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J\ . or RESOLUTION No. 06-23 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING CHANGES TO THE ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WHEREAS, the City of Springfield adopted Engineering Design Standards and Procedures for development of public infrastructure within the City of Springfield, by Resolution 02-46, on October ih, 2002; and, WHEREAS, section 2 of that resolution provides that" . . . the Public Works Director is authorized to make corrections and interpretations, provided however, such corrections or interpretations which require textual change to the Manual must be approved and ratified by the Common Council of the City of Springfield not later than 45 days after such textual change;" and; WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has made such corrections and provided opportunity for public comment upon those changes and now submits those changes for the Common Council to approve; and WHEREAS, such corrections requiring textual change are more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and summarized in the AIS attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, such corrections correct an earlier textual change of Chapter lO adopted by the Council on Aprill7, 2006. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve and ratify the changes to the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, as presented by the Public Works Director and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 5th day of June, 2006, This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. President ATTEST: ~~~ 1 Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED 1,\5 TO FORM \ \ _ _ ~~,.] - \(;:{~ DATE: 'S 2. c..; I ~{ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . ., . 'f EXHIBIT A ELECTRONIC ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS 10.00 DRAFTING STANDARDS This section covers formatting and structuring of electronic as-built files necessary to process information from electronic as-builts directly into the City's electronic infrastructure inventories, Compliance leads to timely updates, complete inventories and ensures that precise engineering and survey information is used to update the City's infrastructure inventories. 10.01 PURPOSE These standards are required so that the City can collect and maintain accurate and reliable infrastructure information for the planning, design, construction and operation of public facilities; so that the City can meet obligations to maintain accurate records of public assets, and be able to serve the complex needs of diverse users of public information. Please read through this section, referenced exhibits and supplemental information prior to setting up a drawing environment. Although these standards have been designed to accommodate various automated design packages, the handling of certain features requires special attention. Please see the City web page for current versions of this document and all referenced material. The following Exhibits apply to this chapter: A. As-Built Layering protocols (Exhibit 1). B. List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components @xhibit 2). C. City Inventory Information @xhibit 3). The following Supplements apply to this chapter: A. As-Built Check List (Supplement I). B. Typical As-built Drawing (Supplement 2). Other helpful information: A. See the City's web page for an Overview of City's GIS. B. Sections 10.01.8 City Inventory Information and Defmitions (found in this chapter) provides defmitions for all italicized terms, e.g., valid object/entities, draw in$! ob;ects, associative annotation, etc. Please refer to this section for clarification. C. Template drawing file (DWT and DWG) containing standard layers, blocks, and text styles used by the City of Springfield. D. Set of standard blocks used by the City of Springfield. All electronic as-built construction drawings shall be submitted in accordance with Sections II ofthe Design Manual. As-built drawings shall be submitted in both hard copy and electronic form. See other sections of this manual for acceptance requirements for hard copy plan sets. This section, Sections 10, outlines electronic standards for layering conventions and valid ob;ect/entities requirements. Submitted electronic file format shall be compatible with the AutoCAD version currently in use by the City. Please contact the City to determine AutoCAD@ version currently in use. Files submitted shall adhere to the following minimum standards. Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 1 EDSP April, 2006 " . . . . .. 10.01.1 Accuracy A. All as-built drawing information shall accurately represent as-built construction and shall be graphically and mathematically correct, i.e. drawing ob;ects shall represent changes in dimensioning as a result of construction. Drawings shall also adhere to requirement, in Section 9,00 of this Design Manual. B. If actual construction varies from proposed construction, changes to proposed construction should be crossed out, but remain in the drawing on a separate layer. As-constructed information, i.e., infrastructure comoonents, shall then be placed on a new layer with new line work and reflect the changes accurately. See attached Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. 