HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-3-17 <i .. RESI~NTlAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT , 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 /11 '::5rl I J ..... Receipt ,iI. . Job Location: II rlJJ F" ~ .--111 '0 ~'"\ [}-.;#{.D)? 1'7 () 3 d- 7 c; ( Tcz Lot # 06 ((j<Of) A8GeSB01'3 Map II Subdivision: Q.mer: F"-'./. JYbOU"'Mfl '" AddreBS:3f ~3 Lirv41Jp_ ~T-~ city~~'j~,I,,-I~ [) R Q~m,' n Addition n Remodel I)<J Hobi le Horne Date of Application (;ontractors I J GeneraL ~, IJJ.JIJPJAI, - 0AA1.O /I J tf'>1)J1i'~ ' 3-1"7-r8~ '- PLwnbing Electrical Uechar.ical. COP'UJtn.tl!tion. Lend~r Phone: 7;;)'fsJ- 9- Ci./7 Zip: q 7Lf II \ \ )) II <;:D Describe fl'ork: hL- lulL f1t1 H ,~Uf VaLue -lIq~, ';";1\ Siqr.ed: Date: Cv '? ~/7-RK AdiiJoes3 Lisc.# ExPires Phone It is the responsibility of the pel"Tl1it holder to see that all. intJpection.s are made at the pzooper tim~, that each .:;ddres8 is readah7..e from the street, and that the permit card is "Located at the front of the property. -Bui!.ding Divicwr: approved plan shalt T'emain on thE Bui'lding Sit;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:,CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number~ job adC:toCS8~ type of ir.:Jpec-;;icn l"~questl.:d-ar.d when you /JiZZ be ready for inspeation~ Contractors 01' Owners-ncme and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 a;':'l will. be made the same dcy~ requests made after 7:00 am will be made the nezt :J01'king day. RI'tn:.Ji-e.p.~ T7'lRpt:Jl'!t1:r.7'l!?" SITE INSPECTION: To be rrruie after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICA 1; & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is .::lovered. o o o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrruie after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUlW PLUMBING. SEWER. W.<1TEl~ DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi'l- ,Ling trenches. o o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBTNG & MECH4NTCAD: To be made prior to instal'lation of floor insu1..ation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to insta'll.ation of floor insu'lation or decki,," . ROUGH PLUMBING. R"-'ECTRICAr, & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered- ~ ur.ti L these inspections have beer. made and appl'oved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRAl.!ING: Must be requeated after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal & mechanicaZ. At! roOfing bracing & chinmcys~ et.::. l1T'..lst be ~'completed. No work is to be con- ""-,cealed until. this inspection has ~be~n made and appl'Oved. o D D o o FINAL PLUMBIIIG o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL 10 o .Your City' Desigr.ated Job Number Io: gOO z-zf O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insu'lation w.d ., required vapor barriers are in place . . but befol'e any lath, gypswn boa:rd or waU covel'ing is app7.ied~ and before . any insul.ation is conceaLed. I DE/.10LITION OR gOVEE BUILDIilGS :J Sanitary Be:Je1" :::apped at p~op~rt"~ line =:J Septi::: tank p-.ii.:ped and fi7.Z.e~ with gra~el O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywa7.l is in place, but pl'ior to any taping. . --, Final - [{hen ab..."Ve ite:?Js are completed ~ and when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. O MASONRY~ Steel location~ bo1uI beama~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance wi th U. B. C. Section I foJobi le Hcmes 2415. O WOODSTOf5J After installation is C;o ~BZOCking ami Sat-up completed. :::::t1 "7 b' . and ~3 --f-J PI-W7l 'Lng connect1.ons -- sauer water D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms \2t Electrical Conr.ection - Blocking, set-up QI'e ereated but prior to pouring .s: ~nd plumbing connections TTr..lst be approved concrete. . before requesting elec:ncal in8pectio~ D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- . . crete paving within stl'ect l'ight- ~ AcaesGol"d Bu-:. ld::.ng of-liX:Y~ to be made after aU exca- vating c~let~ & form work & sub- ~Final _ Aftal' porc1:e8~ sHl'ting~ decks, ' base matel'1.