HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6123 03/21/2005 . . " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 3.200, 3.202 AND SECTION 3.204 AND ADDING SECTIONS 3.203 AND 3.205 TO CHAPTER 3 "STREETS" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE COMPENSATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WHERE VACATION OF A CITY RIGHT OF WAY RESULTS IN A SPECIAL BENEFIT TO ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER The Common Council of the City of Springfield ordains as follows: Section 1. Sections 3.200, 3.202, and 3.204 of Chapter 3 "Streets" the Springfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: "3.200 Vacation--Initiation. The proposal to vacate a public easement, right-of-way or plat may be initiated by the Council or by petition of abutting and area owners in accordance with ORS 271.080 et. seq. and Article 9 of the Springfield Development Code. 3.202 Vacation--Hearing. The Council, upon hearing a petition for a vacation, shall determine whether the applicant has demonstrated that the criteria listed in Article 9 of the Springfield Development Code have been met. 3.204 - Vacation--Assessment. (1) In addition to payment of the application and publication fees referenced in Section 3.203, a vacation of improved or unimproved public right-of-way, any public way acquired with public funds, or any undeveloped subdivision or partition plat, or portions thereof, shall require the payment to the City by the applicant of an amount equal to the assessment of special benefit resulting or inuring to the abutting property that results from the vacation and disposition of property to the benefited property owners. (2) In vacating a public right-of-way, whether initiated by Council, or by petition as provided by Section 3.200, the assessed v.alue of special benefit that results from the vacation and disposition of property to the benefited abutting property owners shall include: (a) The value of the real property; and, (b) The costs incurred by the City in the construction of public improvements, if any such improvements have been made. (c) The value of any public easements or reservations retained by the City. (3) The assessment of special benefit and the amount of money to be deposited shall be recommended by the City Manager and approved by the City Council. The City Council may waive the assessment of a special benefit if the Council determines it is in . the public interest. ORDINANCE Page -1- ORDINANCE NO. 6123 (4) In determining the value of the special benefit the Council shall consider any . relevant appraisals the City possesses, public information in the files of the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation or successor agency, and other sources relevant to the determination of value. The owners may request City to obtain evidence of value from a licensed real estate appraiser employed by City with the costs of the appraisal paid in advance by owner. (5) At least 5 working days prior to the public hearing, the property owner shall deposit with the City the amount of money recommended by the City Manager. If the Vacation Application is approved by the City Council, the deposit shall be retained by the City as directed by the City Council. If the Vacation Application is denied by the City Council, the deposit shall be returned to the property owner. The property owner shall deposit the amount of money recommended by the City Manager with the fees for Vacation and Notice. (6) In lieu of paying the assessment the owners may make application to pay the sum of money due in installments, as provided in the Bancroft Bonding Act, in the same manner as other assessment liens in the City. In such case the City Council shall include in the Vacation Ordinance the amount of the assessment and direct the Finance Director to enter such assessment in the docket of City Liens." Section 2. There is hereby added to Chapter 3, Sections 3.203 and 3.205 of Chapter . 3 "Streets" of the Springfield Municipal Code as follows: "3.203 Vacation--Application Fees and Requirements. Applications for Vacation initiated by abutting property owners shall be accompanied by an application fee established by Council Resolution and an additional amount sufficient to pay the expenses related to publication of the Vacation Notice. The application must include the signatures of all property owners underlying or owning property served by the easement or abutting the right-of-way that is subject to the proposed Vacation. 3.205 Vacation--Notice. Notice of the proposed assessments for benefits shall be given pursuant to Article 9 of the Springfield Development Code by first class mail or by personal service to the owners of the property to be assessed no less than 20 days prior to the public hearing of the vacation application before the Council meeting at which assessments are to be considered or made. The Notice shall contain a statement of the names, addresses, and the amount of the proposed assessment of each property owner's special benefit by the Vacation and the hour, date, and place of the public hearing at which the City Council will hear objections to the Vacation or assessment." Section 3. There is no change to Section 3.206 of Chapter 3 "Streets" of the Springfield Municipal Code. . ORDINANCE Page -2- ORDINANCE NO. 6123 . Section 4. Severability. If any phrase, clause, or other part or parts of this Ordinance is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses and other part or parts shall remain in full force and effect. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21st day of March , 2005 by a vote of -L in favor and ~ against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21st, day of March 2005. ATTEST: A~rder . . ORDINANCE Page -3-