HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-29 06/19/2006 . . . RESOLUTION No. 06-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ADOPTING AN AMENDED MASTER SCHEDULE OF RATES, PERMITS, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the Springfield Municipal Code specifies that rates, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges are adopted by Resolution of the Common Council; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Municipal Code specifies that future Resolutions of the Common Council may be adopted to amend any rates, permit fees, license fees, or other fees and charges specified in the Springfield Municipal Code; or add or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge which may be established by future amendments to the Springfield Municipal Code; WHEREAS, the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the proposed Master Schedule, Exhibit A, maintains all rates, permit fees, license fees, and other fees and charges at their previous rates except for: Placement Permit for Standard Mailbox; No Sidewalk Construction, Comprehensive Telecommunication Placement Plan Review Fee, Comprehensive Fee for use of Public Ways, and Sign Permit Fee - Banner as specified below, and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: 1,) The following sections of the Springfield Municipal Code are hereby amended to adopt the fees as specified in Exhibit A: 3.226 (1) Placement Permit for Standard Mailbox; No Sidewalk Modification, 3.226 (5) Comprehensive Telecommunication Placement Plan Review Fee, 4,706 Comprehensive Fee for Use of Public Ways, 8.218 Sign Permit - Banner. 2,) Except as specifically amended in Section 1 above, all other rates, permits, licenses and other fees and charges as set forth in the Master Schedule shall remain in full force and effect. 3.) In the event a particular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge previously adopted in the Springfield Municipal Code or by Resolution has been inadvertently omitted from those designated in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, such rate, permit fee, license fee or other fee or charge shall be deemed to be included and incorporated into this Resolution and adopted herein by reference. It is the intent ofthis Resolution to reestablish all such omitted fees and charges at the amounts that they existed immediately prior to this Resolution. 4,) If any particular rate, permit fee, license fee, and other fee or charge should be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule, Exhibit A, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect, 5,) This Resolution shall take effect on 1 August 2006, Attachment B - Page 1 of 2 . . . Resolution 06-29 page 2 This Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19 June 2006 by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. (1 Absent - Fitch) APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfi Attest: ~~ Amy sowa,~ity Recorder Attachment B - Page 2 of 2 Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees Exhibit A City of Springfield . Springfield Municipal Code Schedule of Rates, Permits, Licenses, Fees and Charges Section ~ Amount 2,370 Jury Fee $10.00 per day 2,930(11) Real Property Compensation Application Fee $500 per application 3,018 Schedule of deposits'pertaining to plan $800 min City Plan Examination deposit approval and permit Job Control Testing: $140.00 Initial Tests $ 55,00 Additional Tests 3,154 (Re) Apportionment Fee $25.00 first two lots $10,00 extra per lot 3,212 (1) Encroachment Permit $130.00 Reinspection Fee - Encroachment Permit $75.00 per reinspection 3,214 (b) Temporary Storage Fee $2.00 per square foot with a $250,00 minimum charge, plus $800 asphalt . damage deposit 3,224 Comprehensive Fee for Use of Public Ways; $4.00 per foot - Annual rental of City Non-Utility conduit $5,00 per foot - Annual placement fee for conduit four inches or less in diameter and $1.00 per foot for each inch of diameter in excess of four inches. 3,226 Placement Permit $225.00 3,226 Placement Permit for Standard Mailbox; No $45,00 Sidewalk Construction . 3,226 (5) Comprehensive Telecommunication $600.00 Placement Plan Review Fee 3.256 Curb Cut Fee $80.00 first curb cut; $40,00 second curb cut Reinspection Fee - Curb Cut Fee $75,00 per reinspection 3.300 (1) Sidewalk Construction Permit $80,00 + $ ,08 per square foot . Reinspection Fee - Sjdewalk Construction $75.00 per reinspection Permit Attachment B - Page 3 of 9 Revised 06/19/06 . . . Section 3.300(1) 3.356 (3) 3.358 (4) 3.358 (5) 3,504 (3) 4,206 (3) 4.208 (2) (a) (i) 4.208 (2) (a) (ii) 4.352 4.408 (2) 4A08 (4) 4.410 (5) (c) 4.418 (2) 4.702 4.702 (3) (a) IYlli: Sidewalk Repair Permit Sewer Connection Fee - Unassessed Sewer Construction Permit Sewer Reconstruction Permit Low Income Rental Housing - Tax Exemption Processing Fee . Sanitary Sewer User Fees Drainage User Fee - Non Single Family Dwelling Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees Amount $10.00 $ .35 per square foot for first 150 feet of depth and $ ,18 per square foot thereafter. No charge No charge No charge See Attachment 1 $1,72 plus product of the