HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6114 02/07/2005 . '. ..: ORDINANCE NO. 6114 (General) AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, AMENDING AND ADDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OR PORTIONS THEREOF: 8.200, PURPOSE, 8.200(7)&(8); 8.202, DEFINITIONS; 8.204, DESIGN (5) ALLOWABLE STRESSES; 8.206, CONSTRUCTION (3) RESTRICTIONS ON COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS, (4) ANCHORAGE, (5) DISPLAY SURFACES, (6) APPROVED PLASTICS; 8.208, PROJECTION AND CLEARANCE (4)(d) CLEARANCE OVER VEHICLE USE AREA; 8.214, ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION; 8.216, TESTS; 8.218, PERMITS-REGULATIONS-FEES (1) PERMIT APPLICATIONS (t), (3) BANNER PERMIT FEES, (5) (b) EXPIRATION; 8.232, NON-CONFORMING SIGNS; 8.234, EXEMPT SIGNS (3) PUBLIC SIGNS, (7) DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, (9) ELECTION CAMPAIGN SIGNS (a) (10) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SIGNS, (13) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH, (16) MURALS, (17) SPECIAL EVENT/HOLIDA Y SIGNS; 8.236, PROHIBITED SIGNS (5) ROTATING OR FLASHING SIGNS, (11) UNAUTHORIZED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (12) ILLUMINATION/GLARE; 8.240, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SIGN STANDARDS (3) NON- RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, (4) CHURCHES; 8.244, GENERAL OFFICE SIGN STANDARDS (4) LOGOS, (5) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.246, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (1) LOGOS, (2) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.248, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AND MAJOR RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, (3) SECOND STORY BUSINESSES, (4) LOGOS (5) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.250, DOWNTOWN SIGN DISTRICT, (1) WALL SIGNS, (b) SECOND STORY BUSINESSES AND ABOVE, (4) LOGOS, (5) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.252, BOOTH KELLY SIGN DISTRICT, (3) LOGOS, (4) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.254, 1-5 MALL DISTRICT, (4) SECOND STORY BUSINESSES, (5) LOGOS, &(8) ILLUMINA TlON FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.256, 1-5 COMMERCIAL SIGN DISTRICT, (6) ILLUMINATION; 8.258, LIGHT-MEDIUM, SPECIAL HEAVY (1) MAXIMUM HEIGHT, (4) DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, (5) LOGOS, (6) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.260, BILLBOARD DISTRICTS (1) APPLICATION, (4) SIGN FACE REQUIREMENTS; 8.262, PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE (1) LOGOS, (2) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.264, SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (3) LOGOS, (5) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.266, SCHOOLS (1) LOGOS, (2) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 8.267, SPORTS FACILITY SIGN DISTRICT (3) LOGOS, (5) ILLUMINATION FROM SIGNS ON NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; MAP NO.2, 1-5 MALL AND 1-5 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS; AND DELETING AND RENUMBERING SECTION 8.206(4). THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SECTION 8.200, Purpose, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "8.200 Purpose. The city recognizes the importance of an aesthetically pleasing community to the continued welfare of its population and to the economic development of the city. Sections 8.200 to 8.267 shall apply to all signs located within the city limits and the Urban Growth Boundary. The regulation of the quantity, size and type of signs in designated zones within the city provides equity among users and insulates neighbors from adverse effects of signs. Sections 8.200 to 8.267 do not regulate the content of any sign. The regulatim of signs has the following specific objectives:" 2. Section 8.200, Purpose, (7)&(8) added to the Springfield Municipal Code to read as follows: "(7) To provide regulations that can be administered to allow sign owners and sign users the opportunity to realize the value of their investment and make as many of their own choices as possible while protecting the needs of the public." "(8) To protect residential neighborhoods from the adverse impact that signs may have on the residential atmosphere." 3. Section 8.202, Definitions, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of the following definitions: "Electronic Reader Board. An electric sign which conveys a message supported by one or more uprights in the ground or by an approved method attached to a building wall." ATTACHMENT I - Page I of9 . . . "Sign. Any letter, figure, character, marquee, pictorial, picture, trademark, reading matter, or illuminated service which is constructed, placed, attached, painted, erected, fastened, or manufactured in any manner so hat it shall be used for the attraction of the public to any place, subject, person, firm, corporation, performance, article, machine, merchandise which is displayed in any manner outdoors. Every sign shall be classified and conform to the requirements of that classification of this Code." "Sign Structure. Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting a sign as defmed in this Code." 4. Section 8.202, Defmitions, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by amending the following defmitions: "Exempt. Signs exempted from normal permit requirements; however, still subject to those restrictions as stated in sections 8.200 to 8.267." "Fees. The amount required to be paid to the city as specified to undertake any provision of sections 8.200 to 8.267 in pursuit of installing a sign:' "Flashing Sign. An illuminated sign, or a sign constructed of reflective material to simulate movement, on or within which light is not mainained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times. This description does not include an approved electronic reader board." "Logo. A letter, character, symbol or trademark used to symbolize or stand for a business that has been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Logos utilized other dlln wall signs shall be considered as one of the permitted signs (i.e., freestanding sign):' "Non-Conforming Signs. A sign that does not meet the requirements in sections 8.200 to 8.267 for a legal sign." 5. Section 8.204, Design, (5) Allowable Stresses, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(5) Allowable Stresses. The design of wood, concrete, steel or aluminum members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 17, 19, and 22, of the State Structural Specialty Code. Load;, both vertical and horizontal, exerted upon the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in the State Structural Specialty Code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed 25 percent of the ultimate strength a the rope or fasteners. Working stresses or wind or seismic loads combined with dead load~ may be increased as specified in Chapter 16 of the State Structural Specialty Code:' 6. Section 8.206, Construction, (3) Use of Combustibles, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(3) Use of Combustibles. Wood, approved plastic or plastic veneer panels as provided for in Chapter 26, or other materials of combustible characteristics similar to wood, used for moldings, cappings, nailing blocks, letters and latticing, shall comply with the State Structural Specialty Code and shall not be used for other ornamental features of signs, unless approved. 7. Section 8.206, Construction, (4) Non Structural Trim, is deleted. 8. Section 8.206, Construction, (5) Anchorage, (6) Display Surfaces & (7) Approved Plastics, are hereby renumbered as follows: "(4) Anchorage. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values as determined by the building official. Braced free standing signs shall be anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic load acting in any direction anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance to pull out, amounting to a force 25 percent greater than the required resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall penetrate to a depth below ground greater than that of the frost line. Signs attached to masonry, concrete or steel shall be securely fastened through the use of metal anchors, bolts or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safely the loads applied. No wooden blocks, plugs or wooden anchors used in connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, except in the case of signs attached to wood framing. No anchor or support of any sign shall be connected to, or supported by, an unbraced parapet wall, unless ATTACHMENT I - Page 2 of9 Ordinance No. 6114 such wall is designed in accordance with the requirements for parapet walls specified for seismic zones in the State Structural Specialty Code." . "(5) Displav Surfaces. Display surfaces may be made of metal, glass or approved plastics. Sections of approved plastics on wall signs shall not exceed 225 square feet in area. When more than one section is used, they shall be separated three feet laterally and six feet vertically:' "(6) Approved Plastics. The building official shall require that sufficient technical data be submitted to substantiate the proposed use of any plastic material and, if it is determined that the evidence submitted is satisfactory for the use intended, the building official may approve its use:' 9. Section 8.208, Projection and Clearance, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.208(4)(d) Clearance Over Vehicle Use Area as follows: "(4)(d) Clearance Over Vehicle Use Area. The minimum clearance of all signs projecting over any portion of a vehicle use area shall be 16 feet. Bollards or other physical barriers capable of protecting all portions of the sign projecting over the vehicle use area may be used to satisfy this standard:' 10. Section 8.214, Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: . "8.214. Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction. Alternative Materials, Design, Modifications and Methods of Construction: The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any innovative design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code, provided that any such alternative has been approved by the building official. An alternative design, modification or method of construction shall be approved where the building official fmds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the material, method or work offered is, at least the equivalent of the standards prescribed in this code. The details and fmdings of such action granting an alternative design, materials, and method of construction shall be recorded and entered in the files of the Community Services Division." 11. Section 8.216, Tests, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "8.216 Tests. When there is insufficient evidence of compliance with any provision of sections 8.200 to 8.267 of the State Specialty Codes, the building official may require tests as evidence of complian::e to be made at no expense to the city. Test methods shall be as specified by the Specialty Codes or by other recognized test standards. In the absence of recognized and accepted test methods for the proposed alternate, the building official shall determine test procedures. All tests shall be made by an approved testing agency. Reports fO" such tests shall be retained by the building official for the period required for the retention of public records:' 12. Section 8.218, Permits-Regulations-Fees, (1) Permit Applications (f),(3) Banner Permit Fees, (5)(b) Expiration of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: "(1)(f) If the application is for a billboard, the applicant must provide an approved permit from the State of Oregon under the Oregon Motorists Information Act of 1971 (ORS 