HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-8-6 JOB ADDRESS; 1153 Fairview, Eugene, Oregon .3, ::z TRS, TL: 17-03-27.~ D l4l r' . " POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~ J CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-23l7-79 Subdivision: lst add Gardens, Centennial, lot l6, block 2 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Construction approved by this permit: tter Supply: Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Diana Donohoe, Lindsey, 540 East 34th, Eugene, Oregon 97405 na Patzer Canst. same as applicant 6664 Total Construction Value: $290l.00 Telephone: 485-3240*** Telephone: na Telephone: 485-3240** Bathroom addition @ 96 sq ft; Structures now on property: house # Bedrooms: 3 4 community water PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Setbacks Interior property lines ....dge of road right-of-way Wuilding foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTlON DIVISION Directions to Site; Date Issued: 08-06-79 C55-13 ~ # Plumbing Fixtures; # Employees: na 65' x l05' Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: Special Instructions: no additional bedrooms. na Parcel Size: 40' ; centerline of road, do not build in 7' PUE For information call 687-4394, Roger Hollis Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: exist gal. min. septic tank capacity; na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special Instructions: Keep all parts of the foundation at least lO' from the existing drainfield. Do not drive over the sewage disposal system at any time. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-396lbetween 8:00 - 9:00 a,m., Marsha Miller Type of Construction: 5-N Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: Instructions; See reverse side of permit for required inspections. SFD/ADD For plans information call 687-3759 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m., Gary Conner For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ~ne county ca off Centennial DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By; Hans Ettlin/lY'" I .. . . .2. . 4 ---;-. . . ...!. ~ i. 1D -. ~d . " ..!!.. . It -. . 1! J .!!.. . .. -. . .. .!!.. . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 231779 DATE 073079 . APPLICANT DONOHOE-LINDSEY DI,ANA ADDR 540 EAST 34TH, EUGENE, ORE . ~ TLI 1703273200141 SUBDIV 1ST ADD CENNTENIAL GARDENS LOT 16 BLK 2 T, ,NEW BLDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 03 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001. . ~. CODE AppL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY~ BP BATH ADDITION 96 30.22 2901 34 BP -.BP 36 BP - BP .!!..BP BP 40 PL - .MECH " SUR - PCK ~. .. e LC 231779 REPR NO. FIXTURES: 4 NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE 5.00 2901 EACH = 24.00 20.00 5. 4/.: 50/.: 1.76 22..00 . 48 ,0, 0. o o ~~ o o " -. ~. SIFO CPI TAKEN BY RLH WPC PLAN ELEV AD DR COMPLETED E~Y FP ENVH TOTAL FEE** 67.76 CK e. " , .~ - " -. .. 12 ~ ::ei ~ : ,.-; 1!. " -.J . . . E.. . . ,e~ :J " -. '""'lllIII , 1 /.';:-27,"'11&1~' /, ,,;// ~ i<, '1v~~I\ . rcJOb Address \, .~~ Co..l i"' lJ-\~u...? City ~U-q-{ll'\.e. Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot 1:'i s.o c,~;;:''1. \("}!,l,n1~\')I'7S _ _ I Subdivision Dr~ ""2,\, J\JJVV\ \'1-(J4,-~"-_2~ aioer --{II I Application for-Po",^r,,.-I oll..>>4... \o..d.d.\~"", Ta" lcr:=T.lJ _ ~w-,;,//; _ t., Structures now on'the property l--W-l0..s..e..... l~ ~ (,I!<?~ ~:- /h Proposed use of property: &F"Residential () Corrmercial CI Industrial /~/ Publ;c Affidavit: I, '""" n. AM" _~()\AO\^O(?- l~d1 Sll'o..y;-herebY certify that this information is true and,accurate. (please print) 0 , If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the fallowing legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ~ duly author;Z~d to act for the owner, who ;~ knowledgeable of this apPlication.~ /' _ ("1 ;1",.r::::o Signature/AddresS~ln 1N1~ln\A..o.v - l~ ~,S40 G;, "34-'!.... ~. !zio) ..,'l........,~ '~ - - T;lephon~ ~S' ~/ 4{") or ~ ' Date 7 I~U/'1 '1 When permit is ready notify: /~/ Applicant /~/ Owner /~/'Contractor ~: ~/ mail /~/-phone Owner (zip) Phone _ Contractor--:bv\,:;> liP _ (' o iUS1'll. IJ..C no/\), S<\.O ~. 3q.~ b.<4:.Il/liiol '1'140::::> Phone qb~ - ':> L '+<...I Contractor's' OSR# I 'Ii nlo.6- Plumbing by -- 'V -- OEPARTliEIH OF ENVIROCH1EiHAL 11ANAGEMENa PSB. 125 EAST 8TH AVE/WE . EUGEliE. OREGON 97401 o Le ~~ifl?:1 0/ Assigned Numbers DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If COlTUT1ercial: Residential: # of stories # of bedrooms ,~ ~ SI test holes ready # of employees # of units SOS: () o Existing, BP # Proposed, SI # ~-~ ~~ '.~D~O~0-(_ Fee Code Description Sq, Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation U Cash ~ t---~ / ~~Check # ,/./ /. Received by #~--"""A /h. "t7, , Water Supply _~-/,_~ .p)-4!t5 - -... - '"'7'. . Proposed Existing V ~ , - Year Installed ' 4 Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ 57 ;.;;- each each Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ & 7r 7t /) 124 ~ d .... ",,", - -"9'/ n/7~"(~/ .//~~~//k.L:/ ,~ - -, - - - - --- .; /11' - '1".0 7 I 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy Subtotal TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Zone P .# Part, ;-n -- t1J/;tJ pa;CJ.l # '11J/;!J Parcel Size t:.J. X /0..';[; , ' Minimum setbacks: tt, fron~ - I-//JI ; 1., si~d/ W/1-9 lint, 6'; rear RUlo.vr-- ,,,..o:.:,;~;-!"",...,... . - / /'I"':/hc;., Conunents ~ /7'~,;~~-",/,~/C,~_,....... ~~~/~~ -.' To be typed'o~~e~it--- Co - - ,-. - ,. ~ // r/ _ ~ By .#' ..rP"T/A/ AL Date ./-..::!iV~/ /' WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ,(f, . -he ty 't?'. :-r ' InstallatlOn specifications, '-Jt~f:-'tank; ft, _ 'J! dr;:~', ,~~ of trenches: ~' T~ be ~ype:h pe~mit. ""/~;rtZLf ~4 aI~/.!J~.. a:/ ~ /~~ _ ~I\o?p~~ _'t!~(r/ V), :.cw %//.IP 11-/.M ?;;;:-- JOp/~ ~ z.; ~ _ /1._ _ ~~ 'lLv#, ; By N~ i.Iv oa'te ~/~~ / /9'J9' 1. L ~~ Directions to site ~ M' ~ LA) Telephone r 0 Jj -{>on ilL \A ;", n.. 0 ~/ SIFO C/_UP&I n~pc c /(Pi ann 1 og C/ Pub 1 ic ~'orks C/ Elevation /~/ o/a C/ Address C/ Faell it)' Permit /~/ Environmental Health Pl ans to: CP&I ~Et(S) WPC _____ set(s) Date Requgj_ 7 c,< / ~} , . Hold 51 ip to PCC Date Completed Date to PCC FOR INFORl-1ATION about progress of your appl ;cation call: Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) - " 1-oJ-'? 7,3 ;}/f! f /' ' ~~1 ~ \ . . 7< Job Add ess \ \ 53 C::_O-A.