HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-8 .. RESID'NTlAL '.. APPLICATION/PERMIT . 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 \ ' "'.'. < ..Tob Loc:ltion: it fJn F;; / I) O-~ ,'r-\l/D l.-{'\r:#f 0 7 !J./'3( Db (n /H) ABae.saor~ Map /I I Subdivision: I I Cl.l,.." m,."k T. <::::J.yxr-.YvI V\. AddmS:d- d-.3(f) f,f. I [~ Cityi~V'; ~~,~ t~ I ~~, , QN~' n Additicn I n Remodel If)(] I ,'1obi 1.2 Homa ( Date of Application lj -t/t~ l..'ontraC:01'8 .. '._...:. ...,.-.'-..0:-;.... to ....., ~:.'.... .~. SPRINGFIELD T= Lot R Phone: 71./7-~ 7n0 Zip: Q'7(/'77 . . Value Genera Z l. Plurr.binq ',;,;-e53 (h/l'?~ Ub;;&AA-/ /)~',!'W{7/L/ j OAA/J1/J A j E!c=:::-i:::o.:::! . ..... Rcce{pt ,Ii //d!/Gf I ., v~ \1<)0 \ l d--' 4 Lf"r ( . Siqr:ed: Date: C-U c/-'f- rl Lise. if E~il'CS Phonc .j Ne::har.ic::L ; t Col't.$tl"'Uction LendeI' .It ill the responoibiZity of' the permit holde]" to 86e that all inapections are r.tade at the propel" tim€.. that e~ch ~ess is l'e~!.l f'l"Onl the Btreet, and that the permit card is z.acated at the frent of the property. .Eui~i~~ ir;vicio~ approved plan shc~~ remain on the Bu~~ding Sits at a~~ times. PROCEDURE FOR IIISPECTIOIl REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rceorderJ state your City desig1"..:zted job mQ:-:ber~ job ad&css~ tl'pe of in.~pee;:ic'l ~aquestcd a~d ~hen you uiZl be ready Jar ir.spcction~ Contractors or Owne~s nome end phone number. Requests receiv~d cefere 7:00 ~ ."ill be made thf; same dcy~ requests mcde aft~ 7:00 ern IJiZZ b:z made the nat :.JOrkin; day. Re01.~i""l?d T~lrDI"~ticl'l!f '0 SITE IllSPEC':'I01.': To all made after ezcavatian~ but prior to se: up of forms. O U,'IDERSLAB PL{jf.fBIllG. ELECTRIC,ll. & ,'.!ECHA.::ICA[.: To be made before any ~rk is ~ouared. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erectad~ but prior 1;0 pourir.g cencret~. UNDERG.f!OUND Pl.Ul.fEINC. SE(~R. W.1TE.q~ DRAII1AGE: To be fTKl.:ie priOl' to fi'L- Zir.g trenches. [] o lJtlDERFLOOR PLW..'BI.'IG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to insta'LZation of f!oor insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaU.;:ticn of flool' in8~lat:ion or deckin;. [J o flq!JG.~ '?LU!.'BT!!G_ Er;E~?!CA[. & /fECR- AIlICAL: No :Jerk is to be c::oL'ered until thoslI inspections haue beer. made ar.d approued. FIREPLA.CE: Prior to pZc.cir..!J fac::ing materiai..s and before framing in spec::- tior:. =:J I ::J FRA!~I!!G: l-tJ.st be requeDted aftel' appl'ou~l of/rough pl~hina~ alec::tri- cal & mecha~i.zaZ. An roOfing . bracing ~ chimncys~ et~. m".lst be . completod. iNo LX)rk is to be con- ... cec.led until thia inspection has . b(;en mad~ and approt,'ed. . --...... SIDEWALK & DRII'EWAY~ For all con- crete paving within stpect right- ~ Ac.zesso~i Building of-wc.y~ to be made after all exca- vating ccrnl?l8t~ & form l>>rk & sub- 1?r Final _ After ':'~rcr.es~ base matenal 1.n pZaae. s(: a etc. are compZe;:c1. /. Your Ci ty Deoigr.atcd Job NwrIber 13: o INSULATIONIVI1POR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul=ti~n a~~. roquired vapor carriers arB in plaeQ but cefore any lath~ gJjpsum boa.1'd or wll covering is applied~ and before any inaulation is concealed. fEog,f)r; I DENOLITIO:.r OR gOVE; BrJILDI:.'CS ~ Sanitary Be-..Jer ~app8d ~.t rr:.op~rt:-:1. Zir.e =:J Septi~ tank p"-",?cd a~ filZ~d IJ'ith gra-:.:e~ \ ' :J Final - ({hen Moue ite."7Is ar8 cCfTrPletcd a~d when d~Zit:ior. is\camplete or Stru~- tU~e mooed and pr~3eS,\Ze~ned up. ..