HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-1-28 ".. "-- ....,~.. .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street (,_ Springfield, Oregon 97477" Building Div,ision' 726-3753 ~'- .y .' I' Job Loc:::tion: I I I I , ." {' ~'..., ......~. .~. . -. ..' '''.- Rcce:pt Ii I/J YC; 7 SPRINGAELC Assessor.: Map # 1120 FairviAw Drive #11. 5orin"field Tc:r Lot # Subdivision: Clmer: Judy Webster xm~~ Add:res~: City: Springfield, OR n"p'.' n Addi ticn I n Remo.:et I f;:((!Ob;!2 Hom. i Phone: 747'-8690 zip, 97477 \I~O \ I'). DilBcPibe f.'ork: Wo&~/()r!e ,/ jJ11f r.J- t/ r . I -y Siqr.ed: Date: c~ (-U-J?R Date of Application ~:::::~=or/ )~AW~ (( I-2ft --7f va!ue;2-0, t(!;3 mO~~ I( I( t:).(vYl/' /L? . I. Plwr.binq '- E!c.::'::-::~::! Lise.;! Expires Phone .1 t.:e~har.ic::l ,I Construction Lender _ .........._ .It is 'the respontJibiZity ot the permit holder to BeB that all inDpections are made at the proper tim~1 that ccch ~eBs is re"'':''':'':.? from ths Btl'eetj and that the pcl"llTit ctrl'd is "Located at the front of the property. .Eui~i~~ Divi=io~ approved pLan shatt remain on the BuiLding Sits at att times. PROCEDU,'!E FOR INSPECTION R!OU!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (roccorderoJ state youro City designated job nur.:ber.. job aC.iztcss.. type of in:;pea:icn raques~cd a~~ when you wi~Z be reaay 101" inspeotion.. Contractors or OWne~s ncme and phone number. Requests roeceived cefere 7:00 ~ :..~LZ be made th€ same dcy.. requests made a~ta' 7:'00 am will be 1riuie the n;:;;ct :.JO~kin.; day. JI . Your City Deaigr.a.tcd Job Nwnber I(J: ~OQ ?vr- -AT.!. N.;.':F!C:..~s ANn C{,Flg'(IU,:,s ,'fU~'!' E.~ ,ljcc.r::s::;_~!..r', 4!'.1US7'.':.':'.',"!' TO .'!~ ,'.:.1D.::: /'.7' .':0 ~p.m~i",pd Tr.srJl!ctic11ff o o o FOOTING! FOUND.iTION: To be m:::de after ~renches are excavated and foPms are erected.. but prior to pourir~ cencret.. UNDSRCROUHD PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TER. DRAIllAG2: To be made priolO to fil- Zir.g tr6nchee. D o UNDERFLOO.~ PLUl,!BI.'lG & NECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3taZZation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalZaricn of floor insklatior. 01' cisckin;, ROUCH PLlP..IBPlG. Er.ECTP.!CAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to bc cOI:Bred unriL these inspections have beer. roode ar.d approved. FIREPLA.CE: Prior to plecir.g feeing mc.te:ri.ai..s and b€fore framing inspec- tior.. FRA!~I!!C: f.1u.!Jt be requested afte1' appl'ovaL of rough pLwr.bin(h dect1'i- caZ .& mechanicaL. An roOfing bracing ~ chimneys.. etc. nr~st be ,completod. No wo1'k is to be con- ... cealed until thiD inspection has .b€~n made and app1'Oved. D [J ,~ ~ =:J FI/IAL PLU!.tBI/IG :=J FIliAL MEcHANICAL =:J FINAL ELEC':'RICI..L -=:J o u lNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHSP~CTIOII: To be made after aLL insuZ~ti~n a~4 rcqu:'1'ed vapor ca1'1'iers are in place Cut cefo1'cany Lath.. gypswn board or LXlll covering is applied.. and before any insulation is conceaLed. DE,~,OLITIO;'.' OR ;~:OVE:; B!./.tLD~:,Y;S ~ Semi tary seJer capped =.t p~opert":1' Zir.e =:J Septic tank p:...."