-al 1-n. place. . 55 ~ etc. are complet~d. . o PENCE: When compl~te -_ Provide gates or movable sections thl'OUgh P,U.E. o D All project conditions~ such as the installation of street tl'ees, c~~Zation .of the required 'landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection rm.J.8t be requested after the Pinal PZumbing Electrical, and Mechar..ical InspectionD have been made and approved. ~Ar;L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/fElIT TO BE J.L1DE AT NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO. ~ Z7flsOLAR ACCESS I Zone: OacuDanct/ GA Lot Sq. Ftg. WT TYPE S of lot G::roeragc Interior .II of Stories Cornel' TotaL Height PanhandLe Topography cut-ds-saa , I I . I I I I I I. I I I (\.f3frJ~ I ''20 1-\'1 I ;)~, . cYZ) 1-1} I 1.2,C:; I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' ,;)0/'20 ,Pr7' ~.st: I lITEM SQ.FTG X I Main I Gc:i'aae I Carport I Accessoru TOTAL VAWE IS,D,C. 'VaLUe) 1.5 x Building Permit State Su1"cha:roge Total Cha...."'gea lITEM I NO. I FEE I Pirtu:res I I I Residential (1 bath) I I I Sanitary Sewer I I I Water I I I I PLumbing Permi. t State Surcr,apge Total Charaes I ITEM NO. t Res. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Cil'cui ts I Temporary Serovice I Electrical Permit State SuraharQ8 Total Charces iITSM I Furnace PTY r S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan j WOodstove I I NO, I I I I Permit Issuance Meahanical Pem t State surcharae TQ+.,.,1- rhrrrorraR ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~~ Devosit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit Total Chal'acs CUrbcut I Sid_Lk I Pen:::e I Electl'ica 1, Labe 1. . I MobiZe Home I S/r- f I I I I I I I I 1143,% 1-'- )")... I I I ,. Value ^ ..-,r'i,J V\(~_ CHAHGE FEE I I I ., Is; ,00 I I ' 7s I - ~ I I I, <). 751 . I I I CHARGE I I I J5, 00 75 -6). 15.75;. FSE I I I I , I I I I CIIARCE t'c.ge 2 REQ.- L-COG~ ". . I I Enel'Gu Sources I Heat [ I Water Hp.atp1" I I Range I I Fireplace I I wood:;tove II Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: .'. I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISou th IWest TUDe Setbacks I Hou.se l Caraqe I I I I I .1, I Access. Fees Building Value & Pe rm it This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid constl'Uction 8haZl~ in aZl 1'6SpcatsJ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieldJ including the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating the construction and UDe of buiZdings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ,. IPlan Check Fee: I Dat. Paid: IHeceipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, install, alter 01' change any new 01' existing plumbing 01' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- oant. " Electrical Permit Where State LaJ.J requires tr.at 'the ~lectrical' work lie dime by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Con-tractor. Mechanical Permit Pi-an E:J:cnnner va". I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shall. be done in accor- dance :vith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ [g..;s of tha State of Ol'eg.:m pertaining to the work described herein, c:n.d that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onZy contractors ar~ e~ZQyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this project d~~/f2_._.:M._ Signr~d 3 '. (1,-f~ Date ,.' ~ ~'1"1"f\"i'\l~, , ~ . . """~."'