HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6182 09/18/2006 . . . ;l .' ';1 ORDINANCE NO. 6182 (General) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING 1.59 ACRES OF LAND, TAX LOT 09200, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-03-25-14, FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, Article 12 of the Springfield Development Code sets forth procedures for Springfield Zoning Map amendments; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2006 the applicanUowner of the subject tax lot initiated the following Springfield Zoning Map amendment: Rezone 1.59 acres from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial, Case Number ZON 2006-00018, Tax Lot 09200, Assessor's Map 17-03-25-14; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2006, the Springfield Planning Commission held a work session and a public hearing to receive testimony and hear comments on this proposal. The Planning Commission voted 5 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 absent, to forward a recommendation of approval, with conditions to the City Council; and WHEREAS, on July 17, 2006, the Springfield Common Council held a work session and a public hearing to consider to receive testimony, hear comments on, and consider this proposal. The Council is now ready to take action on this proposal based upon the above recommendation and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordinance amending the Springfield Zoning Map. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The above findings, and the findings set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are hereby adopted. Section 2: The Springfield Zoning Map, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby amended from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and' ~ against, this 18thdayof September, 2006. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this 18thday of se.p.p ,2006 ATTEST:. ~ if' Mayor ~/rno~ City Record REVIEWED it APPROVED ~~R! ~\ DATE: _-:1 TiOl.b6 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . ~J:uaIT-,~i- 1 Index of Attachments Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: . . Staff Report Planning Commission Order Application and supplementary materials provided by the applicant. Statements signed by MAlA Park property owners indicating their knowledge of the proposed mini- storage at the time of their property purchase. Statements signed by current MAlA Park owners adjacent to the subject lot supporting the p~oposed zone change. 2 ATTACHMENT 1-1 . City of Springfield 'Staff Report Date Submitted: Scheduled Hearings: April 18, 2006 Planning Commission, June 20, 2006 City Council, July 17, 2006 Applicant/Owner: MAlA LLC.I Artie Mae Harlow 2366 Maia Loop Springfield, OR 97477 746-4065 Journal ~umber: ZON 2006-00018 Related Applications: LRP 2006-00012 Agent/Consultant: Steve Cornacchia, Attorney HershnerHunter, LLP 180 E. 11 th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 686~85ll Requested Action: Zoning Map Amendment Map Numberl Location: Map# 17 03 25 14 Tax Lot 9200 Southwest comer of 28th and R Streets, adjacent to and north ofI-105 (Hwy 126) Affected Acreage: 1.59 acres . Current: Low Density Residential (LDR) Pro o'sed: Li ht Medium Industrial (LMI) I. Executive Summary: The applicant is requesting a Springfield Zoning Map amendment for a 1.59 acre parcel on the southwest comer of 28th and R Streets, adjacent to and due north ofI-I05 (Hwy 126). The current zone designation is Low Density Residential (LDR). The proposed zone designation is Light-Medium Industrial (LMI). The stated purpose of the request is to allow for the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and a small building for light- medium industrial uses. The context of the subject property generally supports the proposed zone change. Properties to the north have LDR Plan designations, but the properties are zoned Heavy Industrial. The current use of the properties includes an R V restoration and repair business, and an electrical . ~. contractor. Property to the east across 28 Street has a Heavy Industrial Plan and zone designation (Kingsford Charcoal Co.). The southern boundary of the subject property is adjacent to 1-105 (Hwy 126). . . The property to the west is Plan/zoned LDR. It is a manufactured home subdivision (MAlA Park). The applicant owns property in the subdivision and expects that the RV storage and mini storage units will be used in part by MAlA Park residents. . Evidence was provided by the applicant showing that the initial owners of the properties in MAlA Park the border the subject site were notified of the planned mini storage and RV storage 1 May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 3 . at the time th~y purchased their lots. It cannot be confirmed that subsequent owners were provided the same information. The market potential for single-family residential development is likely lower than for other uses, given the location of the subject property. The proposed LMI designation offers uses that are more consistent with uses to the north, south and east. Section 12.030 (3) (a)-(d) of the Springfield Development Code describes the criteria that must be met to approve a quasi-judicial zone change that involves a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. Based on an examination of the proposed zone change, findings of fact, and the criteria for approving a quasi-judicial zone change of this type, staffrecommends approval of the applicant's request, subject to the approval of a concurrent Metro Plan amendment changing the Plan designation form LDR to LMI. ~, . Subject property and 1-105 looking south . May 30,2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 1-2 2 4 . Property north across :'R" St. Property east across 28th Street. . MAlA Park adjacent to the west MAlA Park homes II. Background The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Springfield Zoning Map for a 1.59 acre lot at the southwest comer of 28th and R Streets. The current designation is Low Density Residential (LDR). The requested designation is Light-Medium Industrial (LMI). A concurrent Metro Plan Diagram amendment from LDR to LMI is also being sought. The subject property is vacant. The applicant seeks the amendment to allow for the development recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building space for LMI uses. Context The subject site is surrounded on three sides by industrial uses and a freeway. Properties to the north have LDR zone designations, but the properties are zoned Heavy Industrial (HI). The current use of the properties includes an R V restoration business, and an electrical contractor. Property to the east across 28th Street has a HI Plan/zone designation (Kingsford Charcoal Co.). The southern boundary of the subject property is adjacent to 1-105 (Hwy 126). Land beyond to the south ofI-I 05 is Plan/zoned LMI. . The property to the west is Plan/zoned LDR. It is a manufactured home subdivision (MAlA Park). The applicant is the developer of the subdivision and continues to own property in the May 30,2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 1-3 3 5 . development.~ If the proposed amendment is approved, the applicant expects a portion of the customers of the RV and mini-storage developments to be homeowners from the MAlA Park development. -. Site Description The property is relatively flat and undeveloped. Located within the Springfield city limits, the subject property receives or is qualified to receive all necessary public services from the city. A check with Public Works staff confinns that there is capacity to serve the proposed LMI designation. 28th Street and Marcola Road (one block north of R Street) are minor arterials. R Street has an average daily traffic count of about 6400 vehicles. Marcola Road carries about 10,500 vehicles per day. . Harlow Property Aerial Photo (l) !:O 0 50 100 Fe.t ~ Relevant Issues . The subject site was originally planned for residential development as part of MAlA Park. During the approval process for the development, near-by industrial users complained that siting single-family residences immediately across 28th Street would subject them to possible complaints stemming from the impacts of their operations. When the development was approved, it was with the provision that the subject site not be included in the MAlA Park development. The site was referred to as potential RV storage area on the development plans. May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 1-4 4 . 