HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-1-28 .. RES'DENTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ( "':'.'~", "'" -,' ................ Job Location: 1120 Fairview Dr. *60 :,.."'.....,,':". .~ ~'~'...., ,.:,..... ,.;. ,_.. . . AsaeSOON Map # Tax Lot # Suhdiuision: Ctmel': Michael Nutter 4147 W. 18th.if101.,>=:-..- AdtL"'ess: City, E\H!'Bne., OR.. nN~., n Additicn In Remo.:e! I f>2'[ !1o", Z. Hom, i Data of AppZi~aticn :.:Olltrac::ors (- Z1-t'( General !. Plwr.bing c~ P.:' _....:...'2."-' " Elc;:::oic:! -tOLL~. /'IfL Phon.. 342_7346 ~ Rcce:pt ,ii 10 'l,C;/\ Zip: 97402 Dosc1"";be Ilol'l<: ~tJ~ ' , WcL~ ~ )1)-' I 's-'O Value ,;;L () 8' ~ (, fJ7J I ~ Siqr:ed: Date: C0 ) - z '(' -- /jf{ Add....ec:; VV\..c ~~ t~ " ~y.fI c., Eroil'CS Phone .! Ne::har.ic::L ,i Constructi07l. Lender .It ~a tho resFonoibiZity of the permit hoLdeI' to BeB that aZl inDpections are ~ade at :he prOpBl' timc~ that e~ch ~ess is l'e~~:~ from ths stl"eet, and that ths pennie ccuv1 is Located at the f1"071t of the property. "Eui!.di~.g Divicior: appl'oL'ed plan sheU remain on th2 Bu~lding Sits at all. timss. P.70CEDU.'!E FOR IflSPE[:TIOll REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job nw::ber.. job aa.c.....css.. type of in:;pflo:ic'l requ.estcd a~.d when you wii.l. be ready jor ir.spcction.. Contractors 01' Ot.mers none end Fhone number. Reques::s receiL'ed cefcre 7:00 c-:-: :.'iZZ be made the Bame day.. requests mcde afta' 7:00 am LJiZZ be made the nat :JOrkin.; day. f?,!,,!,,~:...t?f T_"!"",,,,~~:r."'~ . 0 S1':'E nlS'-~sr::,rOl!: To be made after excav~tiQn.. but prior to se: up of forms. D U.'IDERSLI.B PLUf.fBING. ELECTRIc.1L &, ,',!ECHA.:.'ICAL: To be made before any work. is ~ovcI'ed. o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to poul'ir.g ccncret.;. UNDSRC.90U,'.'D PI.UMEINC. SErVER. W.1TE..ft, DRAIIlAGE: To be ma.:ie prior to fiZ- "lir.g trenches. D o Uf/DERFLOOR PLUf..'BI,'/G & UECHANICALJ To be made prior to in3tal~tion of 11001" insutction or decking. POST AUD BEAM: To be made prior to installc.tion of floor insulation or deakin;. ffOUCH ?LU!!BI!!G_ Er.ECTP.TCA!. & MECH- AIIICAL: No :Jerk is to be eOL'eI'ed .ur.tiL thOS9 inspectior.s have beer. made ar.d appl'ove.:1. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing materials and before frcuning inspec- tior:. FRA"~I!!C: /1wot be requested after appl'ov~l' o[l'Ough plwrbing.. alectri- cal & mec1raniaal. AlZ. roOfing bracing t chimneys.. etc. ~~st be '. completad. !lo IXlrk is to be con- ~ cealed until thio inspection has . b6en mad~ and approt.'ed. D o ~ ::J SIDEIIALK & DRIVEWAY: For al~ con- ---,..... r" 'ld~' CI'ot~ pavi~ 'within street I'~ght- ~ Ac_es~o ~ Bu~ ~ng of-wcy.. to 'bc made after all cxca- ' vating com~let~ & fol'm work & suby v' ~in.:tl _ I.ft::r p:Jrcr..es.. baDe mater~al ~n plaae. . ~ ~etc. are comple:::d. YOUI' Ci ty Deaigr.atad Job Nwnb€r 10: O I!/SULATIONIVILPO.r? BARRIER If!S?f:C'I'IOt/: To be made after alL insul~ti~n a~4 . 