----~ o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To b8 made after all drywlZ. is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. ~SONRY: Steel location~ bond b~am3~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241~. Mobile Hemes ~BlOCki1ig and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa:er ~ Elcctriaal Conneotion - Bloaking~ Bet-up ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ~Q appr~~,d before requesting sleo:riaaZ. il'lBpeatio~ sk~rting~ deck.s~ All project conditionD~ Duch a8 the instalZation of stpeet trees~ ao~loc~an of tne required landsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquest3d. ~ FIliAL PLU1.!BIlJG :=J FIliAL MEoHANICAL =:J FINAL ELEC':',qICI..L I o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted alter> tho Final Plumbing Electrical~ and Mechar:ical InspectionD haua been made and approuad. o o WOODSTO!'t: ccmplet€d. After installation is t;U ~ CURB & APPFiOACH APRON: Alte:- forms are ope~ted but prior tc pOUMng ~? \X1narete. ~ "'AI.I- '.!A.':HC:..r:S AND C!.F:A:\'CU~"S ,'fU~T !J.t; ACC::8~.TE!.r'. Ar.!US?'.'~.""::'!' TO EE ,'.~1[)E' /'.'!' 1:0 (''::1ST TO CJ'!''! D o o ~ENCE: When compZ~te -- Prouide gates or mouable sections through D P.U.E. . o JQ B NO': ,()~D~O 1 ., , SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG""" T;'pe/Cor:st: Bec:.roor.:s: :Zonc: Oc(:U.pancu Grou;?: WT TYPE: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth East ISouth IWest I I ,Erter'n:J SO<A.rcas I I Heat I I II : I I II i TiJrre I I I I I I I I I I /41./7:81 t201--,,1 ;;2F) ,00 j_l~ ( - ;;2t:) I I Lot Sq. F~. 1~ of lot C~erag~ ! ,# of Stories I... ... .., U . h- I ~o..a(. ..el.{j .. ; ! Topography I !TEN , I,'.lain ! G.:2"f7C~ 1 Carver: i I Aceessor:J sr.. FTC TOTAL VALUE: , IS.D.C. 1.5::: (uc:t.u(:) Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha:"ges : ITEM : Fi....-ru:res I NO'1 I I I I .Residential (1 bath) ISar.it.:try St1IJct' I : Water ?!:.L,:,:b-:.r.g Perr.:i.t State Surcr.a.rge T~taZ Charaes ,:TE:.! 1110., I I I I I I . .~I!t'J. Sa. fta. I N3LJ/E:rtend Cirocui ts ;T~~rary Service E!e~trica! Pe~t St::te Sur~harqe Tota! Charces :7'2'.! i liD., F" f'tao?1.:Ice STU'S E=haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I iloodsto:Je I I I I Permit Issucmce Me~hanic:::! Permit State Surchal'OC Tota! Charae~ -- ENCROACHIIE,VT -. Se~~ritu De~o3it Storage Nairltenar:..::c Pcrmi t Total C7u1.'roc8 CUr';'C'.l"t sidewZk Perl:!e !1.ectr1:cal LabeL .'-Iobile Home S( (l _ :'.'1,1L A!