HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6157 03/06/2006 '-.', . . . ORDINANCE NO. 6157 (Special) AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS SYMANETC CORPORATION, LOCATED IN NORTHWEST SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF GAMEFARM ROAD EAST, SOUTH OF INTERNATIONAL WAY, EAST OF GAME FARM ROAD NORTH/GATEWAY STREET AND INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 14.68 ACRES IDENTIFIED AS TAX LOTS 500, 600, AND 800 T17S R03W S15 MAP 30; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described belaw was annexed to. the City af Springfield by arder af Lane Caunty Lacal Gavernment Baundary Cammissian under Baundary Cammissian Number File EC SP 05-31, effective 07/25/05, and further described in Exhibit A & B, and WHEREAS, the property to. be withdrawn is lacated within the baundaries of the Rainbaw Water District, and WHEREAS, the City af Springfield, Camman Cauncil held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Cauncil Chambers an February 21, 2006, and a secand reading and adaptian an March 6, 2006, in acco.rdance with ORS 222.524, far the purpase af hearing any abjections to. the withdrawal af the praperty from the public service district mentianed and there having been no. abjectians raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectian 1. The Camman Cauncil of the City of Springfield daeshereby determine that it is in the best interest af the City af Springfield to. withdraw the real praperty described in Sectian 2 from the Rainbaw Water District in Lane Caunty, Oregan, insafar as the property is lacated therein. Section 2. The Camman Cauncil af the City af Springfield daes hereby determine that the fallawing described real praperty within the baundaries af the Rainbaw Water District is and shall be withdrawn fram the Rainbaw Water District in Lane Caunty, Oregan, said property being described as fallaws: Tawnship 17Sauth, Range 03West, Sectian 15 Map 30 Tax Lots 500, 600, and 800; as more particularly described in Exhibit B af this ardinance, Baundary Cammissian File Number EC SP 05- 31 . ADOPTED by the Camman Cauncil af the City af Springfield this 6th day af March 2006, by a vate af --L far and ~ against. y af March 2006. APPROVED by the Mayar af t e ATTEST: ~Jow~ City Rec-de, . REVIEWED & APPROVED A,S 10 FORM \ ~\.....~~ DATE: , )~rob OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY MAP No.2 SITE MAP Annexation to Springfield (Symantec Corporation) EC SP 05 - 31 \ . - ~@J~ <6J~(!? fc"''''iS ~'9;V . ,/" I I 1 I ) I I I 1 I I f SEt WI' 17 03 1 ,," '.'.(: ~ ,> ~~. ~ ~~~~~-e-a ~ .~, ,I IIlI llll I I I I I I I f-- ! I . I ~_..~~I: ........., , .' I : '''-r GI'~ : ~ 'ji,t'H ~rilpj"",,''',,''J''J 0J',r ~L'II . . I ~ '. II; "''''' ,..g ~.t/.k . ,,,,.I". I' _ ,';Nll ), '.... ", ,; "-<, /;1 . ,r . 'll.{) / ill / /11--{ : 1 . " I I' I I : I : I I I I I It 121 22 I --L- , I I rr~ 400 .M"-. ~-7IJ.~._CUlJ I__C__ --- ------- I I I I h '.--.".L. I I ~ .., o ~ ~ t::t '" t.C S:Pt6-?1 11- 03-\5-';0 Tt.s SOD, 10 oD,cao!) r;/ j,~,...,,! "';:-. - ~ : -_!" . ..)1'~~ "J I i;--L------------ <, : I L~~~,.:T:r. .~,,_. TAX LOTTED ON loW' 17 03 15 40 "'" I' .:.~_',.,.:~._J Ii! 6 t! ii ~.~:",.. . LCLGBC Staff Analysis (EC SP 05 - 31) - July 13, 2005 Page 10 of 10 Ordinance No. 6157 . . . . " Real propertyrn the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follaws: PARCEL A: Becinnina at the Southwest corner of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0499 as filed and . 00. recorded in the Plat Records of Lane County, Oregon, said point being also on the Northerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road; thence NortbO 00 39 West, a diStance of975.55 feet to the Southerly right-of-way of International Way; thence along last said right-of-way North 89 56 08 East, a distance of295.46 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way South 0 0039 East, a distance of 975 .54 feet to the afore-described right- of-way of Game Farm Road; thence along last said right-of-way South 89 56 00 West, a distance of 295.46 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL B: Parcel 2, Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0498, filed May 6, 1994" Lane Caunty Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL C: A portion of the Abraham Landes Danation Land Claim No. 45, Lying in the South one-half of Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, describe~ as follows: Commencing at a point which is East 2865.72 feet( 43.42 chains) and Sauth 1821.60 feet (27.6 chains) from the Northwest comer of the Abraham Landes Donation Land Claim No.. 45;; thence West 132 feet (8 rods); thence North 330 feet (20 rods); thence East 132 feet (8 rods); thence South 330 feet (20 rods) to the Place of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. BOUNDARY ANNEXATION DESCRIPTION SThL~EC PROPERTY A tract of real property lying in Section 15 of Township 17 South, Ranae 3 West of the Willamette - Meridian in Lane County, Oregon and which is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat Number 94-P0498, as platted and recorded May?, 1994 in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon said point being on ~e southerly_nght-of-way of International Way; thence North 89056'08" East, along said right-of-way, a distance of 6,:,] .84 feet; thence, leaving said right-of-way, Sauth 0000'39" East a distance of 975.54 feet to the northerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road; thence, along last said right-of-way South 89056' 00" West a distance of348.30 feet and South 83003'32" West a distance 0005.72 feet. thence leavina last said right-of-way North 0000'39" West a distance of 985.57 feet to the Point of Be~inning.' 0 Containing 14.68 acres, more or less, lying in Lane County, Oregon. Ordinance No. 6157 REGISTERED ", PROFESS!ONAL I LAND SURVEYCR 1 j (~~. cx~