1'aquiI'od vapoI' carriers ar'e in place Cut ceforo any l.ath.. gypsum board 01' wZL covering is applied.. and befors any in3uZation is concealed. o DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be made afteI' all. drywalL is in pZaae.. but pI'io1' to any taping. MASONRY: Steel .location.. bornI becun3.. grouting or veI'ticals in accordance LJith U. B. C. Section 2415. ~(""(90 75 {)ENOLITIO// OR ;~:Ov::; B~'ILDZ,7GS ~ Sani -:ary. se-..Jer ::apped t:..t p:.op&rt:,. t.ir.e ~ Septio tank p:,<,,?::d and filZ2~ uith ara~e~ ::J Final - (/hen abcve ite:~s are CCmpl8t~d and ~hen d~litior. is complete 01' st:-u~- tUl'e moved and premises aleaned up. o o WOODSTO:'E: acmpletf:d. After installation is 5D I Nobile Hcmes ~ Btocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing connections seweI' and'~ater ~lectrical Conr:ection - Blocking.. set-up ~~nd plwnbing connections nr..:st ce approve;;; before requesting etec:1'icaL insp6c=io~ o CURB & APPROACH AP.r:::oN: Afte:- form~j are ore~ted but prior to pouring r-...... .:lO~I'ete. ~ ,. Skirting.. decks.. o All pI'oject eor:di:iona.. $UC~ as the installation of street trees.. c~~la;i~~ of t~e rcquiI'ed landscapir.g.. etc., must be satisfied before tr.e, BUILDINC FINAL can be r2quest3d. =:J FIliAL PLU!,1BIIIG =::J FIliAL f.lEoHANICAL :=J FINAL ELEC':RICAL "I o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be I'eque3ted a.r:er the Final Plwnbina ElectI'ical.. and Nechar.ical Inspectiona have ~een made and approvad. o o ?ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U.E. ~A!,!" n~::p.C!.F:S AND C!.P.ANCU7'S HUST E~ ACC~.cE:E!J" A!'.lUS'!','~?:,"!' TO E~ ,'.~1D.: .-!7' ;':0 ~,}S'I' TO CI'!'Y I [)"',~... ! o,f' 2 ! o L-COG~ : JOB NO, g8'DD15S0LAR ACCESS REQ,- T~'pe/Cor.8t: Bedroori;s: Zor.a: OaC:UOQrlCU Grou:J: LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - 1 Setbacks I P.L.' House . Carage North East South IWest I I Enero".J Sources I I Heat 'Access. I I Wr.=ter Y~t1t,.!" I I Ra11~e I I FircD7.aca I I Wood.:; tOt-.e II TU'Cle Lot Sq. rtg. ~ of lot Caverag~ .# of Stories : :'ota1. Heiqht i ! Topogra?hy i [!TE,'.' I r"lain I GeTtlen , , LCarvcr>t i LAccc880ru I Sr.;.FTG ~ L LS,D.C. i TDTA& VAWE IUCL-UC) 1.5", Building Permit State Surcharge Total. Cha:oges ~ITEN : FL-tures I NO. I FEE ,Resid211tial. (1 bath) ~ Sanitary Sewer I : Wc-:-er ?l.;Jr.bir.g Perr.:it State Surcr.arge Tetal. C1u::raas :1't.:'.: NO. 'Res. Sa. fta. : Now/EZtend Circuits ; Temooraru Scrvica El.e~trical. Permit St.::te Su:rcharqe Tota! Charces ;;Z,'.! I t'lQ. I Feo "" FUrr.ace ETU'S I I E=haust Hood I I Vent Fan I iJ:>odsto"Je I I Permit ISBuanC!e Mechan:ical Permit Statl! Surc1u::.rac Total Charaeo ElJCROACHNE.VT Se~~ritu DZ~03it Storage ,'1aintanar..:c Parmi t Total CharGes Cur.?c-~t SidCLJ,Zk .t'cn-=a ~lectrical Label gobile H~e \<1\5 e) 7/C- I . :-.?TAL. A,~..')u.':r our:" Interior Carner Panhandle CUl-ds-sac Fa€s x Value Building Value & Permit This PG.:rmit i3 granted on the express condition that the ca"id.construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted oy the City of Springfield, inc!.udi.ng the Zoni.ng Crdinance, regulc:til:g the ccnstruaticn and UGe of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:r.y time upon vic- lation of any pravisio118 of said Ordir~nces. 1.3,;J'7,31 .