HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 06-27 06/19/2006 . RESOLUTION NO. 06-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD UPDATING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) FEE SCHEDULE TO COMPLY WITH THE METROPOLITAN W ASTEW A TER MANAGEMENT COMMISSION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE METHODOLOGY ADOPTED BY THE METROPOLITAN W ASTEW A TER MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ON APRIL 20, 2006 AND THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ON JUNE 5, 2006. WHEREAS, an amendment to the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) System Development Charge (SDC) Methodology was approved by the MWMC on April 20, 2006 and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield on June 5, 2006; and, WHEREAS, such amendment takes effect with bills rendered on or after July l, 2006; and, WHEREAS, such amended MWMC SDC Methodology provides for an annual revision of the SDC charges, based on an inflation of costs of the projects included in the MWMC's adopted 20- Year Project List by the Engineering News-Record national 20- city average Construction Cost Index; and, . WHEREAS, the MWMC 2004 Facilities Plan and 20- Year Project List were prepared, in part, to provide the public facilities plan and list of capital improvements that are required by ORS 223.309(1) prior to the establishment of a SDC, and were adopted by MWMC by Resolution 04-04, and by the Common Council of Springfield by Resolution 04-l9 on May l7, 2004; and WHEREAS, the MWMC, on May l8, 2006, directed staff by motion, to amend the Regional Wastewater SDC by application of the published average annual Engineering News Record 20-city national average CCI rates for 2004 and 2005; and WHEREAS, staff has recommended to the Common Council of the City of Springfield that based upon the amended Methodology and the authorized periodic application of an adopted specific cost index, that the MWMC SDC rates derived from application of the Regional Wastewater SDC Charge Schedule more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit 1 (Regional Wastewater SDC Charge Schedule), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are the appropriate MWMC SDC rates for fiscal year 2006-2007; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: . RESOLUTION Page -1- . 1. For fiscal year 2006-2007, the MWMC SDC rates shall be as set forth in the Regional Wastewater SDC Charge Schedule attached as Exhibit 1. The City Manager is instructed to take appropriate action to implement these SDC rates. This Resolution shall take effect on August l, 2006. In the event that any project set forth on the MWMC 20- Year Project List is finally determined to be ineligible for inclusion in the MWMC SDC rates for any reason, such determination of ineligibility shall not render the MWMC SDC rates invalid but instead the MWMC SDC rates shall be derived by adjusting the unit costs set forth in the Regional Wastewater SDC Charge Schedule so as to reflect the impact of the deletion of the specific ineligible project or projects. 