HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/2006 Work Session . City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JULY l7, 2006 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, July 17, 2006 at 6:30 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken and Councilors Woodrow, Ballew, Ralston, Lundberg, and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Cynthia Pappas, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Councilor Fitch was absent (excused). 1. Amendment to the Metro Plan Diagram and Springfield Zoning Map (Artie Mae HarlowlMAIA LLC). . City Planner Mark Metzger presented the staff report on this item. The context of the subject property generally supports the proposed Plan amendment. Properties to the north have LDR Plan designations, but the properties are zoned Heavy Industrial. These represent another example of the "Plan/zone conflict" issue that Council addressed not long ago in the Adams Plat neighborhood. Property to the east across 28th Street has a Heavy Industrial (HI) Plan designation and zoning (Kingsford Charcoal Co.). The southern boundary of the subject property is adjacent to 1-105 (Hwy 126). The property to the west is a manufactured home subdivision, MAIA Park. The subdivision is planned and zoned LDR. Evidence has been provided by the applicant showing that the owners of the properties in MAlA Park bordering the subject site were notified of the intended mini- storage and RV storage at the time they purchased their lots (Attachment 4 to Exhibit A for each Ordinance). Letters from the current owners of abutting properties have been submitted by the applicant affirming their knowledge of and support for the proposed Plan/zone designation change and the proposed development of a RV and mini-storage use (Attachment 5 to Exhibit A for each Ordinance). The staff reports enclosed as Attachment 1 to Exhibit A for each of the ordinances examine the criteria for approval and offer analysis and pertinent fmdings. Based on the analysis and findings, staff finds that the requested amendments satisfy the criteria of approval. No opposing testimony was submitted at the Planning Commission hearing held on June 20th. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposed amendments (Attachment 2 to Exhibit A for each Ordinance). . Mr. Metzger distributed a handout to the Mayor and Council of an article that had been distributed by the Harlow's to the residents of MAlA Park regarding a setback for storage. This article showed that the owners were doing \yhat had been requested in the 1970's. Early plans City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes July 17, 2006 Page 2 . for MAIA Park showed an industrial park going in at this site from the beginning. Residents of the park had been notified. Signed statements were included in the agenda packet from three of the five original owners stating that when they bought the land, they knew about the RV parking. Statements from current owners confirmed the same information. Councilor Pishioneri asked about the Recreational Vehicle (R V) Restoration and if it was a change in rezoning. Mr. Metzger said that area was already zoned heavy industrial, but the Metro Plan designation was LDR. He said it was not a problem for this particular action but staff would be looking at resolving those issues in the future. This would allow a reasonable transaction activity. The site plan review would come to Council before anything was built. Councilor Pishioneri asked about the entrance to that street and if there was construction of a street proposed. He asked if it was part of the covenant to help pay for a street through this area. Mr. Metzger said that would be dealt with during the site plan. Transportation engineering staff would look into what was required in that area. 2. Downtown Springfield Charrette Report Presentation. . City Planner Mark Metzger presented the staff report on this item. The Southwestern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AlA) is committed to improving the perception and experience of desi~ and architecture in the communities where we work. This commitment was demonstrated by the Springfield Downtown Planning Charrette, held on April 7th and 8th. The Downtown Planning Charrette was a grand success. More than fifty architects, landscape architects, City and agency staff, citizens and students participated in the event. The Charrette opened with participants attending a Friday afternoon orientation and tour of three downtown district "neighborhoods." These included the Booth Kelly/Mill pond District; the Main StreetlWashburne District; and the Justice CenterlIs1and Park area. On Saturday, participants worked from 8:30am lintil4:30pm, engaging in "design studio" discussions and graphic exploration that focused on the revitalization of the Downtown. The Charrettehad its origins in discussions with the AlA Chapter Board and the City of Springfield. Cynthia Pappas and Bill Gri1e teamed with the Chapter President Art Paz to detail a scope of work and logistics for