-?-"').- 1 I I PZan Chec k IVate Pa~d, IRecdpt #: 'ISig"ed, Fee: CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person DhaZl construct, instalZ, aZter or change any neW cr e=i.stin!1 plumbing or drainage sY8te~ in whole or in part, unles8 such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except trAt a pe~son may do pl~bing work to property ~hich is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. FE~' IS.;~-r1, I LlS,75f. I Perm it CHARGE Electrical Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I \S,: . 00 I I ,/51"/1,Y I \ ~ .751 . CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit Plan E:rcmt-ner vate I I , . I I I .2'0 ~^1 I.~.~ I~(J I I.ISI I I " J~70 j I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!1INED the completed application. for permit, and do hereby certify that aZl i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f:.lrther certify that any ar.d all ~ork perfor:ned shall be do:1e in ac::or- danae ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lu~s of the State of Oregon p$rtainino to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- pJ.Ney will be made of any~ structura without parmisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o':1ly contra.=tors and f!.'11pz."yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 ~ill be used on this pl'oj~ct Jpfrrr '. ,~. .ci;"';';''''';;;'~';'~l\~~-~~~' ;! ~..."!~.~~l, II ."III~'" ~~\'.~~~Dd~ASE"ONT~A~irC"SH' ,'. , _., .\~tt.....\:.:' . ~-~..I~'\,~~ '''!''''~'''-'l'''~\o''''''''I\~.liM~I:ltn.;l'''IIt' ..1OUf\t,. .1\.:.~~ l'lll:~...... "c6l1oJ"J\lYt;)), lQ.......... - 'hO""lIil't"\l;'"''''''IN'''''I'C:\.'!''~''''~'~~A:~~iel\Yll,..i.Uio!1:13"', ~ r""i'"W~'/"~tc~ ~'U:'1fJ' diJuf ~'.'cr" .~"".. :.. ~ ftl (11' "lc:;::-n,:,;, ,,:' ,:tla.'("~ " ...., 'H !"t"rloI 11 ,BUYER(8):-tl1Z..,.~.'""!t'I,!"r'f\ " .,..jt:. I Y';"~' ~, 'P:"',,~} I. ""and:l~ " ~..".".,..rW~~..j1UOOi\'(J!q ~'J"'" )tjJ'''':tlil;'i-:-IJ:,1.'1.15.11l1'ti....i~.' {}.,rif. 4(."t ;':'lo"l!,~:!r.l1."" '~,~h.tJb ~\'~ 'ilU:$ONil'~r:Q~__.r_I*.'A.-',;. ' 1 .,.,:~.:~.-:"':,~:".,....;:."!,'"..~ DIJi1 "'t,",O",,; l.'r'I,I:~,.i!' I.,.., . ~ '~"'ljr'W' ",~ .... ',i--;tt"U ;'f" c. 1":~it,;J: :i1,:;~::~04~!!i,.....I.:..,1"~',..,,.,>(:..: '..r.,. "1" ~ i~,/~ ...... ; ", ,'" ,~~~ :'~ftlfll.'rtJ 10. y1!'J"hI!\b rol'l1'fJ Jl r. :1'1'''lm1~J p'~!)I"...,.. \, "l!"':l~.. 'fl''',''',,: l" ... .:,\:..':!. fl'!,;) "rt! 1)1 '.....1 e".rwtJ M n\l~ tt:ll '''''it :\1t..fl.: 1~~Y~h~l~j.')r.'1,ti;.i~~ :!lrl'agreelsl '10" purchase"snd' Amerfcan Mobile :Homee; fne;' -Seller," agrees to' sell' property1deecrtbed below"Oil' lhe1\e1fn."lilid'tCcliidillor\8hr ",' ,\.q!"aet forth.belOw:i:,;:.....t}.'l' ,t.'III,~'MJ):''' I. ,It',' ':', : j : ,", ,,'" . P "",1 !J,1l1 f!"l~.h'"l.:i'J hr'::-..i'~~l, J':,j\h;j ~'d; tu.:r ~16 'loW ",<<.~I:.m....1r~iIl ir:ll~i; IIIv.l'tol51;:,~~, . 1.' , . . " ," ct." ,~,'. '\ ....""klnctfl19'nifl.~, [ .. >.