HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-1-5 " . Job# 00-00030-01 . Page 1 of 2 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-00030-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 1063 Cole Way SPR Assessors Map#: 18020524 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 06900 Subdivision: Owner: Redwood Village Address: 888 Crest Drive Scope Of Work: Plumbing Phone Number: 541-431-0150 City/State/Zip: Eugene, OR 97401 New Value: $0,00 Install new sanitary sewer line to replace existing septic system Contractor Type Plumbing Contr Contractor Jon Ankeny X,X,X Registration # Expiration Date 16112 01/01/2001 Phone 541-686-2667 Quad Area: 3RSC # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769, All inspections requested before 7:00 a,m, will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m, will be made the following working day, Required Inspections Plumbing Sanitary Sewer Line - Prior to filling trench, Septic Tank -After septic tank has been pumped and filled. Please provide the inspector with receipt and verific Pumped Construction Types Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 rArea (Sq. Feet) Main: Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: , , . . Job# 00-00030-01 Page 2 of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Plumbing 01/05/2000 173 Value/Quantity Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Septic Tank Removal or Fill State Surcharge For Plumbing Permit Sanitary Sewer Footage Plumbing Administrative Fee Total Plumbing 1 75 Residential - Single Family - Storm Sanitary Sewer Residential Transportation Residential Sanitary MWMC Residential Improvement MWMC MWMC Administrative Fee SDC Administrative Fee Total System Development System Development 01/05/2000 173 1,080 11 1 1 1 1 Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State 0' Oregon, I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance wilh ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time and that the project address is readable from the street. Signature Date Fee Amount $.00 $15,00 $3,85 $40,00 $1,65 $60.50 $250.56 $530,97 $491.60 $242.76 $22,05 $10,00 $77.40 $1,625.34 $1,685.84 .r /, ~."'.;.~,..,.:..<.... ':"'-"""~'~~I~GFIEL~ 1-' . ~ESIDENTIAL ~:' , ':1-1'<', '.a ,I'. ,; , , '-~tfii'.. -,","",." "'....,;:',:,.- PERMIT APPLICATION >ffrallf.,~' ,ll'~"-';: i6i- .:~",;" 'f 'l,":' ','j '.' ," . " .~ . t ; " LOCATIO~ OF PROPOSED'~O~K: _/tJi6 3;,:':ikLe is:iv'p?_;'(S:)c!:;' ,', ~4 '." N > ". ", t~.. ,:t.~'';;3L~ I ",,,'" ~'<,:. ... i,:('f. , I ". . -BLOCK'" I;, .,,~ Ij ''jl< ;p~)' M !()ir.f;E; : I~, ~~S ~T M','" B..I"f!;; ,r.:. Inspections: 726-3769 Office: 726,3759 " . " ASSESSORS MAP' II) LOT' OWNER: , " ADDRESS' CITY: STATE: ' '?J>e ':1,..., DESCRIBE WORK: -i/Et,,) NEW REMODEL '_~";~ ',f'q<f~ , 'ADDITION ".., DEMOLISH 5\hrI77C!. , CONTRACTOR'S NAME OTHER . .'.. ," ;'.,,,; .'~' ;(. " ,..,\.;,~ '1',...1-'1.,. ;;J ;;:;;~'~~,NUMB~~':/ 1;7i- 0 "..: 225 :f;i;th Street,. tf)iJ. ,~~ ~o '€If , Springfield, Oregon 97477 (jQ;k(;d;Wp~ ri;4i{r\~16 <<J' .JACJ~ ~ " , . , I , "TAX U;;-r.:.l'14?