HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-18 05/15/2006 . . . RESOLUTION No. 06-18 Acceptance WHEREAS, work on the improvement described below has been fully completed and has been duly inspected by the City Engineer of the City of Springfield: Alley Paving Calvary Temple, Project P30356. and, WHEREAS, said work was found to be in conformance with the terms of the contract now on file in the City Recorder's office, and, WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the City Engineer that this improvement project be accepted and permanently included in the improvement maintenance program of the City of Springfield. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby accept for future maintenance the above-described project and accepts said improvement from the contractor involved. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this l5th day of May, 2006. Adopted by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. ATTEST: ~ REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM Joseph J, Leahy DATE: January 1, 2003 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD \ C I T Y OF S P R I N G FIE L D , ORE G ON , . OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE for payment _, use ./ , operation~, maintenance ./ and oJnership~, by the City of the project named herein, Projeci P30356 Title Allev Pavement Improvement Locatibn East of 11 th and North of Centennial Blvd, a:>eveldper Calvary Temple. 1116 Centennial Blvd, WEnginder Branch Engineering. Inc, I conT' Mo,,", Bro,__ Ino__ PROJECT INFORMA nON Pipe; ~ype STM Size 12" Kind C900PVC Total Length 221' Pipe; ~ype STM Size 12" Kind PVC Total Length 220' Pipe; Iype STM Size 10" Kind PVC Total Length 33' T.V, Report./ Air Test Forms As-Built./ I . Backfil1 used Imported Granular & CDF No. of Sanitary Manholes 0 No, of Storm Manholes 2 I - -- No. of patch Basins-L No, of Curb InIets~ No. of Pump Stations ~ No, of Detention Facilities-L Street Ijaving: Type A.C, Total Length 271' Sidewalks Installed: Type N/A Total Length ~ No. of Street Trees ~ No, of Street Lights ~ No, of Traffic Signals Installed ~ Traffic ICalming Devices: Type N/ A Total ~ Conduit Crossing Total 60' Other Assets Remarr6: j CERTIFICATION The un ersigned, including the Project Engineer, as evidenced by hislher seal, each hereby certifY to the best of hislher knowledge that this project has been completed in accordance with the Standard Specifications and other Contractual documehts, including Change Orders, of the City of Springfield, That no conflicts exist with other required or necessary public o~ private facilities except those approved by the City Engineer. That as-built drawings are accurate and typical of the proj~ct. That in the case of a public utility, said facility shalI be owned, operated and maintained by the utility company involved, saving the City of Springfield hannless from alI responsibility of said utility, I emarks Test Test Test TV TV --IY- I CITY ENGINEER: Prepare a resolution of acceptance for the next Council Meeting, SUPERlNTENDENT OF BUILDING: Issue permits and/or notices as applicable, SUPERlNTENDENT OF MAINTENANCE: Place the facility on the maintenance schedule, City Cobstruction Inspector -0. I.U:~.; ~ . <P~ Date.1-' ~ -ate Traffic fngineer 11/I4 ~ Date. . AS-BUIL TS completed and attached 0 ~ Project Designer S~~ ~~,Uo. ~~ CITY ErGINEER t<.;~j. 9' i/~{O Date ~r/slLJ& CITY MANAGER Date councill Acceptance Date Resolution No, Copies To: (as indicated) A\.ssessment Clerks _Supt. of Building Supt. of Maintenance . ~ copy of AS-BUILTS) ENGINEER'S SEAL oncurrence by the Utility Co. roject Completed 2-8-05 Date Submitted 6-30-05 roject Inspector Robert Andreasen roject Inspector's initials certifying that alI property corner monuments djacent to construction activity found prior to project commencement, as oted on construction drawings or in a memo to file, were in place at time fproject completion,-BA-- This af;cepta11;ce form will serve as notice and directive for the ollowmg actIOns: _Private Engineer _DeveloRer _Dept. of Env. Quality _Scllool District S,U.B. -Contractor -Rainbow Water Willamalane