377.700 et seq.) prior to the erection of the billboard." "(3) Banner Permit Fees. Two permits for each approved development area shall be permitted per calendar year. The fee for each permit shall re set by resolution of the council. Each banner shall be no larger than 60 square feet and be erected for a maximum of 14 days. The banner(s) shall be located completely on private property and shall be in compliance with the required setbacks as identified in this Code. A security deposit is required when this permit is issued. If the applicant fails to remove the banners by the date specified on the permit, the deposit shall be forfeited and the city may remove the banners. If any banners are erectedwithout first obtaining a permit, the fee shall be doubled. Banners erected by the city for city sponsored events, or the parks district, utility company, or hospital for community events are exempt:' . "(5) (b) Expiration. If the sign authorized by a sign permit is not installed within 180 days after the date the permit is issued, or any inspection required to verify progress of the proposed installation, the permit shall be void. The building official may extend an unexpired sign permit for a period rot exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond their control have prevented work on the sign. No permit shall be extended more than once." ATTACHMENT I - Page 3 of9 Ordinance No. 6114 13. Section 8.232, Non-Conforming Signs, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: . "Non-Conforming Signs. For the purpose ofthis section, a non-conforming sign shall be defined as a legal sign existing on the effective date of February 7, 2005;' 14. Section 8.234, Exempt Signs, (3) Public Signs, (7) Directional Signs, (9) Election Campaign Signs (a), (10) Building Construction Signs, (13) Neighborhood Watch, Drug Free Zone, and Business Alert Signs, (16) Murals, of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: "(3) Public Signs. Public Signs shall include the following: signs of a public nature, Le., all signs erected by a public employee in the performance of a public duty, including but not limited to safety signs, danger signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest. Signs constructed or placed in a public right of way by or with the approval of a governmental agency having legal control or ownership over the right of way. Signs owned or constructed under the direction or authorization of the City?' "(7) Directional Signs. A sign indicating traffic movements onto or within a premise, not exceeding 6 square feet and 2.5 feet in height. A maximum of one sign per vehicle ingress/egress shall be permitted. No sign shall be located in any vision clearance area as defmed in the definitions of this Code." "(9) (a) An election campaign sign shall be allowed 90 days prior to any public election and removed within three (3) days following the fmal election. The owner of the property on which the sign is placd shall be responsible for its removal." "(10) Building Construction Signs. A maximum of one sign per contractor and one sign indicating the business to be located in the new structure is permitted for the duration of work conducted on site." . "(13) Neighborhood Watch. Drug Free Zone. and Business Alert Signs. Neighborhood Watch, Business Alert, and Drug Free Zone signs shall be located solely on private property. Maximum size for these signs is six (6) square feet. Signs cannot be located in any visim clearance area." "(16) Murals. A mural on a wall located in a commercial, public land, or industrial district. The size of the mural is not regulated." 15. Section 8.234, Exempt Signs, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition ofa new Section 8.234(17), Special Event/Holiday Signs, to read as follows: "(17) Special EventIHoliday Signs. Temporary signage as part of an approved City License or approved City Special Event." 16. Section 8.236, Prohibited Signs, (5), Rotating or Flashing Signs, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(5) Rotating or Flashing Signs. Signs in which the sign face moves or lights flash, travel or reflect. This does not include approved, permitted electronic reader boards." 17. Section 8.236, Prohibited Signs, of the Springfield Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8.236(11) Unauthorized Public Right of Way, (12) Illumination/Glare, to read as follows: "(11) Unauthorized Public Right of Way. Signs in the public right of way not authorized by a government agency;' "(12) Illumination/Glare. No sign shall be illuminated or use lighting where such lighting is directed at any portion of a traveled street or will otherwise cause glare or impair the visvn of the driver of a motor vehicle." . 18. Section 8.240, Residential District Sign Standards, (3) Non-Residential Professional Offices, (4) Churches, of the Springfield Municipal Code. are hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) Non-Residential Professional Offices. Each approved development area shall be limited to one (1) free standing sign and one (1) wall sign. The free standing sign shall be a maximum of 16 square feet for one face and 32 square feet for two or more faces. The wall sign shall be amaximum of 16 square feet. Free standing signs ATTACHMENT I - Page 4 of9 Ordinance No. 6114 or wall signs shall not be more than eight (8) feet above grade. Each detached building shall be permitted one (1) additional wall sign not to exceed eight (8) square feet. Internally lighted signs shall be prohibited." . "(4) Churches. Each approved development area shall be limited to two (2) free standing signs and one (1) wall sign. The signs shall be a maximum of32 square feet for one face and 64 square feet for two or more faces. Free. standing signs or wall signs shall not be more than eight (8) feet above grade. Each detached building shall be permitted one (1) additional wall sign not to exceed eight (8) square feet. Neon signs are prohibited." 