-_.O~.on'- S'UB~;~I~:C)N: ~ej~ -iM/./t;!1I,.,I . - r,.1 t PHON~' '1,( / - ()/.5D' " '.' ZIP: 7'7~77 ':ill< ADQRESS CONST, CONTRACTOR N I~~'I )~~P~~;r GENERAL: .PWMBING: MECHANICAl' ELECTRICA' . J/F1.{(U"l{15 CL;~ ,laN~k~r It;:o/ /~ . ,,\...~. .,", '" "..--,. ,)\ !"", . .1 i . ,.... ," LAND USE: . .... '\1 ''::t,. -... i"',:' t'".' \' 1/ OF UNITS- . .'t....... . CONSTR: TYPE: . . ~;"~\.: ,....'. . :H'EAT SOURCE: '~ }~.!'Ki~" .. ,,':.\ ,\ .', ',' QUAD AREA: i': ':,-:', ,', . OF BLDGS: ~~~~:'b."'r.-S~v. '''-'',:.. 'j., 'I' OCCY GROUP" . '~.,,..: ~;,!:~'. ~,': ':..~,. . ~h. ~'~.~'-. . · OF'STOflIES:', " " ~ . \ "{.. .4"-"~\'. WATE~'H'EATER'" .'\," , ',' . \,,~~,' ..;:" ',' ,'';<0. ~,- .:. '" .' ,,,,,,t\. e.,> . yi';',' ,"" 'I: - OFFICE USE - . .' .' " RANG": ' ~~;~ ...... ~ .:.~ '\ EXPIRES t'.,', {. '1'.;1' , ('.:: ..- -/..;~~-...,..~_?' ';'0 61,1 1_ ,FLOOD PLAIN' ZONING 'CODE:' ,:: ",' . . 1.)~)'_ .' -:~,OF BDRMS' SECONDARY, HEAT' SQUARE, FO,OTAG E: . , ~ ''''. ,. '. .' . -'l To request an Inspection. 'you Il1uS.l:c:all 726:3769, This Is a 24 hour recording, All Inspections requested before 7:00 a,m, will be , . \.. ;., .J, ',. . ~'. ".~ ~_' .~" . " '__. ~ .. made the same working daY,lnspectlons requested' after 7:00 a.m. wllLbe made the following work day.", oJ' <~l..."--I,,.. ,'0;'_:;;.:..,,; ~~' <:':-~'~E6'ljjRED iNSP.EiCTIONS' :. ,', ai"!,, ", D Ten:-porary Electric o Site Inspection - To be mado" after excavation, but prior to setting forms. D Underslab Plumblng/Eleclrlcal/ Mechanical - Prior to cover. . , ' D Fooling - After trenches, a"~, ,.. excavated. . . ,...' \ .1, ", ...l ," D Masonry - Steel ,location, ,bond .. , .beams, grou~lng." .'.:.' I 'l~ o Foundatlon'- After forms 'are' erected'but prior to concrete placement. I D Rough Mechanical ;';~Prlor to cover. .' ....'...... "'0 Rough"Electrlcal - Prlor'to cover, : D'!E'ectr'cal Ser~lce - Must be .-,,'approved to obtain permanent '", elect,~I,ca! power. . ,r ......., :' D Fireplace - Prior to facing materlal~ and framing Insp. , " '0 Flnal,Plumblng - When'sll""" plumbing W9rl< Is complete. , , " '"l_ .,' I . . "I._~_~' ... ""-'1>",,,"'" .,... ~..-..\ o Final, Eleg,tr,lca! . ~ 'When. all electrical work Is complete. '.J. D Final Mechanical ..,.,,\t>Il:Ien all, mechanical work Is ,complete. . f;l~ , " .)\l D Final BUlldlng.-,When all, required Inspections have. been approved and bulldlng}s., ,,' completed, .. 0' Framing '- Prior to cover. :'S81tt'n ,,.' -, . '.JLni ,,,,,..:, '..''''' ' , ~Other - , , ?'-' nl"nuJIf..- D:...-. ~~illc'elllng insulation _ Prior to. " J.' cr1//_i ~'.JI. I" " . 'lCOVer:,I".J. , '~'IJ.,. ", D Underground Plumbing - Prior ' to filling trench, 0 DrYwall - Prl'or to taping, '. ,. "..;'.. ,. . , D UnderUoor Plumbing/Mechanical " ',', ,. " "..