-.'')1!,','!, DU~:" Interior Corner Panhandle Cu Z-de-sac Setbacks l House Caraae i I 1 Wr.ter Ynateo'!' R(P1Fc Fircvlacc Wooa.:;to~e I Acccss. F:1efl x Value Building Value & Permit FEE: I I I I 1/?JOr5tJ I i I I I I I I Thia permit ia g~nted on the express condition that the 6~id.construction shalZ, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar:.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance, reguZc.til1g the conotru.:otion and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at c~y time upon vio- lation of any pr~visior.tJ of said ordi~ ~-- .~'--~ it,'/' I I. J:l:E! r;~'J~~ Date Paid: Rec;;,ipt #: Signed, ~~: I I I I I I l5,oOI . -/51 -- 1-;J \ 1(5.751. I CnARGi.' i I I I I I I I / .c). 00 I I' . 751-~).. I I,'), 7. 'll . I CHARGE: Plumbing Permit No percon chalZ construct) instal!) aZter or change any neW cr e=isting pZumbing or drainage syst~ in whole or in part, ~r.Zess such person is the Zegalposs6BBor of a valid plumber's licenso, ercopt trAt a person may do pl~bing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. FI:'=' Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electricaL work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor) the electricaL portion of this permit shalZ root be valid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. CHARGE Mechanical Permit , I. I I I . Plan Exanl1..ner va"e I HAVE CAREFULLY SXAMINED the eompleted application for permit) and do horeby certify that all i~fo:"mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work porfor:ned shalZ be dane in acoo1"- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and thz Ltr..;s of tho .. State of Oreg.:," p~rt.2inina to the work described herein, and that NO OCC!J- Pt.NCY will be made of any~ structur2 without parmis3ton of the Building Di- vision. I further certif~ that o~ly contra=tors wui e~pl~ye~B who are in c~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project .-. /5'6.,15 ~?!aA/~"..~ fute J - / .)-- 88 . ~.. ~"., .. ~: . z. ~1- ',', 3< ~J: I ~!.' .I r" i '.J :1,1 .' ,. . ~, f ~ . l~.-' !~t . u," :oIl;. :--;,~. .S.. l~' 4 " ~. . .~ r; - Ii' 1 l" r> , ,. ~'. fr ~ l' F-- ," :~~\~. 4 " 'I.'.J......:..., ,.~; ...~~.. . ~~-=cl_~__~_Z_~_._._~~~.~O ~ ,Ii'-, / .:,. \ \ , . -_....- --1:-- -- , , ~ r \ . : r'" \ ~ , . "'_ J.... \::. \j ,j I, J? -~~/ \ ./ ~\ . \ ~) Cl ' .\ ----.t \ \ \ I '. , , \ , . \ , , I \ / '-~" - ~ -- - -- - ~ - , ( r \ '\.. .-..--.-. ....-.. ;e! , I , ''/ , . I ~,j\- ;. I' I ...' ....' I , +(-:-h'\C_ .:5 ,':~V~~' \ +2 \J' ,. ..'" \ , . ~,' f ~j .~ "'-' ".. \ \ Xt \ r/ ,0 I'. .Jj. I --_00-.1 \ \ ..~ \ \. \ , \ \ .\ \ \ .. \ \ \ I ~.. ~_ f I 'I"'" \~ .~I ",I~". '.~ I, 1 ' .. \;. ',/'~. \ \, I'"' _+'_ I 10( >:.:.)(,) . !.. i , , i , \ , , i I I I I , , , . I .-- I . t I I I I l \ I i. i , ! , , , ~ -,--' --.-- I I I I ! , . . ~ . -----......--.--.-- -\--- , ..\_...._...,c."_.._...____ ( .' . . We, Edwin L & Tonilee Baker, are selling our mobile home to Mark T. Shannon and Hope M. Haven for the amount of $ f.,) 700,0' . Make: Skyline Serial: 864 X-Number: 159648 Year: 1978 Width: 14 Length: 60 , ~~~~ ~~~K Seller (Baker) '\ \ ~~~ Buyer' (Shannon & Haven)