HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-2-10 ;: .. .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERlfIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .. ".. .'w ".' .. '.'. '.:'~.; .~- .-. ,.,.. ~ _ _. h ......:. ..~.;."..;,"'.-'... t'~."", ~:.'.... ..:. ,_ ~ ..' . Rcce:pt .ii 11J'I::J4 I r SPRINGFIELD . ... Job Loc:::.ticm: II~n ~ ~r\lip\AI Dr-.::l:t;t:;>?' : 1rzo3-j731 - . TarLot-;; OO(POO , Subdivi.sion: I I ~er,=rf")~'" ~~<:'\IrrY\ ~ \/ \ K Addms: q.s?~ R.i'1'l \1'L~ City, E'll\~Y h" J 0R Asaessor= Nap D.N~' n AdCitic11 I n Remodel. II"XI .'!ob~ I. Homa i Date of AppZicaticn J ~/o "if ! COntl'ac:ol'S ~p~_ 7d-~-/ogrXi Phon" 6 )? <;( -I gLt:;' 7 Zip, q 7Lfo Lj \I~U \ \ "') \ ,..1\ -; Dee;;;u - UJ,~ . . /!/ fI !:e:I-o/ Siqr.ed: Date: CC :)-ltJ -g r Value 15/ J,{)-{) AddreD3 Liaa.# Exvil'es Phone General l. PZ-wr.bing V--4A~./Jz~ .+. ~) iY1.V MA/ 1YtuJ'LVl./ E!cc-:::-ic:::.! .j Nech:Ir.ic:::.7. ; i Const1'"Ucti071 Lende'!' .It is the responoibiZity of the permit holder to sse that aH inspeations are made at :he proper tim~~ that ~c.ch =ddres8 is rec::.:?ab~2 from the street, and that the permi t card is located at the fPOnt of the property. "Eui?.di!".g V(..vi::io-r: approved plan shcU remain on the Buildin~ Sits at aU times. P.'?OCEDUF!E FOR IlISPEf:TIOlJ REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design.:J.ted joe nw::bar.. job ad6o~ss.. t!Jpe of in3pec~icn ra~ested a-r:d ~hen you ~iZ-t be ready for inspection.. Contractors or OWno~s nome end phone number. Reques:s received befere 7:00 ~ :..~z.z. b6 made th~ same day.. requests m~e after 7:00 c:rn lJiz.z b:z lTrlde the n~:rt :JOrking day. Y;g~/09 o o o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be tT1:lde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pourir~ concret~. U!lDSRGROU!!D P[.UMBING, SErIER, W.1TER. DRAIl/AG2: To be rrr:l:ie priOlo to fiZ- "Lir.g trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PLUJ..'BI,'lG t MECHANICAL: To be maae prier to installation of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To ba made priozo to instaZ.Z~tion of floor ins~tation 01' d8cki7IG. D D ::J R(JUCH ?[,lJ!!8I!.lG. Er:E[:'J'P.!CAL & UECH- AllleAL: No :.>ark. is to be covered until these inspectior.s have beer. made' ar.d approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plecir~ feeing meteriaZ-s and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA!fI!,'C: l.fust be requeDted af~er appl~v~l of rough plUffhing.. alectri- cal & mechanical. Al~ roOfing bracing & chimn~ys.. etc. nr~st be ,completed. no uork is to be C07I- .. cee led unti l thia inspection has . bee.n mad.: and appI'Ol,.'ed. =:J ~ FIliAL PW/.!BIIle =:J FIliAL NE~HA.'IICAL ~ FINAL ELEC':'RlCI.L -=:J o Your City Deaigr.ated Job Nwnb€r Ia: u INSULATIONIVAP08 BARRIER INSPECTIOll: To be made after all insul~tion ~~~ required vapor barriers are in place but cefora any lath.. gypsum board or wZl covering is applied, and befor6 any i7l3ul.ation is concealed. I DE,'.:OLITIO!.' OR ;~:OVE:; B!JIL!J::/CS :J Sani:aru S8'-'8r capped ~:t p~opc:rt":i lir;e ~ Septic tank p"~c:d cvui filZ-e~ vith ~a~eZ o :J Final. - ({hen above ite.'