6 Changing th~ Plan/zone designation would establish light industrial uses and facilities between the heavy industrial uses neighboring the subject site. The same uses would also border the single-family homes in MAlA Park. The impact of such light-medium industrial uses (noise, dust, vibration, etc.) is generally contained within the building and site. The definition oflight- medium industrial uses in the Metro Plan suggests that this is the case. The applicant asserts that the motivation for the Plan/zone change is to allow the development of RV storage, mini-storage and a small LMI use. Such a development would have a lower visual impact than other LMI uses and may have a benefit for those residents that need such storage. It must be noted that approval of the proposed Metro Plan amendment cannot be conditioned with the development of only certain LMI uses. The applicant provided evidence that the original purchasers of the properties in MAlA Park that border the subject site were notified by the applicant of the intended use ofthe site as mini- storage and RV storage (Attachment: "Statements signed by MAlA Park property owners indicating their knowledge of the R V Park at the time of their purchase"). The applicant has also provided statements from the current property owners indicating their support of the proposed rezoning of the subject property (Attachment: Statements of "Approval of Application for Rezone" signed by current MAlA Park owners indicating their support of the proposed zone change). .. . If singl~-family homes were built on the site, they would be adjacent to 28th, a minor arterial and would be just across from the Kingsford Charcoal Co., aheavy industrial use. They would also be affected by the heavy industrial uses ilmnediately across R Street to the north. The market potential for such single-family development on the subject property would likely be lower than the proposed LMI designation. . . May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 1-5 5 7 . r--'-r- I I i i '--'--r-' . "f--T" ---"r ! I ! _ i ._~-_.._---! I . '--,-r-T' ! I i I ._.L.,..,:.~,_l_.l_. ..-T----ii --I---i' ~-=t~1 Metro Plan Designation _ Community Commercial Ught Medium Industrial _ Heavy Industrial. ,yi": Campus Industrial - < Low Density Residential Medium Density Residentia Harlow Current Metro Plan Designation 50 0 !O 100 Feel ~ . I I i '" 0> so en a !!. RV __''''__''''''.u :___._ "":on. ~ _..!.. ! I Restoration '---..---------__._. .._B,~tr.~~_\.._~"...:...:.:;=::____.:....:==__...::... I J ~ Mala ~ooP _._ i-105 (Hwy 126) ---T--^'-'-'~---"-'- ---------------, ! i . Metro Plan Designation _ Community Commerciai Ugh! Medium Industrial _ Heavy Industrial , . Campus Industrial Low Density Residential Medium DenSity Residenlia 50 0 50 100 FfMtt = (i) Harlow Proposed Metro Plan Designation May 30, 2006 Harlow PlanlZone Amendment 1-6 6 . 8 -~__._J_,__._ Marcola Road ---I--T----r--T' I I : r I I I ' I---I---..!---I- I -1 ' ! . , i ---'---~ - I --j..--r-I Zoning fv'edlum Density Residential Low Density Residential _ Conmunily Commercial u\j1t Medium Industrial CalTllUS I nduSlrial _ He<wy Irdustrial . , .~'l-'f~ ~_r:\..~:: _'~;~j: . "c'--"~-r-----"-'-:-- . Zoning [' Medium Density Residential Low Density ResidenMI _ Corrmunity Commercial u\j11 Medium induslrial Campus Industrial _ He<wy Induslrlal May 30, 2006 Harlow Plar1!Zone Amendment Harlow Current Zoning (l) .50 0 5:J tOO Feet ~ I / Marcola Road r--r-T I I : I I ' r-- 1-105 (Hwy 126) Harlow Proposed Zoning (l) ::0 0 ::0 100 F&el ~ 1-7 7 9 1-8 . . III. Procedural Requirements Definition of Quasi-judicial Zoning Map Amendments '. SDC 12.020 (l ) (b) of the Springfield Development Cbde (SDC) defines quasi-judicial zoning map amendments as those "generally affecting a single or limited group of properties and mayor may not include a Metro Plan Diagram amendment." This section also specifies that quasi- judicial Zoning Map amendments which require a Metro Plan amendment shall be processed through a Type IV review. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal ,is a site specific zone change and involves a Metro Plan Diagram amendment. As such it is being processed as a quasi-judicial Type IV review. Notice Notice of the proposed Amendment was mailed to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development on April 20, 2006, 45 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing by the Planning Commission, as required by Oregon Revised Statues 197.610. . Section 14.030 (1) of the SDC requires mailed notice be sent to the applicant and the owners of record and occupants within 300 feet of the subject property 10 days before the. first public hearing when two public hearings are required. Hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council are required to process the proposed zone change and Plan amendment. Mailed notice was sent on June 1, 2006 as attested to by affidavit of the Planning Commission Secretary. Notice must also be published in a newspaper of general circulation and mailed notice must be sent to the applicant and to persons requesting notice (14.030) (2). Notice of the proposed amendnient and hearing was published in the Springfield News on June 9, 2006. Conclusion: The notice requirements for a Zoning Map amendment were followed. IV. Criteria for Approval and Staff Findings Section 12.020 (3) (a-c) of the SDC requires that the Planning Commission and the City Council apply the following criteria in approving or denying a Zoning Map amendment: a) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diagram; (b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans, and functional plans; and (c) The property is provided with adequate public facilities, services, and transportation networks 'are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. . 8 May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 10 1-9 . "(a) Consis.~encv with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan Diaciram" Metro Plan Diagram Analysis Findings: 1. The proposed zone change amendment is a map amendment and does not change the goals or policies of the Metro Plan. An application for a Metro Plan designation amendment from Low Density Residential to Light Medium Industrial is being processed concurrent with this proposal. . 2. If the Metro Plan amendment is approved, the proposed Zoning Map amendment will be consistent with the Metro Plan. If the Metro Plan amendment is not approved, the Low Density Residential Plan designation will remain and the proposed zone change will not be consistent with the Metro Plan. '"\ Metro Plan Policy Analysis Growth Management Element . Objective #8 (Pg. I1-B-3 1987 Metro Plan Update) "Encourage development of suitable vacant, underdeveloped, and redevelopable land where services are available, thus capitalizing on public expenditures already made for these services." 3. The subject property has been vacant smce 1977. Utilization of vacant, infill and redevelop able lands is a priority of the Metro Plan. The property can be served by existing public utilities and transportation facilities. Those facilities have the capacity to serve most industrial uses of a size that could locate on the site. 4. . Marcola Rd. and 28th Streets are designated minor arterials on the TransPlan Functional ClassifIcation Map. The estimated trip generation from the 1.59 subject site under the proposed Plan and zone amendments would have minimal impact on these transportation facilities. . The applicant states that the site "is not conducive for residential development. The proposed development 'of the subject parcel for limited light-medium industrial uses such as RV storage, mini-storage and small light medium industrial offices will return the land to productive uses that are compatible with both residential and heavy industrial uses. In addition to added productivity, approval of the application will also provide an enhanced buffering of uses between the residential use in MAlA Park and the heavy industrial uses to the east and northeast." .. Staff response: The proximity of the subject site to 1-105 and to surrounding industrial uses is not an ideal location for single-family residential development. The location, on its face would be better designated for light-medium industrial uses. 9 May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 11 1-10 . Economic Element Policy #9. "Encourage the expansion of existing and the location of new manufacturing activities which are characterized by lowlevels of pollution and efficient energy use." The applicant states: 'The proposed uses of the. subject property and their location for the purpose of transitioning uses across residential land to heavy industrial land are consistent with and implement this Metro Plan policy. Furthermore, the location of nearly all light-medium industrial uses on the subject property will fulfill the policy. Staff response: Light medium industrial uses, by definition, are characterized by activities whose impact can be contained within the site. To that extent, they tend to be non-polluting and consume less energy than heavy industrial activities. . Policy #15. "Encourage compatibility between industrially zoned land and adjacent areas in local planning programs." . 