HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06/43 10/16/2006 RESOLUTION NO 06-43 A RESOLUTION INITIATING EXPEDITED ANNEXATION AND EXTRATERRITORIAL SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LOCATED ON LOMOND STREET BETWEEN LOCH DRIVE AND 23RD STREET AS IDENTIFIED ON ASSESSOR MAP 17 -03-25-12 TAX LOTS 3400 AND 3500 (REYNOLDS/HOME BUILDERS) AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION USING THE PROVISIONS OF ORS 199.466. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(1)(a) to initiate a minor boundary change (Exhibit A) by resolution of the governing body of the affected city, and WHEREAS, the territory is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, and WHEREAS, all of the property owners of the territory proposed to be annexed have signed a consent petition to annex to the City of Springfield (Exhibit B) WHEREAS, sanitary sewer service can be provided in timely manner via extra territorial extension within the right of way of Lomond Street and water service will be provided by Springfield Utility Board as per an agreement between Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is non-contiguous to the city limits and can be immediately provided with key urban services as defined in the Metro Plan Policy 8, and NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the expedited annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Section 25, Map 12, Tax Lots 3400 and 3500; as more particularly described in Exhibit A of this Resolution. Section 2: The Common Council further requests approval of an extraterritorial extension of sanitary sewer to serve the property after the effective date of annexation. Section 3: The Common Council further requests that the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation authorized by ORS 199.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a final order required by ORS 199.461. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16th day of October 2006, by a vote of 3 for and 2 against. (1 absent) APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 16th day of October 2006. -) " Attest: ~!~ . 'iPo/r-:"rl j{ !,K"\i"'qn"~n rr r-r-. r: r\ t ~I.::>_'~'-\ ~_~ 'I:"'-....-A\~~ \QJ.,-~.tQ~ - '-. - n-:: r;rrv ATTORNEY . , Exhibit A Resolution . . - LegalDescriptionof Territories a~d Sewer Extension LEGAL DESCRlPTION FOR ANNEXATION QF TWO LOTS AS IDENTIFIED "ON ASSESS-ORlYiAP~~17-03.;;25,"12 TAX LOTS 3'400 AND 3500 LegalDescription;,QfDot#J400C ,... -, ....- , LOT 1, BLOCK 5, LOCH LaMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION, as platted and 'recorded irlBook 46, P~ge 20;Line C,0urifyOregon Plat Records, In Lane County, Oregon '"..".. - ," Landowners:_"Z~ck'lry.f.. Wil~OJ1_ and:r<:.~l1yL. Wilson 35200L~mpic " "'. Springfield, OR.97478,- - (541) 521-9947 Legal Description of Lot #3500 LOT 7, BLOCK 5, LOCH LOMOND TE.RRACE ADDITION, as platted andr~gorded in Book 46, Page 20,Lan~ CountY Oregon Plat Records, In Lane County, Oregon 'Landowners: Alan De'an Reynolds and Gail Leslie Reynolds 231, E~4th Street Eugeqe;-OR 97405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR EXTRATERRITORIAL EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWEKIN LOLvIOND STREET A sanitary se\verline'lying within the 60' right-of-way for Lomond Street lying 30' on each side of the fonowing described line: . . Beginning at a point lying on the centerline of Lomond Street and 152 feet east of the intersection of Lomond Street and 23rd Street; , Thence westerly along the centerline of Lomond Street 418 feet to a point being the intersec'tion of Loch Drive and Lomond Street. 3-2 RESOLUTION NO. 06-43 Exhibit B Resolution. SUBJECT SITE Springfield, OR i 1 ! f I ) / 1/ /1 / .' -..., " , 500" \. ',\ 2200. 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"" 'f\~ \c\c::..,' , \ L\),.,c..\(()..,\<\ J K L'\,\<..,,^ \ )\Z f> \\, 1 ' '- _W\\f---l\V'\' 1 -- ',' -- , , , TAX LOT NUMBERS Twp R See 1/4 1116 Lot # \ ~ tJ:\ d}~ \ 'Q., \1-- D:\ '2..S '\ '2 ,)i'l '03, '2S 12 1 ~ t\. ~ ?S \ ?. , , , , " -- , .,' , ;"\ S {)\"; :\S[\l) 1:7),--\\1) 31DD , With the above signanire, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my fInn agency or trust. ' , ' 3-4 RESOLUTION NO. 06-43