HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-4-25 Apr-22-03 07:32A P_02 I ing project as submlltad has tha fo"owln 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRI."GFIELD. OR 97477 . PH:(54l )72(,,3753 . F,"X: (54lli~f~~~?nd doas not require spaclflc land Use 9 Zoning. (1 (l o '-(ZSD J Date S-- , - a ~ C01l1PLETE FEE sc1iBlIJm~~lil&l$ _ ~J ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICA110N City Job Number ELI:2QO 5 ~OOII f Dale I. LOCATJONOFI^~STALLATIOt 3. 2-7.5 0 G-f>,:-n:::yJ ~'>f-t?b/.z LEGAL DESCRIPTION .---.1.70'~ ZzDD .lOB DESCRIPTION OZ3fX) / c. CrY U4..5JL~ F Penniblll.re non~ti'8nifcroblc and expire if work is not started v..ithin 180 day" I,.""fi~j.i~"l.nce or if work is Su<oended for I BO days. CONTRAGTOR INSTAUATION ONLY 2, . -7 - A. N..., R..idellii.l- Slngl. or MlIhl-Famn1' p"r d".lIln~ unl!. Servi.:e lncluded 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 >q, fL or ;>onion thereof Each Manufacl'd Home or Modu!ar Dwelling Service or Feeder SIOMO $ 19.00 $50,00 SE'fvICe!l or Feed~rli - 'ns1l1l1ation~ A1tl'rAtlon~ or Rdocouon: B. " . : I. EleCllical Contractor kRAvto ae.cie(C 200 Amp, or less ___,_ $ 63.00 201 Amp, to 400 Amp, $ 75.00 Addre" 'PO ~ 1160 401 Amp' to 600 Amps ____ $125.00 601 Amps to 1000 Anlps $163,00 City S;1!u~ Phone S'G!3 Si'<6'( /y,~( Over 1000 AmpsiVolts $375,00 Reconnecl.<?~Y :" ..' .'~" ""'. ~':J~~O:~o.,.. Supervi!lorLic~m:eNumher /<i5; 29 s C. TenlPorarySen'jce5or Feeders _.. ._~_._., ~''''''':i',''"'''' .'."" 'oO"" NOT\CE: [;jt8il~t)on. ~1t~ra~r~&I~atiOn - ..., - E.plrauon Date [1"\T SUA"" E"PIRE IFl . -.. ..... oO--' . ..' :.. ,... ' , ' .. .. ...... - '-1113-f[ 10.. 0 .uNO~'{~r;~l'OOroAlT IS NOT $ 5000_. _ _.... . Constr, Contr. Number /5 z.. 36-A1JTHORIZ~EO 'OR r.gIMJJll1ll~~.I;\\t:;' _ $ 69 00 . :,:.,,":- ;.tfil,D:r.' COMMtNv PEo4D.I-Amps 10 600 Amp' .~'. " . _" .. .....,.~ $100.00. ".'.., E.piration Date '1" 0 7 ~ 0 ~~ <w.O OA.y n~~~'600 Am;s or loo~ ~Olt~"~::'B': aha,,:'" ,'. .. D. . BI"anch Clrcuits . Sign~f"d :;t ~ 0"/1 \J O~nn';;; Name IA R.G~'- ~ Add;:;;';;" Po (? 0,1( 9ir.}b City J1/tVM e z:r ~ I,f,... lR:.i OWNER I;\,STALlA TIOr-; The im:tallation is being made c.n property I own which is not intended far. s~I:::,. lease~ or J'~nt. _ . _, . .". :" . : '.' . ~ ,"' Owners SiGnature: .:-:..::.\t'!1:~' (.r _>- ,: .1{:U...'~~:;;~ ': t' :\-.~IF;... 1,>;<'; Inspection Request: 726.376'i... .. ;.';,!~:'.i: -:. ,-. ,....j. -'1"' '"J'. New Alteration or Extension Per Panel OneCircIllt $ 43.00 Each Additiunal Circuir or ,,'ith , , Serv~H~Cfffd~fegon law ioqUlre% 98B tv E. 1W'i\9\lm..il!'!;(~~$~i!~1!Iy' !IY.!lie:I~'Y'l!lftjfRMnstallari"n Notification Center. Those rules are set fortt ~~~.Mirri.llj2~eOl-00l0thro;;;;;~. 8,^.Ff~~'~::oo~ ~j.nJOotline U..hting b' . ., SSO. O. 'UU'dV.. 'uu fffc1) 0 taln co"""" do (,,8 ru AS uy LimitedIE~!i.Y.'Re.,dcnli.l (N t,. 'L, ,., $ 2',00 ",u. 'II.~ ..1c \"CllLtif. 0 .... .:...... .... ttp.i'lone t:I .' Limitod,EMW1Commerdal U"!"lC,,,,S 45.00 l/,,~ "UnlLJl;1 ,;), IIIC\..lTHI10n .1 ioy ''fUflrICalIOn-+- .