HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6146 11/07/2005 . ORDINANCE NO. 6146 (REGULAR) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING THE DOWNTOWN MIXED-USE AREA FROM MIXED-USE TO NODAL DEVELOPMENT/MIXED-USE. The City Council of the City of Springfield finds that: A. Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth criteria for Plan diagram amendments. B. The City Council initiated the following Metropolitan Area General Plan diagram amendment: Redesignate the Downtown Mixed Use Area, except all of the area east of 8th Street and the block between ih and 8th on the north side of A Street, from Mixed Use to Nodal Development. Land east of 8th Street and land between ih and 8th on the north side of A Street shall remain Mixed Use Commercial. (The Assessor's Map and Tax Lot identification of these properties is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "B") . C. On October 4, 2005 the Springfield Planning Commission conducted public hearings to accept testimony and hear comments on this proposal. After the close of this public hearing the Planning Commission considered the testimony provided, including the staff report and all materials submitted in the application, The Planning Commission voted 5 in favor, one opposed, to forward a recommendation of approval to the Springfield City Council. D. On October 17,2005 the Springfield City Council held public hearings on this proposal. E. Evidence exists within the record and the findings attached hereto that the proposal meets the requirements of Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The above findings, and the findings set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby adopted. Section 2: The Metropolitan Area General Plan diagram designation for the Downtown Mixed-Use Area is hereby changed to Nodal Development/Mixed-Use as described in Exhibit B attached. . . Section 3: If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 4: Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided by Section 2.11 0 of the Springfield Municipal Code 1997, this Ordinance shall become effective upon the date that all of the following have occurred: (a) the ordinance has been acknowledged as provided by ORS 197.625; and (b) at least 30 days have elapsed since the date the ordinance was approved by the City Council. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~ day of Betcber; 2005 by a vote of ~ in favor and ~ against. (1 recused) November Approved by the Mayor of the Ci 8th day ofE>ctober, November 2005. ATTEST: . r&v Jtw-L City Recorder cr. ' REViEWED & APPROVED o FOR . Ordinance No. 6146 . . . City Of Springfield Development Services Department September 8, 200 Staff Report Applicant: City of Springfield Request: Amend Metro Plan diagram for Downtown Area to Mixed UselNodal Development; amend Downtown Refinement Plan diagram to Mixed UselNodal Development; amend Downtown Refinement Plan text by incorporating recommendations of the Springfield Station Area Plan Steering Committee; and rezone all tax lots within the Downtown Mixed Use Nodal Development Area to Mixed Use Commercial, Mixed Use Residential or Public Land and Open Space Attachments: Attachment A: Downtown Nodal Development Area Plan Designation Map- Proposed Attachment B: Downtown Nodal Development Area - Current Zoning Attachment C: Downtown Nodal Development Area - Proposed Zoning Attachment D: Proposed Refinement Plan Text Amendments Attachment E: A Refinelnent Plan for Springfield Downtown Attachment F: Springfield Station Specific Area Plan I. Executive Summary Journal No's. LRP 2005-00026 LRP 2005-00027 ZON 2005-00040 ProcedureType: Type IV-- Legislative EXHIBIT A 1 As part of the acknowledgment process for adoption of TransPlan - 2001, Eugene, Springfield and Lane County elected officials agreed to implement "alternative performance measures" as a substitute for the more difficult to achieve "10% reduction in vehicle miles traveled (vmt)" during the horizon of the plan (20 years). These alternative performance measures include a land use component that obligates the City of Springfield ,to redesignate a total of 400 acres, at several sites across the city, to "nodal development." The first site with this designation was the Glenwood river front, adopted in August, 2005; Downtown and Mohawk are proposed as fhe next sites. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and' Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page I of23 2 . Downtown Refinement Plan ~xed-Use Nodal Development Boundary . Nodal development designation is intended to create mixed-use centers along major transportation corridors. Each center can include an emphasis in use more suited to the economic advantages of the area (retail, service, office, industrial, residential), but the expectation is that the ability to mix uses on the same site or within the same building will gradually result in live/work/shop choices throughout the City that currently don't exist. In addition, each of these sites is currently or will be well served by transit, and currently or will through development, provide direct bike/ped connections internally and to the adjacent neighborhood. The corollary benefits associated with successfitl nodal development are fewer or shorter auto trips, less congestion, fewer air quality issues and less household income devoted to the automobile. Even where nodes are only marginally successful in creating an actual "mix" of compatible uses, dispersal of these opportunity sites means that residents of Springfield, regardless of distance removed from non-residential use, will have nearer and more accessible choices for shopping, services and employment. . Each nodal site may use a variety of zoning districts to implement and promote the intended dominate use, but in order to provide a full complement of choices to achieve a true mix of use, other compatible zoning districts are allowed. In the downtown for example, land use policies in the refinement plan emphasize retail, entertainment, civic and residential uses. These preferred land uses can be accommodated with MUC or MUR zones for a mix of use within the same building; with the PLO zone for public/civic land and buildings; and with MDR or HDR zones Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 2 of23 3 . for discrete use of higher density residential development. Attachment C shows proposed new zoning to implement nodal designation in the downtown. The text ~f the Refinement Plan is proposed to undergo significant revision throughout the document. Most of the proposed changes are derived from the work completed by the City and Downtown stakeholders dunng the preparation of the Springfield Station Specific Area Plan (c. 2000-2001). A steering committee from the larger group of stakeholders was formed for the purpose of evaluating the existing Downtown Refinement Plan and reconimending where changes and updates should occur. Those specific recommendations may be reviewed in Part 2, section 9 of the Technical Appendix of the Springfield Station Specific Area Plan. The majority of these recommendations are included in Attachment D in verbatim fonn. However, several of these recommendations were in the fonn of direction, rather than replacement, i.e. "This chapter should either be updated or deleted from the Refinement Plan." (Reference to: Involvement of Downtown Organizations, page 3). In those circumstances, staff prepared text now proposed for Planning COlmnission and City Council consideration. , The City's Erivironnlental Services Division has proposed some changes to the Booth Kelly Development Area to reflect the work performed on the Mill Race Restoration Area Project. This text is descriptive of the project's intent, completion to-date, and future tasks or recommendations intended to improve the water quality of the Mill Race. Although the inclusion of this text represents a significant body of work, it is consistent with existing direction taken by Council regarding implementation of the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the City's overall responsibility of resource stewardship. . The proposed amendments maintain and enhance the original goals of the Downtown Refinement Plan, and by extension the Metro Plan, by: allowing more residential opportunities within the predominate commercial zone (MUC); emphasizing downtown as a people place accommodating shoppers, walkers and residents; recognizing the importance of the City's commitment to infrastructure improvements; and by limiting some uses considered incompatible with these goals. Those uses.are either exclusively auto-dependent or are out of scale with the type of uses soughtfor the downtown (see page 41-4 and 41-5 of the Springfield Development Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 3 of23 . . . 