19. Section 8.244, General Office Sign Standards, (4) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(4) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 64 square feet for a single business. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." 20. Section 8.244, General Office Sign Standards, of the Springfield Municipal Code is hereby amended by the addition of Section 8.244(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 21. Section 8.246, Neighborhood Commercial, of the Springfield Municipal Code and Section 8.246(1) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: . "Neighborhood Commercial. Each approved development in a NC District shall be allowed one (1) free standing sign not to exceed 40 square feet per sign face, with a maximum size of 80 square feet for two or more faces. This sign cannot exceed eight (8) feet in height above grade. In addition, each business in the NC District shall be limited to one (1) wall sign, with a maximum size of 40 square feet and cannot exceed 20 feet in total height above grade." "(1) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 32 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." 22. Section 8.246, Neighborhood Commercial, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.246(2) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(2) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 23. Section 8.248, Community Commercial and Major Retail Commercial District, (3) Second Story Businesses and Above, & (4) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: "(3) Second Story Businesses and Above. Two (2) wall signs per business shall be permitted with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet for all faces." "(4) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of350 Square feet for single story businesses and 175 square feet for second story businesses. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." . 24. Section 8.248, Community Commercial and Major Retail Commercial District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.248(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: ATTACHMENT I - Page 5 of 9 Ordinance No. 6114 "(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential PropertY. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zore which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." . 25. Section 8.250, Downtown Sign District, (1)(b) Second Story Businesses and Above, (4) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: "(1 ) (b) Second Story Businesses and Above. Second story businesses and above facing a public street shall be permitted signage of I Y2 square feet per lineal foot of building wan:' "(4) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of three (3) square feet per lineal foot of building wall for frst story businesses and I Y2 square feet per lineal foot of building wall for second story businesses. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo:' 26. Section 8.250, Downtown Sign District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.250(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shield:d so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which isadjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 27. Section 8.252 Booth Kelly Sign District, (3) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(3) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the pamitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 200 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed sign." . 28. Section 8.252, Booth Kelly Sign District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.252(4) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(4) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 29. Section 8.254, 1-5 Mall District, (4) Second Story Businesses and Above, & (5) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(4) Second StOry Businesses And Above. Each structure with a second story business shall be permitted one (1) wall sign that is a maximum of 50 square feet:' "(5) Logos. Logos at each primary entrance are allowed to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign(s) and logo(s) do not exceed a combined area ofl,OOO square feet. Anchor tenants with 50,000 or more square feet of gross area may also include logos in their allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 200 square feet per building face. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area may also include logos in their allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 100 square feet pemuilding face. Businesses located on the second story and above may include logos into their allowable square footage for a combined total of 50 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." . 30. Section 8.254, 1-5 Mall District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.254(8) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(8) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential PropertY. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residertial zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." ATTACHMENT 1 - Page 6 of9 Ordinance No. 6114 31. Section 8.256, 1-5 Commercial Sign District, (3) Second Story Businesses and Above, & (5) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: . "(3) Second Story Businesses And Above. Each business shall be permitted two (2) wall signs per business and with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet:' "(5) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises, and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 350 square feet for single story businesses and 175 squae feet for second story businesses. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." 