?ed a":'ld fille~ tJith ~ra~e: o :J Pinal - f{hen ~V8 ite.":ls aZ"e CC.'11Vl8t€d ar.d when d~clition is complete 01' 8t~c- tU~e moved and premises clean~d up. DRYWALL IllSPECTION: Tc be made afte1' all drywall is in place.. but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel. location.. bomt beams.. g1'Outing 01' verticals in accordance tJith V.B.C. Section 24105. o I Mobile Hemes o Afte1' installation is ... ~ Blocking and Sat-:lp S l.., iJ PZwnbing connections CURB & APPROACH AP.rKJN: Aftc:- .form?, ~ l1ELcctrical Ccnr:ection _ Blocking.. set-up are crected bu.t prior to pOU1"1,.ng ')::> and plumbing connections nr..;st ce apprQve;;; aona1'ete. before requesdng eZec:l'ical inspectio:-: WOODSTO:'E: ccmpZeud. s:;wer and wa:e1' D D :=J AcceBsor~:.. Bu.ilding sk~rting.. decks.. o o :1 I D , All p1'o,iect eor:ditioYlD.. auch as the -:"YlstaZZation of street trees.. cO.'':7pLot;..;m of tile requi1'cd Zandsccpir.g.. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be r3qu.est~d. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be reque3ted alter the Pinal Plumbing electrical.. and Nechar.iccZ Inspect;.ona nal)a been made and app1'ov~d. ~ ~~s'!' ~CJ'!''! 11':1':1' or :! : JOB NO, rtfJ7J7L/ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- L-COG"" T,~'pe/cor.st : Bedroorr:s: I I Ener(7~ Sources II fieat Water l1r?atf.l!' I I Rattf:o II I Fircolaca Waod::;tot:e II Oc~pancu Crou~: : Zor.c: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWcst T:Jr>e LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac lLot Sq. 'Ftg. l:: .,f lot C.7Veragc 1.i! of Stories I, , ! " .' h' 1 ~o...a ..e..{j.. ; ! Topography ~ethflr.ks House--r caraae Access, -- Fees VaZue SQ,FTG x I!TE,'.! !,I'k:in I Cereae , , !Cart:lcrt: i I .4cecssor~J 11 I I iSoDoc. Building Value & Permit This permit i~ aranted on the express condition that the s~id.const~ction 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinance, reguz.ctil~g the . cons tructicn and use of buildings, and m3Y be suspended orreuokec at cr.y time upon vie. Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. I I I I ~00. '79 I r'd.'} , I TOTAL VALUE I LlC/.UC) 1.5 = I Plan Check I Date Paid, IReadpt #, I Sig"-ed, Building Permit Fl!e: State Su:rc:harge Total Cha:"gss / CRARGE NO. FEE : ITEM ; fL -tu:reB Plumbing Permit No pereon chall construct, install, a!ter or change ~ny ne~ cr e:isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber'~ license, ezcept tr~t a pe;"son may do plumbing ~ork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ,Residential (J bath) I Sanitary Sewer i ; Wete!" I I l' .00 u~. 1.~.7~:?1 i ?l:.u:-:b{.r.g Pert::"'~t State Su:rcr.arge Tota! CharGes F' I I I I I. I I I I IS. eft) I ,7SI...