~ , ~j. "'f1C"......~'-:a:-'"!:~......~., ....,... ....':.....'~I rf';' .} '"'.. :itJlP",:~ 1iIl' 'REAr. "',j ;.Ii. ..'i .. ~ fi.,' 'r ;~.. .J 'l,.~.... l~ ..t:..., 11 ""'. I~' ";' .;; ,. ,:", '~'!" ", r I' {' ~,I'{ . 'W., ~"I" ~~':':' r[' ~.:; I; ~1C" t l~';, ~. . ~') .' ~:. . f,; ';. [. j;:r f.' t. !\;< ?i' t f , ~',:- ~ 1EY'.; ~.: !l!,', ~' ~. :~;, ',~ . " " !', ~;.d '~',;.: ," ~r t'l" l{;,,:-,. ~" e'Y ~;;'-' ~"".~~ ID.'!':' !J" . ;~i; ~VJ:':; l :~~;:.~ ~'f.(",,' ~l:~. ""':. ~~< ~~""", ~~-d. ~~.,~:;, ' ",.$::.~ .~..~. '. ."" . '-~" ; ..-':1[" ~ "~"", ..,; '~..,l, ,'~, "". ' , ,~'_",.. c,' ," ""~,\-,'''~ i!~,~~~'$~"UV-;!:,~.~""~u-t:~~~.",, '~---' J4ift--"'-~;".""",*,,. . " . .~ iii ~ il ,1 i '~i. " , , ,', '. " ~1 lJ ''': " , ..... .,r"'~ ',' EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT AND lAGREEMENT OF SALE .~- The undersigned "purchaser" hereby agrees to purchese the rnot:llMt home decribe<las follows: NAIll. YEAR SERiAL HUMBER li ~.\ '\ " LENGTH WID'" IiIODEL o \ 9 S9. "':i)' '5G t:/.;' 11.\ .CJSt>,')(',r <;kyL,,:\ ': \1:\-;') ..... P"''''''' _oI.f-)\"'<2. 1t0v1<'/''',('~ .~.,;"'c \;\<<.",~Kd.. .JO\\O.QM..... on the loIlowylg termS, 10 WIt; LE.rnesl money, hereIn reoelpled IOf, 01 ;' .~, )" ,~ . 2,On____.,__ ,19___,addttlonalnmellm0n8ylnamounlof ....... ._3 Cj(j, (ic; <?IS C; () Ji'rJ 1 } .,: ~ ,! .ri " ~ J . i1.' "'~ -l j .~ ,I ;{ I U 'I \ . :j " :1 .' , 3. BBlance 01 down pe.ymenl needed 10 clOSli . .. 9~,^ (lr'. ~ balance 01 shiH b8 paid as 1olIowa: I, ":""",:,,~ . L C.^)"~,, . ..,:'> . I 1\ (l:.....(J\I,(\ \ n . IIf putehaMr .~ 10 Il&IUI'M an..iStIng Il~~__, purchaMr IhaII pay all rllQUi~ auumpclon, c:rd CheCk 8Ild like len, and 8tIo, shall ~ the MIler for IutnI / Nldinr.urv.accountl.l . ~~ "1'-'" S!*.'a'COnd'Ilo'''. 'b::t;.~w,\ ^'. pl1lJ>k RII/,Jj7,~I'1 \~ :I.:\~"t'~ '.C_'-"".M."jlk/s .....r~.y.)v~.L...:..i.L;..._ct\>~_w.d"", _t~"A1~~~....-.:r..~~~ ~zt ~'\M~ IJ-f . -:. _ .~.- t.~ f"'-11I':J ~ I ,~." '1.'-'~. ... ;Ii'). ,_ ,.... ! P'lPt) _ r- A'}" .-1 '" ~ t; ',_. ...""--, ... \J' ..; 0 '.J.- - ~f .~ I - ~ ~- "". .'....,.... ,:jl...:iJ. Lv. 1"~"i1>'.:r:11.:t'. . '-.' ~~ apeetlicaUy agtMCI...n. ahalI transfer We 101M abovedMCrbdproperty frMlrom.atIl1ena and encurntIranCH. TuatOJ IheQ,llT..-d_.,.....p.e. rent and otMr 8lmDarchargnQtlmpolitlonslhalMprorI.teclt.fwMnpurc:haer and"'" onanduoflhe~OIdoIin9. selJersl'lallpay dllnaJ _bib endc:h8rlJieonendaotthedD of cto81ng. and pU1'ChaHr shalllNm reimburse eel.., lor luel (011, propane 01' 1M like) on hand. The Ale #~ purd1ue 0 shaD ~ not be doled In actOW, ~ the costa and ....... thefeof ahaII be shared equally b<<wHn MIler and purt:hPer. 1111 agrNd thai " MIler does not *PI)I'O\1I the IIboYe saJe wtIhin the period at tlme betow apec/fi<<I, 01' II tor any reason tltIe to the moOiItI home canot be tranafenwd !rom sen.r 10 buy..-. Of IIMIIef, h.ving &CCepledthe sale. falls 10 c:onsummatethe aeme wllhlnthe lime apecIf\ed.1he eernnt rnor'Ity herein reoeipled IOf shall be refunded. II Miler &p9t"oves the IaIlt and IN Un. is Ifllnst.rablll as herein required Or agreed 10 and the purchaser fallllo complete the pun::I'lllMOfOlherwise comply with any conditions of M1e.1 thetim.