HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-46 11/06/2006 ,/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 06-46 i A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General, Street, Jail Operations, Special Revenue, Transient Room Tax, Community Development, RiverBend Development, Building Code, Fire Local Option Levy, Police Local Option Levy, Bancroft, Bond Sinking, Local Wastewater Capital, Development Assessment Capital, Development Projects, Drainage Capital Projects, G.O. Capital Projects, Police Building Bond Capital, Regional Wastewater Capital, Street Capital, SDC Local Storm Improvement, SDC Local Wastewater Reimbursement, SDC Local Wastewater Improvement, SDC Regional Wastewater Reimbursement, SDC Regional Wastewater Improvement, SDC Transportation Reimbursement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Local Wastewater Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Drainage Operating, Booth-Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, Vehicle & Equipment, and SDC Administration. WHEREAS, the 2006-2007 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 06-28 dated June 19,2006; and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 1. Supplemental Budget No.1 for the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year amending Resolution 06-28 is hereby adjusted as foll-;;<v's: Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Postage Fees Miscellaneous Receipts Planning Fees Staff Reimbursement Testing $ 329,349 4,450 17,960 11,288 25,450 1,350 GENERAL - FUND 100 A/JTJropriations Departmental Operating: City Manager's Office Development Services Finance Human Resources Library Police Total Departmental Operating $ 25,450 59,308 105,000 13,350 27 ,656 45,000 275,764 $ Non Departmental Reserves $ 114,083 Total General Fund $ 389.847 Total General Fund $ 389.847 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash $ STREET - FUND 201 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 37,870 170,651 Attachment B - Page 1 of 10 Non Departmental Reserves $ 131,776 Transfers 1,005 Total Non Departmental $ 132,781 Total Street Fund $ 170,651 Total Street Fund $ 170,651 JAIL OPERA nONS - FUND 202 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Court Conviction Surcharge $ 24,000 Non Departmental Interest Income 1,000 Reserves $ 25,000 Total Jail Operations Fund $ 25,000 Total Jail Operations Fund $ 25,000 SPECIAL REVENUE - FUND 204 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ (97,678) Departmental Operating: 04 Secure Our Schools 20,000 Development Services $ 6,035 2004 Domestic Prep EQ 64,938 Library 5,578 BJA Bullet Proof Vest 5,162 Police 245,000 Canine Donations 1,330 Public Works 1,000 Child Srvc Imp Grant 05-06 2,882 Total Departmental Operating $ 257,613 Child Srvc Imp. Grant 06-07 3,365 COPS ICTP 225,000 Justice Assistance Grant 20,898 Lane County DAO 9,476 Vandalism Fund Donations 1,000 Windermere Foundation Grant 1,240 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 257,613 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 257,613 Attachment B - Page 2 of 10 TRANSIENT ROOM TAX - FUND 208 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ (8,889) Departmental Operating: Transient Room Tax 7,975 Library $ (914 ) Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ (914) Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ (914) Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash CDBG Federal Grants EDI Federal Grant Home Loan Repay House Rehab Loan Pay HUD Home Grants Interim Loan Repayments Lease Income Miscellaneous Receipts Rehab Loan Fee Repay COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - FUND 210 ApproNiatiollS Departmental Operating: Development Services $ (118,626) 309,017 18,289 393,971 133,784 1,619,046 163,407 735 25 9,339 $ 1,284,032 $ 1,363,581 Capital Projects Non Departmental Reserves $ (118,626) Total Community Development FUI $ 2,528,987 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Planning Fees - Peacehealth Total Community Development FUI $ 2,528,987 RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT - FUND 222 Appropriations $ (151,921) 151,921 Total Riverbend Development Fun( $ Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Total Building Code Fund Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Total Riverbend Development Fun< $ BUILDING CODE - FUND 224 Appropriations Non Departmental Reserves $ (415,387) $ (415,387) $ (415,387) Total Building Code Fund $ (415,387) FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY - FUND 235 Appropriations Non