~J IS, 7<)1, I CHARGE I NO. , :TE::.! Electrica I Perm it . _~es. Sa. fte. IN.u/E:tend Circuits Where State Lal.J requires tr.at the electrical work be 'done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this per.mit shall r~t be valid until the tabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I 1- ; Tem;Jorar.y SeI"Vice Electrical Permit St::.te Su:rcharQe Total Cha:rces I I I I I I I Z;S,'.! I NO, I Fr;'~ Furr..::!ce ETU'S I '1 , E:haust Hood I Vent Fan I i/:Jodsto:Je I I CHARCE Mechanical Permit Pe.rmit IssuanC2 Me.:hanic::.l. Permit State SUrchc:"t'ac T('Jtal C'JurrOP.[J , -- ENCROACHMENT -- . I Se~~ritv DZ~o3it PUm Exc:mt.ner uate Stora{!e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA...fINED the completed appLication for per.mit, and do hereby certify that aU i':':.fo:omation hereon is true and corrcct, an:i. I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall. be done in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ Lu~s of tho . State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work described hcre~n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structur2 without pa~is3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify tha.t o':1.ly eontra.:tors m.d e:npz.,yees who are in comptiance with ORS 701.05$ witt, be used on this proi~ct Maintenan.:e Permi t I I I I I Nltf ~ I .'20 I-~":i i :=<'5, O'D I \.'7.5' I ~t!.;)i Total Charaas .1 I Cu:r:,C'~t . Sid"",!k 'Pl!n::e Electrlcal Label XobiZe Home ...\1 ~~::1-,J uJ~J SJc... /-$'-(Z ~fute ~- . :--OTAL AgIJU.'''T DUF: 4 ~,~:lit_~~~~:~~_ -.-,_~..._ i:. .~,.' J. , . ," -:"'- .-...-~-..---------'...-- ..-..--~-w:.r-'~--~';~;(..:, I, \-;:>{:'~' ,~:" AMERICAN .81 ' ' I~';I'" ~o '~'1 ' \ ~I:' ,," I, ",~'x,' " ' I !,..] C> .. ' I 1111 ~at~":""'~ :.t.-rr)U-J'~;>I;'II~:'II':"''':''C'' plr'bl l"J;..,rl-':\~~'\;tr41 ,.' ~ '" "~(...-e~,f} . II .. \ ' , , . . It ~ " . '\ . l,t., , ,\l \~ 1L'err.'l0:,l\~ '"ultnqu~ .~p. ta~(''''f'Oll~~..'lllt.. : r;:,,~' ~ HI, b',,1 nil':" ^" ,'1~ ",:", ,,' :,'H'l"'}"."'lt') 'id'~ ""O.'.IJII1\11 Or~\~6 ~c~i?~rPr~r!t : :~~ft:j I' Ii ~< '-'" ". -. ',:r' '~';%nh""':';":;:\" ",!;, ~:' P.URCHASE,CONTRACT':' CASHin:"~lr.nll"'i"'!.t~.,.~~ij.~q , I' ., 8ALESMAN~; __(___ lJ, r,,11 iJ\. . ~., . . .ll..,il'l'.,l ,...' :.':.",-, I.. a-"'i~j,ttl xn~ '(Ill. cd...~~7~~'~.r n , t', ;l~'f'" illll:1O .t,;o', ''J!,...,~ ,,"',',,"'!'. ,~,:"", ",Ii '},a ,..,.. , "~?, VI' ;'":>!>.'" 'm'J.<l:l '" <1,.,,1 :leI .~ '.,,.11 Itllr.IOr,{~'\~".~;."'~"7.~.?B.\!JJ~.... ,~. "I., { 't. . .... ....1\..1. " njp t ",("Il"'''' i.~!ln t;l 0'1' '" I ~ l.' " , ,'.1111 MIM. no hl"\~;t.1t vf~rno\i-1 jiHfJt:.,1 9l~1 Jtt~ti:~~c.~.... ,;. , ." .. ^.' ~ ~ ,.. r. ~'I . "f' '., ,\ .,,', '1 I""t' "','I,I 11" "~1' Jrr11!o:1)2 p..:.~.n');.'!?1r.!n'br.~". .1 ' ,; 1-., '...' ~ :: '011...f.. \ ~I"",' ,. ~ I ,.- l.1"l"',~';,' . .. ....\ . II '1,..:):1 :"tn'tIH{(;:sr.'l.1'" UtJtF1?".'!j: "J1t~':W".~". '.flO:C(;'~ll\1J> . I' . " '," "o,;,.:Jlf '\'''''' I~ ('\.~"'I"" '".~ 'ft. .. ;'::;f1'J,;'llO', - t':'...rt~":5''t'il l>Il~ 'Q.':;1 ,il\\ .' 1i~":~1', '," ", ," .'.. ,;:1,' ".'I:l .., :'f~"f';' TI ..,.' .' n"''l'~ fp.:r,tiStij I ::0', 0""""'" ' ,," ':, "'." ,; on',.",""" 0>',"':'" ',1,\': ":," "I', ',', w~,-""." ,', ,Ir.l. ~;",1I'...1 ,.., .011 m'lIiJ..~~",li'.~,l!l!