10.01.2 Consistency Between Electronic COpy and Hard COpy Submit all information required to reproduce a hard copy from the electronic file. The electronic copy and hard copy shall be identical with the exception ofthe original signature on the engineer's stamp. All line types, fonts, and shapes shall be reproducible by the City in the AutoCAD environment to support hard copy reproduction. If the City encounters significant problems during reproduction, the drawing will not be accepted. 10.01.3 Electronic As-built Drawin2 Set Submit a complete electronic as-built drawing set. This drawing set shall include, but not be limited to, a continuous design drawing model where all infrastructure comoonents are either drawn in the same drawing model or where each drawing model contains sufficient survey control (as defined in Section 11.08) to tie separate drawing models together. Individual drawing files typically contain one drawing model. The drawing set must also contain all contract drawing sheets. The electronic as-built drawing set shall conform to the minimum standards specified in this section, Section 9.00, and where appropriate other sections of this Design Manual. A. Plan and Profile: 1. All infrastructure comoonents shall be placed on the appropriate layers as described in the layering conventions. See Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. 2. In the plan section ofthe drawing, submit all infrastructure comoonents and associated annotation in model space, see Section 10,0 I.08.E. Drawinf! ob;ects not directly tied to the model and/or sheet specific information may be placed in model space or paper space. 3. In the profile, detail, and cross-section, all infrastructure comoonents not directly tied to the model may be placed in model space or paper space, but shall be placed on the appropriate layers as described in the layering conventions. See Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. 4. All specific construction notes shall be in model space. General construction notes may be located in either model space or paper space. 5. Non-referenced images, standard drawings, specifications, and/or blocks shall be bound in the drawing and not attached as an external reference. 6. Registered orthoohotogrilvhv shall not be used as a backdrop in the plan view to Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 2 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . .. represent existing topography, neither in the submitted electronic files nor on the hardcopy files. 7. Transportation plans for Signal or Detection systems, Street Lighting, or Roadway Striping/Signing shall each be submitted in individual ArtoCAD drawing (.dwg) files, B. Plot Layout, Plot Settings and Line Types: 1. Submit all information required to reproduce a hard copy from the submitted electronic file. If custom plot styles are used then the appropriate support files (e.g. plot style table (STB), color based plot style table (CTB), etc.) must be provided with the drawing set. Ifthe City encounters significant problems reproducing an exact copy ofthe submitted hard copy plans, the drawing will not be accepted. 2. Standard AutoCAD font and line types shall be used. If custom fonts and line types are used all support files (e.g. SHX, LIN, etc.) must be provided with the drawing set. Ifthe City encounters significant problems handling fonts and line types, the drawing will not be accepted. 10.01.4 Referenced Information A. Include and attach all detail information generated by automated design software that describes infrastructure components. B. IfXrefs are used with a drawing, bind all Xrefs before submission. The City will not accept drawing with Xrefs. c. Purge all invisible drawinf! objects before submission. 10.01.5 Drawin2 Obiects (Entities) A. All infrastructure components shall be sorted onto layers and shall conform to the City's layering conventions. See Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. B. Purge all drawings of empty layers and unused blocks, line types, dimension styles, plot styles, text styles, shapes, etc. and make sure all infrastructure components are clean, that is: 1. Linear infrastructures components shall continue as single non-broken lines or plines between nodal infrastructure components, e.g, sewer pipe lines shall continue from the one MH to another without breaks for annotation. Linear infrastructure components shall snap to the center of the nodal infrastructure components, e.g., pipe lines shall snap to the center ofMH symbols, 2. If annotation placement is required over linear infrastructure components, masking can be used to provide the same visual effect without breaking up the geometry ofthe linear features (see AutoCAD "Wipeout" Command). If dashed or broken linetypes are required to properly display linear infrastructure components, special line types can be used. All custom linetype definition files (SHX files) shall accompany the drawing file(s). 3. Ends of arcs, lines and plines shall be snapped end-point to end-point. Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 3 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . '. 4. No duplicate objects shall remain on the infrastructure comoonent layers. 5. Infrastructure comoonent featur(~s representing areas (such as detention ponds, etc.) shall be composed of joined polylines where possible and at a minimum shall consist of a series of valid ob;ects snapped end-to-end with no gaps (see AutoCAD Pedit and Join commands). C. All drawing ob;ects required for updating City inventories shall be easily accessible for extraction. All infrastructure comoonents shall be composed of the following valid ob;ect types in order to be accepted by the City (see the Definition List, Valid Objects, for object type defmitions and related AutoCAD commands): D. 1. Arc 2. Circle 3. Dimension 4. Ellipse (including elliptical arcs) 5. Image 6. Insert (also known as a Block Reference) 7. Leader 8. Line 9. Multiline Text 10. Point 11. Polyline 12. Text E. All infrastructure comoonents shall be drawn as 2D objects. 