4 Code for the complete list). Some of these uses already exist downtown but, with the exception of a fairly extensive automobile dealership east of Sth Street, the remaining businesses are otherwise compatible with downtown's other businesses. In the case of the larger automobile dealership, staff is recommending that the boundary of the Downtown Nodal Overlay District be withdrawn to Sth Street on the east. The area east of Sth to I 4th would remain designated Commercial on the Metro Plan diagram; would remain zoned Community Commercial; and would no longer be within the boundary Of the Downtown Refinement Plan. For all other properties within the modified Nodal Overlay Boundary currently occupied by restricted uses, staff is recommending the following policy to respond to this circumstance: "At the time of a Zoning Map amendment to a specific mixed use zone pennitted within the Downtown Mixed Use area, the presence of any lawful use that would then not be pennitted within that zone shall be considered a pre-existing permitted use. This use may continue or expand, regardless of ownership transfer, unless abandoned for 6 months or more as specified in Springfield Development Code Article 5, Non-Confonning Use." This new policy will create a cushion for the existing financial commitment made to establish and maintain these uses, but will also set the same limits on expansion that other businesses face when subject to the provisions of Article 5. II. Procedural Requirements Procedural requirements for amending the Metro Plan Diagram, the refinement plan diagram and text, and zone changes are described in Article 7 METRO PLAN AMENDMENTS, ArticleS ADOPTION OR AMENDMENT OF REFINEMENT PLAN TEXT, REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAMS AND DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT, and Article 12 OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS, of the Springfield DevelopmentCode. The following procedural relationships should be noted: "When a Metro Plan diagram amendment requires a refinement plan or function plan diagram, or map and text amendment for consistency, the Metro Plan, refinement Plan and functional plan amendments shall be processed concurrently." (SDC 7.1 I 0(4)). "The Planning Commission [or Hearings Official] may make a recommendation to the City Council to approve, approve with conditions or deny Zoning Map amendment and Metro Plan diagram amendment based upon approval criteria. The City Council shall make the tinallocal decision on all Zoning Map amendments involving a Metro Plan diagram amendment." (SDC 12.030(2)). Article 14 PUBLIC HEARINGS, Section 14.030 (2) requires that legislative land use decisions be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, providing information about the legislative action and the time, place and location of the hearing. This notice has been provided. Findings: 1. The City Council has initiated these amendments to the Metro Plan diagram, the Downtown Refinement Plan diagram and text, and the rezoning of property within the Downtown Refinement Plan Mixed Use Area. . 2. A "DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment" was mailed to the Department of Land Conservation and Development on August 12, 2005, stating the City's intent to make Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram. Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent lvith Diagram Amendments Page 4 of23 . . . 5 these amendments and zone changes. The notice was mailed more than 45 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing as required by ORS 197.610. 3. Notice of the public hearing concerning this matter was published on September 24,2005 in the Springfield News, advertising both the hearing before the Springfield Planning Commission on October 4,2005 and the City Council on October 17,2005. The content of the notice followed the direction given in Section 14.030 (2) of the SDC for these actions, Conclusion: Procedural requirements described in Articles 7, 8, 12 and 14 of the SDC have been followeq. Notice requirements established by DLCD for these actions have also been followed. III. Decision Criteria and Findings Metro Plan Amendment - Criteria and Findings Arti.cle 7 describes the criteria to be used in approving a Type II Metro Plan amendment. SDC Section 7.070(3) states: "The following criteria shall be applied by the City Council in approving or denying a Metro Plan amendment application: (a) The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and (b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent." Criterion (a) the amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. Goall: Citizen Involvement To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process Findings The planning process responsible for this site being considered for designation as a node began in 1998 at about the three quarter-point of the TransPlan update, The cities and Lane County proposed alternative performance measures to achieve the equivalent of a 10% reduction in vehicle miles traveled (vmt) required by the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) for all Transportation System Plans (TSPs). The proposal to use the alternative strategies, including nodal development designation throughout Eugene and Springfield, underwent an extremely robust citizen involvement process in the two years or so it took to perfect. Included in this process were community work shops, local government hearings and hearings at the Land Conservation and Development Commission. The alternative performance measures were as much a construction ofthe citizens of Eugene-Springfield as they were a proposal from the joint elected officials. The Land Conservation and Development Commission acknowledged this land use measure ,(nodal development) on May Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 5 of23 . . . 