Departmental Reserves $ 116,352 $ 116,352 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 116,352 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 116,352 Attachment B - Page 3 of 10 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY - FUND 236 Appropriations Non Departmental. Reserves $ 722,409 $ 722,409 Total Police Local Option Levy Fur $ 722,409 Total Police Local Option Levy Fur $ 722,409 BANCROFT REDEMPTION - FUND 305 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 135,495 Non Departmental Reserves $ 35,308 Transfers 100,187 Total Non Departmental $ 135,495 Total Bancroft Redemption Fund $ 135,495 Total Bancroft Redemption Fund $ 135,495 BOND SINKING - FUND 306 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 27,658 Non Departmental Reserves $ 27,658 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 27,658 Total Bond Sinking Fund $ 27,658 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS - FUND 409 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 1,011,121 $ 561,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ 450,121 Total Sewer Capital Projects Fund $ 1,011,121 Total Sewer Capital Projects Fund $ 1,011,121 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL - FUND 419 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 52,435 $ Non Departmental Reserves $ 52,435 Total Development Assessment Cap $ 52,435 Total Development Assessment Cap $ 52,435 Attachment B - Page 4 of 10 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - FUND 420 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 339,576 Departmental Operating: Arbitrage Overpayment Refund 117,660 Police $ 46,240 B-Line/Gateway Intersection PH 1,500,000 BLM/Forest Service Facility 910,000 Capital Projects $ 3,528,800 Flood Map Modernization Study 10,000 Lane County 42nd/126 (200,000) Non Departmental L TO Planning for GateBelt (438) Reserves $ (341,132) PH NW Drainage 450,293 Transfers 400,000 Springfield Sign Contribution 15,000 Total Non Departmental $ 58,868 STP-U MPO Frkln Planning 225,000 STP-U MPO G/B Planning 165,625 Transfer from Fund 201 1,005 Transfer from Fund 305 100,187 Total Development Projects Fund $ 3,633,908 Total Development Projects Fund $ 3,633,908 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash DRAINAGE CAPITAL PROJECTS - FUND 425 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 450,782 $ 339,913 Non Departmental Reserves $ 110,869 Total Drainage Capital Projects Fu $ 450,782 Total Drainage Capital Projects Fu $ 450,782 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash G.O. BOND CAPITAL PROJECTS - FUND 427 Appropriations Capital Projects $ (8,836) $ (8,836) Total G.O. Bond Capital Projects F $ (8,836) Total G.O. Bond Capital Projects F $ (8,836) Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash POLICE BUILDING BOND CAPITAL PROJECT - FUND 428 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 1,592,789 $ 1,592,789 Total Police Building Bond Capital $ 1,592,789 Total Police Building Bond Capital $ 1,592,789 Attachment B - Page 5 of 10 REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER CAPITAL - FUND 433 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ (3,125,680) Departmental Operating: County Service District 24,000 Public Works $ 280,680 EPA - Grant MWMC Infrastructure 190,000 Revenue Bond Sale 10,000,000 Capital Projects $ 1,691,813 Non Departmental Reserves $ 9,115,827 Transfers (4,000,000) Total Non Departmental $ 5,115,827 Total Regional Wastewater Capital $ 7,088,320 Total Regional Wastewater Capital $ 7,088,320 STREET CAPITAL - FUND 434 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ (262,119) Capital Projects $ (46,365) Non Departmental Reserves $ (215,754) Total Street Capital Fund $ (262,119) Total Street Capital Fund $ (262,119) SDC LOCAL STORM IMPROVEMENT - FUND 440 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 230,572 Capital Projects $ 419,510 Non Departmental Reserves $ (188,938) Total SDC Local Storm Improvemf $ 230,572 Total SDC Local Storm Improvemf $ 230,572 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash SDC LOCAL W ASTEW A TER REIMBURSEMENT - FUND 442 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 78,159 $ (29,808) Non Departmental Reserves $ 107,967 Total SDC Local Wastewater Reim $ 78,159 Total SDC Local Wastewater Reim $ 78,159 Attachment B - Page 6 of 10 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash SDC LOCAL W ASTEW A TER IMPROVEMENT - FUND 443 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 164,404 $ 148,532 Non Departmental Reserves $ 15,872 Total SDC Local