10.01.6 Laverin2 Conventions All infrastructure components shall be placed on the correct layer as described in the layering protocols and conventions. See Exhibit]: As-Built Layering Protocols and Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. A. The layering protocols are provided to assist users with correctly developing layer names that will consistently meet the City's layering convention standards. All infrastructure components shall comply with these conventions. Layer names shall consist ofthe following groups separated by "_". In some cases, feature name will have "-" to describe the compound feature names. These protocols allow layer names to be identified and sorted correctly. The protocol is as follows: 1) status~ 2) feature group ~ 3) feature name~ 4) feature class. See Exhibit]: As-Built Layering Protocols and Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. B. Exhibit 2: List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components provides a list of layer name examples that shall be used when creating electronic as-builts. 10.01.7 Media Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 4 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . .. Files submitted shall be on Compact Disk. Clearly label all CD ROM's with City project number, project name, company name, file name(s) and extension(s), AutoCAD version, and date. Contact the City for current version information. Acceptable media: Compact Disc (CD). CD's shall be "locked" (where write session have been closed out) to ensure that data cannot be changed after submittal. 10.01.8 Citv Inventory Information and Definitions Below please find definitions for terms used in Section 10 and descriptions of information needed to update City inventories and databases. When new infrastructure components are added, removed or modified as a result of construction, electronic as-built drawing content shall include these components and their associated annotation, Each infrastructure component and piece of associated annotation shall be placed on the appropriate layer as defined in this section. See Exhibits 1, 2 and ~ for layering protocols, layering conventions and example lists of infrastructure components, List of Terms included in Section 10.01.8: A. General Construction Notes B. Specific Construction Notes C. AutoCAD version accepted bv Citv D. Infrastructure Components E. Associated Annotation F. Features (linear features and nodal features) G. Drawine Obiects H. Valid AutoCAD Obiect (tvpes) I. Reeistered orthophotoeraphv/reeistration file J. Non-referenced imaees A. General Construction notes: General construction notes pertain to the overall project and not to specific infrastructure comoonents or groups of components. Refer to SECTION II - DRAFTING STANDARDS, Sub-Section 9.00 DRAFTING STANDARDS for the submission of items and requirements ofthe project Cover Sheet. As such, most general construction notes are not required to be on any specific layer. The exception being that vertical and horizontal projection information shall be placed on survey layers identified in Exhibit 1. Submitters shall indicate which vertical datum is used to express elevation values. B. Specific Construction notes: Specific construction notes usually pertain to individual or small groups of infrastructure components. See associated annotation for examples of specific construction notes. Refer to SECTION II - DRAFTING STANDARDS, Sub-Section 9.00 DRAFTING STANDARDS for the submittal of items and requirements of project construction notes, plan views, and profiles. C. AutoCAD@ version accepted by City: Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 5 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . ., All as-built files shall be compatible with the current version of AutoCAD@ the City uses and accepts. Check with the City of Springfield Public Works Engineering Division for the latest version requirements. D. Infrastructure Components: Features depicting quantifiable pieces of infrastructure required to update the City's digitally mapped infrastructure inventories include but are not limited to new infrastructure and infrastructure that has changed as a result of construction. There are two basic types of lrifrastructure Components: 1. As-Built Infrastructure Components (AS); new components added as a result of the construction project and modified system components that were changed as a result of the construction project. Both of these types of features shall be placed on layers prefixed with "AS." 2. Retired Infrastructure Components (AR) are underground, partially underground or otherwise specified irifrastructure components that have been removed or abandoned as a result of construction. Example features include maintenance holes, sewer main lines, etc. Associated annotation shall clearly identify whether the feature is abandoned or removed. Otherwise specified retired infrastructure components that may not be underground include: a, b. Traffic Conduit. Traffic Signal Bases. Describe all infrastructure components on AR layers with text specifying whether component is abandoned or removed. Please note, AR infrastructure components are identified with an asterisk in the List of