5. The proposed'designation, Light-Medium Industrial (LMI), is described in the Metro Plan as accommodating "...a variety of industries in the secondary processing of materials into components, the assembly of components into finished products, transportation, communication and utilities, wholesaling and warehousing," (Metro Plan II E 3 b.). The external impacts are less than those of Heavy Industrial. Activities are generally located indoors, although there may be some exterior storage. 6. The subject property is bounded on the east by 28th Street. The property across 28th is designated for Heavy Industrial. The Kingsford Charcoal plant is located on the property. If the subject property were to continue with the LDR designation, homes developed on the site would be directly across from the Kingsford plant and its impacts. The applicant states: "The common theme of this. application is that allowing light-medium industrial uses on the subject property will provide the buffering and transitioning of uses ) . . between industrially zoned, land and adjacent or nearby residential uses. Approval of the application will implement and be consistent with this policy also." Staff response: A light-medium industrial designation on the subject property would be preferable to a heavy industrial use. If the subject property were developed as single-family residential, those homes would be adjacent to 28th Street (an arterial street) and the Kingsford Charcoal plant. . 7. The existing homes in MAlA Park purchased their homes understanding that the land behind their homes was zoned for additional single-family residential development. The applicant does not describe how a light-medium industrial designation would be more compatible with the MAlA Park development than the existing single-family residential designation. . 10 May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendment 12 1-11 . 8. LMI uses by definition have a lower impact than HI since their impacts are contained on site. 'There may be visual impacts, and impacts from traffic, but the noise, dust and odor from LMl activities are contained within the buildings. . Conclusion: based on the findings of staff and the information provided by the applicant, the proposal is consistent with Metro Plan policies. Consistency with the Metro Plan Diagram is dependent upon the approval of the applicant's proposed Metro Plan Diagram amendment that is being processed concurrent with this action. If the amendment fails, the proposed zone change would not be consistent with the Diagram and thus would not meet this approval criterion. It(b) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps. Conceptual Development Plans, and functional plans" Findings: j 9. The subject site is not included within any adopted refinement plan, conceptual development plan or functional plan that specifically addresses the use of the subject site. Conclusion: The criterion does not apply to the subject siteandproposed zone change is not inconsistent with any adopted plan. . It(c) The property is provided with adequate public facilities. services, and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Findings: 10. The subject site is within Springfield's urban service area and is within planned sewer and stonn sewer basins. The site is within the Marcola Rd. Drainage Area Basin as shown in the West Springfield Drainage Master Plan. The site is in the Central sanitary sewer basin as shown in the Springfield Master Sanitary Sewer Plan. 11. Existing industrial development now borders the property on three sides. These uses are adequately served by existing facilities. 12. Springfield Public Works staff affinned that the can be served and that there is capacity within existing facilities to serve the 1.59 acre site. . 13. The applicant submitted a trip generation study, comparing the existing Low Density Residential designation with the proposed Light-Medium Industrial designation. The study was based on the ITE Trip Generation Manual, ih Edition. The study used a residential density of 10 dwelling units per acre, the highest allowed density allowed within an LDR zone. The average net density in Eugene-Springfieldfor LDR development is 4.18 units per acre (Metro Plan III-A-7). The higher density used by the applicant projects 144 weekday trips from the site. 11 May 30, 2006 Harlow Plan/Zone Amendinent . . . , 13 14. The adj acent MAlA Park subdivision has a developed area of about 14 acres with 77 lots. The density of that development is about 5.5 dwelling units per net acre, which is significantly higher than the average (4.18 units per acre)single-family density in the Eugene-Springfield area. Using 5.5 dwelling units per net acre, expected development on the subject property (using 1.1 net developable acres) would be about 6 dwelling units. Trip generation from 6 dwellings would be about 58 trips per weekday, using the same ITE trip rate usedby the applicant. By comparison, using the ITE Manual, the applicant showed that LMI zoning is likely to produce 80 daily trips. A mini-storage use would generate about 60 weekday trips. 15. The difference in daily trips attributable to the proposed Metro PlanDiagram is minimal. No change in level of service or functional classification would be expected from the proposed Plan/Zone amendment. . Conclusion: Based on the findings of staff and the infonnatio~ providedby the applicant, the property is provided with adequate public facilities, services, and transportation networks by existing service facilities. Conclusion and Recomm.endation The proposed zone change is consistent with criteria for approving amendments to the Springfield Zoning Map, contingent on the approval ofthe concurrent Metro Plan Diagram amendment proposal, LRP 2006-00012, which would change the Plan designation from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. Failure of the Metro Plan Diagram amendment to be approved would render this action inconsistent with the Metro Plan and would cause this application to fail the criterion of approval that requires consistency with the Plan. Attachments: May 30, 2006 Harlmv Plan/Zone Amendment 1-12 12 14 ATTACHMENT 2-1 . BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUEST TO AMEND THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP] JO. NO. LRP2006-00018 ] FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ] RECOMMENDATION' l NATURE OF THE APPLICATION This proposal amends the zoning for the property identified as Map # 17 03 25 14 Tax Lot 9200 on the Lane County Assessor's Map, located on the southwest corner of 28th and R streets in Springfield, from Low Density Residential to Light Medium Industrial. . The proposed amendment is discussed in greater detail in the Staff Report attached hereto. 1. The application conforms to the provisions of Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Development Code was provided. 2. On June 20, 2006 a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Springfield Zoning Map was held. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. . CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested amendment to the Springfield Zoning Map is consistent with the criteria of approval of Section 12.030 (3) of the Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusion in the . Staff Report attached hereto. RECOMMENDATION It is RECOMMENDED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Journal Number' LRP2006-00018, Amendment of the Springfield Zoning Map, (be approved) (be approved with revisions) (be denied) by the Springfield City Council. I This RECOMMENDATION was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on June 20, 2006. . ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST AIN: ...,.)..//)&~ 1// / )/'/ .. PI~rli.ng Commission Chairperson s- (} ~ o 15 ATTACHMENT 3-1 . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street:. Springfield, OR~7477 Phone: (541) 726-3753 fax: (541) 726-3689 'SPR1NGF1ELD Metro Plan Amendment Applicationl Type IV Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) o Type I: is a non-site specific amendment of the Plan. ~. Type IT: changes the Plan diagram; or is a site-specific Plan text amendment. T ax Assessor Map (1- - O~ - "2 C; ... I LJ Ta.'\. Lot(s) Cl 26u Street Address . Metro Plan Designation L DR. Acres /. S'1 .A-C. Refinement Plan Designation ',Description.ofProPosedAmendmentL<\tfach adciition<11sheets if ..,_, '> - ::T:,.', :". ,::;..,,,:. "~i. -:', ")':,:_ _ :~:!__;"",_-' ' ',,-'~: :;i\ .:.-::-;: .-,,:,::~.<.:.;.; _:.'.-' ':t.:, >"-::':,:: ::" -,:~-- ~.'-" '>:"7."':' :: .0'.':'::'\1":>"":" .~' -:' "::".;-, -."";".: -, ~ ;~.:,..".., ,:- :'. . . f(lvrv~ f?l ?L" 'l)-i . Clo.. Cr'!"" d-- Y"V' (::..t/i 0--'1'1 Sx. ~~ L UK +u [... /-/\ \ U I Ap P lie a n t/9!VTI e rlnf 0 rm a tia n,.