2. 3. 4. This Resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19t1<<lay of June, 2006, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. (1 Absent - Fitch) Attest: . . City R~ Jnv 0-.. REVIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM ..Jo")f:.i'~ ) L~\~\ DATE:~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION Page -2- . METROPOLITAN WASTE. MANAGEMENT COMMISSION REGIONAl: TEWATER SDC CHARGE SCHEDULE . . . ,_ ,__,___,L__,____.._ u_ w____________'____~__~~___ ~!!(}p_o~_~.F~t~~~~'!!~r ~~~~g~~~t~~(}~~~~~n ~gional Wastewater SDC CharRe Schedule . - --_._-_._~I--- Dry Season Relmburse- Improvement Springfield Flow Baseflow' AverageFlow o~o~~~:~:~x we;,:7;:;~ BODfTSS Strength BOD TSS mentCostper Improve-ment Credit for Totaleosl T~:~:~~e TYDe of Establishment G~~~~;~~~ (ga:;:~~ay) (ga'';~~~ay) (gaIIFEU/day) (gaIIFEU/day) Strength (mgll) (lbsIFEU/day) . <IbslFEUlday)" FEU Cost per FEU Rate Support per FEU ~JL W~-Wf.i~6-~~ --f~~~-..--!~ol!- ---!~~+----- 2~~_ ____m~__ i~ir----=t~ _ _~~~~:_~~~~l= ==--::~~~~~:: ~=~l~~U; :=-~~~~~6~__;m~ --1IL_l!I1L!!'.E~_____.._____ lGSL--__!QO 1~7 205 398150 Low O,lI'___ __O,171__~5!!,Q~ __ __E5_U,8 _....J~11o!3 __ $~jli48 __200 __ Q.1HER RESID,ENTIALJS.FD,!"IOTH.ER...Y~~) '11) 175 239 359 6!16 __,___150... _~ _Q,~99~_ ,~?~L- _~n~~ __ ___, $l,3,11,~1! ___,._$.379~?~ ---11,022,84 __12Q_01H~~!'.ESIDEN.TI~L..:......tJ!I_FAM1L,V___~___ _I---D.Y....__J~~ _105 307 597 150 Low O,2EL_ __Q,2~1!~__$J5,O~ _$1,1?l101I__$.~25,10__~~!2 -..--JO~ O.!..H~!,_~SIDE~~L..:!,E~!!'~l'~~_HQTlOl!'-lg:r_EL e-----.!-G~_~ _,?I!. --------------.!() ____79lL ~5()_ __Low__~_ _{)}~2___.!!}~~ ~100 OI _ _ _.$.1,~()2}6 u_____$4~3.1~ ~..!1,168 ~6 ~?1,"____s>1!:1.E'!.~-"S1D__ENTlAL,M081~.EHOMEPARK ()~_~0____?05 307 597 150 Low _l!--2~~ __02~8__ ____$7~..QL__$.J,_!26]7 _$.3?~1()__ _ ~76..12 -.--.2J!J_ S!:[)l[)UPLEX DU _r_-J75- _2~9_ 359 _69fl... __, ~o... ----"""___ __Q.2~_ c---2-1~9 ____ ___ $87_51! _ ____$1,3!15~ __ $379 _28 __..$.!,~2_~4 _30!!..__ MC)TELI!~OTE~ ..TQ~f_f_______?OO 273 410 796 _..1llll...__~_dlum_~ __Oo!llL"-~ ~J1~~4_ _-.-----.!16llJlll.,_~J?1?5,81l. _u_...$.5~J.26 ~_!1.7.11,IO ___400.__ PU8L1C PARI<._ n____ ____ ,___u.....,___,_, TGSF_ ---..!~lL~ ~____2_19 328 ~~}l! _------1.5.l!-- ----""!'-f-------Q,?.7."-__ _,(),274__ ,_____,$.~Q,06 _ ___ $1,201,8!l_,_____$:J.4~ll _~!l35Y _~~...Ugl~URPOSE RECREATION FACllITY(lndoo,) TG~L- ---..!Il.~ _21~ ___32~_ _____ ~3.lL -------1~()_ _L.o>'_ _____QX/_1_I--Q,2!_L- __$80,Oj!, _ ___ $.1,?{)L89 ___$~46,1r __$93~, 17 ___41L_ T':'~~!ER_ _________~_____, __T(;SF,__ ~__160_,____~1~_~:J.28__~_,638 ~!5o...~~_r_-J1P"-,- __OP~_____,$.80,_06 __ ,___$l,20LIl.~_,,$346,n:__$935,F __~~~~ 01J7D()Q.'