6 8,2001. Eugene, Springfield and Lane County elected officials adopted TransPlan and amendments to the Metro Plan in December, 200l, All property owners and tenants within the downtown, and all property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the downtown boundaries received mailed notice of the public hearing before the Planning Commission and the public hearing before the City Council. The DLCD received a copy of the proposal for distribution to interested parties on August 12, 2005. Goal 1 Citizen Involvement is satisfied. Goal2: Land Use Planning To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual based for such decisions and actions. Findings The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is the basic guiding land use policy document for the City of Springfield. The "Purpose" section of the Metro Plan describes it as a framework plan. It is intended that more detailed refinement plans, programs, and policies should supplement the Metro Plan (E. Relationship to Other Plans and Policies, page 1-5, Metro Plan). The Eugene-Springfield Transportation System Plan, TransPlan, was adopted in 2001. Under state law, TransPlan is a functional plan of the Metro Plan. TransPlan made findings and established policies that support and promote mixed-use r development and nodal development. TransPlan includes a map titled "Potential Nodal Development Areas for the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area." The Downtown Mixed Use Area is identified as Site 8B. TransPlan includes specific land use policies implementing nodal development, including Land Use Policy #l: Nodal Development. Springfield's various neighborhood refinement plans are adopted as components of the Metro ' Plan, and are authoritative in the land use policies that will guide development within their boundaries. The Springfield Downtown Refinen1ent Plan, East Main Refinement Plan, Gateway Refinement Plan, Mohawk Specific Development Plan and the Glenwood Refinement Plan, each show mixed-use on their land use maps and discuss mixed use development in their plan texts. In June 2002, the Springfield City Council adopted an ordinance that added Article 41- Mixed Use Zoning Districts and Article 4 I-Nodal Development Overlay District to the Springfield Development Code for the purpose of implementing the land use policy elements Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 60f23 . . . 7 of TransPlan. In adopting Articles 40 and 41, findings were made that the Articles were consistent with the Metro Plan. The addition of Articles 40 and 41 to the Springfield Development Code was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. The current designation of this area on the Metro Plan diagram is a combination of community commercial and government and education with a mixed use overlay. Changing to Nodal Development/Mixed Use has only the modest effect of allowing ground-floor residential and prohibiting a finite list of auto dependent uses. For all intents and purposes, the current designation, current zoning and current refinement plan designation and policies allow almost point-for-point exchange of uses permitted by the new designation. The more telling aspect of this change is the commitment of this area's future to a more compact, more pedestrian-oriented shop-live-work enviromnent well served by a variety of transportation option,s. Goal 2 Land Use Planning is satisfied. Goal 3: Agricultural Lands To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. Findings Agricultural land does not include land within acknowledged urban growth boundaries. All of the land included in this proposed redesignation is within the urban growth boundary. Goal 3 Agricultural Lands does not apply to this action, Goal 4: Forest Lands To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land based and to protect the state's forest economy by making possible economically efficient forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound management of soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture. Findings The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the state in April, 1982, and has undergone two major periodic review cycles, in 1987 and in 1994-2005, both of which were acknowledged by LCDC. None of these activities included forest lands as a component of the Eugene-Springfield buildable lands inventories or park and open space designations, or even tangentially as a Goal 5 natural resource. In any case, the Downtown Mixed Use Area is not suited to this classification of resource land as such land is described in the guidelines of this Goal. Goal 4 Forest Lands does not apply to this action. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 70f23 . . 8 GoalS: Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces To protect natural resources and conserve scenic and historic areas and open spaces. . Findings The most recent Periodic Review of the Metro Plan included the task of compliance with the natural resources component of Goal 5. Community-wide surveys were conducted, including information provided by citizen volunteers, property owners, fish and wildlife experts, air photos, earlier inventories, and staff site visits. As this entire body of work progresses through the review, evaluation, and adoption process, no natural resources other than the Mill Race and Willamette River are within the boundaries of the Downtown Refinement Plan. The historic structures that exist downtown are not affected by this change: "The overlay zone applies to all property wherelNDO is indicated on the Springfield Nodal Overlay Map, except where the property is an historic property according to Article 30 of this Code." (SDC 41.010(2)) Changing the Metro Plan diagram to Nodal Development/Mixed Use does not provide for a tennination in the City's obligation to comply with this Goal. The focus of nodal development is on land to be used for development, not resource protection. None of the provisions of Nodal , Development, either in the Metro Plan or the Development Code, supersede Goal 5 compliance. Goal 5 Natural Resources is accommodated by this proposal. Goal6: Air, Water and Land Resources Quality To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state. Findings The proposed redesignation of the Downtown Mixed Use Area to Nodal Development/Mixed Use is intended to enable redevelopment of the downtown, thereby conserving building resources, introduce uses that will provide opportunities to live, work and shop in such proximity that use of motor vehicles (based on number and length of individual trips) is expected to decline, thereby reducing congestion and the deleterious effects on air quality that such circumstances create. Increasing jobs and housing opportunities along transportation corridors and in close relationship to major transit facilities also promotes opportunities and choices for citizens living outside the area to travel to the downtown using different modes. This in turn conserves transportation resources, including fuel, and may reduce long-term maintenance costs. This amendment will not influence the requirements and obligations all new development must observe regarding the City's stonn water management standards or ground water protection ordinances. . Goal 6 Air, Water and Land Resources Quality is promoted by this action. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 8 of23 . . . 