-' _ Prior to Insulation or decking. ,I I D Wood,S,tove - After Installallon. " :'0 D Post and a'eam - Prior .to floor Insulation or decking. . D Floor Insulation - Prior to . decking, ("* I '. . D Insert - After fireplace approval and Installallon of unit, . ,,' I D 'Curbcut & Al,proach - After - forms are erected but prior to placer:nont of ~oncrete. ~senltary Sewer - Prior to filling trench. : ;;, .. -, ,'..,.. B Sidewalk & Drlvew3Y - After D-Storm Sewer - Prior to filling exc~vatlo~ Is. complete. f~rms ~,~tr.!:rf~h. . , . ~n.d. s~~~ase material I~ plac~. :-~~L.""':J ..' ~. . . .' ~ . D1~w LillO., - Prior to' filling..: .'1 0 F~:ce:'~ 'Wh~n'cbmPleted:. ....;;trench. <J: . .~~~ .~, . ~,~,--,,,,",...... .,' 'j' .,:r::: . D~~~u'g!'.:.~(..inblng - Prior to .~coyer. \:"': 0:: . ~ . , ~~'-"'iCt>-.... . l---.t .:, "--w t""_. .~I"', "l I' '4> , ,,' .,,~ D'l$,~ree~..Tree& - 'wh~n.all r~qulred .' trees ~re. plan~ed., "...~.' . .nijlil, \1/" MOBILE HOME.INSP'ECrIONS ;'\ "r:: 'I" 1 .' ,4. J" '. .........,. ...;....l '. . , " "..1.; . D Blocking and Set'Ui>'~ When all blocking Is compl~,t~.. I~l'.j . h;Jr. D Plumbing Connections""; When' home has been connected to water and sewer."'-. .._~: .;O~I:\"",' JI' ;'; , . ' 'of" H' .._.:' Ju', u..1 o Electrlcel Connection - When , blocking. set,up. and plumbing <1 Inspections have been,approved and the home Is connected '.to.:~ the service p~nel. T , ,,(, " .. ~' . { , I. _ . I .....~.......~~';...- o Flnal- Afte[,!!lUe,q..I;~,dl' " 'v,, .......... I~spectlons,are"ap~roved<and .._,\ojl, ..': porches, sklrllng, decks; and I ,.-: .. Iventlng have'bee.n' In'st~lIed!A,hJI' l ,- : .. 'J. "} J t."l':' '>it} .~J ...j . '"J , .. ---- -. '~f h, '" '''~ ,'. "","'d[..:i'j;i~, ,l.~"~' "";. ' ' " ' . , ". "~]~l,,'\nr'~"'~'i"lft',.:,~.:J~..~~J_,\.,t!i~.... :," 1''\. '.. . '1,/" :~!':? ~ . ....:~.;A:. A. ':i'.~..~_:. ~,. ...' ..:.:.::>._,!,,' '/':' .;'_.';'~ ....._..........,.. ---1.::... ,LOtlype, ';"",;f~"'~j,,' ..Setback'...."..'.;'..:1.. ,.' l IS THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE'! ' :' , '" ~'::.PP.L: 'HSE I GAR ,ACC\ ''''HISTOIOiICAL DISTRICT, OR ON I ',_, "':'~"""':"'.",~""'.,.'.',~':~:j'ri~erlor "" 'f- " "':'/"''1'"'''''' ," . '.. " '",,' THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? Lot ~o~erage ': ,..)",~ ;'''',:1, -,.Corner ;<~:";':I N "::',' - "':",:" 11 yes, ,thl. appllcallon must be signed . ...;. ,'" ..(:t~,p::(.. \:..H'~nl~.'. ~:\;.'. 'is'.:~ ". + -i~</:~l::l ' and approved by the Historical To.POg,rap~y, ~"., '." I':; " pa~h,andl~ I.w', Coordinator prior to permit Issuance, Total height. ~",,:~","'I'.', t. ;,<I_-~~,:""i.,:.;i.';lr" ~CU,~.::t~i.sac . <';1 E' ',it.. fl~'::J't..'.'-1 '" 'n <> ,.., "",' ,r:,.,'APPRO)lED: -...... . k ., '. ".1. '1 oi ..~I'.' '.~. . "" ,'';1;'- roh,) '11: BUILDING;PER~'IT '~,;~~r, ~;', ,I;", BUllDIr:rG,~i::i!/E,~tAN CHE,CK ~-i':EM . ' ;:. sa, h " ['$/80.' FT. - VALUE AND' E!lJ!LD!tJ,G PE~J!'1.IT Lot faces ',,'i Lot, sq. f,t'g., - -~-- -..".......--... Main Garage CarpQrl. . " , Thl,s perml.l is granted on the express, condition that the said con'structlo'ri'snall, In all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the' City 01 Springfield, Including the Dovelopmeiit'Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspenciec;:t or ~evoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. .