HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-15 04/03/2006 . RESOLUTION NO. 06-15 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A RENEWAL OF A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC PROPERTY UNDER ORS 358.540 AND 358.541 AS PROVIDED BY HOUSE BILL 2776 (2005 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY) WHEREAS, the Springfield Historic Commission and the City of Springfield, a Local Certified Government (CLG), value the preservation of its architectural heritage and support tools to assist that preservation, including property tax deferment programs; and, WHEREAS, the 2005 Oregon Legislature enacted HE 2776, which amended the existing Special Assessment of Historic Property Program to allow owners of historic residential properties to apply for a second I5-year period of special assessment as a local option; and, WHEREAS, HB2776 amends ORS 358.541 to provide that the governing body ofa city may adopt a Resolution or Ordinance authorizing a second term of historic property classification and special assessment for a residential property as specified in ORS 358.540; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield wishes to provide owners of residential property qualifying for historic property classification and special assessment the option to apply for a second 15-year period of special assessment in accordance with the requirements of the Oregon Revised Statutes and applicable Administrative Rules promulgated by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office; and, WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Historic Commission has recommended to the Common Council the . adoption of this Resolution. NOW THEREFORE BASED UPON THE FOREGOING RECITALS the Common Council of the City of Springfield resolves as follows: 1. The Common Council hereby authorizes for owners of residential property the option to apply for a second term of historic property classification and special assessment for residential property as specified in ORS 358.541 and ORS 358.540. 2. The Common Council hereby resolves that owners of specially assessed residential property may apply for a second period of special assessment pursuant to the requirements of Oregon Revised Statutes and applicable rules promulgated by the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, .3. This Resolution shall take effect upon enactment by the Council and approval by the Mayor. 4. The City Manager is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the State Historic Preservation Officer. Approved on this 3rd day of April, 2006, by a vote of 5 . Attest: Cil~b~ REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM ~ ~~~ ~ \.<Y'''''''\ DATE: "3 I '2. I O~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY