HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-5-22 I' I . '.,- ....) '. --...... .' " ...... ,.." ..,,,.. . l' . *'. " .. .' . '.' Dl'tlJ Ilt;y. .DlA'. '1.-: ',...., .' '."'<'\'.;;\'/(::','.' . , ., ,,' "", ..' .. . The following projaet OS aubmlttod hat the ~ zoning. and does not requiro epoelflo land ~ . "225 nITS st1lEET approval. tLECI'RICAL PERHIr Al'PLICAtION SI'&U.,uElD, OREGoN 97471 " I f IIfSPECl'IOH IU:OUE'ST, 726-3169 ZO,ning City Jobtl\llllbe'r -/loO 70 OFFICE, 726-3759 Om. 1 Authorized Signature 3 . COMPLETE FEE SCIlEDULE BELOV . LO(;4tION OF INSTAlUnON 0?55S f:!r1f1z::w/tV/ . A. Nev Residenllel-Sillllt ot .' . .. . , lfMR~tAJ/(PIffJLlrr5'#h't?AI\t1U1ti-Funr per clvelltr.g unit. I 7LEGAL0'71D7ESOCRII'trOO O~N '~Servlte Inc udedr J 0 2LOk Items Cost . tid~;JJl~JJ~~.d'~~ . s 7'7r"'" ~ kf\ S Permits are non-transfl1uble and' slepi re if york is not started'vltbln 180 days of issuance or if,vork is suspe~ed for 180 days. '" '. I , 2. CONTRAL"I'OR DISTULATION ONLY Electrical Contractor L.R. Brabham, Inc. Address 68 West "Q" Street City SorfnQffeld. Phone 747-6638 1473S Supe~visor License Nu~ber Expi~atlon Date 10/1/96 Constr Contr. Number 08699 ~:;I . . 5P'UNCFlCUJ 1000 sQ.ft. or less Each additional 500 liq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd'Home or Hodular Dvellln, Service or feeder -" SUiII $ 85.00 $ 15.00 S 40.00 $ 50.00 5:'J,~ $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary Services or leeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Expiration Pate 12/18/96 Si~7A~~tiM . Ollnm ~e:,C,~qM ~~/td{P!~~~M~' Addres~ ;~..& 77 I;.(J JCf_lLMi?:i;:fri,( A . CltYi~~ ,'I'hon' OwtflWSTALLATION The installation Is being made on property I olin Vhlch is not intended (or sale, lease or rent. . Ovnerc &i~ature' B. Services or reeders' Installation, Alterations or Relocation; 200 amps or less / 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 aalps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only - 200 amrs or less $ 40.00 201 a~ps to 400 amps ----- $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 aalps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 100u volts liee "8" above llranch Circuits tlev, Alteration or ExtE:nslon Per Panel One Circuit Each Addition.! Circuit or vlth Servlcli- or Feeder rUl1lt fL/ S 35.00 $ 2.00 /;f.(){) E. Hlscellaneous (SerVice/feeder not included) -Each Installation " J'Ul1p or brieatlon $ 40.00 &Ign/Outline lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res ----- 6 20.00 LlCllted EnergylColII1ll S ~6.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE (:;i(, ~O , Sf State Surcharge '''''.d/:2. . 3% Administrative fee I',~ 'I'OtAL , ......42.1';,. c,r.., --~--------------------- DA;;;-----~:-i ? -tt &. . '.. JU:CEI FT 'J il (1'/ '(() , RECEIVED BY' ',Jr? .' '. . ......~N_:......, .... : '." '. ".',. . ,. , .' J ,. '" . d;;)f.J 1> ~ 00'T M (/J , . ~ ,- . 4' \ ~ , . \ , ., \