-I ~ rmy~ b~eM>' :r;;;;;ti\i~;rrRan~nel:thi~;':[a:fJj~il -~J" ~::l t"), -r",... h'1.o.~ )1 '7S- ~~'::l'::<:::',,::~~'<'.;:;:'~m*~ i::="Y" ~ <<"''ffi_'~,.., ;.:^""'..IS""'" . - - -- ;'$.'ub4;l'il:S:li!h~?'llJ _ }"1-tJ~-.:::>>'l-~[~ ",'pil'ililt,-- - /J Application for ~ d~ lo..d..dA\-i"""" TQ.>r. l.J~ ~ /1' Structures now on the property l-\-o~ ,sf~' ~ ~-/" (lWlijffi~AAjij~,:;j}fti!Wi!lljjJ;Y& g;!l&M4jjfiDj 0 .i!,i9i!!1li0!,ijif! 0 !1W1!l1Ij;\t!~l1! 0 [t~~J\!iHl '~f'fi'~~Vit': I, '"::h \ ~ ~~hP:~- ~ Sot"t-'herebY certify tha: this information is true and accurate. Ipl~ij~IUlr1pt) 0 . If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose, I have the following legal interest in the property: . owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; )( duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application, ~ Si{nature/Addres~lo.l'Q-~\A.QQ - l~.\,. l -,,sM") t;. ~~ __ (zip)q., c::\OS""" Telephone~' ,~::> 40 or' . Date '7 30 I "1 <1 - - -' - -' -. When pennit is ready notify: 1.-1 Appl icant 1.-1 Owner ~Contractor ~: 1.-1 mail Q-1lhone Owner (zip) Phone Contracto~~~e.-('.q0S11LU..c.;rlOIU. :..<J.Of:. 3~ ~1.uJzio) O"7aoS Phone4AS- '5?4.l) Contractor'~ DSR# tplDlo 4- Plumbing by v OX . DEPARTlIENT OF ENVIRONi1ENTAL t1ANAGEME_ PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ~ EUGENE, OREGON 97401 Ie l~lifMf1!Ji!l!l _-i? ~~.~_i~11iijfbiltt, = , ~:s ~::::: ~: I ~llltifi'l, =? SI test holes ready DU NUT WRIT[ B[LUW THIS LIN[ ','"'''.'".,''"..'..,.,,,.,., .;1~'J-/.3 # of employees ;~tgtt\!.~i~1ili // I<> '" ~~Jj;; 0 Existing, BP #ffl1-~.~;.~ I~I Proposed, SI # !lll :~J~~Il~~ Valuation Fee lf~M:;. " ," cQij$' lliiscflDtltiW /? ~ ~;?? " .... ./,- ./f) / naz ';~Z?1/ /hrd-~,;//~~ - ~ ' f.~// Water Supply 4~?"...;,~ ..Jf"~ Proposed _____ sting ~ Year Installed # Total Valuation: f~1~~~~:~~~;! :~ $ $..... $ .... - $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ '1" ~ 7 TOTAL $ $ $ $ $& 7: 7/. Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy - -- PERMIT PROCESSING Zone R /7' Part. #--.----/!IJ//l Parcel # r/J/,q parce~ Size &:'0' X /~. "f/ . Minimum setbacks: <t, fr~nt 4/?' ; <t, s~e ~A /; int,.-S- ; rearAo~~<"" ,'f ~;'" ,/ ' ",A~ /'7' AtJ,E, COllUTIents ~ ~/~/j;,..b~~ ,~.t?~---j A#4. To be typed on permlt. /-:;> /" r- / ""1)>> By L ~~ AL oat;; ,7-ffL?-7,5" CP&I Type _ /1/ Group K 7 Fire Zone ~ Use c~ification S;::'P/ //i/P To be typed on pennit ;' - For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to sit~~ (\'~.AA...~n. 0 CI SIFO Plans to: CP&I ~et(s) WPC ______ set{s) 1: ~:~I r.p; Planning I~I Public Works I~I Elevation I~I n/a el Address C/ Fad 1i ty Permit ~I Environmental Health C';l~._ _ _ /~ -,~ By ~Vt;(J >>~Date I'T GG Phone / t:5/'t:::-- Date ~17 ~/-J , , Hold Slip to PCC Date cO~72- Da te to PCC FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 6B7 -HELP (687 -4357) ~~AJ O~ JI:OOlivOOlwill ~e Disposal System vo OlE CCMPLJFm) OV a~Alum: ~lSSUmTO: - '~G=~RM ~ I/P'JYn;r. ~RN.!Ir<J.JY , n""^':'v:=it.....:.... %%67-63 . . IJ>J ~. .. ~~ <T~/~f?PA t\-..-..,-:..\- ,;::''''l4'y,m(7)P,/..s'.r;>.t="...I "ii"c:d ------:..... U=O,....", r. .!i ~ J f',: Yas 0 No 0 'CJ~ ~....: ~....-..-. '~....-..-. C "; "It- . . 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