conducting the Charrette. Among the products from the Charrette are short-term and long-term recommendations for revitalization that reflect the realities of the economy and social fabric of Downtown Springfield. These recommendations are expressed in illustrated concepts and text in the Downtown Springfield Charrette Report (Attachment 1 in the agenda packet). Highlights of the report are captured on presentation boards on display in the atrium. Staff continues to. investigate ways to stimulate downtown redevelopment opportunities and hopes to have additional discussions with the Council about this next spring. . City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes July 17,2006 Page 3 . Mr. Metzger introduced Art Paz, local architect and AlA Chapter President. He referred to the brochure that was included in the agenda packet. Mr. Metzger acknowledged Bill Gri1e for making this work as well. . Mr. paz said the AIA Chapter was engaged in issues that would transform the urban quality of our metropolitan area. He said when he became president-elect a year ago, he wanted to introduce their organization to Springfield. He said the energy by Councilor Ballew and members of the University studio and private sector designers was electric. The Charrette started on a Friday afternoon when three areas were identified: Main Street/Washburne; Booth Kelly; and Justice Center. Once the participants identified the area they had interest in, they were led by City staff to tour those areas. They discussed how those three areas could undergo change. When they arrived on Saturday morning, the participants were already thinking of how to look at issues that affected the urban quality of a downtown area in Springfield. Approximately 10 areas were reviewed by all subgroups which dealt with open space, private space, urban streetscape and traffic patterns. They looked at the public domain beyond public parks. He referred to the Downtown Springfield Charrette 2006 document included in the agenda packet which described the areas that were examined and some of the issues involved. He discussed the issues that were addressed. He discussed the lack of north/south connection between Booth Kelly and the downtown area and to the Justice Center. Another link that was missing was from the Justice Center moving west to the river. Presentations were summarized later Saturday afternoon. There was a lot of energy, reasonable public input, and diverse ideas. Participants were asked to articulate their ideas in written narrative as well as diagrams. All of the information was on display in the lobby of City Hall. Information was also posted online at the City site. Ten copies of the Charrette document were also available to the local AlS Chapter and other colleagues. Councilor Lundberg asked if anyone talked about the fact that the railroad tracks ran through South 2nd Street. Mr. Paz said there were some conversations around that issue. Some suggested going over or under the railroad. Staff had discussed a connection near 11 th Street that provided certain Fire and Life Safety access. He said the participants wanted to see multiple ways to enter Booth Kelly. Mr. Metzger said one of the Booth Kelly diagrams showed a future underground crossing at 16th Street. The nature of the Charrette was to share ideas in a short amount of time. Good ideas were received that give us a new perspective. He said as a planner he could also use some of this information as support for grant applications. Councilor Woodrow thanked Mr. Paz for his constant support and ideas that he brought to the Council for Springfield. Mr. Metzger said Council was invited to look at the display panels in the lobby area. . Mr. Paz said the AlA was celebrating their l50th anniversary. The national had asked all local chapters to submit initiatives that would describe projects re1evantto their local communities. The local chapter identified the Franklin Street corridor from the new Federal Courthouse into Springfield. He or other members of the AIA may propose a relationship with -the City looking at the concourse of that corridor. No one had done a definitive study of the entire Franklin City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes July 17, 2006 Page 4 . corridor. LTD was on board and the University of Oregon (VoID) would put on four design studios and create information. They wanted people to talk about the complexities dealing with riverfront and the passage on Franklin Boulevard. Mr. Grimaldi said staff would like to schedule some time next Spring to discuss downtown to find out where Council felt staff should be spending their time on this issue. Some options would be brought to Council for their consideration. Mayor Leiken discussed design standards and noted that successful communities had strict design standards. If Springfield was going to try to tackle this, we would need uniform design standards. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:55 pm. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa . Attest: ~~ Amy So City Reco oer .