Required Layers for Infrastructure Components. E. Associated Annotation: In addition to requirements described elsewhere in this manual, annotation describing the material, size (length and/or area), horizontal and vertical location and dimensions of infrastructure comoonents shall be provided in the plan view of the drawing model. Associated annotation shall be placed on the correct layer and include but not be limited to the following: 1. Sanitary and Storm drainage linear infrastructure components shall be annotated with: a. Pipe Diameter b. Pipe Material c. Pipe Invert Elevation placed at both ends of each pipe d. Surface waterway thalweg (center line of deepest channel-water course) flow elevations placed at both ends of each channel, canal, ditch, stream, etc. e. Surface waterway "common name" (contact the City's Engineering Division if unsure) f. Length (stationed horizontal distance - not flow distance) Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 6 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . ., 2. Sanitary and Storm drainage nodal infrastructure comoonents shall be annotated with: a. RIM Elevation (or surface elevation) b. Depth (depth from RIM/surface elevation to bottom ofMHlstructure) c. Barrel Diameter (or box size) d. Material Type (if other than concrete) 3. Storm drainage polygonal infrastructure components shall be annotated with: a. Surface water body average area (based on projected average water level) b. Surface water body top of bank area c. Surface water body maximum water level area (based on relevant year events, e.g. 25 year event) * Note: Bathymetric data shall include contours, spot elevations and elevation stationing along thalweg of linear surface waterway features according to other sections ofthe design manual (see sections 4.03) and shall conform to the electronic acceptance standards specified in this section. 4. Street infrastructure components shall be annotated with: a. Street name b. Street width (between front face of curbs or edges of pavement for street with no curbs) c. Sidewalk width and setback from front face of curb * Surface and subsurface properties (such as material, depth, etc.) can appear in detail and/or profile views and shall be clearly annotated. 5. Survey Control (see Section 11.08: Survey Control) a, Horizontal and vertical coordinate values at each control point, i.e., benchmarks and significant points used in the control survey. Symbols shall be used to clearly mark each control point (insertion point of block shall be set to the center of the symbol and all symbols shall be snapped to the control points). b. Bearings (in degrees, minutes and seconds), distances, and curves where appropriate on each control line c. Stationing along center line F. Features (linear features and nodal features): Geographic features are usually a collection of drawing objects assembled to illustrate features found in the field. These complex features include buildings, streets, maintenance holes, clean outs, etc. Some features can be drawn with a single object. Examples of simple features include pipe segments and sewer taps. In As-Built drawings, map features commonly depict infrastructure components and topography. Nodal features are best represented as points or blocks and can include infrastructure components such as Maintenance Holes (MH), Catch Basins (CB), Clean Outs (CO), etc. Linear infrastructure comoonents are represented with lines, polylines, arcs, etc. Examples of linear features include pipes, curb lines, etc. G. Drawing Objects: Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 7 EDSP April, 2006 . . . . " Each geometric shape is a distinct object. It often takes more than one AutoCAD object to adequately draw a feature. All AutoCAD objects are classified into object types. Similar to features, there are simple and complex object types. Complex object types include cubes, cones, and spheres. Simple object types include lines, points, and po]ylines. H. Valid Drawing Object (types): Although many other object types are found in current versions of AutoCAD, only the following types are accepted for mapping infrastructure components: Valid Drawing Objects Object Type* Description * Arc A circular arc Related command: ARC Circle A full circle. Related command: CIRCLE Dimension An object that can be composed of a dimension line, extension lines, arrowheads, a leader, an annotative text including alphanumeric characters and tolerances. Dimensions are measurements of a particular type, which include Aligned, Rotated, Radial, Diametric, 2LineAngular, 3PointAngular, and Ordinate. Related commands: DIMALIGHED, DIMANGULAR, DIMBASELINE, DIMCENTER, DIMCONTlNUE, DIMDIAMETER, DIMLINEAR, DIMORDINA TE, DIMRADmS Ellipse (including A full ellipse. elliptical arcs) Related command: ELLIPSE Image An object that contains and displays a raster or bit-mapped bitonal, 8-bit gray, 8- bit color, or 24-bit color image file, Valid file types include TIFF and JPG. Related commands: IMAGE, IMAGEATTACH Insert (also known An object that references and displays an external reference or a block (this as a Block includes both single block instances inserted with INSERT and multiple block Reference) instances inserted in a rectangular array with MINSER T). Related commands: INSERT, MINSERT, XATTACH, XREF Leader A polyline with or without an arrow at one end and annotative text at the other. Related command: LEADER Line A single line segment. Related command: LINE Multiline Text A paragraph of alphanumeric characters. Related