{c:'::::<;iji':: .',-" ..:: ' ,. .~ :,,,' . ..-.\ n-:.:_:,."':.>..',:;::.';'''' Primed Name of Applic3.nt (V\ Cl '\ 0.... Lee .4Yt\ ~ yY\ c e. Hey l D---J Phonc: Q'4 G - 4(A, c;- AppllC3.nt Signature Maillrlg Address Date .---7 ..., r . L':i,=G .(VI ;::::-:"1, (/0.- L..c:."'\::::: e \ . Property Owner Slgnatur,: Mailing Address <.)(1...vV'-L Date For Office Use Only: +r-\.-j ~__ p" II L,;( , 16 3-2 . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) n6~3689 SPR1;NGFIELD Zone/Overlay District Change Application, Type 111 Applicant Name MAlfl, LLC Address 2366 Maia LOOI? Property Owner Name -,<;.=l~f' nS above Address Phone: (541) 746-4065 Phone: Property Address None 2 Assessor's Map No. 17-03-:)5-14 Tax-Lot No. 9200 . Size of Property 1.59 Acres ?quare Feet or Acres Existing Use of Property Vacant and Undevelo~ed Specific Description of Proposal Amendment of Metro Plan Diagram from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial and a concurrent rezone from Low Density Residential (LOR) to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) Th~ unlkrsignetl acl_nuwletlgos tbat the informatiun in this appli~atiun in wrr~ct and accurate. ApplicantSignatuce tlAk YJt:u ~ Date tj--15-0{, If the applicant is uther than th~ uwner, the ownor hereby grants permission I.ur th~ applicant tu ad in his/hor behalf Owner Signature .UAtzi; ~1LM- ~ - ' Date 4- - (g -() G . --:7 For Onice Use Only: JOLlrnalNo. _t:r;;'1 /rr{,-@ )C(-; Received" 8y Map No. l7... () :J-l~ ~ L-t Tax Lot No. Date Accepted as Compkte .+~-"'- CfL.-OO o ... (\t;.{lG I ,.hi r2--~ro n"~"\A-rr~_u:",(uj - L- K (.)/2JliLG- L~z.., \."'L- ----------~--------------------------~-----------~-~-- . I I I -rT"7/- ~ r/rr---rT/r --rrrr- '-'rTT--r/T/ --rT77 - rrrr--rrlr---rnr--'-rrrr- 7'/~ . ... ;; ... ~ ""'1'" ~ "jll' .... 16~' I C' ZB&<o~' 161~ =--=-; 9700 . II 9400 : 9600 ::~. I I ... o ... , I I.. .., I I . , : ,.; :-{ I S : ~ I 1:- o D o ~ I ~ I ... o ~ ; . <Rt~ Z8R.~' t I ~~{)) . 9800 ~ , ~ : == ';. :~ .. ~ ..;2 I .-- ""t_ o . I I I o 0 o ... I ~S' ..... : 9900 ~ I 0 I : t o !;o. r .. ~J :1Dr -<>t '; 16 a:s. I zag.,' 16'1 "'J.o:;. --t : I S ",,'.:rJr I: 6 l8"'S7"'1.7. S lrrr47'"' C A al~l"17 " """"'\4' C .A~''''~I' .......C ;:C A. t4....~. .. zz'"'...,."J" P; e.~4q"' ",~"06." A lil"'U'"J(,' 200 14 . 18 "". 600 6 .AC. I ::a.n. 33 ..",.,..,. E: "00' 5C(J 3 ~. 32 "l'D"'1". E - '(tCll" ;a KXl J).C. 'JCI, n. Jl llCXT S 00 01 LCoo6Z.rr " :r.!'Z:nT t Rw\_J,:4" AZI~' 01 I..C*'560.74" " 7'ft~4'1. C 1I~"J.:4'" A Lr:i"J'U' = u:.t~ " WIrtZ" C 1I-""3.SlI" A ~'lil"Sa" I D ~ J7 ITY OF SPRINGFIE 17 -03- 25-14 TL 9200 TAX LOTTED ON MAP 17 02 30 PeL 3 100 ~ 15 ~,.. .... ~ .0 12..'-' III Q .. " ~ 9500 2900 v ~ ~ 17 'lIT ~S"9..:a' ~ ,.; 9200 1.5+ AC. > :;;., ~~ 5800 0.13 K.. n'" m. fT. .35 ~ 13O~41.,4 E' 90.00' ~- ~~ o 5OC<l 0.\3 K.. ".., :sa; fT. ::.c ~ \? E: SITE fJlTTl'J"l';l. '.j Un' S:J..al' jJJ11' @' ': 98~':rr t: ~aCll" ~ ~l 17 93 ----~ - ~ - - - - -.- - -....... -- I 2.5 10 '" 1'1 o r-- ~ ~- W w C/) 3-3 14 c~o~ 18 3-4 . 1.0 INTRODUCTION The applicant seeks an amendment of the Eugene:-Springfield Metropolitan General Comprehensive Plan (Metro Plan) Diagram to change the designation of 1.59 acres of land. from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. The applicant also seeks a concurrent rezone of that land from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI). The subject property is located immediately due west of 28th Street and immediately due north of 1-105, in Springfield, Oregon. This application seeks a light medium industrial designation for the subject property to allow for the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building space for light medium industrial uses. A portion of the customers of the proposed storage facilities are expected to be homeowners in the residential planned unit development (MAlA Park) that borders the subject property to the west.: Upon approval of the application, the subject property -will be developed ina manner consistent with the draft site plan attaChed to this application as Exhibit C. 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORiYIATION . 2.1 General Site Description The property that is the subject of this application contains 1.59 acres and is located within the city of Springfield on the west side of 28th Street and adjacent to and due north of I-l0S.. The property is designated as Low Density Residential on the Metro Plan Diagram. The property is .. zoned by the City of Springfield as Low Density Residential (LD). The propert,y is described as Tax. Lot 9200 of Lane County Assessor's Map No. 17032514. A copy of that map is attachedas Exhibit A. . The property is bounded on the west by the MAlA Parkylanned unit development, on the SOllth by 1-105, and on the north by residentially-designated property, Tax. Lot 9700, currently zoned and being used as light medium industrial (Alert Electric). Two additional parcels, Tax. Lots 9800 and 9700 ilre located between the subject property and NL1rcola Road and both parcels are also designated as residential but ilre zoned industriaL Tax. Lot 9800 contains another light medium industrial use. Tax. Lot 9700 is owned, in part, by the applicant and is vacant. All property on the east side of 28th Street in the vicinity of the subject property is designated and zoned as Heavy IndustriaL The site is re.latively flat and undeveloped. Located within the city limits of Springfield, the subject property either recei ves or is qualified to recei ve all necessary pllblic services from the city. . 19 3-5 . The subject property has remained vacant and und~veloped:since the neighboring property to the. west was re-zoned in 1977 from R-A Suburban District to R-G PUD Garden Apartment Residential District Planned Unit Development. The applicant owned both the subject property and the neighboring property to the west in 1977 and agreed to limit the re-zoning to the neighboring property to the \vest in response to significant opposition from industrial property owners to the northeast and east of the subject property. Those property owners were concerned about an increasing level of complaints from nearby residents about the industrial use. of their property. Representatives of Kingsford Charcoal Company and Lane Cedar Products expressed concerns that further residential development in the ~8th and Marcola Road vicinity would only add to then-ex.isting complaints about those companies' industrial use of their property. The subject complaints were over issues of noise, air pollution and industrial traffic, especially on 28th Street. '. ... . . MAlA Park was developed following the 1977 re-zoning. Since the 1977 re-zoning approval, the subject property, although also zoned residential, has served as a de facto buffer between the homeowners of tvL~IA Park and the industrial uses to the east and northeast. Approval of the application will allow for producti ve use of the subject property. Approval of the application will also allow for a use of the subject property that benefits the homeowners of rv'lAlA Park from both a utility and buffering perspective. The homeowners will be able to .use the facIlities on the subject property and will continue to benefit frqm a buffering of their use from the heavy industrial uses to the northeast and east. The storage and light medium industrial uses of the subject property will serve as a beneficial transition of uses between the disparate uses on either side of it. . .. 2.2 Description of Proposed Amendments. The application b~fore the City of Springfield seeks approval of the following: . . . 1. An amendment to the Metro P1:J.n Diagram designating the sllbject property as Light-Medium Industrial; . 2. A change in the zoning of the subject property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI). 2.3 . List of Exhibits: Exhibit A - Assessor's Map E;,hiblt B - Draft Site Plan . ExhibIt C - JRH Trip Generation Report 3.0 COMPLIANCE ,-/YITH THE SPRl~GF1ELD DEYELOPIYIE~T CODE (SD~) FOR METRO PLAN AMENDMENTS 3.1 SDC ARTICLE 7 . . . 