9 Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards To protect life and property from natural disasters and hazards. Findings All sites associated with natural hazard, including flood plain, rapidly moving landslides, weak soil foundation, and earthquakes have been mapped and included in the City's Hazard Mitigation Plan, adopted November 15, 2004, and approved by the FEMA on November 30, 2004. Changing the Metro Plan diagram to Nodal Development/Mixed Use has no effect on the applicability of the Hazard Mitigation Plan, compliance with the structural specialty code, the one and two dwelling code, or the City's floodplain overlay district standards. All commercial and multi-family residential development is subject to the City's site plan review standards. Though the Downtown Mixed Use Area borders some unstable soils onWillamette Heights and the Willamette River flood plain, the downtown area doe not contain any known hazards. Goal 7 Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards is not compromised by this action. GoalS: Recreational Needs To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreationalfacilities including destination resorts. Findings The City adopted the Willamalane Park,and Recreation District Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan on November 15, 2004, as a refinement plan of the Metro Plan. This post- acknowledgement plan amendment was acknowledged by the Director of the Department of Land Conservation and Development on December 6, 2004. Amending the Metro Plan diagram to Nodal Development/Mixed Use does not relieve the City of its continuing obligation to implement the Metro Plan or its attendant refinement plans. In fact, there is an obligation to provide public spaces within nodes that is not required elsewhere. Redesignation of the downtown has no effect on the policies, programs or projects identified in the Park Plan which apply to the downtown. The potential increase in population that may occur as a result of this designation will remain within the distance guidelines (up to Yz mile service area) and area standards per 1,000 population (2 acres per thousand) for Island Park. Goal 8 Recreational Needs is satisfactorily addressed by this proposal. Goal 9: Economic Development To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 9 0123 10 . Findings Amending the Downtown Mixed Use Area to Nodal Development/Mixed Use more precisely implements existing Metro Plan policies regarding Springfield's Downtown. All existing Community Commercial zones will be revised to Mixed Use Commercial; all existing Medium Density Residential zones will be revised to Mixed Use Residential. There is no net change in commercial zoning, but there is an increase in commercial uses allowed in Mixed Use Residential (20% of the ground floor), and the use list in MUC offers more uses than CC (albeit II auto-related or auto-dependent uses are prohibited). Any existing use that falls within this category will be considered a pre-existing permitted use and will be allowed to remain with limitations only on expansion. NOTE: OAR Division 9, and specifically 660-009-0010(4) states: Notwithstanding paragraph (2) above, a jurisdiction which changes its plan designations oflands in excess of two acres to or from commercial or industrial use, pursuant to OAR 660, division 18 (a post acknowledgement plan amendment), must address all applicable planning requirements." This proposal is not changing land from non-commercial to commercial or from commercial to non-commercial; it is , commercial to commercial. An economic opportunities analysis is not called for in the absence of any net difference in commercial acreage. . Goal 9 Economic Development is promoted by this action. Goal 10: Housing To provide for the housing needs of the citizens of the state. Findings The proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment will give clear definition to the Downtown Nodal Development/Mixed Use Area. The purpose of this change is to further validate the policies of the Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan, both of which call for this area to be developed with a mix of commercial and medium to high density residential uses. The close proximity of these uses combiped with the presence of a major transit facility presents a more frugal arrangement of transportation, jobs, housing and employment opportunities than exists outside of designated nodes, Since there is no prohibition on multi-family residential anywhere inside this designation, and the current limitation on residential located on "second floors or above" is removed, this action increases residential development possibilities throughout downtown, . The purpose of the Nodal Development Overlay District is, in part, to: ".. .support pedestrian- friendly, mixed-use development as outlined in the State Transportation Planning Rule. Design standards for the NDO District are structured to foster the essential characteristics of pedestrian- friendly, human scale development that define 'nodal development.' These include (e) A mix of housing types and residential densities that achieve an overall net density of at least 12 units per acre." The existing designation does not compel minimum densities; it allows second story residential uses. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 10 of23 11 . Goal 10 Housing is implemented by this action. Goal 11 : Public Facilities and Services To plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. Findings This action constitutes a commitment from the City to develop and redevelop downtown with a compatible mix of retail, service, tourist and residential uses utilizing the existing infrastructure (grid system of streets, alleys, sidewalks). In addition, placing these uses near and around a major transit facility relieves pressure elsewhere on the transportation system. This action does not require more public facilities and services than the current similar Plan designation Goal 11 is satisfied. Goal 12: Transportation To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic transportation system. "2. Eugene and Springfield need to specify specific areas for nodal development within one year. TransPlan identifies approximately 50 areas as having potential for nodal development. Eugene and Springfield need to move quickly to pick which of the 50 areas to designate as nodes and set general boundaries to guide subsequent detailed planning. . 3. Eugene and Springfield need to adopt Metro Plan designations and zoning amendments for the specified nodes within two years after TransPlan adoption. Currently, most of the identified nodes are planned and zoned to allow continue auto-oriented development. This means inappropriate and poorly designed uses that could easily frustrate nodal development can be located in nodes. To be successful, nodes generally require a mix of mutually supportive pedestrian and transit-friendly uses and a good network of streets. If interim development Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 11 of23 . . . 12 includes inappropriate uses or is poorly laid out, the result could be to make a much larger area and perhaps a whole node unsuitable for nodal development." Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012 implements Goal 12, This Rule (TPR) includes the following definitions: (14) "Pedestrian district" means a comprehensive plan designation or implementing land use regulations, such as an overlay zone, that establish requirements to provide a safe and convenient pedestrian environment in an area planned for a mix of uses likely to support a relatively high level of pedestrian activity. Such areas include but are not limited to: (a) Lands planned for a mix of commercial or institutional uses near lands planned for medium to high density housing; or (b) Areas with a concentration of employment and retail activity; and (c) Which have or could develop a network of streets and accessways which provide convenient pedestrian circulations." (23) "Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)" means a mix of residential, retail and office uses and a supporting network of roads, bicycle and pedestrian ways focused on a major transit stop designed to support a high level of transit use. The key features of transit oriented development include: (a) A mixed use center at the transit stop, oriented principally to transit riders and pedestrian and bicycle travel form the surrounding area; (b) High density of residential development proximate to the transit stop sufficient to support transit operation and neighborhood commercial uses within the TOD; (c) A network of roads, and bicycle and pedestrian paths to support high