?/s are complgt~d and when d~olitior. is complete or st~c- ture moved and pr~8es cleaned up. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywa II is in p lac~.. but prior to any taping. o o ~MSONRY: Steel. location.. bona beam::;, grou.:ing or verticels in accordance lJith U. B. C. Section I Mobile Homes 2415, '~ WOODSTO~'E.' After 'installation is/ V ~ Blocking and Sat-:.lp ccmpleted. "'"::> ~Plumbina connections -- sewer and wa:er CURB & APPROACH APRON: After .formS-~ Elcctriael C07InQction _ Blocking.. set-up are erected but prior to pounng .S., and plumbing conr:sctions rrr..:st ce approt,'ed COrlarete. before requesting elec'!;rical insPQc~io:-: SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- --, . . crete paving within stzoect right- ---1 AccessoJ9'.:1' Bu1.lc::.ng of-IX:.Y.. to be made after all e.rca- . vating ccm~let~ & form work & ~ub- -7'1 Final _ Ilfti:r porcr.es.. bas. mate"'al .<n. pia,., . . ~5.tSd eta, are aampl.tad. :'ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates or movable secticns through 0 P,U.E. o o Skirting.. decks, o o All project conditions.. Duch as the instaLZation of B~reet trees. c~~la;ion of tne rcqui~ed landscaping, ctc.~ must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be l'aquestad. FINAL BUlLDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested cf:cr the Final PZumbin; Elect~icaZ.. and Nechar:iccl lnspectionD have been made and approvi!::J. ./1l.L n~.':l!C'!..r::; ANn C!.F:A:':CU':'5 nU~T E.r: .IjCC'::'<:~:.r?!.r'. A!'.fI!S'!'.'~.":".',"!, TO .J:JE !.~1C.r: .'~T .':0 ':~s'!' TO crT'! I ",..,~.... Clf 2 i JOB NO. 'fyo/Of :Zcmc: ILot Sq. Ftg. :~ Qf lot C~erag~ :.# of Stories \ - ... ., u . h' I..o..a" ..e1-!j .. i ! Topography i !TEN , I,'-tcin I CcTace , , ! Careert i I Accessor:1 SQ.FTG J i I is. D.C. TOTAr VAWE 1.5 ::: CUCI.UCJ Bui'tding Permit State Surcharge Total Cha:ogeB ;IT~N : FL~es NO'1. .Residzntial (1 bath) I S~n:i.t.arp Sewer I : :Jcte1" ?l:.l!~:'{.r.g Perr.:i t State Surar.arge Tata! Charoes . :TE:.' I i/O'I I I I I I I '.ties. So. rta. .', NeI.}/Eztend Circuits ] Tem;Jorary St;rvice Ele~trical Permit St::te Surchtz:roqe Total Charces SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COC"" OccupaJ1C~ Grou~: T;'pe/Cor.st: Becroor.:s: [,OT TYPE I Lot Faces - I I P. r, North lEast ISouth IWest 1 I Enel'n~ SO:J.l'C€S I I Haat Accc!Js. I I Wr;tcr Hf'at('... I I Ran{:Q I I Fircolacc I I Wooa.:; tove II T~'C'e Interior Setbacks Hou.se I r:al'Q9C I I I Corner PanhandZe Cut-de-sac Fees x '. I I I I I I I I.JQ. q.SO I...?