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Permit Correspondence 1990-6-27
- ..~ -.;;.~ I/o . e- S ~can Sycan B (503) 746,8444 . FAX (503) 746,2590 3405 Baldy View Lane . Springfield, OR 97477 June 27, 1990 Lisa li:.,...~, Building Technician Building Safety Division City of Springfield 225 North Fifth street Springfield, OR 97477 , Dear Li sa, Sycan B CV........Qtion has CXIllpleted demolition and clean-up of the hoose located at 686 Cblonial. Attacha:l is a copy of the bill shooing that the septic tank was pumped f= aJ:a.k....,"'.ut of June 15, Sycan's ~~"" collapsed the tank and filla:l it with gravel. If, after the site is in.,p<'~;"ed, anything is amiss, please give me a call at 746-8444. TDH:jd Enc!osure(s) .' . . ' ~[!~."'-""'-""Il...,-...:_..",.. r'~~'J;.-,,:_~~~:;1~~:~:f~+-.~~!:'I"'''';'~I'r.lli'' . "./ . .' · .(,:: . '.;.'. ::,..:"r' ":!'::::'" 'J " . '!,.. Ilr' '., .,: tJ "', "I,. . I ':', " . ';'.;': :~ 11 . . ,:,d ..~ ':. '1:;' 1;J. '.:, ':' '. _, " .,. "'''''''I",.llj. ...""" ,..' 1:'/:-" :-:: ..I:il:"'i~~!l:~11h:.:~iJ~J'i{ ,,' t,:: . :': .', .1' " I..... 11:;1," ,JI.,,/' " ',.,,' ,~" . '\':'I,I:,:..t{.}lt 'r1, .,l'li:l ij ;.: ;:d:J,1 i !J F,r ~ !:!;'," ~ r ~ . "", " . r, ;:::,'j..': ;>"W~':~::l :~U;: tt p,l;! 1',,! ,I" 1 "I..L,.l:':!rH\~~t-l ;j!,,'I!, .;;!;! " , .,."" ,1,';'1,I:Jl.lt1,,';j'l!k:' Id.l""" I. I , I '. ,.~t'i.'Ii !,.I~': :"~~'I'tl\nr~lj!: l! ~ l.t '. ':,,' ! . . ,:, ,.. !.llllr:f"~"I ',C' it!,}, "\" ,Jh'll'''!"~,,, . , r ',.. 'J'''''''ll ".1 J ' '~:j' 't" '" ,,oJ' . 'j'.' , ...' '..' {. ~\' :'il.~I~I!(tl~t,l;t~,'I;';f.(' . I:' '.Y:h;", . " :..:', ..) ::rt!;1;~!21~:il:lil!"~:: !.~.!..; i:.. I ;:;':; .;; ,"1 . .~ .. . '~:d:;~V.I:Hi!l~W't::n"lii!:';tll" j'\;:-:'I: '1-' :i . 'I ."" ,''','~iI!n,lHl!ro'~~:I:'' .:,,,.ll.h' I' .' I!.h ':,' ,~l' '. :':l,~..l;..,!t~~" .1;..:~':~;:1"':' .r_,::.': '.1' .. ',' . .:.' .(.I'1"f.'1'~:s'r"" .' l.r'"T!''' .' I.t:j. ~ 'I ~,.' ...a.. '.r. I ., .,: :N%:;;;:,;~~~!y;.t;:!i:::~~;ti:::Mi{;gi;t{:(:t:::~U\ _.~,_:..:..t<'WI""~' ;.~.~J,fPaM~"''''~~~-^~'-''''~ , ' : i:n~ ~ :;~~ ::: ~~~~:}:: \\i:>i ~iY'::':;~~~!:~<~~~ t::; , , :'" ';:;"::::: ;~:.:.; ';:.: ...... ...;.;.......; ..... .....:},:. ..;....-.'. '.: _." ::..: :'.:,:' t , " " ..........:. "', . -" _.- -. . .....~. ....... ~ .-.-. --' ~ ,...",..,,' _.I"-':".,,"....".._~........ JOB WORK ORDER NO.' 002484 IOale t:,.-:/.f -90 J Thompson Septic & Rooter Service PO. Box 636. sprtngfleld, OR 97477 Phone (503) 7464224 P.O. No. .{., -L~-q 0 Salesman .J)jt f2- BlIIlll: 'i3 - C-.I..r '-;"rn. f.J.okst:, I Zip '17\.;,1 Name CS,-(........ AddreSS ''H05 ~1"1 V;""'; _S~.t;",'J PtloOO '741o-11LiU...J oaatptl.. at Joll: l!:i Pump Septic SilIl o Rooter. 0 MaIn o wildlY o Tub o Inspec1l.. NIIltS: /;J.S' / ,II. I OSlnk OTolleI ()~ .- Job SIll: Name Address c..c ! __,;.) ~'bb ~M~~(J PtloOO OESCRIPllON Of WORl DONE: ?U-'fJ 1. 0 '1:3~J --/ L=' ' --....."'....... - . f/.<f\ ....e> X"c<><: "I @ ,/~/"'../ , . ' . : 'Vv1J::::1i.27;fTI PAY FROM THIS INVOICE /D -/"'YO \J Separate Invoice will be g~ed am(irbox . ~J If' TERMS: ~ I. o CASH upon co_tion W X CHARGE /: (/TOlal I hereby acknowledge I~ salislaClOry comPleli:~ a~escnbed worlc 1'1011< done by J J "" I~,~ c~ome(sSlQnIlUI' 1:1 No one hOme T1RMS _ Nel J1l rIay$ _. .Iherwlse Indicated on \1"olce, A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1\'''' PER MONTH (IS'" PER YEARI W'U SE CHARGEO ON ALL AMOUNTS NO! PAlO WITH'N TERMS, :., '.:. -:~. '-;'-, ............:.:. . .-,' ......;.-. ". . "":-. ~. '." . . 1" .,:.i ';!;~~~;:~i,:1 jl,.::j';Uif:' !~lili;;"I'~ l";!;~i~!: r:lil'I;UI11!i ,!il"III".l .iil!.,I,,: 1~:!:ll~~!lil ,1.\,.1,' Ilill'ut'j lh1.::iliJ1 .t.' .1.1 l~,~.dji~ ,t,./:.ijil; I..,.~"j:'i'. l'~:i,:~i. ;,-)",:,1, :.'; \:~i li;'j/..I~: ,t,.,1:; .'. ". !;!i' 'i~:.>1jlj . ,~,if; ..,.~1:~: ") :;);"~;l;. , ",1',,,, 1: , .., 'lr:~ i ':.:.'It~' .' ':j;; ~:: .- ! -~~i;~~~;: ,',"." . :...