levels of pedestrian access within the TOD and high levels oftransit use." The TPR also includes a process for plan and land use regulation amendments. This section of the TPR requires a determination of the impact on existing or planned transportation facilities of the proposed amendment. In making this detennination, the local jurisdiction must assess whether the proposal will significantly affect the function, capacity and performance standards of the facility. This significant affect occurs if it: "(a) Changes the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility; (b) Changes standards implementing a functional classification system; (c) Allows types or levels of land uses which would result in levels of travel or access which are inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation facility; or (d) Would reduce the performance standards of the facility below the minimum acceptable level identified in the TSP." If the proposal does significantly affect a transportation facility, then the rule requires that the impact be mitigated by one or more of the following methods: "(a) Limiting allowed land uses to be consistent with the planned function, capacity, and perfonnance standards of the transportation facility; Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 12 0/23 . . . 13 (b) Amending the TSP to provide transportation facilities adequate to support the proposed land uses consistent with the requirements ofthis division; (c) Altering land use designations, densities, or design requirements to reduce demand for automobile travel and meet travel needs through other modes; or (d) Amending the TSP to modify the planned function, capacity and perfonnance standards as needed, to accept greater motor vehicle congestion to promote mixed use, pedestrian friendly development where multimodal travel choices are provided." The proposed amendment will allow the Mixed Use Commercial and Mixed Use Residential zones (Article 40) to be applied where currently Community Commercial and Medium Density Residential zones apply. In addition, the Nodal Overlay District (Article 41) will apply. Article 41 institutes design standards to orient buildings to the street; prohibits parking between streets and buildings; creates pedestrian environments; provides public spaces; has a minimum density of 12 units per acre; and prohibits eleven auto-related, auto-dependent uses currently allowed in the CC district. Article 40 provides a maximum number of off-street parking spaces; allows maximum use of the site; establishes maximum setbacks; requires at least one major pedestrian entrance; and establishes a ratio of building size per pedestrian amenity. The TPR allows for an automatic reduction in trip calculation attributed to the new use (amendment): "( d) The purpose of this section is to provide an incentive for the designation and implementation of pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use centers and neighborhoods by lowering the regulatory barriers to plan amendments which accomplish this type of development. The actual trip reduction benefits of mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development will vary from case to case and may be somewhat higher or lower than presume pursuant to (a) above. The Commission concludes that this assumption is warranted given general information about the expected effects of mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly development and its intent to encourage changes to plans and development patterns." The reference to "(a) above" in this section is the automatic 10% reduction in trips assumed through approval of a mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly center which prohibits such uses as gas stations, car washes, storage facilities and motels, The TPR also assumes that any of the following circumstances constitute "mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly centers or neighborhoods:" , "(A) An existing central business district or downtown; (C) An area designated in an acknowledged comprehensive plan as a transit oriented development or a pedestrian district; or (D) An area designated as a special transportation area as provide for in the Oregon Highway Plan." . ' The Downtown Mixed Use Area is designated as a "Node" in TransPlan (Site 8B, Map of Potential Nodal Development Areas for the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area); Article 41 of the Springfield Development Code implements the nodal designation and requires the creation of pedestrian-friendly environments; Main Street from the bridges to loth Street is designated as a "special transportation area" by ODOT; and the Downtown Mixed Use Area is regarded as Springfield's central business district. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and ConclIrrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 13 of23 14 . Existing transportation facilities that serve this area are: the Main-South A couplet, and A and B Streets along the east-west axis; Mill Street, the Pioneer Parkway couplet, and 5th and ih Streets along the north-south axis. The analysis of the r~gional system conducted during the TransP1an update did not reveal any level of service issues or other functional problems requiring modernization, safety, or reclassification for these facilities (An access management study (Project 838) for the length of Main Street, from 1-5 to the UGB is the only project on any of these facilities). This Plan amendment will not change the functional classification of an existing transportation facility (TransPlan does not identify any planned transportation facilities for this area). This Plan amendment will not change standards implementing a functional classification system; there are no new uses pennitted; some existing uses are prohibited; no more intensive use ofland is pennitted. . This Plan amendment will not allow types or levels ofland uses which would result in levels of travel or access which are inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation facility. The existing development density is 100% of the site: no change in this allowance in the proposal. The existing use list is unlimited commercial and multi-family residential; the change included in the proposal eliminates II auto-related/auto-dependent uses. The proposal requires mandatory pedestrian amenities to accommodate visitors and residents utilizing the newly developed major transit facility (Springfield Station). The existing designation allows "big-box" retail; implementation of this proposal through application of Article 41 of the Springfield Development Code will limit the building footprint of single occupant retail uses to 50,000 square feet. This Plan amendment will not reduce the performance standards of the facility beiow the minimum acceptable level identified in the TSP. The TSP identifies LOS on Main as .95; on South A as .90; and all other roadways as LOS D (v/c=.88-.97), All facilities are operating within this guidelines; the proposal does not allow more intensive use or uses and actually prohibits uses permitted under the current designation. Goal12 Transportation is satisfied. Goal 13: Energy Conservation To conserve energy. Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy, based upon sound economic principles. Findings This is a macro level goal that does not frequently lend itself to site-specific plan diagram amendments. However, the following guidelines from the goal demonstrate this proposal's . compliance to Goa113: Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown R~finement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 14 of23 . . . 