command: MTEXT Point A point marker that can appear as a dot, square, circle, X, tick, or plus sign (+), or as a combination of these figures. Related commands: POINT, DIVIDE, MEASURE Polyline A 2D line or mesh of adjustable width or a 3D line or mesh of non-adjustable width composed of line and arc segments. The decision to use a polyline or a lightweight polyline is controlled by the PLINETYPE system variable. Related commands: 3DMESH, 3DPOL Y, BOUNDARY, DONUT, EDGESURF, ELLIPSE, PFACE, PLINE, POLYGON, RECTANG, REV SURF, Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS ]0 - 8 EDSP April, 2006 . . .. RULESURF, TABSURF Text A single line of alphanumeric characters. Related commands: STYLE, TEXT *Table above contains standard Autodesk descriptions from AutoDesk help documentation. I. Registered Orthophotography/registration file: Herein orthophotography is defined as aerial photography (pictures taken from the air) registered to mapped features in the plan view. Orthophotography shall not be used to map Infrastructure Components. The City prefers vector based topography as it consumes much less disk space and is capable of higher precision. Furthermore, scanning plans with this aerial imagery produces poor electronic archives as Infrastructure Components are difficult to read. Acceptable image formats include TIFF and JPEG. Registration files shall accompany orthophotography, as they are required to restore the image's orientation in the drawing. These files contain coordinates for the image's insertion point and values for scale and rotation. Acceptable formats include TIFF world files (TFW) and JPEG registration files (JGW). For each orthophotography image used in a drawing the following information shall be provided: 1. Image file name and path. 2. Registration file name and path, J. Non-referenced images: Miscellaneous images (typically snap shots or scanned illustrations) inserted into a drawing to provide further detail, show stages of construction or other information regarding construction. Non-referenced images shall be imbedded in the drawing and shall not have registration files. Section II - DRAFTING STANDARDS 10 - 9 EDSP April, 2006 . " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DEPOSIT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS . PROJECT # & TITLE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT DEVELOPER CONTRACTOR TOTAL COST OF PROJECT TOTAL STREET LENGTH CITY PLAN EXAMINATION DEPOSIT ESTIMATED COST o TO $100,000.00 $100,000,00 AND OVER 1.6% OF CONSTRUCTION COST (MIN. $800,00) $1,600 + $3.00 PER $1,000 OVER $100,000 CITY ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION DEPOSIT ESTIMATED COST o TO $100,000.00 4% OF CONSTRUCTION COST (MIN. $1,000,00) $100,000.00 AND OVER $4;000 + 1% OF PROJECT OVER $100,000 JOB CONTROL TESTING . TESTS PER UNIT NUM, TESTS SOIL BEARING TESTS 1/500 L.F, AT ,$ 185 SOIL DENSITIES 1/250 L.F, AT * CURB ROCK DENSITIES 1/150 L.F, AT * BASE ROCK DENSITIES 1/150 L.F. AT * CONCRETECLY,&SLUNW 1/100 C,y. AT $ 160 A.c. EXTRACTIONS PER CLASS 1/500 TON AT $ 225 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE DENSITIES** 1/150 L.F, AT * * $140.00 FOR THE FIRST 2 TESTS AND $55.00 FOR EACH ADDmONAL TEST ** EACH LIFT JOB CONTROL TESTING TOTAL FEES ARE A DEPOSIT AGAINST ACTUAL COSTS, EXCESS FEES ARE REFUNDED. PAYMENT OF OVERRUNS ARE DUE IMMEDIATELY. TOTAL DUE PREVIOUS RECEIVED BALANCE DUE AMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIPT NUMBER REMAINING BALANCE PROJECT ENGINEER: SIGNATURE . PLANS SUBMITTED BY: SIGNATURE DATE DATE Springfield Municipal Code 3,018 Revised 05/19/06 . . . . '. SPRINGFIELD City of Springfield, Oregon Hold Harmless Agreement To the fullest extent of the law, insert name of prime contractor here, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officials, employees, servants, and agents from and against all claims, demands, and judgments (including attorney fees), made or recovered against them including but not limited to damages to real or tangible personal property or for bodily injury or death to any person, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the performance of work on the Project entitled insert Project Title as shown in Public Improvement Project Permit here, City of Springfield Project Number.. by Contractor, its officers, employees, sub-contractors and agents. Contractor agrees to provide insurance, as required by the City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications and by the permit issued by the City of Springfield for construction of Project Number insert Ci/V Proiect Number as shown in Public Improvement Project Permit here, The insurance certificates shall be submitted to the City of Springfield for approval prior to start of work on the Project and shall include an additional insured endorsement naming the City of Springfield as an additional insured on the liability insurance policy. Name of Contractor (please print) Signature of Authorized Representative Title (please print) Date Address (please print) City, Zip State, Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Hold Harmless Agreement Rev 05/19/06 . . . . " SPRINGFIELD City of Springfield, Oregon Hold Harmless Agreement To the fullest extent of the law, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officials, employees, servants, and agents from and against all claims, demands, and judgments (including attorney fees), made or recovered against them including but not limited to damages to real or tangible personal property or for bodily injury or