~ , I I I- Fee: Value Building Value & Permit This permit iD granted on the express condition that the 6,did. construction shatl, in aZl respects. conform to the Ordinance adoFted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crd-:.nanco, regul.c.til1g the ccnstruction and UDe of buildings, and m~y be suapended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisio7lD of said Ordir~nces, I Plan Check Date Paid: I Recdpt #: I Sig"ed, FEE I I I I I I '1- --.... -.,.0 / -'5 < I ,751"'01 I /5.751- I i I I I IS, o'tl I 1\ ,751 -7:>> 1)5,751- Perm it CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instalL, aLter or change c.ny ne~ or e=isting plumbing or drainage syst~~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ercept tr~t a person may do pl~bing work to properp~ which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. FEE CHARGE Electrical Where State LaLJ requires tr.nt the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been aigned by the Electrical ~on.tractor. ii'S,',! 1110, f F" C!lARGE FUnuce PTU'S E::haus t Hood I I Vent Fan I I i/:Jodsto:Jc I I I I I lLt(X' B I I I I I c2q~51 Permit Issuance Ne::har.ic::l Permit State Surcharae T"tc1. CJ,aroOJ!!lJ -- E:NCROACHME,\tT -_ Se~~ritu D~~C3it Storage Maintenar.::e Permi t Total Charaes : 'Cur';C'..lt , Sid"" Lk '-.!;'en.=e ~lectrical Label .'ofobi te HDmc '3(c.. ':"l.. _~.'l'Ar. A,t.''JU.':L' DUT:. " Mechanical Permit I I. I I I 1 , - Pl.an Excnn.ner uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!ofINE:D the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any a~~ all work perfo~ed shall be done in. ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lu~s of the Statc of Oreg~n p$rt::inina to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PI.OCY will be made of any~structure without permis3io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors a;~d enpL,yees who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this proj~ct ,'20 I-;\.f 35,00 1-0 t.75/ ~#[y ?- 1- s;::.l.7 Dote ~'7","",,,,,,,,",,,,,,, fk'''j' w''''"''llf'''~ " .f',-. ';~ Change Order '<\ ~. ~ . Customer ,j~' '~U~1\"-c:. SaIespeI"So~~"~ Date (cheek method of change) Verb~l Letter___ Letter___ ModelD 1-2"l-~}' ~ ".'\ '.' ~ ,..:, -~ . , ~4 ~t '. '1 ;~t :? : 'l " 1 .-1'-. ;.. .. '. ". \I t-,! ;,~. j ~... ,'. ,,(._ ,.-...~ . . . PACIFIC HOUSING MANUFACTURED HOMES 1399 Hwy. 99 North. Eugene, Oregon 97402-2015.' (503)688:"7523 :~ "::{ q ~: . l"l' Change . . \ Price . , ~ It I-:cuj"- ,.+ I;~, 4) " ~ d:,.... · ~ -r-~ q.... i t ~~'~" ~~(). ~~..... J Po ~-ZAA' rd //, >-<'0;, . i ili;,,-,.'~~j..r~;OA'.I., I'\J..i2- . "' .~ '", "/!hJth.d n./ 1Jcm,~ ,l~j)/~;!.;. '>~ " . . . // .-:> 1..-...1 0 -f 7) -8',' <" 3 U , . <1 -rz.')IJ'I fe/See.) ~')n//L7 1,.,0 . . (') ,be ~ ->, oO-i .f . , :1 " ' iJ 3,0(,0 -.:.. J I d. \ L '\0 -'-; 'j ;; :~ . ~~) -to1?e, AMi ~'v\QMI.'~ . \ 1r "}~o ,~. ~. CA.~r. <h.t ~.~- I~~.. ~Y,]:rvN--.UH{) ~ !V".~ ~ Cl."o~ if) Q0'-<'^,' fQC' \.l~ G~ ~0.~. VaJ),rl) ~~, J. P-k OQ~~ Q . a.{ rl n." '" · ~...r ~Wa.MD , ~'.i .~ Ih.~!r;r; - w&f)IIJ~}--fJffA('ty 2(~\o,,-e/),.-,. ':; ~;'7?~^"AM .. . ~~~~~ I-U'~ ., Sales person . '~actory Rep. cull:mer Ini'tial Date , ~'~ ";i " . ,~j '0..1,; !:1 , .3 : '1 ,"1 ~l ',1 '.~~ .~ }) J .'~ ~l '~ '~ . ,.; '. '. ;', -~;'\,-.:;,. ,~.... .' .-. ~ ;,,'. .' ':.', /',. 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