.fBIlIG D FINAL MECHANICAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL 0 o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Eui7.ding Inspection must be re(l'..J.ested c.,f:.er the Pina~ Plumbing E~ectrica~, !Utd Meahar.icc.l Inspection.3 r.ava been made and c.pprov2d. DR~"ALL INSPEc:!ION: Te be made after c.~~ drywl~ is in ptace, bu.t prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Stee~ ~ocation, bona. beamo, grouting or ver~ica~s in accordance ~~th a.B.C. Section 2415. D D WOODSTOVE: After insta~t.a.tion is acmp~e~ed. /tAU, MAlIHOLES AND CLEANOUTS .'lUST BE ACCESSIBc'E, ADJUSr.'fElJT TO 3E j\ttlDE ItT NO C']ST TO CITY I P[Zfe of 2 D CURB & APPROACH AP,WN: Aftezo fOrnls are erected but prior to pouring ..:!On.:rete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For alZ. con- crete paving :.Jithin street right- of-wc.y, to be made after an exca- vati7'lf1 ccmpl.ete & fO-r::1 z"x,rk .$ :;ub. base ,7UteT"'~a~ in pl.a.ce. ~ PENCE: ;.;her. comp~.;te -- Provide. W gates or O7tovab le sections through P.U.E. D JOB NO. 0;;;'070/ SOLAR A.SS OCCUOa7tCl./ Gl'OUO: Zone: Lot Sq. Ff;g. S af Lot CJlJt11'ag. .1/ of; Stories Total Hsight T....t"....~~-~hy lITEM l,tbin [c.z::.aclJ I Caz-:,ort !Accessor''' I I I SQ.FTG I TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (VCl.UC) J.5 " Building Permit State SurchJrg6 Total cr.a.""gea lITEM INO'I FEE Fi...-tta'es , I : Residential (1 bath) I Sani tar>,J Sewer I I Wc:ter I I' I Plumbing Permi t Stats Surcr.arge Total cr.araes I ITEM I NO'1 FEE I Re"B. Sa. fto. I NawlExtend Circuits I I I Terrrpol"ary Service I , 1 I I :: Electrical. Permit St.a.te Surcharae Total Chazoces lITEM I Purn:zce ETU' S I Ezhaus t Hood I V61Zt Pan I WoOdStOlJ6 I NO., F"" Psrrrrit I3suc:n.ca Mechanical Permit State Sw-chtzrae 1'n1:l'11. Chtrr(ur!J -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~ritu Da~3it I Storaqe Maiirter..tI7U!Q Parr.rit Total C'na'1"Qcs I CUrbaut I Sidez.1a lk IF'im.ce I Electrical Lc..bel i Mobile Home I TOTAL. AMOUNT DUE:" LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value CHARGE r I I I I j. I CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. CHARCE I I I , I I I I I I. i. I /PJ 00 I /8-00 P=ga 2 REQ.- . L-COG~ T:"",'pe/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Enerau Scr.aoces J Heat ! I Water l!p.atp.T' I I Range 1 I FireDlace I I Wood3tove II T:.rc.e I Lot Fa.ces - Setbacks I P. L. House INorth lEast South IWest I Ca:raqe I I I Access. I I I Fees Building Value & Permit This pel"m":t is groanted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crd-:.nance, regulc.ting the ccnstr-...:C'ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie- lation of any pT'~vi3ions of said Ordir~ces. . I I I. I Plan Check Fee: IOat. Paid: !Receipt #: ISig:o:ad: Plumbing Permit No person shall. construct, install, aLter or change c:.ny ....ew or e::isting. plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole or in part, unles~ such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is cw"7ted, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State LaLJ requires that the eZecWical wor'k be don.e by an EZeatricaZ Contractor', the electr'h~al pOr'tion of this permit shaLl roOt be valid. until ths label. has been signed by the Elecrncal ~ontractar. Mechanical Permit Plan Examiner uar;e I HAVE CARSFULLr EXA.IofINED t.'1s compl.eted appl.ication for permit, c:nd do hareby certify that an i~fo~.ation hereon is true and correct, c:r.d I f'..uothe:r certify that any ar.d aZZ I..IOrk perfor:ned ahazt. be do~e in acaor- dance ~th the Ordinanoes of the City of Springfield, and th& Lc::.;s of tha . State of Or'eg~n pertaining to the work described herein, end tr~: NO OCCU- pl-tlcr wiZZ be rrrIde of any st!"Uct....u>03 without permission of' the 3uilding Di- vision. I further' c:ertif, that cr.'1Zy c:ontroa::tors ar.d e::rpz"yess who ara in compl.iance with ORS 701.055 wil.l be used on this project ~t~ Sign"l I I ~ h, /h- Date'