32. Section 8.256, 1-5 Commercial Sign District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to add Section 8.256(6) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(6) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 33. Section 8.258 Light-Medium, Special Heavy, (1) Maximum Height, (4) Directional Sign, & (5) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code are ameooed to read as follows: "(1) Maximum Height The maximum height for all signs is 30 feet from grade to the top of the sign:' "(4) Directional Sign. Each approved development area of at least five (5) acres shall be permitted one directional free standing sign of 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two or more faces~' . "(5) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 350 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." 34. Section 8.258, Light-Medium, Special Heavy, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.258(6) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property to read as follows: "(6) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 35. Section 8.260 Billboard Districts, (1) Application & (4) Sign Face Requirements, of the Springfield Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: "(1) Application. The Billboard District standards apply to all signs located in the geographically bound areas in Map No.3 that are greater than 200 square feet for a single face and not otherwise permitted in this code. The number of billboards contained in the Billboard District shall not exceed 38 signs within the City of Springfield City Limits and 9 in the Glenwood Designated Billboard District. Allsigns that are located outside the designated Billboard District or fail to meet the sign face requirements, shall be considered non-conforming. The billboard standards shall apply to all billboards located in the areas designated on Map No.3. Prior to any sit work, the applicant must provide the City with an approved permit from the State of Oregon for the placement of the billboard at the specified proposed location under the Oregon Motorist Information Act of 1971 (ORS 377.700 et seq." "(4) Sign Face ReQuirements. All billboards installed along 1-105 and 1-5 shall be a maximum of 14' by 48' (672 square feet total) or 10' by 30' (300 square feet total). Double faced or one sided billboards shall be considered as one sign and each side may not excero the allowable size as listed above." . 36. Section 8.262, Public Land and Open Space, (1) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(1) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above providld the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage ofthepermitted wall signs ATTACHMENT I - Page 7 of9 Ordinance No. 6114 and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 40 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo." . 37. Section 8.262, Public Land and Open Space, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.262(2) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property to read as follows: "(2) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 38. Section 8.264, Special Light Industrial District, (3) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: (3) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above providedthe logo is the logo of the business residing on premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 150 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo. 39. Section 8.264, Special Light Industrial District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.264(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 40. Section 8.266, Schools, (1) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "(1) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area of 80 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being . installed based on the square footage ofthe proposed logo." 41. Section 8.266, Schools, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.266(2)Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(2) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non residential zone:' 42. Section 8.267, Sports Facility Sign District, (3) Logos, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: "(3) Logos. Logos are allowed in addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and logos do nct exceed a combined area of 400 square feet. A permit is required for each logo that is being installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo:' 43. Section 8.267, Sports Facility Sign District, of the Springfield Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 8.267(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property, to read as follows: "(5) Illumination From Signs on Non Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone." 44. Except as hereinafter specifically amended, the provisions of Chapter 8, Section 8.200 through Section 8.267 of the Springfield Municipal Code regarding sign standards shall remain in fullforce and effect. . 45. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance is deemed to be partially void, invalid, or unenforceable, that provision continues in full force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by law, andall remaining provisions of this Ordinance continue in full force and effect. If any provision of this Ordinance is deemed to be completely void, invalid, or unenforceable, that provision must be severed fromthe remainder of this Ordinance and all remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect. ATTACHMENT I - Page 8 of9 Ordinance no. 6114 . . . < . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~ day of February 2005, by a vote of -L for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayo, of the City of SP'~~ dOl> of February ATffiST \ 9~ u Mayor (J CityReco~~ ,2005. '-' -\'CV\'ED & APPROVED t 'z -n raRM _~~.u:~~~ ,) LC/tlo ,~ --, I . .. - \ I "'2} 'l .. ,:::~.,I~ 0 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT I - Page 9 of9 Ordinance.No. 6114