HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-45 11/06/2006 RESOLUTION NO.06 ..45 -- A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE PIONEER P ARKW A Y BUS RAPID TRANSIT EmX CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council most recently adopted TransPlan, the Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan, in July 2002, including Bus Rapid Transit as a policy to address traffic congestion; and WHEREAS, on November 5, 2001 the Springfield City Council agreed with the EmX Steering Committee's recommendation that Lane Transit District (LTD) move forward with the evaluation of alternatives and project development activities that would extend the EmX system from the downtown Springfield Station north into the Gateway area; and WHEREAS, Lane Transit District evaluated alignment alternatives and operational alternatives in an extensive public involvement process between 2001 and 2006; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council, on April 17, 2006, considered a staff report and recommendation with respect to the Locally Preferred Design recommended by the L TD EmX Steering Committee; and WHEREAS, the staff report noted that approval of final design would occur through the City's standard Public Improvement Plan Process; and WHEREAS, the staff report noted the recommended locally preferred design calls for multiple alternatives to be evaluated, pending completion of the design of the Beltline/Gateway intersection, and recommended that the transportation system management alternative be the appropriate design for Gateway Street and Harlow Road; and WHEREAS, the Council considered the staff report and recommendation, and on the basis thereof, by motion, endorsed the Local Preferred Design for the Pioneer Parkway corridor as recommended by the EmX Steering Committee, determined that the transportation system management alternative is the appropriate design for Gateway Street and Harlow Road, and recommended that the final decision for those streets should not be determined until the EmX design process can consider the final design for the Beltline/Gateway intersection; and WHEREAS, the L TD Board of Directors, and the Metropolitan Policy Committee endorsed the Locally Preferred Alternative for the Pioneer Parkway EmX project in April and May 2006; and WHEREAS, the EmX Steering Committee approved the EmX Parkway Corridor project on October 17,2006; and WHEREAS, Lane Transit District staff have reported that the Federal Transit Administration is expected to approve a Finding of No Significant Impact for the Pioneer Parkway Corridor EmX project as described in the Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council considered the proposed corridor design at its work session on November 6, 2006; and WHEREAS, Lane Transit District staff have reported to the Council with respect to the comments received on the Environmental Assessment; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reported to the Council with respect to an analysis of the Environmental Assessment by City staff and has recommended that the Council endorse the proposed Pioneer Parkway EmX corridor, subject to final design review as part of the City's Public Improvement Plan process; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the City of Springfield and Lane Transit District to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement to describe the ongoing obligations of L TD and the City including but not limited to Rights of Way and property use agreements and traffic signal operations for the Parkway BR T Corridor; and WHEREAS, the Lane Transit District Board of Directors requests the Springfield City , Council to endorse the Pioneer Parkway EmX corridor; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council held a public hearing on the proposed corridor design at its Regular Meeting on November 6, 2006; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the comments at the public hearing, the report of the City Manager and the information provided by City staff and Lane Transit District staff; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the final design approval process for the Parkway Corridor as it relates to any needed land use actions under jurisdiction of the City shall be processed using the City's applicable land use review and approval process; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the final design approval process for the Parkway Corridor as it relates to project activity in Springfield Rights of Way or other property owned by the City shall be processed using the City's normal Public Improvement Project permit review and approval process; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD that the Springfield City Council formally endorses the Pioneer Parkway Bus Rapid Transit EmX corridor as described and proposed in Exhibit A, the Environmental Assessment Executive Summary for the project, included herein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is directed to review final design for the corridor using the City's Public Improvement Plan process; and RESOLUTION NO. 06-45 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city Manager is directed to negotiate intergovernmental agreements with Lane Transit District with respect to ongoing obligations ofLTD and the City including but not limited to Rights of Way and property use agreements and traffic signal operations for the Parkway BR T Corridor and present the same to the Council for review and approval; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 6th day of November ,2006. Adopted by a vote of 5 for and o against. (1 absent - Pishioneri) ATTEST: ~~ ~~Vi~WE~ & A~PROVED A~FORM\ \ <;::..a'~ ~ \..~\~ DATE: \C) I ~~.J D ~ - OFFIC~ Of CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. 06-45