death to any person, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the performance of work on the Project entitled , City of Springfield Project Number, by Contractor, its officers, employees, sub-contractors and agents. Contractor agrees to provide insurance, as required by the City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications and by the permit issued by the City of Springfield for construction of Project Number . The insurance certificates shall be submitted to the City of Springfield for approval prior to start of work on the Project and shall include an additional insured endorsement naming the City of Springfield as an additional insured on the liability insurance policy. Name of Contractor (please print) Signature of Authorized Representative Title (please print) Date Address (please print) City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Hold Harmless Agreement Rev 05/19/06 . " LAND AND DRAINAGE AL TERA TION PERMIT PERFORMANCE BOND . KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT~: That we, Insert the complete legal name of the Principal/Developer here as Principal(s), and Insert the complete legal name of the bonding companv here, a Corporation organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon and duly licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Springfield, Oregon as Obligee in the sum of ($ ) dollars for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and successors, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the above named Principal(s), as a condition of the Pre-Approval Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (LDAP) for development of Case Number Insert the complete case number here, (This bond cannot be accepted without the aCC1D'ate inclusion of the City of Springfield Pre-Approval Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (LDAP) Case number here) City of Springfield Project Number Insert the complete project number here. (This bond cannot be accepted without the aCC1D'ate inclusion of the City of Springfield Pre-Approval Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (LDAP) project number here.), entered ,into an agreement with said Obligee to complete the improvements specified in said Permit within a time frame stipulated in the Permit. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above Principal shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original term thereof or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the Obligee with or without notice to the Surety, this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. . IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the seal and signature of said Principal(s) is hereto affixed and the corporate seal and the name of the said Surety is hereto affixed and attested by its duly authorized Attorney-in-fact at , this day of ,20_. PRINCIPAL(S) SURETY Name (please print) Name (please print) Title Title Signature Signature Address Address (principal place of business) City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Telephone Number: ( ) . Fax Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Land Drainage and Alteration Permit Project Performance Bond Page] of 2 Revised 05/19/06 . ", PRINCIPAL(S) . Name (please print) Title Signature Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) For information only: Name, Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers of: I AJleni or Broker I Owner's Representative (Architect, EnJlineer or other party) . Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: Fax Number: ( ( ) ) Land Drainage and Alteration Permit Project Performance Bond Page 2 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 . . . LAND AND DRAINAGE ALTERATION PERMIT PERFORMANCE BOND KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal(s), and , a Corporation organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon and duIy licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are held and fIrmly bound unto City of Springfield, Oregon as Obligee in the sum of ($ ) dollars for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and successors, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the above named Principa1(s), as a condition of the Pre-Approval Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (tDAP) for development of Case Number , City of Springfield Project Number entered into an agreement with said Obligee to complete the improvements specified in said Permit within a time frame stipulated in the Permit. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above Principal shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original term thereof or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the Obligee with or without notice to the Surety, this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal and signature of said Principal(s) is hereto affixed and the corporate seal and the name of the said Surety is hereto affIxed and attested by its duly authorized Attorney-in-fact at , this day of ,20_ PRINCIPAL(S) SURETY Name (please print) Name (please print) Title Title Signature Signature Address Address (principal place of business) City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Land Drainage and Alteration Permit Project Performance Bond Page 1 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 PRINCIPAL(S) . Name (please print) Title Signature Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) For information only: Name, Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers of: I Agent or Broker I Owner's Representative (Architect, Engineer or other party) . Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: Fax Number: ) ) ( ( Land Drainage and Alteration Permit Project Peifonnance Bond Page 2 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 . . . City of Springfield, Oregon Public Improvement Project Performance Bond ~ KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESSNTS: That we, Insert the complete lef!al name of the PrinciDaJ/Developer here, as Principal(s), and Insert the complete lef!al name of the bondinf! companv here, a Corporation organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Insert the name of the State here and duly licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Springfield, Oregon as Obligee in the sum of ' ($ ) dollars for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and successors, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the above named Principal(s), as a condition of the Public Improvement Project Permit for development of Insert the complete project title as shown on the Final Citv of Sprinf!rreld Public Improvement Project Permit here. (This bond cannot be accepted without the accurate inclusion of the Citv of Sprimdudd Public Improvement Proiect title here.), City of Springfield Project Number Insert the complete Public Improvements Proiect number here. (This bond cannot be accepted without the accurate inclusion of the City of Sprimdield Public Improvement Project number here.). entered into an agreement with said Obligee to complete the improvements specified in said Permit within a time frame stipulated in the Permit. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that i(the above Principal shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original term thereof or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the Obligee with or without notice to the Surety, this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the seal arid signature of said Principal(s) is hereto affixed and the corporate seal and the name of the said Surety is hereto affixed and attested by its duly authorized Attorney-in-fact at , this day of ,20_ PRINCIPAL(S) SURETY Principal Business Name - if applicable (please print) Surety Business Name (please print) Name (please print) Name of Surety Representative (please print) Title (please print) Title (please print) Signature of Principal Signature of Surety Representative Address (please print) Address (principal place of business, please print) City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( Fax Number: ( ) ) Telephone Number: Fax Number: ( ( ) ) Public Improvement Project Peiformance Bond - 04/06 Page 1 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 For information only: Name, Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers of:, ' I Owner's Representative (Architect, En,.;neer or other party) I A/[ent or Broker Name (please print) . Address (please print) City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Name (please print) Address (please print) City, State, Zip Telephone Number: Fax Number: ( ( ) ) . Public Improvement Project Peiformance Bond - 04/06 Page 2 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 City of Springfield, Oregon Public Improvement Project Performance Bond -'~ ~ . KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, , as Principal(s), and , a Corporation organized and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of and duly licensed to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are held and fIrmly bound unto City of Springfield, Oregon as Obligee in the sum ~ ~ ) dollars for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and successors, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT: WHEREAS, the above named Principal(s), as a condition of the Public Improvement Project Permit for development of , City of Springfield Project Number , entered into an agreement with said Obligee to complete the improvements specified in said Permit within a time frame stipulated in the Permit. NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the above Principal shall well and truly perform said agreement during the original term thereof or of any extension of said term that may be granted by the Obligee with or without notice to the Surety, this obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the seal and signature of said Principal(s) is hereto affIxed and the corporate seal and the name of the said Surety is hereto affixed and attested by its duly authorized Attorney-in-fact at , this day of ,20_. PRINCIPAL(S) SURETY Principal Business Name - if applicable (please print) Surety Business Name (please print) Name (please print) Name of Surety Representative (please print) Title (please print) Title (please print) Signature of Principal Signature of Surety Representative Address (please print) Address (principal place of business, please print) City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) . Fax Number: ( ) City, State, Zip Telephone Number: Fax Number: ( ( ) ) Public Improvement Project Peiforrnance Bond - 04/06 Page I of 2 Revised 05/19/06 . . PRINCIPAL(S) Name (please print) . Title Signature Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) For information only: Name, Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers of: I Owner's Representative (Architect, Enl!ineer or other party) I Al!ent or Broker Name . Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) Name Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: Fax Number: ( ( ) ) . Public Improvement Project Performance Bond - 04/06 Page 2 of 2 Revised 05/19/06 " City of Springfield, Oregon Set Aside Letter SPRINGFIELD ~- Project Title: . Project Number: , Project Descripti.ln: Project Location: Financial Institution: Borrower: The above-referenced Bank hereby certifies that the sum of , ($ ) is on deposit with, in the form of Certificates of Deposit under the name of to secure the City of Springfield, Oregon the applicant's performance of certain work in connection with the above-referenced project. All of the Certificates of Deposit mature on . The dollar amounts of the Certificates of Deposit and certificate of deposit account numbers are as follows: Certificate of Deposit AmoUlDlt(s) Certificate of Deposit Account Numberls) The Bank hereby certifies and agrees that those funds will not be released without written instruction from an authorized agent of the City of Springfield, Oregon. Should the Certificates of Deposit mature prior to the completion and acceptance of the above referenced project, as well as its corresponding warranty period as specified in the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures manual, Chapter 12.08, all proceeds of the Certificates of Deposit will transfer directly into a comparable Certificate of Deposit with a future maturity date of not less than 6 months from the original date of maturity. . We further agree that those funds will be paid to the City of Springfield, Oregon within ten days of receiving written notice that Springfield, Oregon has determined that the required work has NOT been performed within applicable time limits, or that the work has NOT been properly performed. The Bank shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or determination by the City of Springfield, Oregon and shall not interplead or, in any manner, delay payment of said funds to the City of Springfield, Oregon. The applicant hereby agrees to this assignment of funds and that its obligation to perform the required work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the Bank. This assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be canceled by the Bank or the Borrower. There is no provision in this Set Aside Letter for any maintenance bond requirement. Financial Institution (Please Print) Name of Borrower (Please Print) Address (Please Print) Address (please Print) City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Financial Institution Representative (Please Print) Name of Borrower (please Print) Signature of Financial Institution Representative . Title (Please Print) Signature of Borrower Title (please Print) Date Date Set Aside Letter - Revised 05/19/06 City of Springfield, Oregon Set Aside Letter SPRINGFIELD Project Title: (Insert Title of Project as shown on the final version of the Public Improvement Pro;ect Permit Form) . Pro~ect Num~er: (Insert Pro;ect Number as shown on the final version of the Public Improvement Pro;ect Permit Form) PrOject De,~cnp'on: Project Location: Financial Institution: Borrower: The above-referenced Bank hereby certifies that the sum of , ($ ) is on deposit with, (Insert name and address of Hankin!! Institution here) (Insert Bank Branch here) in the form of Certificates of Deposit under the name of to secure the City of Springfield, Oregon the applicant's performance of certain work in connection with the above- ,referenced project. All of the Certificates of Deposit mature on . The dollar amounts of the Certificates of Deposit and certificate of deposit account numbers are as follows: Certificate of Deposit Amount(s) Certificate of Deposit Account Number(s) , " , . The Bank hereby certifies and agrees that those funds will not be released without written instruction from an authorized agent of the City of Springfield, Oregon. Should the Certificates of Deposit mature prior to the completion and acceptance of the above referenced project, as well as its corresponding warranty period as specified in the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures manual, Chapter 12,08, all proceeds of the Certificates of Deposit will transfer directly into a comparable Certificate of Deposit with a future maturity date of not less than 6 months from the original date of maturity, ' . We further agree that those funds will be paid to the City of Springfield, Oregon within ten days of receiving written notice that Springfield, Oregon has determined that the required work has NOT been performed within applicable time limits, or that the work has NOT been properly performed. The Bank shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or determination by the City of Springfield, Oregon and shall not interplead or, in any manner, delay payment of said funds to the City of Springfield, Oregon. The applicant hereby agrees to this assignment of funds and that its obligation to perform the required work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the Bank. This assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be canceled by the Bank or the Borrower. There is no provision in this Set Aside Letter for any maintenance bond requirement. Financial Institution (please Print) Name of Borrower (Please Print) Address (please Print) Address (Please Print) City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Financial Institution Representative (please Print) Name of Borrower (Please Print) Signature of Financial Institution Representative Signature of Borrower . Title (Please Print) Title (Please Print) Date Date Set Aside Letter - Revised 05/19/06