!~1HLETlC COMPLEX T(;~~:...... __1Il0_ _~~ _321l...___~~,lL '50 Lo,"-- ~_Q.2J1___ _0,2IL- _~80,Q~ _ __$1,201,89 _n,_ ~4E7 __$!l3~,!7 -==;~__~ !;~~~E~:~~T8_~ _ ===--===~=~== =~ii~t=~:t-- ==~l}f----------m :!:= _Jii =t:_~~~_~~It=~~;t= =!i~~i -~ -=-_~i~i{! ___=;!~~;~~}!i~; ----..4.9.4__ 89'IVUNG A,LLEV !G,SF__~11l.0 219 328 636 15.l!-- _~~_ _.l!--?11_1---_ 0,2!4 $8Q.oQll.. _ _ $1,2()1,8~ ,___$346.1I ___, $~35, 17 ___,_48~~ "EC"E~nQ.~AL CENTgR_ ,_ 'u___ _______,~________~_____ ___TGSF _ _ 1,60_m_ _ 219, _____ 321l. _,__~__ 6:J.1l.... ____1_~"_ __I,!>w,_ __0374___ __,0,2.71.._ ___ $~,{)8 __ _!!,?0_L8,~ __$346}7 _~ $935,17 __500___ INDUSTRIA,~ ~ROCESS, LO'lV ST"E_N(;TH______ _ T(lAL~"-__ ___1 QOQ_ -1}~ -------.?,01~_ ~,~Il... ____------1.5.0 ~_L<>.~_ _,.u!~ ..------.!,1!~~$500,35 _ __ $7,51L~0f_-$?,lg:J.? 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(lba/FEU/day) .. ment Cost per Cost per FEU Credit lor per FEU water Code Type of Establishment Unit (FEU) (gatlFEUlday) (gaIIFEUlday) (gaIIFEUlday) (gaVFEU/day) FEU Rate Support 900 f~~~~.!~!:l~?!!!~~~____.__.___~~________~~ ---I~f_~ _)JO~ ~1~0 225 _4~~_ 1~O Low 0,188___ __Q."I~L._ __~~~4, _~82.6,30 ~:!I!~l ~_$6_4~,~ _?51.._ E~~~R~ Y!!<;>!L~INC!,,:.PEJ ~S~!:!~l? . ,_TGSF_ _IJlO___ ~3.~ ~2Jl5 __~98 l~O --~-- ;--Q."m__ _ll.c1?L__ __'~~l1,Q3. _ ___~?~U8, _-!~162} _~_~84,48 __25L_ E_L[)E_R.l.cY_I1QUSINQ.:!.D !'C_H.E[)____ TG~_ __100 13.? 205 398 -- '50 Low O,1I1~ I----QJU__ ___,____$.50,03 +_____E!iUJ[ _~~_E3.. ___~584,48 ____ 2~~~ C;Q.1<.G_R~GA TE EL,()~R.,~ Y C~RE FACILITY ____LG~L__ ___!OO 13?, ____105 3~lL __)EC!.- ~h~ __O'17L_ ___Q.,!?L- __,$.~Q,03 _E21J8 ~u ~.?16,7~ _,___$.584_,4,8 _~20___ ,1-!~Y'.!'.~N9Y.~:rRX/!~l?_l!~!~!~~~. ~~Q~~ __5Q 5~_ __102 199 c------'~~ -~qN Q,Q~L- ~0~5 $2.5"Q?' _I---m~,~!! __~!Q~.E. _~$?~~?4 ___1?~_ !1E~~IN_D~S!~YnNDU_S1:'3.IAl:=-___~____~~m___ _!QS~m --~Q-- -~~ _IJl2 1~11- __.!~O Low o 08L- ___QJl8L~ ~$25~O,? _ ~?~!l ___ $108,37 1----_~2~2,24 _..J?Q~ ~E~XVJ.NPl!~f!!/!~O~.S"!"~I!-~~~.__.~_~__ _.!~~F__ -~~ 58 )02 199 1S0 _L~~ ---,!,Q85._ ~_l1,Q~_ __$.2~,Q2 f---$.315,59 __',08}, ~_?~J_4 __J ?Q__ H,~YY_I~PY~!~'X/!~Q~!RIA~.:.a_u____ ____________________ _!<3.S~ --~~- 58 102 '!l9_ -~~~ ~~ r--~085___ f--_O..!l~L__ __$250?_ _ $1~5li!l ___$10837 ---12!l2. 24 ___J.?Jl_ ~~Ay'y INpy~TRYn~l?U_~:rRIAL ___ .~!C;;~~~ -~ _~8_ ~_J01- _~11-. f---------'1!;~ ~- f--Q08~_ ~Jl.!lL- _ $.25_Q2. _$.3~5li!l _$10~}7 f--_$.,?!l?-.?1 __71Q_ <?ENERA~ OF::~,_~~E!.l:.q~__~~________________ _______"----.__ _ TG~_ _.-.lO_O~,_ c-___.!3L _2Q5_ _~!l~_ _~~_(L -t;- f---~~~~_~ __Q_1ZL- ,__$.50,0} _~~U!l _~?167~ __.-!~,1~8 _.~!lQ_ ~_t:!Q~~~~lE.:!l~~~_~~___ ___no T9.!?f__ __~L- ~lL __102 199 !~Q... ~,085 __ ~2~2? _ __$375,~ _,_$.108"3_, _-----E92,21 ---~?~- C~OT!j!N9~RY~~qp~.!.!il?~~_A~_~~__~____~~~______ ~_!q,S~_ _3.Q_ ~1 61 _---.1111-. 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