HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-8-22 .. RESIDE.IAL" APPLICATION/PER/fIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ..lob Location: //<g' 3 F/J/J!c)/c"0 Ta:c Lot # OS-IOO ABaeB.or. Map # I,. 0'30-A.7- !., Subdivision: $t791Ut.6'1' S7PU::.wq / 18 3 FI'7-?,teO,/ tr2U S';!J/2 f 1U6.Rc<-b Describe fl'ork: //Us77tc.c.. ?e;o'77;t:J C- '1 S<-.nt3 /15 p~ rfl c./f7tJ.s CAmer: Address: CitlJ: n n ~ fJl":_' Additicn Rer.Jo.:eZ ,'!o!J{. 1..e Ho:~a Data of Applicaticn ,,;onr:r'::'::-;O:'$ ~t.L Sc.'"""7?f:iO.itlS Genercl PLumbir.q stc(!r;rical '..'c::r.ar.ic::l Con.st7"'~eti07l Phone: /)tf7-CJ<(1 cf' Zip:9/~77 C0cr! Sf Value AdC.....CD::: -? '?~? "1~~ 1,-; "l(:. ~ S'l"rLJ, t'J1<'" .4 ~~ \:)o~.~ , )'~''!,. LendnrC. ....+y~_L..."'.p~ ? l..... "",I.. ~ "I:Gl . 'E..\e..c.. ... ..ce:='t .- \ o &> '--1 .Lf '--7 ~@, Siqr.ed, ,ff~ Date: -s:r--::: -2 2-:: ~La E=:iiI'~S ;-.,one Q::J G-9v~ !~ is th" res~onDi.bility of the permit hoLder to see that alt in~mections are r:;adf; at the Froper tim~, that c:=.ch -,........".e8:; is rar"';-,..:":.:' ' fT'Om the Btre~t, and that the pcT-rm:t card is l..x~ated at the frent' of tr.e property. ~aui!di~Zf I>i.vi:::io:-: approved Flan sh:::.ZZ per.'ia~" on ti-.;; BuiZ.ding &it;; a;:; an times. :.::':~C~'-=:~:'.=?E FOP. I:'!SP2CTIOtl P.E'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 fl'caorderJ state your City desigr..:::-;:;ed .iob nur.:ber, :':::au:::s=ca a~d I.),::en you WJii. Z. be ready for ir.sp;;cci.on, Cor.trac-r;ors 01' Ow'7'lers name .::r:i Fr.or.e r.unDer. ._'iZl. be made th€ same acy. requests mc.de eft;;:r 7:00 ern will O.::! rrade the nc:::t :;orkir.; C::::.. 5""..,H' "..P"~ T"'~'"';~'!:'::1:r:...q ] ] S:::E I:i'S?E'~-:::J.'!: To;'e made after exca~~tion, but prior t~ se: up of formz. WIDE.9SLAB ?U':,f3IlIG. ELECTRIC,iL & .',XCr..~,'.'IC;.i.,: 70 be made before any work is ~ov:::red. :J FOOT.we ~ FOUND,1 T lOll: To be made aite:" t1"enCfleS are excavated and forrn;l are e1"ected, but prior to pourir~ cancret;;. ] U!.'VSnG.90u:.rD ?!..U!.fEIIlC. SE~lE.=? ~I,1TE.~ DRAIllA.G~: To be ma.::ie prior ~o fit.- l.ir.g crencne:;. ] ] U/JDE.'7FLOOR !'LW-~ING & MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to in~tat.Lation of f100~ insuZation or decking. POST ArlD BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of fLoor insulation 01' decking. pm/Cll PLlP.!BI!.rr;, Er.ECTprCA~ B upO/- At/ICAL: it'o :.Jerk is to DC cOI".'ered- ur.tiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and ~pproved. FI.r:F:PLACE: PriOT' to pLc:cir.!J facing materials and before framing inspee- tior.. FP.A.'1IlJC: Must be requested after approva.l of rough pLurr.bing, elect1"i- caL & mecr..::ni.::aL. AU roofing bracing B chimneys, etc. nr~st be ,compl.eted. !Io LX}rk is to be con- ~ cealed until thin inspection has 'been made and app~ved. i1 ] ] Your City De$igr~tcd Job Number Is: o I;",'SL'LATIONlt'APC.l? P.4.=?1:?IE.:? I:':S?!X'!'IC:i: To 012 Trade aftcr aU insuZ:.:ti~n /X".a' raquired vapor l:a:rriers are in. p"lace l:ut before any "lath, gypSUlr/ bOCll'd or wZ-Z. coverina is ar:rolied, and before any ir..8uLatiOn is cOncealed. .. DR'!r~'ALL IUSP~CT!DN: To be made airel' aU erywaLZ is in p"lace, but prior to any taping. job ~ess, t~;e of ir.=pe~~icr. Requ~s;s recei~ed ce;cre 7:DD ~ c;?;(Pt9~/ I JE::aUT:C;'': c.:: .'.::Jl'.:.... E:.JILD:::-:'S :J Sani ~ard se-..Jer ~apped ::t p~op;;rt'2' U'!';e ~ Septic tank 1T~~;;d ~~ f~l.led uith GT::~~Z I ~ ,I ::J Pinal - rl'hen cleve ite:7!s are cc.-:rpLetci , ar.d when :i~cZitior..is ca::?ie;~ 01' st~~~. I tU~e moved ani pr~3es .::te::ne:: up. ll,!obile iicr::ee ~ BLocking and Set-~p ~ PLumbing connections s~er ar~ wa:er ---, ELectrical Conr.ection - Blockir~~ set-u; ---1 and pLumbing ccnr.ections m"...st l:~ appr:r.:e.: before requesting elec:1"icaL ir.s?ec=io~ ~ Ac.::es.aoI"',i Building ::J Pinal. - I.ftcr p:Jrcr.es~ skirting, de~ks, etc. are comple~cd. D All project conditions, auch as the instaLlation of street trees, co~Zezion of the required 7.and8ccpir:g~ ctc.