~. ....: Center is 1"800-332-2344). Minimum,EI<<tri< Permh Inspecrion Fcc is'$45:00 ,+ Surcharges" '. ~L"! .!......'.....I'" ':-...... ,.-.... ..."V" .....- q -~._'._._-'- 4. SI.!B,T01'Al.:,QJ,:ABDVE .__ _ ~ '!" (;1, l!S" ~o ..._ 7o/~~St~f;S~~ci~~e ~ ,C .,'; 3. IS- J()4ib Administrative fce l.J. r ...lUTAi~C1" ~...~~~~ :~'. : .~~XCI!l:U . S':1 . .L~- fC.J::t';i"'. .:.\'~ ":...,'~s..' ....{ :.... ~~ ." ,~"_ _ Sl~~\."d. pri~'c(T:;'Buildjn~ 'Fonns/E1Cl:tri(aIP':nll!~ ~pplicmi{ln'!.OJ,d{l(; i- . . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00111 4/29/2003 4/25/2003 10/29/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 2750 GA TEW A Y ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703220002300 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Addition TYPE OF USE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CCTV upgrade OWNER! APPLICANT: TARGET STORES #612 % PROP TAX DEPT MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: GRAYCO ELECTRIC INC 503-881-1881 PO BOX 1160 503-873-3384 SILVERTON OR 97381 CCB # 152363 Expiration Date: 07/30/2004 Descrintion Amount Paid Date Paid Receint Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Low Voltage - Commercial Indus 4.50 3.15 45.00 04/29/2003 04/2912003 04/29/2003 1200200000000001084 1200200000000001084 1200200000000001084 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the follov,Q\!8 working day. , ..'O",'l' _\,e~' _~ X. \t I \';, ~v . Reauired Insoections: . ~\. 'i:.~,?\~ '?'i:.\\~\\ to\\ 1 Low Voltage: prior~O\Sq~~~~~~\\ ~~~\\ \~~~\)()~'t.\) By Signature, I state and agre~~\iha1,:.1i\il~~carefulfy: ~amined the completed application and do herehy certify that all information hereon is true an4~l!6ii\~t.'l\.Dli-'ff~liIDeei1ify that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sl!.atJ~f1\;J'tijJ'li\lie laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors aDlI,!!.ijtpfu~ees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that eaeh address is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the site at all times during construction. . n law reqUires you to ,,''-TH\I \ IUN.Ulego . "'-.____ Iltililv Owner or Contractors Signature f'ollOW rules adq;ji\Wo uy U .ou~~- ;re set forti Notification cent~~16~~~:~gh OAR 952-001 in OAR 952-001- . copies ofthe rules b\ 0090. You may obtain ote' the telephOne calling the center. {N Utility Notification number for the.ore8g000n_332_2344). Centefls 1- Page 1 of I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 III ELE2003-00 I 11 ELE2003-00 I 11 Payments: Type or Payment Check 4/29/2003 City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official ReceiPt Receipt #: 1200200000000001084 Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Paid By ARTHUR HEITZ IO:00:14AM Received By djb Date: 04/29/2003 , . Amount Paid 4.50 3.15 45.00 $52.65 Amount Paid . 52.65 $52.65 Item Total: Check Number Confirm No How Received In Person Payment Total: . Page I of I cReceipt.rpt