property area (in square footage), runoff coefficient and $1.638 per 1000 square feet (See Attachment 1) Drainage User Fee - Single Family Dwelling' $6.86 per dwelling (See Attachment 1) Storm Sewer Connection Fee Garbage and Refuse Collection Rate Compacted Waste Removal Charge (Stationary Compactor Charge) Receptacles License Fee Hauling License Fee Telecommunication License Application Fee, including renewal of existing licensee s) Non-refundable portion of Telecommunication License Application Fee, including renewal of existing license(s) Attachment B - Page 4 of 9 No charge Administered Separately by Public Works Department (See Attachment 2-1 ) Administered Separately by Public Works Department (See Attachment 2-1) Administered Separately by Public Works Department $30,00 per year $1,200,00 25% of the application fee Revised 06/19/06 Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees Section ~ Amount . 4.706 Compensation Fee for use of Public Ways 7 % of gross revenues for Telecommunication providers including local exchange services, interexchange services, and open video systems, excluding Cable Television carriers regulated by The Cable Communications Police Act of 1984, as amended. 5% of gross revenues for Cable Television providers regulated by the provisions of The Cable Communications Police Act of 1984, as amended. $3.25 per foot - Fee for use of public ways for telecommunication providers who do not provide local service, 4.710 Telecommunications License Fee $600.00 Annually 5.300 (2) Sale and Distribution of Tobacco and $55.00 first license Tobacco Products to Minors- License Fees $35.00 annual renewal and/or change of ownership . 5.426 (3) Dog License Fee $20.00 general license $10,00 neutered license $5.00 keeper 60+ years old $75.00 commercial kennel $5.00 duplicate license $20.00 watchdog license (in addition to dog license fee) No charge - Guide dog license and ADA companion dog license 6.515 (1) Parade Application Fee $75,00 7.024 Alarm System License $40.00 initial $10,00 Renewal Annually 7.102 Antique/Secondhand Dealer License $90.00 per year 7.126 Auctioneer License $120.00 per year . $60,00 per day Attachment B - Page 5 of 9 Revised 06/19/06 Attachment B - Page 6 of 9 Revised 06/19/06 Attachment B - Page 7 of 9 Revised 06/19/06 . . . Section 8.218 (2) 8,218(3) 8.218 (4) 8.238 (2) 8.238 (5) 8.238 (6) 8,238 (7) 8.332 (1) and (2) *see also separate sections 8.332 (1) ~ Sign Permit Fees Sign Permit Fee - Banner Sign Permit Fee - Blimp, et al Sign Code Modification Fee Sign Code Appeal Fee Sign Code Appeal Fee Sign Code Variance Fee Combined Grading Plan Check and Permit Fee for Single Family/Duplex Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees Amount $80.00 - (0 to 35 square feet) $110.00 - (36 to 60 square feet) $140.00 - (61 to 100 square feet) $160.00 - (101 to 150 square feet) 200,00 - (151 to 200 square feet) $250,00 - (201 to 300 square feet) $300.00 - (301 to 400 square feet) $100.00 per permit plus $100,00 security deposit $80.00 per pern~it plus $100.00 security deposit $200.00 per application $150.00 per application $100.00 per application $300,00 per application Non-sensitive area - $300.00 Sensitive area - $600,00 Note: Sensitive area equals> 15% slope, work in or near drainageway or swale, wetland on site, or site in floodplain. Grading Plan Check Fee for other than Single Base fee of $300.00, plus volume fee of: Family/Duplex Attachment B - Page 8 of 9 $150.00 - (Up to 100 cubic yards) $] 50.00 plus $30,00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) $420,00 plus $50,00 per 100 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses $1700 + $3000 deposit and additional deposits as required - (Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to Revised 06/19/06 . . . Reinspection Fee-- 8.332 (2) Grading Permit Fee for other than Single Family/Duplex Reinspection Fee-- Attachment B - Page 9.of 9 Master Schedule of Municipal Code Fees the normal LDAP fees, calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the conoective LDAP, the corrective LDAP shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective LDAP, 'Initial deposits shall be $2,000 for parcels less than one acre and $2,000 plus $1,000 per acre for parcels more than one acre, Additional deposits as required, $75 per reinspection $150.00 - (Up to 100 cubic yards) $150,00 plus $50.00 per 100 cubic yards over 100 - (101 to 1,000 cubic yards) $600.00 plus $100,00 per 1,000 cubic yards over 1,000 - (1,001 to 25,000 cubic yards) Actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses $3000 + $3000 deposit and additional deposits as required - (Greater than 25,000 cubic yards) Corrective LDAP Fee - In addition to the normal LDAP fees, calculated based on an estimate of the work performed to the time of the corrective LDAP, the corrective LDAP shall pay for actual recorded staff costs, overhead, and project expenses in the administration of the corrective LDAP, Initial deposits shall be $2,000 for parcels less than one acre and $2,000 plus $1,000 per acre for parcels more than one acre. Additional deposits as required, $75 per reinspection Revised 06/19/06