15 3. Land use planning should, the maximum extent possible, seek to recycle and re-use vacant land and those uses which are not energy efficient. 4. Land use planning should, to the maximum extent possible, combine increasing density gradients along high capacity transportation corridors to achieve greater energy efficiency. The proposal implements mixed use activities in an attempt to create live-work-shop environments in proximity to higher density residential uses and major transit facilities. This designation promotes alternative travel modes by requiring construction of pedestrian amenities; by locating within ~ mile of a major transit facility (Springfield Station); by requiring building orientation to favor pedestrians over automobiles; and by prohibiting certain auto-related, auto- dependent uses. The proposal establishes minimum residential density, allows full development of the site, and sets a maximum bound on off-street parking. Goal 13 Energy Conservation is served by this proposal. Goal 14: Urbanization To provide for an orderly and efficient transition fr.om rural to urban land use. Findings The main purpose of this goal is to address needed inventories of buildable land within UGB's and how that land is converted from rural to urban. There is an expectation built into this goal that what land is in the inventories will be developed in a cost-efficient, orderly manner thereby reducing the pressure on cities to seek additional rural land for urban development prematurely. The City has a number of objectives in mind when designating sites for nodal development. The main objective is creation of dispersed mixed-use opportunities for employment, housing and shopping. Making these various opportunities accessible to the widest possible number of Springfield residents and businesses reduces the more traditional, expensive and land consumptive development models. Of equal importance, but perhaps a less obvious objective, is the intensification of use that is promoted by these designations. In many cases, past development practices and patterns did not maximize the use of land thereby creating a secondary class of land categorized as under- . developed or under-utilized. By creating opportunities that include minimal setback.s, maximum parking, and more than one use on-site, redevelopment, when it comes, will be able to take advantage of this new allowance. The net effect of higher density, higher intensity, and mixed use is better utility of existing inventory and therefore a less urgent need to replenish the inventories. Goal 14 Urbanization is supported by this proposal. Goal 15: Willamette River Greenway Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 15 of23 16 . To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River and the Willamette River Greenway. Findings The western border ofthe Nodal Development designation abuts the established Willamette River Greenway Boundary at Island Park. This proposal does not include any amendments to the Greenway Overlay District. This proposal does not affect the ongoing implementation of the City's Greenway ordinance. Goal IS Willamette River Greenway is sustained by this proposal. Goals 16-19 Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes and' Ocean Resources. Findings The lands to which these goals apply are well west ofthe land proposed to be amended by this action. Goals 16-19 Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes and Ocean Resources . do not apply to this proposal. The preceding narrative demonstrates compliance with this criterion. Criterion (b) Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. This proposal will convert an existing, poorly defined "mixed use" designation, to a site-specific Nodal Development Mixed Use site. This action promotes the following Metro Plan policies: Residential Land Use and Housing Element AIO Promote higher residential density inside the urban growth boundary that utilizes existing infrastructure, improves the efficiency of public services and facilities, and conserves rural resource lands outside the urban growth boundary. A.II Generally locate higher density residential development near employment or commercial services, in proximity to major transportation systems or within transportation-efficient nodes. . Al3 Increase overall residential density in the metropolitan area by creating more opportunities for effectively designed in-fill, redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential density on historic, existing and future neighborhoods. Al7 Provide opportunities for a full range of choice in housing type, density, size, cost and location. Staff Report: ProposedAmendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text. and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 16 of23 17 . A.19 Encourage residential developments in or near downtown core areas in both cities. Economic Development Element 14. Continue efforts to keep the Eugene and Springfield central business districts as vital centers of the metropolitan area. 28. Recognize the vital role of neighborhood commercial facilities in providing services and goods to a particular neighborhood. ' 29. Encourage the expansion or redevelopment of existing neighborhood commercial facilities as surrounding residential densities increase or as the characteristics of the support population change. ' Environmental Design Element 1. In order to promote the greatest possible degree of diversity, a broad variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shall be encourage when consistent with other planning policies. . Transportation E~ement F.I Apply the nodal development strategy in areas selected by each jurisdiction that have identified potential for this type of transportation-efficient land use pattern. F.3 Provide for transit-supportive land use patterns and development, including higher intensity, transit-oriented development along major transit corridors and near transit stations; medium-and high-density residential development with ~ mile of transit stations, major transit corridors, employment centers, and downtown areas; and development and redevelopment in designated areas that are or could be well served by existing or planned transit. F.5 Within three years of TransPlan adoption, apply the ND, Nodal Development, designation to areas selected by each jurisdiction, adopt and apply measures to protect designated nodes from incompatible development and adopt a schedule for completion of nodal plans and implementing ordinances. F.26 Provide for a pedestrian environment that is well integrated with adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort and convenience of walking. Energy Element . 8. Commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shall be integrated to the greatest extent possible, balanced with all planning policies to reduce travel distances, optimize reuse of waste heat, and optimize potential on-site energy generation. The preceding citations demonstrate compliance with this criterion, Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 17 oJ23 18 . Conclusion The preceding findings demonstrate compliance with statewide goals and consistency with applicable policies of the Metro Plan, i.e. this action does not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. The cited Metro Plan policies also provide a direct indication of how this action has been expected to occur for some time by specifically identifying the application of nodal development in Downtown Springfield. The criteria of approval for Metro Plan amendment are satisfied. Refmement Plan Amendment - Criteria and Findings Article 8 ofthe Springfield Development Code contains the general provisions for refinement plan text and diagram amendments, the method of review and the criteria of approval. . Section 8.030 states: "In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission and the City Council shall adopt findings which demonstrate confonnance to the following: (I) The Metro Plan; (2) Applicable State statutes; (3) Applicable statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules." . Criterion (1) Conformance with the Metro Plan Amendment of the Downtown Refinement Plan diagram is subject to policy in the Metro Plan and procedures in the Springfield Development Code. Chapter IV Plan Amendments and Refinements, Metro Plan, contains the following policies: "9. The three metropolitan jurisdictions shall jointly develop and adopt Metropolitan Plan amendment application procedures and a fee schedule. 