~, then the eameat money and any additional nrnesll'l'lOf'llly shall be forfeited ..llquIde1t1d damagee to the seller. Seller ehall rWnbur-.. Greal Western Mobile HomeI SeIes & Uslings. Inc. thnfrom all actual actvertlelng and related expenen, put 10%. and ttweon this ~ shaD be of no further .lfect. In the ~ IUi1 or action IhaII be InstiIUled upon this .' the; ~ pert)' shall beenlltled to rec:ov.r from theother~(J.wtIn) In .tdIliOntoc::om rddisburMmentS, auch &urn U 1M c:Ourt Ih8II adjudgtI ru.son8bIea" 81loiney', fee in audi suit Of ectlon.1licI on any 1IpIMa! thereof. . AIt plumbing, he.llng and COOling lIxtu... and ~ w....I'INWI. IIIecCrtC IIgtlI f1Jrturn. IIgtlt ~ and 1Iuor-=-nl!amps, balhroorn llxturM, ......uan bUnds, ~ and cuttaln rodS, window and Goor acrMM, sam doors and wIndawI. W8II-1O-Wd~, .beNd IInolwm, ' " JangII, oven and refrigerator PCSJPI '>ot\-~-\ are to be left and Inct..Idltd In thai ~ to be purchued. In 8ddItIon,.... following dMc:rIb<<Il'-"M"'lIIIlio IncIudeClln 1M property 10 be purctI8Md for the price ~ &boW: h ~......\ ,) , ~ <('1,..\ ?\!I" / -:: CO'. 'll-t.-- . j'..... . ~,.. 'J' \ .,.1. . .-} j 'I 1 J "j , j j " 1 ! 1 1 , ,,1 I , '~ ;, i I I :I .~ TIme ilalthe~oICN8 . II"~, and the ..and purchaHlhaII beClOMd andlhepurchaerllh8llbtl entitled 10 pounaiononOl'befcn Vm( J ".w 1M *"" 01" I aNI MbIndng IClOf'IChehelrl....... . . succeDOI'Sand&liligns otthepurd\aMfand....pnMdIId. ~.lnChe went any 8Um0l' IloIITII remainunpUlto.....undlrlt'lllWmlIWeol' aftel'pun:::MMr l8entll*tto~.1he ~.ngttts he.-.undsrmlly notbeuslgnedw\thoultheprlorwrittenconMl"ll at :~H'S'R. rL(~i'~ tL "I-{IlU( 1~'IMMAtl . .' hereby 8Cknowt<<l;es receipt oIlhe wttNrI and ad. '. ., thel no wanenty. ". ,,:. t. :lOn 01' I'lal bMn maclII by the aeIIel' 01' his agent which has been relied upon by purchaser e.cepe as set Iortt1 in writing In this agreement. Pun;haMr '*-by expressly agreea to purchaM the above Ontrit)ed property in its preMnl: condition .1 1M pra and upon thIllerms above sellorth, .nd don "...eby granl to GrealWestem MoOt'- Home S8IN & Uslln;s. Inc.. 5*iod0l _days herNfW to MCUN...... accepl.~ hereOf, during whictt periOd the oft.,. her*n INd. m.y no! be wIIhdtawn 01' rwoQd. Purd'tue,8cIl. . I ttlalthepl'Opllrty~specIfi<<llspurct1aMdlnlt8anuntcondltion, ..A8IS...andth.IIhe.....NOWARRANTIESEXPAESSORIMPLlEO.INCLUDING MERCHANTABILfTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. .xcept to the.lIhInt expr...ty I'IIINIn .' , . by the ..u.... T...~IO..i'...""""'..-EJJ.~.~_.:;li. 'c I-(~<.;:L AJ\""\,'J~1 /l'l.~ 0... MJI,;',<{ 7 I~'t": /1)//,;-..) -....' -,("'2 ""p.l.FJ((I'I" .iJ 12 P"-~'~'. / -.a--\,o - - ._~ ,. .___. I L--:....1"'-,' ~: 7;) {~)17 '. C; f2.L- Purchaser'~ j.! ~.. j , '. .".- /,~' (;,i~.:.-;, t..-. .J.:>~..J Inc. hereby acknowledges receipt of ~.mesl mon.y from the purctt8SfJf in !he amount of .',' :~--/ ".--y ...,.L."...,j'., .....,. RECEIPT OF EARNEST MONEV: Gr..1 Westem Mobile Home Sales & Ustlngt. Inlt'lllfannol (J..~~~) " .--L~'" '; GREAT W\STERN MOBILE HOME SALES. USTlNGS, INC. j_lt / BY A{)f" ~ II .1 W"/J , v / .J~ ~~ 1 , " " DATED~ 1 ,..~ AGREEMENT TO SELL: The undersigned Mllfl1 does rw..tly agrM to sefllhe etlove lMIcribed property upon the temlS and conditions ~ .-cif*'. and doeIl'lllrllby lIgfM 10 pey Gre.t Weslem Mobil. S.Ies 6 Llltings. Inc. % for servIceS r.nderedln ltIislr.nsactiOn. The I. . doesalso .0"" tofumish Iltle.. reqW9f:f he.-.by. and does ecknowledge receipt of a copy of this ag....m.nt. (: ~, Dated: . , " J~ 'f 1''!- :, .,\ ,', ." \$, .~ .~;~ .~ f,; ., .tl ,~ . ...... Address: ., ,'Phone-' ~'"' " " ;5F~P*b~ JY7cGMrrufl . .-' ;1\- ql \/ f'/bbr I~ 8) "- it> hi e.. ./ t / \ D I 1 . r'lV<?vJc\y ~ S'l\r. f Ol. "SO \/\h e. /'5/ Y S I cJ e- 'We\. ((< ! \