20 3-6 : 3.1.1 SDC 7.030 METRO PLAN AMENDl'ilENT - DEFINITIONS SDC Section 7.030 provides: METRO PLAN AMENDMENT - TYPE II. An amendment to the NIetro Plan which is not otherwise a Type I plan amendment and which: (1) changes the Plan diagram; or, (2) is a site-specific Plan text amendment. The application requests a change to the Metro Plan diagram that would change the designation of the subject property from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. The application requests no changes to the Plan text and does not require a goal exception for approval. Accordingly, it isa Type II amendment. The Metro Plan and the SDC provide that the City of Springfteld is the home City for all site specific Type II Metro Plan amendments east of Interstate 5. The SDC also provides that a citizen who owns property that is the subject of the proposed amendment may initiate a Type II Metro Plan amendment at any time. 3.1.2 SDC 7.070 METRO PLAN - APPROVAL OF A PLAN ANlENDMENT SDe 7.070(3) CRlTERIA FOR APPROV AL OF PLAN AMENDMENT "(a) The amendment lUust be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission; and The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Metro Plan, a local comprehensi ve plan acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Deve.lopment Commission. Therefore, statew.ide planning goals do need lobe addressed for approval of the applic<.ltion. Consistency with the goals <.lnd policies of the Metro Plan is the controlling factor for approval of the application. (b) Adoption of the amendment must make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent." The proposed iimendment is consistent with the gmJ.!s and policies of the Melro Plan. A discussion of how approval of the proposed applic<.ltion is consistent and complies 'with the Metro Plun follows in Section 4.0. . 4.0 COiVIPLIA.NCE WITH METRO PLAN POLICIES All p[;:w amendments and zone changes ml1stcomply with the Metro Plan and its relevant policies. This section addresses the relev<.lnt plan policies :lnd is org,mized by Metro Plan Principles :lnd Elements. 4.1 FUl'IDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES IYletropolitan Goals _ Growth iYJarlClgement and the Urban Service Area Objective: "Encoarage development of Sllitable vacant, anderdeveloped, and redevelopable land where services are available, thlls capitali:.ing on pllblic expenditures already made for these services. JJ . . . " 21 3-7 The subject property has remained vacant and undeveloped since 1977. It was omitted from the 1977 re- zoning of theidjacent property due to opposition from nearby owners of industrial land and operations. It is located irrlmediately north of 1-105 and is separated from heayy industrial uses to the east only by 28th Street. Its location is not conducive to use for dwellings. The proposed development of the subject parce'r for limited light-medium industrial uses such as RV storage, mini~storage and small light~medium industrial offices will return the land to productive uses that are compatible with both residential and ,heavy industrial U$es. In addition to added productivity, approval of the application will also provide an enhanced buffering of uses between the residential use in MA.IA. Park and the heavy industrial uses to the east and northeast. The Plan Diagram and Text - Land Use Designations Industrial: LighH'vI edium Industrial "This type is markedly different from heavy industrial. Light and medium industries are generally involved in the secondary processing of materials into components, the assembly of components into finished prodLicts, transportation, communication and utilities, wholesaling, and warehousing. The external impact from these uses is usually minimal. The need for transportation is usually met by truck, although rail and air transportation may be necessary. The labor force varies from small to large. Activities are generally located indoors} although there may be some outdoor storage. 11 Light-medium industrial uses are. by nature and definition, less impacting and more compatible with residential uses. The proposed use of the subject property (R V and mini storage and small light-medium industrial office space) falls squarely into realm of minimal external impact and, in fact, provides a buffering of uses expected by residential neighbors and demanded by industrial users. Allowing the proposed uses to be developed on the subject property will be consistent with the Metro Plan and will remain consistent with the 1977 decision to not include the subject' property in the adjacent planned unit development that h;ls become MAIA Park. 4.2 PLAN ELEMENTS Residential Land Use and Housing Element Objectives: "5. Protect existing and proposed residential areas from conflicting non-residential land uses while providing for compatible and fLLnctiorzal mixed-use development (residential arid non-residential)." The remov;l] of the subject property from the 1977 re-zoning of the adj:J.centl~.tnd to the west created a marginal buffer between that bnd and the industri:.ll uses to the east and northe;lst. However, it was only n. buffer of bare bnd. The proposed use of the subject property \vill provide physical barriers, in the form of lw.ndscaping w.nd structures, that will provide a more viable buffer th;lt w.ccomplishes the intent of the 1977 action while tr:msitioning the uses from residentiill to heil vy industriw.l with intervening light- medium industrlill uses. Approval of the application will fully implement the Metro Plan's objective of providing relief to residential usesfrom the impilct of non-residentiJ.llahd uses. " Policies: "12. Promotecompatibili,y between residentially z.oned land and , adjacent areas. JJ 22 3-8 . . This Metro P}~n Policy implements the above-mentioned objective of the Residential Land Use and Housing Element. Approval of the application will promote compatibility between the residentially- zoned land to the west of the subject property and the industriall!ses to the east and north east. "16. Encourage location of non-residential uses, sllch as neighborhood commercial and small-scale light indti.stry, within residentially designated areas when those auxillary uses are compatible with refinement plans, zoning ordinances and other local controls for allowed uses ill residential neighborhoods. J1 This policy continues the Metro Plan's theme of establishing uses in a deliberate fashion that encourages the development of light industry and establishes light-medium industrial uses as a functional separation between residentiill uses and those uses traditionally causing incompatibility issues with residential uses. The. application of these particular policie_s to the requested plan amendment and zone change will provide the foundation for the o.pproval of both requests. Economic Element Policies: "9. Encourage the expansion of existing and the location of new light manufacturing activities which are characterized by low levels of pollution and a relatively lolY' level of energy llse." . The proposed uses of the subject property and their loco.tion for the purpose of transitioriing uses across residential land to heavy industrial land are consistent with and implement this Metro Plan policy. Furthermore, the location of nearly all light-medium industrial uses on the subject property will fulfill the' policy. The common theme of this application is that allowing light-mediurTI industri;ll uses on the subject property will provide the buffering andtransitioning of uses between industrially zoned land and adjacent or nearby residential uses. Approval of the application will implement and be consistent with this policy also. "13. Encourage compatibility between industrially zoned land and adjacent areas in local planning programs." 5.0 COlYIPLIANCE. WlTH SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA FOR ZONING MAP A.MENDMENTS 5.1 Zoning Map Amendment Criteda of Approval 5.1.1 Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the IYletroPlan diagram; A complete discussion of consistency with :J.nd comp,li:J.oce, with ;lpplic;lble Metro Plan policies is provided in Section. 4.0:J.bove. 5.1.2 Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districtmaps, Conceptual Develupme nt Plans and functional plans; ana Approv:J.1 of the appliciltion is consistent with the Metro Plan and any associated planning objectives and doc uments. . . . . . 23 3-9 :.. 5.1.3 The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation. networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are p'lanned to be provided concurrently with the development ofth.e property. The subject property is located with the city limits of Springfield and is either currently provided will all required public facilities, services and transportation networks or the same can be provided to the property upon development. Furthermore, approval of the application, and development consistent with that approval, willnot have a significant effect on transportation facilities. The applicant requested that JRH TransportatiOll Engineering conduct an analysis of potential trip generation for uses under the current zoning on the subject property and of potential trip generation for uses allowable in the light-medium industrial zone (and particularly mini-storage and a representative light-medium industrial use-small engine repair). Based upon its analysis, JRH concluded t~at "the trip generation for the proposed zone change and proposed uses produces less impact to the transportation system than a development allowed under the current zoning." A copy of the JRH report is attached as Exhibit D. 6.0 CONCLUSION This application to (i) amend the Metro Plan Diagram to designate the subject property as Light- Medium Industrial and (ii) to change the zoning of the property to the Light-Medium Industrial zone (LMI) consistent with the amended Metro Plan Diagram designation, demonstrates that all applicable Metro Plan and City of Springfield criteria have been addressed and met. This application also demonstrates that the proposed amendments are consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals and the administrative rules implementing those Goals. Accordingly, the application should be approved. Respectfully submitted, HERSHNER HUNTER, LLP APPLICANT: MAlA LLC By:!ldzt ;/lcLp- ~,~~ Artie M:J.e H:J.rlow, Nlember o .