12: All refinement and functional plans must be consistent with the Metropolitan Plan, and should inconsistencies occur, the Metropolitan Plan is the prevailing policy document." The City of Springfield adopted the following relevant Metro Plan amendment procedure: Section 7.110(4) of the SDC: . "RELATIONSHIP TO REFINEMENT PLAN OR FUNCTIONAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. When a Metro Plan amendment is enacted that requires an amendment to a refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map for consistency, the Metro Plan diagram amendment automatically amends the refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map if no amendment to the refinement plan or functional plan text is involved. When a Metro Plan diagram amendment requires a refinement plan or functional plan diagram, or map and text amendment for consistency, the Metro Plan, refinement Plan and functional plan amendments shall be processed concurrently." Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram. Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and ConcUlTent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 18 of23 19 . The amendment of the Downtown Refinement Plan diagram in the Mixed Use Area to Nodal Development Mixed Use must occur to be consistent with the Metro Plan. The proposed refinement plan text amendments can be placed into the following three categories: 1. Update of factual infonnation (Purpose of the 2001 Update; Proposed Projects and Future Projects; Assets and Liabilities; and Future Planning Element); and, 2. Update of policies (Land Use Element; Access, Circulatiori and Parking; Economic Development Element; Design Element; and Public Spaces Element). This first category is included in the refinement plan for purposes of cqntinuity; the original text had this infom1ation, but the original is now 18 years old and circumstances have changed. Nothing in this updated information suggests an inconsistency with Metro Plan policy or would constitute an action contrary to Metro Plan policy. The majority of this is only applicable to the Metro Plan by virtue of its appearance in the refinement plan. . This infonnation is not) specifically unresponsive to the test of Metro Plan consistency, but there is not much here to compare since it does not rise to policy or implementation. The proposed and future projects are .consistent with Metro Plan policy regarding bike and pedestrian improvements in nodes (Policy FA, F.1I, F.13, F.14, F.22, F.24, F.26 F.27 and F, 28), with Willamalane's Comprehensive Park Plan guidelines (an adopted refinement of the Metro Plan); with policies #18, #19, #20 and #21 of the Environmental Resources Element; and with policies #2, #3, #4 and #5 of the Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterway Element. . The second category of text amendment includes polices intended to implement the refinement plan. The first of these policies are general in nature but direct action to encourage mixed use development through diagram amendment and zone change to MUC and MUR. This is consistent with the Metro Plan as described on pages 16 and 17 of this report. The next policy supports civic uses in the downtown, particularly along A Street. As this constitutes one of the sought after uses within the mixed use enviromnent (office) it is consistent with the plan policies on pages 16 and 17 of this report. The Downtown Mixed Use Area text describes the application ofMUC and MURzoning; expands the opportunities for multi-family residential; and recommends design consideration at the edge for purposes of compatibility. These policies are consistent with the Metro Plan policies cited on pages 16 and 17 of this report. . The section on Plan diagram designations identifies the Downtown Mixed Use Area, Parks and Open Spaces and Booth Kelly Development Area. All of the proposed refinement plan diagram changes are consistent with the proposed Metro Plan diagram changes. This language is merely being updated to reflect new terminology and, in the case of the Booth Kelly Development Area, the Mill Race Restoration Area, which encompasses the former Mill Pond site, the dam, and the remainder of the Mill Race to its confluence with the Willamette River. This area is proposed to be zoned Park and Open Space, but may be better suited for a natural resource overlay zone when such an element of the Springfield Development Code is enacted, In either case neither the Metro Plan diagram nor the Refinement Plan diagram need to be amended as the Mill Race is already on the Metro Plan diagram, and the Booth Kelly site is on both. The Mill Pond will simply be renamed the Mill Race Restoration Area. Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram. Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 19 of23 . . . 20 Access, Circulation and Parking describes existing facilities and those identified in TransPlan but not yet constructed, This infonnation does not represent consistency issues; it merely states the current circumstances. The policies itemize bicycle improvements, multi-use path developments, pedestrian improvements, BR T and the special transportation area designation of Main Street. All of these policies are consistent with the Metro Plan policies cited on page 16 and 17 of this report. Additional Metro Plan policies which apply are: F .6, F. 7, F .14, F .18, and F.19. The Economic Element policies seek to solidify the downtown as a good investment because of the partnerships and the potential expansion of a diverse core of uses, including the new justice center, CDBG investments, the STA designation of Main Street, the Wildish Theater, and a variety of festivals. This is normal material for economic land use elements and simply is more specific than the broader language of policies #ll, #13, #14, #28 and #29 of the Economic Element of the Metro Plan, The Design Element policies are similar to the economic policies in their relationship to the Metro Plan. Most of this text is mirrored by the Metro Plan, ifnot literally, certainly in spirit by those policies cited on pages 16 and 17 of this report, and policies #3, #4, #5, #7 and #8 in the Environmental Design Element. The final section of policy regards public spaces. These policies are not all of sufficient impact to rise to a level of equivalency with the Metro Plan, but they do embody the same sort of thematic consistency with the policies cited on pages 16 and 17 of this report, and the previously cited policies in the Environmental Design Element. The preceding demonstrates compliance with this criterion. Criterion (2) Conformance with Applicable State Statutes Most of the state law that applies to post acknowledgment amendments is contained in the Oregon Administrative Rules, the last criterion of approval for refinement plan text amendments. There is some guidance in ORS 197 regarding refinement plans, but this is primarily to describe the minimum elements of the refinement plan and the procedure for adoption (ORS 197.200). The Downtown Refinement Plan is an acknowledged refinement of the Metro Plan and includes each of the elements specified by statute. Since the Metro Plan is consistent with applicable state statutes, and this proposal implements the Metro Plan, the proposal complies with this criterion. Criterion (3) Conformance with Applicable Statewide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules The preceding evaluation of the proposed refinement plan text amendments' internal consistency with the Metro Plan text demonstrates compliance with applicable statewide planning goals and rules because: I. The Metro Plan has been acknowledged by the State Land Conversation and Development Commission to be in compliance with all applicable goals and rules; and, 2. The findings of determination of refinement plan-Metro plan consistency rely upon application of the goals and rules (see pages 5-18 ofthis report). Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 20 of23 . . . 21 Conclusion The preceding text shows the clear linkage between the Metro Plan and the proposed techniques to implement the Metro Plan embodied in the refinement plan text and diagram. Both plans will carry site-specific diagrams showing the boundaries of the Nodal Development /Mixed-Use Area of the Downtown Refinement Plan. The refinement plan text contains specific policies calling for zone changes to implement the policies of the refinement plan and Metro Plan. The criteria of 8.030 are satisfied. Zoning Map Amendment - Criteria and Findings Article 12, Section 12.030 ofthe SDC lists the criteria to be used in approving a Springfield Zoning Map amendment: (a) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; (b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, conceptual Development Plans and Functional Plans; and (c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property, (d) Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: (a) Meet the approval criteria specified in Article 7 of this Code; and (2) Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Criterion (a) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; The following findings elsewhere in this report establish conformance with this criterion: Goal 2, pages 6-7; Goal 8, page 9; Goal 9, page 10; GoalIO, pages 1O-11; Goa112, pages 11-14; and also findings under Refinement Plan amendment consistency with Metro Plan policies on pages 18-210fthisreport. Criterion (b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; This action will implement the new policies proposed for refinement plan text amendment. The Land Use Element contains the following relevant goals: "Create a Pedestrian and Transit Friendly Downtown. Develop a setting that is conducive to walking, bicycling and transit while providing accessibility to regional automobile and freight networks. Provide safe and walkable streets." "Revitalize the Downtown with New Uses. Create new opportunities for office, commercial, residential, civic, and mixed uses. Encourage high-density uses that are transit-oriented and located within a short walk from Springfield Station." , Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagram and Text, and Concurrent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 21 of23 22 "The Metropolitan Area General Plan diagram and Downtown Refinement Plan diagram shall be amended to designate the Downtown Mixed Use Area as Nodal Development/Mixed Use, except that the two block area between 8th and loth shall remain Community Commercial." "All private property within the nodal development mixed-use plan diagram designation shall be rezoned to Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) except existing multi-family residential use shall be rezoned Mixed-Use Residential (MUR)," "All publicly owned property within the nodal development mixed-use plan diagram designation may be rezoned to Public Land and Open Space (PLO)." Downtown Mixed Use Area . "I. The Mixed Use Commercial zoning district shall be applied within this area to allow for a mix of commercial, office, residential and open space uses. Design and development standards shall promote a minimum of2-story buildings with pedest_rian-friendly design and placement. The Mixed-Use Residential zoning district shall be applied within this area to property currently occupied exclusively by multi-family residential uses. The Public Lands and Open Space zoning district may be applied within this area to all land owned by the City of Springfield, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, the Springfield Utility Board or other governmental entities located in the Downtown Mixed-Use Area." 2. Multi-family residential shall be allowed as the sole use of a building or as one of several uses permitted within a mixed-use building or development area. Multi-family housing within 3 blocks of Springfield Station shall have a minimum density of 12 dwelling units per acre. Residential use within a mixed-use building is exempt from this density standard." The preceding citations demonstrate the proposed zoning is consistent with the applicable refinement plan. This criterion is satisfied. Criterion (c) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. . The downtown has a well established str~et system, a new major transit facility and all other infrastructure (sanitary sewer, stonn sewer, water, emergency services) necessary to allow mixed-use, nodal development to occur. Additional activities and initiatives pursued in the Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram, Downtown Refinement Plan Diagra;n and Text, and ConcllI7"ent Rezoning consistent with Diagram Amendments Page 22 of23 . . . 23 policies of the refinement plan will be achieved through the budgeting and capital improvement plans ofthe City, SUB and Willamalane. This report previously responded to the question of goal compliance for Goal 11 Public Facilities and Services and goal 12 Transportation (see pages 11-14). This criterion is satisfied. Criterion (d) Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: 1. Meet the approval criteria specified in Article 7 of this Code; and 2. Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. This report addresses Article 7 criteria on pages 5-17. Each of these criteria is satisfied as determined by that evaluation. The cited OAR requires a transportation analysis of plan amendments or zone changes that may .'significantly affect a transportation facility" by assuring that '.allowed land uses _are consistent with the identified function, capacity, and perfonnance standards of the facility." This analysis was undertaken and the results are included in pages 11-14 of this report. This criterion is satisfied, IV. Conclusion and Recommendation of Staff The findings of this report address the criteria described in Articles 7, 8 and 12 for approving Metro Plan diagram amendments, refinement plan diagram and text amendments, and zone changes. the proposed redesignation of the Downtown Mixed Use Area on the Metro Plan diagram and Refinement Plan diagram to Nodal Development/Mixed-Use; the amendments to the refinement plan text; and the rezoning of the Downtown Mixed Use Area to Mixed-Use Commercial, Mixed-Use Residential and Public Land and Open Space, are in confonnance with all applicable standards and criteria. VI. Attachments Attachment A: Plan. Text of Proposed Amendments to Springfield Downtown Refinement Attachment B: Attachment C: Map of Nodal Development/Mixed-Use Designation Map of implementing zoning districts Staff Report: Proposed Amendments to Metro Plan Diagram. 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