~ must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be r2questcd. j(] FIliAL PLWBIIIC ] FIliAL l,fEoHANICAL Kl FINAL E:LECT.9ICAL :J rg; FIliAL BUILDING: The- Final Building Inspection must be J"eque3ted alteJ" the Fina.l PLu.r.:bir.g Electrical, and Mechar..icaZ InspectionD have been made and appJ"ov2d. o o MASONRY: SteeL Location, hond beam3, aroutina or verticcZ.s in accora.ance wi th u. B. C. Section 241E. "ALL MANHOLES AND C.LEANOUTS UUST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJUST!!E:'T TO BE 1.:'1DE I.T ".0 C"DST TO CI':r I Page 1 of 2 D WOODSTO!'E: After installation is ccmplet€d. o CURB 11 APPROACH APRON: Afte:" forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK'" DRIt'ET-/4Y: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aU e.:rca- vating complete & form work & zub- base material. in p~e. D o PENCE: "'hen compL~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U,E. [K] SlAb IN~p. SOLAR A1ia:SS Occu:~a"C!l CroJllll' LCT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac JOB No-<S00S'1l Z071C: J-ot Sq. Ftg. : :;f lot CJf)e1'ag~ .iI of Stones :ota l Height Topogrc:;:hy :::0;::.1 I SQ. FTC ,,'.lain ~acp _ Car=crt .J.ccessor:J S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE: I UCl,U.C) 1.5 = Euilding Permit State 5W'cnarge Tote! Cha:oge3 ......:".'.' I liD, .':'i=:':'.a'es ~esi.:ier:r;iaZ (] bath) _~c:r:it.:zr'.J Sel.:ero fete!' IN-.. \......, ~~ PI:.L-::::::'r.; Perd t &tc.-=e S:.a'cr.a:rpe T"""'_' C'r.::::r'ces - ~ " I::.... i ~(1S. S=. f:~. ;;;;.)/E=ter.c Cil'~.4:' ts -~~l'aTY Sc~'ice t--\.,__~ .OIL Ele==rical Permit St::::te Sur~harae Tota 1 Cr.arces 7"':", I ;;C, I I I I :<rr..::ce ETU' S =haus t Hoo:! ant Fan :Joes to:le Perr.:-;t 13suance Mecr.a.r.ic:::.l Permit State Surcharae TntcZ C;..aT'OP~ n:CROACH!,!E:.'T '?C"'..lr-:. tu D~':)c:;i t :orcoe ~intp.nar.~1:' 'rmit Teta 1 C"ncl't1CS :.I'bcut :de'...I.:zlk :I'%~e .€ctl'LCa l Label ,bi Ze Home :'1'AL ANOU."lT DUE:" FEE: x Value S- cs> e> le>,oeo "'I... \0. "'to I CHAReE 1 I I I I I I I J I I I,~~e I le.el I,~. ~';-I, _,',..Co_ I I I I I~."'O I 4- I .bol /5". ~C> I, ~:~/:..-.~.: I I 4/, l,o REO_- L-COC-.l< . Bedt'oor.:s: T.:;peICor.st: I Lot Faces - J I Enern:J Sources I Setbacks I I Hea~ I P.L. I House I Caraae I I.cCCS$. J I Watt?r' Ht'!atf'1" INorth II HarIFc lEast i I I I FirePLace ISouth I I I I Wooa:;tot:e Illest I I I I T;/~'-" Fees -- Building Value & Permit I I I I I I I J . This permit io granted on the express condition that the s.did, C071~truction shalZ, in all respccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I Spl'ingfietd, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstru::ticn and uae of buiLdings, and may be Buapended 01' revokec at cr.y time upon vic~ lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: I R~c:;i~t II: S'/..g!':ca: . Plumbing Permit No percon chall construct, instalZ, aZter 01' change any new CT' e=istir.g plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless su~h person is the legal possessor of a valid plumbep's license, except trAt a pc~son ~a~ de pZUhobing work to ppoperty which is owned, leased OP operated by the a;p~i- cant. Electrical Perm it frnere State Law reauipes trAt the electrical work be done by e~ EZc~tric~Z Conrrac:or, the el~c=~~c~Z por=ior. of ~hi3 pe~it srAil no: be ~~~~ ul::iZ the Label rAS been signee by the Elccrri~al ~on:raa:or. I, I Mechanical Permit I. ~. :-, 'f,. , Plan i:.Xcm'/.ner Uat2 . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~fINED the completed application for permit, end do hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work perfor:ncd shall be do~p. ';.1"'1 (1e~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= ~~s of tha State of Oregan p=rtaining to the work described herein, end tj~: NO OCC~- Pt.VCY will be made of any structure ~thout p~rmis3io~ of the Euilding Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contraators a~d cnpZayecs who are i~ c~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project . ~uf2.J-..' ~ LUte s~ Zz.-~~