- I M o:t oq-E-4 C'ojH CO H ;Jj ~ FOR ASSESSMENT At,JO TAXATIOt,J o I\J L Y 5E1/4 NE1/4 5EC.25 T.175.R.3W. - LANE COUNTY sc.......E ,. - too' SEt UAP 17 OJ 25 11 1.I14[ 1 ABLE to "... ,..~7'" UJR\/[ I.:.BLr" to \~;~;: ~:; \~~! It ~~:~~ .t .... t' ,... ..,.-..... ,....,..,... ...,,..... ....-,....-, t. ~~;;:.41 u ~~::~:' .. B"'" ""'''' u \~;:~~ .. ... -~ -~@\) ~ (f:3)l0.) =-' <O)~ /;\,( @J<-' -> 0\ Tf,X tonED OH ~) "'~P 17 OJ 14 11 h' ~~;.\'':~ u ~~;;:l': , ".,,,.', ~. ~:~m u ~~::;;: .. ... ....,-ft... ..,t""" .. .. ... ,. '" ,~ ... u' ~~~~,,": II- "'t. U' ".r .,..,...., il.'''j; '1i1 (Cj) == ({-II fji \~"!rt.J U J: ~-'~ ':"I..~l ..n. ....,. 0 "n.. . ,...~ 1 II '0 '1.." u ..' III ...---: - 1000 901 100 ii SOO 400 I 300 9.00 ! g600 g100 I 0 I j I 1100 ~~ g i H 500 100 100 i 800 ~ , I >!l~ . i " i , . .If>~~~ . .1 " .. 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"c. 17 03 (/lI/([tUO q'JlJ 1)1)1] "(11) 1:'o(lIJ IflOIJ "00 11'!1J1J I I , I , I I , I I , I ,,~ I '~ .., , 17 ~3 -.. .... -:1~ i .. ~I;;\ t Ie: ,n ",."" tUGEU[-SPRIUGnELD HfGH'N.-Y 1-105 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - ~Ef-f,l""-I~ ~- - - - - - - - - - _. - - _. _ _ __, . .-e . 25 14 '" N a :: ~ i;! 25 14 or- or- I M I7'i7'1 ~ ____ 'lIfI.~C' ~.lrf''''''T l'~ ,__,." U,.~. ----------------------~ I , I \ \ \ , \ \ . \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ R STREET ,~ ~-::-Qr..'i.~- w.f~ I '-:, "-"" (. ,; )':%~.t~;j~;: I JjJX%f:q;':; q;) .::/;:.:;:</.. lwjk (~)II (~"'_..,..,. ~. ~ e ::.:::.~~:{~~;': "' \,;>fll .' ~~ It:) Rg (~) ~} ~ \~r ----- \88 ~. ~LC':TOl^a: 9JILOII-C "'E en STOl" H ,o-t fQ' 9Jll()ll-I:; cn;Nlt>;; 10 'HI: a:....ER .C. OlIVlI-C IRE A. . 10 FOOT WIDE l AHDS CAPE '. . f".o R'lLOI,..,g; 30. In' Igo. 17Y EXHIBIT B SITE PLAN =~i:;?~=J;JC'::P::t== . ....~Qt~...IQ.,;l-"l;il~'~:~ ( ;) ~ Q." (~J- ) e ~l (>;;j\ ~3 ~1) ~~ (~S \ ;;;'0 "'0 \ ~~\ \ ~'a. "',- ~~ <:i\. 'Z~, . ~~rl '7'~ ' \ ~:~R /lR E A / ~t..;:; // .' , '- \ ~~,) --, ~~ :\ \ ~'~'"i . ..;; ~ 1 '\. ~ll \. "":'. .. ....-.11) \ .~ \, \-, () r-fi:K. 'f,,-~r~-~.Z '1-~-7...?,~~f.1~ ) -=~\ - --=-- - -- ~.. ' 2 2 o~. ~ s: . t----- W W cr:: I- rJ) I I- 0;) ('.J \ ~ -~~ SCALE r - ~o \ -------. . 26 EXHIBIT C 3-12 ~""-l/fr--"'''':'''f~'.''':~'''<''~''''-~\'~''<'''''X''l<'':''~~'''-'~:",\'-'!"<<~"","-;:l!,~,,!,:,~-~,,,~j~~ ,<~~~.,-.:!,'_"":~:~~'"!'<~'_"'J";'...-r!"':',~' E. " G I " , , , , - - ~C-;:-; ^ -;: G:-' ,~r.r L" A-:'-:;":";---"'"'= April 7, 2006 Artie Mae Harlow 1510 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477 Expires: G' <:{O -07 RE: Harlow Property Trip'_Generation Comparison ~ Existing Zoning versus Proposed Zoning Background The subject property is identified as Assessor's Map #17-03-25-14, ta,< lot #9200, and is 1.54 acres. The following analysis shows the potential trip generation ofthis property under the current zoning, Low Density Residential (LDR), with the assumption that a new development would include the maximum number of units available by code. The analysis also shows, as a comparison, the trip generation from Light Industrial land use and from "Mini-Storage and Auto Care Center. The trip generation from each land use type in this analysis was determined by using the ITE Trio Generation Manual, 7th Edition. Current Zoning Trip Generation The property is located on 28th Street, near t-v'1arcola Road and is currently zoned LDR. According to the Springfield Development Code, the ma.:ximum dwelling units allowed in the LDR zone is 10 UDtts per acre. The subj ect property could acconnnodate a rnaximlliTI of 15 dwelling units. The tables below show that 15 dwellings would generate approximately 144 total daily trips, with 12 trips in the AJ.\'1 peak hour, and 15 trips in the PM peak hour. fl1ps In fnps Out 72 7Z Number of Units 15 Dwellinq Number oi Unils 1S 27 3-13 . Light-iYledium Industrial Zoning Trip Generation The following table shows the trip generation for the subject property based on the proposed zone change [rom Low Density Residential (LOR) to Light-Medium Industrial (LMI). The LMI zoning generates 12 N\ll peak hour trips and 14 PM peak hour trips. ;?",;..'~i"~' ,::;~: L;~'0~~:<i;:J~:<)\i ,f': ""'t ~~:',,>:, :-;;:~X:';e~k::';:'/~~/:~:;;!n~\-:t)-t-~n<:'~i:~?;;':Fi\i)~L:.~<~;\iF~\:~C\:J~;':>~"':'; 'I ~ . " ,..,.,.,....,">..~,""."'.."'''.'."., ,':.:.....:'~::',,:': '::,~ ::;~:, X'-.,;", ,'::'(,~':.:;:';-,; ."'~_:"C .;",{;,:,:;;<.~,,::{/.:::.::~(... Code Description Unit NumberT Trips . % In . % Out Trips In Trips Out Units 1 10 General Ughl Acre 1.54 80 50% 50% 40 40 Industrial ~--- ~lndustriaIZone'W eekda,/Tiies ,:c, ~'l.iql1f lndustriatZone -AM Peak HourTtips" .. ,'., <,'. <ii,r;i/\;,"i";,l,,,,:';;;i'il:,:'1i'>;:Si:l~0 "'2':",);%:\.;1 ., Trips ..~ ."r.,'Out . , Code Descrlpllon Unit Number of Tnps In Trips Out Units 110 General Ught Acre 1.54 12 85% 150/0 10 2 Industrial [Liqht InduitfialZone PM Peak H9~~!':!Ei~s;'. c~ . . - ... ~:_',-,,"';:"<.: ~. '. ,. ",..,.-..::..; ':"<::>,>> U,A~ \:;,! ~"\>"."':: ,~. .~:, H ;::'::'_,if.;-;Y:::.<'-;:~~-''''''-:::';''':" ;'.-:: ::: ..-:~::.::-:;,:: '~;,:,,-' ,;.- ::'. -,; ,; ::':':i~:-;~~^:'"';tr:? ;-:~F.:" ;",:-;-".::0" :'~:,;: ~'--~--~_:": . ". ;;:...,~. Code Description Unit Number of Trips ~~ In 0' Out Trips In Trips Out ,. Units 1 1 0 General Light Acre 1 .54 1 4 30% 70% 4 1 0 Industrial The zone change from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial results in a decrease in trips generated. The Low Density Residential zone generates approximately 144 tocal daily weekday trips; whereas, the Light Industrial zone generates 80 total weekday daily trips. a 44 percent decrease in trips generated. The proposed zoning generates approximately the same amount of trips as the current zoning in the Atvl (ll1d PM peak hours. . lYlini-Storage and Auto Care Center Trip Generation The proposed uses in the Light lndustrialzone are Mini-Storage (ll1d a small- engine repair shop. A small-engine repair shop is not a land me type that has trip generation infonDation available; however, based on a reasonable worst-case expecta.tion for trip generation, it was determined that Auto Care Center, l(ll1d use code 942, would best represent the proposed use. Land Use code 942 does not have weekday trip informacion, but it has both Arvl and PM peal. hour trip generation. The tables below show that the proposed uses would generate a totll of 10 AM pe::L~ hour trips and 9 PM pe;l.~ hour trips. . 151 942 Number oi Units 152 O.S 60 nla : l:,~i I f.~.,;\l<:' l'iJ~\ i i\ [.1:. J.', f>/.; I:,:> ::<1 t<'.. H"!,,w Prooert'l Trip Gener~tion Comp~r\son I April 7, 200612 28 3-14 . [Pro Code Description Unit Trips %In Trips Out Units 151 sr acre 1.52 7 n/a rJa nla nla 942 per 1000 0.8 3 60% 40% 2 1 ft i,ProoosedUse-PM.Peak. Hour;""fri Code Oescription Unit Trips %/n % Out Trips In Trips Out Units 151 Mini-Storaoe oer acre 1.52 6 52% 48% 3 3 942 . Auto Care Clr per 1 000 0.8 3 51% 49% 2 1 sq ft. , Since there is no weekday information available for Auto Care Center, the comparison of trip generationfor the proposed land use is limited to AM and PM peak. hour trip generation. The proposed uses in the Light Industrial zone create approx.imately the same amount of trips in the AM and PM peak hours, with 10 in the AM peak hour and 9 in the PM peak hour. The proposed land uses generate 33 percent fewer peak hour trips than the current Low Density Residential zoning. . Summary! Conclusions The zone change from Low Density Residential to Light lndustrial results in a decrease in uips generated from the proposed zoning. The Low Density Residential zone generates approx.imately 144 total daily weekday trips; whereas, the Light Industrial zone generates 80 total weekday daily trips, a 44 percent decrease in trips generated. The proposed zoning generates approximately the same amount of trips as the current zoning in the AM and PM peak hours. The proposed uses in the Light Industrial zone, which include Mini-Storage O.11d a small-engine repair shop, generate 10 trips ill the AM peak hour and 9 trips in the PM peak hour. The proposed land uses gerrerate 33 percent fewer peak hour trips than the current Low Density Residential1.oning. Based on this analysis, the trip generation for the proposed zone change and proposed uses produces less impact to the transportationsysLem tha.r1 a development allowed under the current zoning. Should you have O.11y questions, or need additional informCl.tion, ple3.se contact me at your convenience. . Very truly yours./ /-) I :/ / . // I I Ln )...". ,1 . I .. I :;:.