~;.l"'~ ~~~ I, I ~"'agrea(.) 10 'purchase and Amarlcan Moblla'.'Homa.,'lnc. "Sallar,' agree. 10' seli" pertY'deecrlbed' bel "on' t1i."Ie'irii.s~na'MiUIilliii\'8~.;i ,1:.""" .elforthbelow:""..,"..,.. .",' ..' ,'.',..' "..,.. ", '" :I"",' i.:.z:'''..,.!~.,..';,:.f,1~11~t<lS'!'"a''$I&r;m..'...."<i'~i,Y.'h'''';.D11 ._ .._' ' j'" ,',~"I1.,.'......;"l1l'l.,l.,btl.4l~'~~t.. ,'~. . V. MANUfACTURED ~. APPROXIMATE ~N _MANUfACTUREC . '.' . MOOEL' , .. 8EAlAL"o.' . - ... . '. : . .- . "~ 1 " N~l._~~ 1....o".,l..1 VR'~ ":;'W10TH I LENGTH I,; '1,', ,r..l/l~,;O ll~.I~-i::~;US.!'Jl~f.X'$lr(~n)tl \'Wf1~l;:JOr.lO..'.'~~"'l I ,..,~": U', :.,~ '....,.0:' fl<("" .. ,AA^~" ,"'J..IJIJf~,/) HuDNo"''''F'~,..'..~-_~"~t,''''I'l3:.'~:li:fk \:1" ".'0.____. C2Q.. d--O ., ,,f}t'Y\lI\V'~jlItIl\Jl~l\"7"l"'l"]n' '"~I);'Mll"'h;tr.f;;<NRiIl\1n!..,,, :;"'JI,~',~~~: ! 'I" . ' ," ' .. , ' ' , '" I""'~ ".~,~ "'OJ"'" ., .._v." ,,- ,,,f!l,lilJPIOl;l ~ f l" DELlVe~Yl''''''' PROPOSED, DATF',' i" ,,,, ,,' '. ..' ,',,!I.c:>p~T'9N;,......'" """"." 1" QI""'" ,,/..... ". J'iWiol, "'I I jl I" . 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Iii ..,..,1', .~~ilool. ~)lr,' '..() ."t"''f~l". ~I Y.,1;,J.ln'1tY::l.,}()S.;....,...,.......'4.."':"'..I,,~\lmr~~,"'lt.Q ,~ e:.. ,..".,. ' :,', :." r.)Anlf<?~~:.'':f)fY.lZ. ~ (f) ,. .' ".t "~$I",, ,; ,1"1' :"ll1n:t1;"f':':"'p-~ , Tolal Other Charges ,),," tM "f"S ".I't """',' '\iiII....s!lb'7.1:5";",' ".. " ", 1'1\0 .:,tr..ii! ';tti.il,,~l~a?! tlJ!\l1:.l~. '~7 3. TOTAl: CONTRACT PRICE IQ m<1l1G1Q ,r.s "'i,v,~en'S ' il, ' .: " 'l ,~:.,: l'i ~".~~ ~,~;~II..leJ~lb~~ml..~il.I!p'~d'~t...-... .UJ~'~ .~,~ 4. DOWN PAYMENT: '.. ~ : .' :.::,~" ',:: '. }~;::./r "';~!fi,J{~t,~,\r~~:~. .~ o Deposit'. ~l ~'~J,'1 ","'. ",,~..~H$~"~ 0 .:olIll~or~!!\\y'y ; , ;f.,l...tt tA.,ft"f'.. ~~\ -,n~~~J. f1, ,pO(1'..K"'!c';J~f~~;~ n . AddltlonalCashb " ..,f.$~;'O.,~lir!\I,~;I~1 l"! ,''"If.'")I''.'~' 1'l'7ol"~" "",......~~,,~....~}t.,l!..~.~~"\l , NetTrade-lnAllowance-;!) /.~",."!JIl'$r'~"l "', :~~' ., TOI~1 Dow~pay~~~i~,~1~~r~~:,.~~.'~n;1~~~[: '1' .~ 1 It ,\",. I" ,,. ., ~l \,Il~~~:~~.' r.~Jll. t,,:,,~~ t:i,tl-!;1Qtl;1 -- 5, ,:~~IN.FULL,~J~H rr '\i~""'!''''ijS3-?~ .., ...,In .r.., ! REMARKSO;~n'\':\IH on.t::li'l't \01'. "'.~;;:\:;/ ._....l,-i........."'- .. ." .,.."" .:;~.: ,I' I . ,. ';~. " h"~ ,hi( ~,.1l'}'t'I.!.1~~,~'..~~'(l~l\ lI,iJ&np.f.~I(,'(Q(l < ",e~., hlbll u,l\...a,P,BrJ,!!!.!~~g~ee.!l",e~~O~!l. ilriJlti'VM' ;iitl., I, "',~i"~r\1f"' '~i'lfI"I''''''! t"iirit' 'r'to . eft , . JJ.- "" ,,. '\I" 1'1, ..,,;~::r:-,n. ~, '~~' ..:!:~. "..~. ,Q '-.,L/ J ~ h"\I~n'tH1r Pf!:"'r,~. .1 tt9'nu" '"9f1'1'1""OQ I, - "' ~!1 ,,..,_ 'u'~",ftjl'.;..'U p.ntaJf10~ ,.,.,. "T 1j 'll " ,I ' -j j :;:.,." 'j, ,,". INSURANCE: No I".uranee Is required by Seller In this Contreet, :11'(~C ~but Buyer may purcnase tho followIng coverage. for the pDIk:y terms and rl. ! ,..(. p"!"!'!urn.indlceted t~rough :>eller,. \~, '.' ,,:,,", ,",,, ", , . ..,., r . ,,,,~~. '. , ~ ,\" '.. ' . "'~ '1-. 'II., ',t' I. 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