<,"l ... MANU'AC1lIRED' ,. APPROXIMATE ~ND-MANU'''CTURED ',J', .... MODEL '.' 8ER1A~Ho. . .,,:, ' , "" ,,:,' .,.;,;__ ''''.. ,t. :"': MIMO"~"1 '1IIYR'i':lt~ r""'.WtoTH' ~'I" lENOT~'. II ' ., ~.~. I JJ~':""'-\ !""'l!loJ.ll. .ll:l:~\I.~.jI.,.!'O..\ttj{ Ii 1fI~ '.~'Ol..'~.'l ~)~l~~..J~!:~t:': ~ ..t' ,,", '1' '~ "I t,'r It, ,,' "'1' r~ t' "'J '.h I ;~, a......J;;;'"-4----r ~V "f 3f1 '". '~ >I~ <.:, ,1,1, 'vC> "0\9-' lIC" f\__'-rv\./' '" U/l .}HUDNO.J..,..,tl~U\'''''!uo...!1l,.....,..1I;o-"",.,~:1f~,,; USEO .--- - . , \) 0 ~L-' ,_ --.e::tl.!L:Ll.)I)\ SoN ' :If. . . 'I"~ ;"'. H,"ilrdISJ.1". "'" ~1-'1(" ll()l)\ (M .~;.<;i'; ~mlvt:R.,(~ .~;~ PRoposeO,DATfO ,. , '. " ',.. r ' , ~. ,-' . Lo.cATJ6N:':~" I ~:' ""'~,~l:'\'Y:"~.~~~~d~~ .~~~~,~~~l:ic ~ flt(.... J"".~..l)~; ~..!.t:. \t.,' '. ~ ,'t'l"\';ll ~'''j ..',' .,'" I''''' r.,', ~.r',,- '..:lI.,','~~.:r...~,.~~'..~i~n"c.~i~ftIo~,OiM'J1'.nlm,~l'flf'l''':YnKPJt~~:;. ': . ,.' . . l.":a~.. - , ..., . .In .. , . . . . . ,~; ,~ " TERMS: '/ ~ il<;;'! ,,~'IC SI!~"I~Id.Jrri""J h'"&Jl!IS;1W"tII ~."" ~r ,',' ,,' '"h,"\;'IIlJ!,~'lll/";'tC$lIY1lM"ltlllb'Yt~~, " ~O, 1,' CASH PRICE. .'ll<l~"d" 1""1\<1\'1 !J>AOIn"i,}~tlIi'$ ",~ 2." OTHER CHARGES; lHI1',"'&~.-.1Ilf\'''' h'ilmllb. 1.,.""iI'l~ ."., .._: >1, , ...', '~l . ,I . 'f ~ : .'lr"l~..;r ~i(JI,'J'I~.tJ jl '... "~fd ~4r\ ""-",,"I,, , : (a)..Tltle and reglatratlon.. ,_.".h.'\1')$ ~ "~".~ -.Ii! ""1I(l'~.. :, (b) ' Department ofComm,erceii b".l"'''~<l'",,:I\'I_r,,~.,.,.1'll ~~.,."'\1 ~ (e) Insurance ,I~' . "q,/I'lOIll!L.I(,) "Y'Y1~. ~,' \"J b,-,~". , (d) 'Trip Permit' .',oar,>, ""! t>'G l"'lr.wS~oQIf,fl}(l.'" >ll1\ 'II.; '-'i ::.. , ( J;l>fl'", , " ':,' ,;' :... ,f{t\l, l","'U .')tJ'I'3~ 'td.....,~..,.'....".;........~:.-~~ilN t'Jf>~JtaQ/,{1 '" '1;. e.:,: .", . -, ,",. ..... I" -.' -0" ~ "i "-111:r 'il-~~~~;Qtt~l~~ >: ~,(I)"II, . .: '. .,.1.' ! '."' </11,'''' "'ll$~""'\ll~lr('''':'; ,..:itZ I'Jof .~~ "TotaIOtherCharges'JtMl ?s'! >,!\"a br.M!rll<;t1)~$~'" . . ,.- ''''''''';''',J'''''!'''~lC"l!I~\llP!fllj!~~... ,'0(/ 3; TOTAL CONTRACT'PRICE ,,, ~1tl'~1lI1,e r;/ll~' '.' ,(0,_, .;,' .., '. 't.' ..\ ~',: ~I~ "~'l-, ..,. 1};t:!lU ....tDjdh'eyn!~,.t!tkKklu,.~ ~.. ,.' .,.\, .,1 4, DOWNPAYMENT:' ' " ( '. ":;'~~\\~\>llIb''1l~~'<~, , 0 pOSit."'; ,,:',i-r'''''l r. ,~.:t,'l;!J'; ~hj;~i "'{.$I'I~'~I\~^^~."', U-~ '.-:, 1,,1; ~ I'.., l'1I~"?'~.!Il'il t",l''') ~ Wl~" .~~.. n~1j~J,.1~ i ' Addltlonal Cash 'by' I'hW,. "'10 "...,~ "."Ii "'~",1la,1..'j,;j;;Z: #IIl,]t?>>.,~., , '~" 'l, .. "ft.!. "; f- 'I' i.~\a.I'w II "1';r~1 tT.IA:....tl./ ;:J1.4~'.I~''tflri~':U~ ISd~~~' , : Net Trade-In Allowance!\!) u nr">liro$1 ,!l)~", _,"'/',<.. ""J;Q $I!ll1\:" ; !... '", r..I' I, ,'." .'l:,I~ ~ff .!r'fIOf1 "1:h1l "'. ur(CJ!IJ)~tU\~1!J..~ ::: . I, Total Oownpaymentm;.l6:JoI ~..,,;.)b elil (if (1Iltl<lUil....$~ .:! "\. (pAM~j,O~i~F.u.J4~~-~;;~}it&,\ > ' by {'..,. ., ^, "I''''A''~I I.. ., ",_ REMARKJ; ~[rY~-Oi30;T~1Ii '~-: ;i,~..:,;;;'i~ ! " . '~,-'-..,\l';.';""Tl :'.~,..,..... ,J} i\" ~ ,'. , ' I, '.' L' hr.., U"v -"',!ot! 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