~:.: :)-~ ,..... :'~.~" h.~I~Jt...che:c~ F~~: Date Paid: Total Value "~-Bullalrig' Perinlt Fee' . I ,.; . State 'Surcharge ,. . ,Total F,fo (A), SYSTEMs DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FEE Fixtures Residential Bath(s) Sanl.lary S!'wer ,N' . .. FT.. t7e:r -1-0.~ Water FT" ';,'. Storm Sewer , FT. Mobile Home'" ~E;l7>(,_' eLV -. -. I 'f;l, ,--I.tp .c;'" ~ . $', #'0 t:;;''5.- Plumbing Permit State ,Surcharge' .. . .Hl'~h,),;} .:i Total Charge ,,' 3ft! -r-/~~ ~ . '. .} . . j . . (C) MECHANICAC~ERMiT, Furnace Exhaust Hood !' '.y':"i'"., ",..d'" , "~j~l'~':j:" .... l" Vent Fan' NO P.. " ,....'1..:._ ' . '. ::. _:: i.' ( Wood $tove/lnserl/Flreplace Unit "Y.I ., ..J;..! . : . . Dryer Ve"lt').IH)j;..., lo.j\!'; >. i"'- ..-\,;' ,.:~', . Mechanical Pei-nile,. ., \. .....:. ".: Issuance .~ r -, ..~ .'. State Surcharge Total Permlt",,-. II ,'Mr (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home. , , " ,.' -. ".,.,:..,,- 'H1 ..:.:~ State Issuance I, :.: Stat~,Surcharg~,., ,~/ ,;, "I . pOI ;!.l'_,- Sidewalk .ft , Curbcut It :i.n':. " ,"\ '''' "':',1, Demolition :;. ,J.,; ': . '\" ... , . :' '.~' . '.- 11 j. .-" State Surcharge' ~Ir.!, C,/71-! ,1A i.. ," " I. . \ , _' ' Total' Mfse'JI-,~~e9~.~:~p~fm! t!l: t.'. ! (E) jt.2.I?,3J .' ~.: .,:{t;;t"~ '. .::" :_' tlt!"'.. , . ' \ ;: !()TAl AM,C?UNT, ..DUE (eXCIUdln, 9 elect,rlCal) ,\1. ' (A, B.S.P, ~~d 5.o<'::~,!,~!~e<!)_-...._,..... ,_ .., Jip.f{),H . ' , , '1\ \ Receipt Number' Received By:" , ,....: .. ...... .,''', '.. ~ t t.: ',' Plans Rovle~ed ey, '.. .... . Date Systems Development Charge Is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being Improved, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS -rjff3 ')?~ Tlrl)/( )~d M....l!tI~E() "1, ., (ZAf~ ~4lir/~ J"-?.,77C- 5.~/f.A' o;y- ~~) ~ PtllHj)IN~' , TtJ ~ly). T~ ~ ~ TA;f2,P J:jf1trtt. 7JfCt..) ~ ~)) ~ ~ f ptV/t: rzH& At! ,R'~l 0/ (JIIt,J ~~ (J1' ,"'~' ,JI"/~ , .. /D'jIlD:T'o) /<~ei'./4i'M (":., ".... . + By slgnatu~e, I state and agree, that ~ have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all Info"rmatlon hereon Is true and correct, and I further certify that any a.nd ali-work performed shall be done In accordance wlth,the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngficld, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein" and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division, I further c~rtlfy that only contractors and employees who are In c'ompllance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this ,.... project. " ' I further agreeJto ensure that all required Inspections are requested at the proP!3r,t.l,me, that each address Is readable from the 'street, that the permit card Is located at the front of the property. and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all 1I curing constructlf" Signature ' ~ Date ,/'J <<-;/;; 0 r Y"F" :D =l , , VALIDATION: ' RECEIPT NUMBER /7 3 --l ::0 t:l ;:0 ITl :I> :I> C"J --l :z t:ln1~ C"J 1'0.;)"-<" :I> :I> 0 CC' x.a ""?" ........ :x: I ........ C")t-' 00 Il ~':Ii "'8 ":Z01'o.;)0 (;:;q:~l . 0 t-' ....~. .,-",,-- ,.... '-.........:...;r. DATE PAID , ,~ A'MOUNi':REcEIVED R~C~IV~~BY -~-":V~ . . . " ~ ,,/' ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET JOURNALORJOBNUMBER 991418 Dt> OQ010~1 NAME OR COMPANY: REDWOOD VILLAGE INC LOCATION: 4312 COLE WAY TAX LOT NUMBER 18020524-06900 DEVELOPMENT TYPE: SEWER HOOKUP BUILDING SIZE: LOT SIZE 1. STORM DRAINAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ, FT. 1080,0 x $0,232 PER SQ, FT. $250.56 I 2, SANITARY SEWER-CITY NUMBER OF PFU's (SEE REVERSE SIDE) II x $48,27 PER PFU ' , $530,97 I 3, TRANSPORTATION NUMBER OF TRIPS x TRIP RATE x COST PER PM PEAK HOUR TRIP x x 1.01 x $486,73 PER TRIP x $486,73 PER TRIP TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SDC $491.60 I $0,00 $491.60 I 4, SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU's x $242,76 PER FEU $242,76 I B, IMPROVEMENT COST: SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) $22,05 I $0,00 I $10,00 I $274,81 I $1,547,94 I NUMBER OF FEU's x $22,05 PER FEU MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE TOTAL MWMC SDC 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) x 0,05 $77.40 I > ~ -:r' d -=--UA ~ /p4" ~ SDC Cl,ORDINATOR ---- DA Tft ~ , TOTAL SDC CHARGES I $1,625.331 . . PLUMBING FIXTURE UNIT (PFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALENT = PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE, FOR REMOOELS. CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) FIXTURE TYPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN 'iNTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDSIETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO W ASH/ETC, LAUNDRY TUB/CLOTHESW ASHER/MOP SINK CLOTHESW ASHER - 3 OR MORE MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERA TOR/W A TER ST A TIONIETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK! DISHW ASHER/ETC, SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: BAR, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN URINAL, ST ALUW ALL WASH BASIN/LAVATORY, SINGLE OR DOUBLE TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: FIXTURES NEW OLD 1 UNIT EQUIVALENT 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 I 6 4 , , .' ,. , , PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS 2 o o o o 2 o o o o o o 2 o 1 o 4 o o o TOTAL PLUMBING FIXTURE UNITS=I 11 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATEL YEAR RATE PER $1,000 YEAR RATE PER $1,000 ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE 1979 or before $4.47 1989 $2,18 1980 $4,38 1990 $ 1.75 1981 $4,32 1991 $ 1.35 1982 $4,20 1992 $1.17 1983 $4,03 1993 $1.03 1984 $3,88 1994 $0,86 1985 $3.68 1995 $0,71 1986 $3,38 1996 $0,57 1987 $3,03 1997 $0,39, 1988 $2,62 1998 $0,18 CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE l' $0:00 I IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) x $0.00 I CREDIT TOTAL $0,00