Wastewater Impn $ 164,404 Total SDC Local Wastewater Impn $ 164,404 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash SDC REGIONAL WASTEWATER REIMBURSEMENT - FUND 444 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 85,464 $ 21,321 Non Departmental Reserves $ 64,143 Total SDC Regional Wastewater Rl $ 85,464 Total SDC Regional Wastewater Rl $ 85,464 SDC REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER IMPROVEMENT - FUND 445 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 1,116,686 Capital Projects $ 749,899 Non Departmental Reserves $ 366,787 Total SDC Regional Wastewater In $ 1,116,686 Total SDC Regional Wastewater In $ 1,116,686 SDC TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT - FUND 446 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ (72,756) Capital Projects $ (79,918) Non Departmental Reserves $ (102,838) Transfers 110,000 Total Non Departmental $ 7,162 Total SDC Transportation ReimbuJ $ (72,756) Total SDC Transportation ReimbuJ $ (72,756) Attachment B - Page 7 of 10 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Transfer from Fund 446 SDC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT - FUND 447 Avvrovriations Capital Projects $ 303,674 110,000 $ 210,696 Non Departmental Reserves $ 202,978 Total SDC Transportation Improve $ 413,674 Total SDC Transportation Improve $ 413,674 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash LOCAL W ASTEW A TER OPERATIONS - FUND 611 Avvrovriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 238,133 $ 2,260 Non Departmental Reserves $ 235,873 Total Local Wastewater Operation~ $ 238,133 Total Local Wastewater Operation~ $ 238,133 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Internal Engineering Fees Transfer from Fund 433 REGIONAL WASTEWATER - FUND 612 Avvrovriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 695,139 290,000 (4,000,000) $ 78,623 Non Departmental Debt Service Reserves Total Non Departmental $ (273,431) (2,820,053) $ (3,093,484) Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ (3,014,861 ) Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ (3,014,861) AMBULANCE - FUND 615 Estimated Revenues Avvrovriations Beginning Cash $ (118,972) Non Departmental Reserves $ (118,972) Total Ambulance Fund $ (118,972) Total Ambulance Fund $ (118,972) DRAINAGE OPERATING - FUND 617 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash $ Miscellaneous Receipts Workers Compo Time Loss Recovel') 365,121 2,000 17,140 Avvrovriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 63,660 Non Departmental Reserves $ 320,601 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 384,261 Total Drainage Operating Fund $ 384,261 Attachment B - Page 8 of 10 BOOTH - KELLY - FUND 618 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 72,759 Non Departmental Reserves $ (262,746) Transfers 335,505 Total Non Departmental $ 72,759 Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ 72,759 Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ 72,759 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM - FUND 629 Appropriations Non Departmental Reserves $ 74,127 $ 74,127 Total Regional Fiber Consortium F $ 74,127 Total Regional Fiber Consortium F $ 74,127 INSURANCE FUND - FUND 707 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Beginning Cash $ 230,746 Non Departmental Reserves $ 230,746 Total Insurance Fund $ 230,746 Total Insurance Fund $ 230,746 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Internal Copier Lease Charges VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT - FUND 713 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety Library Total Departmental Operating $ 140,911 1,147 $ 29,250 112,000 141,250 $ Non Departmental Debt Service Reserves Total Non Departmental $ 7,919 (7,111 ) 808 $ Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ 142,058 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ 142,058 Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash SDC Administrative Fee SDC ADMINISTRATION FUND - FUND 719 Appropriations $ (106,577) 106,577 Total SDC Administration Fund $ Total SDC Administration Fund $ Estimated Revenues Total Supplemental Budget $ 17,540,565 Appropriations Total Supplemental Budget $ 17,540,565 Attachment B - Page 9 of 10 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 6th day of November, 2006, by a vote of 5 for and o against. (1 absent - Pishioneri) , ( ATTEST: ~~wa REVIEWED it APPROVED ~T~ FORM \ c:.","", ~ L('<......\'~-. DATE: ~ c ~ :s \ \ '\::)~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Attachment B - Page :10. S)i. 10