-v<-,'..v--<--""'-'- , L........ \ --- - ...;:..---+--' l~~\3J:im Geno-,,:-iset PE, ?TOE cc: Steve Cornacchia : Idl C:.;..:., [\; 1~.I.:\ ;'[ :,) '\ I: >~<: l ~<~: F.:< I>' '.; 1:.1..1"",, O".,n~rr'J T~ir1 l,enerJ.tlon Comparison I April 7, 2.00613 29 3-15 . HERSHNE!RHUNTER I.U' STEVE CORNACCHIA scornacchia@he'rshnerhunter.com June 12,2006 City of Springfield Development Services Department ATTN: Mark Metzger 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: MAlA, LLC Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change Our File No. 31618/00001. . Dear'Mark: Thank you for meeting with me and providing your assistance in producing an accurate and comprehensi ve application for the requested planning actions by the City. Upon further review I agree that the application requires supplemental infonnation. Specifically, the application contains references to three Residential L.and Use anci Housing Element objectives and policies that no longer ex.ist in the Metro Plan since the 2004 amendments to that Element. Please file this correspondence as a supplement to the original application. We offer the following supplemental information to the original application: 1. Residential Land Use and Housing Element Objective No.5 on page 40f the Application should be deleted; 2. Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policy No. 1:2 on page 4 of the Application should be deleted; . 3. Residential Lane Use and Housing Element Policy No. 16 on page 5 of the Application should be deleted; . _ ~..__. n,,^n ~,I1.r,P.Ii.R'il1 filx 541-344-2025 . . . 30 3-16 City of Sprjngfield June 12, 2~06 Page 2 4. The basic objectives and policies of the Metro Plan that encourage the compatibility between residential and industrial uses that were provided by the deleted references to the Metro Plan, while no longer appearing in the subject Element, stilI exist in other sections of the Metro Plan, including the Economic Element and the Land Use Designations of the Plan Diagram and Text; 5. The Residential Land Use and Housing Element retains the basic objective of compatibility between different uses in its introductory statement: "The existing housing stock 'and residential land supply and its relationship to other land uses and infrastructure are critical to the future needs of all residents."; 6. . The Economic Element contains additional provisions consistent with approval of the proposed plan amendment and zone change. They are: a. "Objecti ve 7. Ensure compatibility between industrial land and adjacent areas"; "Objective 11.. Attempt to find ways to more efficiently use inefficiently used resources such as land, labor and secondary waste products: b. c. "Policy B.6 Increase the amount of undeveloped land zoned for light industrial and commercial uses correlating the effecti ve supply in termS of suitability and availability with the projections of demand"; and d. "Policy B.15 Encourage compatibility between industrially zoned lands and adjacent areas in local planning programs." On a related level, enclosed are copies of a question and answerform provided to purchasers of lots within MAlA Park that include the following reference to the park developer's original intent for the subject property: "Concerning R V storage, MAlA LLC owns the vacant lot on the east along 28th Street that will be developed with a RV . storage area." The endosed copies pre of forms acknowledged by Rasmussen, Wiemers and Gardineer, all of whom purchased lots adjacent to the subject property. In addition, enclosed are original statements signed by those three parties and by the Gunter's (Lot 41) and the owners of Lot 43 (Bramley and Turner) that acknowledge and support the proposed plan amendment and zone chan~e. The forms and the statements provide substantial evidence that adjacent . . . 31 3-17 City of Spqngfield June 12,2006 Page 3 property owners were aware of the future use of the subject property when they purchased their respecti ve parcels. The statements provide additional substantial evidence that adjacent property owners believe that the proposed use of the subject property is compatible with their use of their property. Finally, enclosed is a copy of a preliminary site plan prepared for the applicant by Poage . Engineering that evidences the applicant's development plan for the subject property following the City's approval of the requested plan amendment and zone change. Again, thank you for your assistance and please place this correspondence and all enclosures in the record of this proceeding. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact me. Best regards, PSC:ss Enclosures Cc: Client (with enclosures) 32 A TT ACHMENT 4-1 .- Statements signed by MAlA Park property owners indicating their knowledge of the proposed RV Park at the time of their - property purchase. . . 33 4-2 .~-'--' ," ,I'! .,". ... l'IL~IA PARK A 55+ Manufactured Home Comrounity 2365 Maia Loop., Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: 746-4065 Fax: 746-0593 1-800-422-0082 Lo-rt+~ Q./K ,,) ~ uJ tt/IY'.JJV' Lots ror Sale. Lease or Ren~ Thank you for considering l\1AIA Park. This letter is written in response to the most frequently asked questions about MAIA Park, . Yes, you can have a pet. We have a pool table. There will be more street .trees. The lots are owned by the Bob Harlow Family. 7 46-4069. We have converted MAlA Park into a 77-lot Planned Unit DevelopmentSubdivision so that we can sell the lots. Each lot is individually owned. E~ch lot owner will also own a portion of the clubho~se a nd common areas. Each lot owner will be a veting member of Maia Park HomeOwner's Association, with one vote per lot. . - The Home Owner's Association will have rules and regulations which may be changed by vote of the Home Owner's Association membership. As in most subdivisions, there are also deed conditions and restrictions. . I n addition to the services neCessary to maintain the facility in a habitable condition, the Homeowner's Association will provide and maintain the security fences, security gates. streets, sidewalks, community center, cammon areas, common area landscaping, and the streetlights. The Homeowner's Association will not provide land:3cape maintenance on your lot. We expect the monthly fee to be approximately $35.00. The $35.00 HOA fees are for actual expenses without a profit for anyone. You may sell yourlot and home to someone, but the buyers muse be approved by the Homeowner's AssocIation and meet the occupancy guidelines in effect at the time of the sale. Occupancy requirements will continue to include criminal checks. The size and shape of the lots vary. AlllGts will accommodate adouble wide home plus a carport or garage. Some lots are large enough for a triple wide and a double garage. Some lots have great views. Installing slats or shrubs along the fence will greatly improve the views. So, when choosing your lot, be sure to look over the top oJ the fence. As more homes are moved in, and landscaping finished, the park appearance will greatly improve. . . No'f!-: ~conCerning. RV storage, MAlA LLC owns the V8.cant lot on the east alo,ng 28th Street that will be) t:!. developed With a RV storage area.Curr8ntly, we are stonng reSIdent s RVs on our pnvate lacs locaced north of the park. If YOll like to spend time on the Internet, 'we have installed the conduit in the ground for fiber optics Now we Just t1eed Springfield Utility Board to bri.ng the fIber optics to us. The following sl:r'ltces will be billed directly to you by th,~ provtder: . Provider Northwesc Nacural Gas Sam.pac Springfield UtilIty Board Service Gas Garbage Electncity, Water & Sewer Provider AT&T Broadband Q-West Service Cable TV Phone We would like to invite you to join usand move intoMAIA Park. ~ ~ .~/f0'~ -.. 7/5/01 &'+ h l-b II b 5~;: . ,/ . . 34 4-3 ./ ." '~'-tl j;~ .-' / / MA!APARK "J: 55+ M.anufAccuredHome C,onununity 2365 Maia Loop.. Sprinzfield. Q"reg-on 97477 Phone: 746-40SoSFax: 746-0593 / ,..J Lots for Sale, Lease or Rent Thank you for considering MAlA Park. This letter is written in response to the mast frequently, asked questions about ~WA Park. Yes, you can have a pet. We have a pool table. There will be street trees. The 10t3 are owned by che Bob Harlow Family, 746-4069. , We have converted MlUA Park into a 77-lot Planned Unit Development Subdivision so that we can .sell the lots; Each lot is individually owned. Each lat' owner will also own a portion of the clubhouse and l.:ommon areas. Each lot owner will be a voting member of Maia Park Home Owner's Association, with one vote per lOt. The Home Owner's Association will have rules and regulations which may be changed by vote of the ' ~ Home Owner's Association membership. A3 in most subdivisions, there are also deed conditions and rescrictions. In addition to the services necessary to maintain the facility in a habitable condition. the Homeowner's A.ssociation.will provide and maintain the security fences, security gates, streets, sidewalks, community center, common areaa, common area landscaping, and the streetlights. The Homeowner's Association will not provide landscape maintenance on your lot. We expect the monthly fee to be approximately $35.00. The $35.00 HOA fees are for actual expenses withouc a profit for anyone. You may sell your lot and home to someone, but the buyers must be approv~d by the Homeowner's Association and meet-the occupancy guidelines in effect at the time of the sale. Occupancy requirements will continue to include criminal checks. The :lize and shape of the lots vary. All lots will accommodate a double wide home plus a carport or ga rage. - Soml:! 10t3 are large enough for a triple wide and a double garage. Some lacs have grl:!at views. Installing slat.:! or shrubs along the fence will greatly improve the views. So, when choosing yOur lot, be sure to look over the top of the fence. ,,\03 more homes are moved ln, and landscaping finished, the park appearance will greatly improve. Concerning RV storage, ~L6,.L~ LLC Owns the vacanUot on the eaBt aloni:" 28th Street that will be developed With a RV storag~ area. Currently, we are atonn\; resident's RVa on Our private lots locaceci nurtn of the park. If you like to ~pend time on the Incernet, we have installed tbe conduit in the ground for fiber opcics. Now we JUsc need Springtield Utility Board to bring- the fiber optics co us. ' The following ser',ices will be billed directly [0 you by che provider: Provider Northwest Natural Gas Sanl.pac Springtield Utility Board Service Gas Garbage Ele<::tricity, Water & Sewer :Provider AT&T Broadband Q.West Service Cable TV Phone We would like to Invit~ you to jolnu:5 and mOVlt Into MAJA ?4lrk. ~ ..;J-<?-~ ~~ . ,. .f -/ 1<q t.~{J;;/03 ~ 7/'\/(\1 ~~/t(, . . . (, (. 35 4-4 " ;". C6/0B/ZOOS WED La:~l FAX 541 7' J569 EVERGREEN LAND tItLE CO t-Ip-''''lSERJE:T ~R;'< ~ 0 26/026 p, ~s na~ ~4'Z005 ~:.~~PM . .. I Y - .~ 1..-... c <II... MAL\PA,RX A ti~ ManuCIl;t-v.r.d.Bomll Community. :1365 M.la Loop.~SpriD.fi.,Hi, Or'tl~n '7"'77 'Phone: 746-40'& . F,u:: .1.u-O~e! l~eoo-4:z...Pou ~ l,.qf., I"C1r ~."'1 L..... 01" ~..Q.. Th"lUc ,"ou ~or cOl\dlderiD.S MJ,.l.A. Park.. Tn!, lattol-r it ,.,rithn )n to"pOD~ !xl ~h~ mo~t. frequently . u'k~<< 'l\\ution' aoo\\t UAlAl'lll...... I. ~ee;.'o\l CA1'I h..,e" pet. Wa b...vtI.. pool e",lIla. There ..",Hl be m,o:r:a :street t..-cc., 1'hclo[~ _ro :~':l'dbY !.h. Bob RarlQ'llf FUnily, 74.S....~~9.' '. Wt h",",~ conV"Mt.ed J\1AL~ Park lMO is. 77.101. Plllnned Utlit DllV.lop1%uot: S...bdiviaLon so th"t "'~ can aell thl lac.. .Eo.ah lot t. i..ndb'ldu.1l.lly aweed. :S).eldo\ OWMr ",lU llUO (roOfn .. pocti.on of ch.c c:1\.1bhouu ..&Ad ",,'mmon azu... Eech.lot own....:-rill be II '(Orinr mAlnltnol t-<t.i. F'mrx Home Owner:'. )..esod~tlon., "".itl\ anI! va to,' u lat. " ; Till: Hr>nlll Own.r'. AIsocia.l'.i..on ""ill 'have rule'" 'Iud. uI\1l4t:i.ar\l ""hi.::h may be c;l1.1\~d by vote aC t.h,.. H.ume. ~1"'nu'l Auae.i."'tic.T\ :mllraberrt.hip. A/!J 1n maaL dubdtv\.a:lantt, thore llrll alia de<:d conditiunft I\nd u5tr'l:tianl. . 1n ~ddio.on to the urvi.coo noceo~U1 to mainlain tn. Cacilit:r in a 'hablublc cond..ition, ~hc [:lomf:aWnH'. Allloci.llltion will provide and malAWn the ItclUUy fCf\Ol:o. lSol:.urll:yptos. ~t"'~. ~idew ~\k., community co ntGr, comlJ\on arellll, 'common uu landzscapioi:. and l:hc !;treetlitht~. 'The HO[l1eo....nu.. ^l'4ociatioo will not providOl lllorldscs.pe ~aiQten~l:o OD. YOUt lot., Wa C"lCJloc:t chi moMh.\.y (u tabl approximately 1a~.oO. 'The '3~.aO }lOA fees UII !at ac~al eipon." "?Iithollt. pr~t.f.cr anyon.. y D~ may loll your lot and heme to &CHnllon.a. b.'4L tbo 'aurora mu.ot be 1Io.1J~t'O"'"'Id by th. HOlneo'l'lnl1'" AQ~ociation r.nd me.\: t"~ .xO\.lp.noy 15u.i.d.e~inell ~o affect :it t.nll tic:.eo{ th.oat:. C;;;u.pllne.y r"'l\l\nmr.nts will e.ontinuc ~a include e.rim'lnal d,,:elu. Tho Ij Le and IInopt of the lata vQ,ry. :All.lct:l ",m Iccornmod"to 1\ d01.lble ~ide home phlC' a c...r?o:~ ~r S"tDi"C. Sam- lot. IU"O lOJ:io cuo\J,~h Nr: II trlph 'Wl.d:.o ",n.d · douhb lan~. , ~ . SomCllou ban gr.llt v\~a. 1nota~1 data OT shruba alone t'h~ &1\1:'1 ~.rn..t1.yimprovll the v1e""s.' So. .,.;hll" cl\QOaLn~ your ~o\. be aun to looj:o...r the top oE ~he fenc", Ai:J ro01:'" Mmall lr- mo....d in, aoc1 . \~ndlCa?ini lio.l.had, the.park cppe.nnC'll ....~ il'oetlylrnpl"l1V'J, . . C"l""'ccrnin\: RV ~tc,.,:"lte. MAlA Lt...C O\olne the .";,,cl\nt lot on th~ ~l)t't Illon~28r.h S~T co::t ehtlt will '01' (\~vo\l'l'e(\ '1111'0 II RV !-tC\l't\it" H~"'. C\lr~nt\y:I""e /\1:'0:: ~tor\n.. r<:"ir1cnc':< RV~ on OUT pt'iV(\t~ lot..< located no~tha(the pule. . . [fJOu UKe tLl ,pmd time on thlllnt.arnH, ,",0 ha"'ll u1~tIlUld ~hll eond\.lit in th" r;rou.ndfof' fiber optlc!. NO'o'I ...t: ju.t nud 6prin~fiold Utility Soard to 'orin a thi fibor optic. to U!l. ~ . The Rlllo,",ll'! ia-vl<:":;:l wUl bcbllJcd ~cthto Y"'U ~ tile pT'>..ldo:-. ~,,\d'lr:: A'tfl.T 6roadlJ1lI"\d. q..Wc.t ~ Caol. rr '1'ho",,, P r'l'Y\<tu . S",YI.= N..r\'....'C't ]'lll\\JTal 0,," 0111 3enJ.pae Q"TO-OS.. SprlnfJleld UtilIty Board l!:loQc;t.nc.t.y, W.tar& 511H: Wa would 1111. ~ II'WltD you tOlol" U. IIl'1d mO'l"lllrrt'O MAlA Pll~, 71 S 1Q I ~+~;"\>,I~ /'" :6,S'ty?<.l) . c . ,j.C.K b~ t~ " 1 (. '\1 . . . . 36 ATTACHMENT 5-1 Statem"ents of "Approval of Application for Rezone" signed by current MAlA Park owners indicating their support of the . proposed zone change. , 4" . . . 37 5-2 APPROV AL OF APPLICATION FOR RE-ZONE . . ... . . . .. . t{ .:( : "("".e-'- . . WE J2u nt, J,l EO 6r~ it, Ie., ~ ()u I c lIhtr ell-' ~~owner 0 f Lo' J3 0 f MAlA Park Subdivision, am aware of and her by support the approval. by the CIty of'SPringfield of a re- zoning of Tax Lot 9200 (Assessor's Map No. .17-03-25-14) from Low Density Residential to Light-MediunYIndustrial. I understand that the City's approval will allow the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building spaces for light medium . industrial uses on Tax Lot 9200. Dated this Mkj~~/J{J:7/ a I , day of J.Ealr€, 2006. ~~0~~-tr~ . . / " k \ S .., ..1- , . . . 38 '5-3 ) APPROV AL OF APPLICATION FOR RE-ZONE /Vu'Nl- M,Ge-rd Jhee(' I, L CJ r t a. I Y\e ~.!'....d 11'1 ~ Y , owner of Lot Y-I of MAlA Park Subdivision, am aware of and hereby support the approval by the City of Springfield of a re- zoning of Tax Lot 9200 (Assessor's Map No. 17-03-25-14) from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. I understand that the City's approval will allow the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building spaces for light medium industrial uses on Tax Lot 9200. . S.t/' . Dated this I , day ofJune, 2006. . . , '~1\^-o~.~ ... C. ~~Dl\.. 'fl6714- o/1t. ~ r' .., 1Il~. ") . . . 39 5-4 .. AFPROY ALOF APPLICATION FOR RE-ZONE -.DIDo. t-e G U'vt+-er I, , . owner of Lot -i!2 of MAlA Park Subdivision, am a\; are of and hereby support the approval by the City of Springfield of a re,- zoning of Tax Lot 9200 (Assessor's Map No. 17-03-25-14) from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. I understand that the City's approval will allow the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building spaces for light medium industrial uses on Tax Lot 9200. Dated this --1-, day of June, 2006. tI! ;.Pa{/R- ~f21 ~ ~ (} /ft~ ..,. '.)\"". ,. . . . 40 5-5 APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR RE-ZONE !, 'Be.~ W Ie '('i\e,5 " owner ofLotfflf- of MAlA Park Subdivision, am aware of and hereby support the approval by the City of Springfield of a re- zoning of Tax Lot 9200 (Assessor's Map No. 17-03-25-14) from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. I understand that the City's approval will allow the development of . . recn~ati6nal vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building spaces for light medium industrial uses on Tax Lot 9200.".- , . pP . - . . /oJ\ k'-( . Dated this 3-/ , day of~, 2006. .~p~ r .'.,. W. . . . I j i 41 5-6 APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FORRE-ZONE I, (3 [,tvYtcfu- f 1<CZ5(f1 U 5 5> 'e~ Vi .. owner of Lot4-:l of MAIA Park Subdivision, am aware of and hereby support the approval by the City of Springfield of a re- zoning of Tax Lot 9200 (Assessor's Map No. 17-03-25-14) from Low Density Residential to Light-Medium Industrial. I understand that the City's approval will allow the development of recreational vehicle storage, mini-storage units and small building spaces for light medium industrial uses on Tax Lot 9200. />1 . Dated this , day of June, 2006. /jj/l~vu.L_ [' f(U4/yn-~