HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-18 (2) Rcce~r:t ~ Ir-z. af) J.~" · .. RESI~T1AL" APPLICATION/PER/lIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location.: II :J- 0 F t:Wi. u t.:eW #&'5 ASDesoorz Map fJ SlAbdivision.: ;/ ;1 /7 Omer: Im~f ~;t: Addr.../?OS- Sf S-L(-;-I/ /1 </ City: n n n N6I.1 Additicn Remodel I)(l !1obile Boma Lj-/r- if. Date of Applicaticn t;ontrac:'ors r. 1 . Vn-<t r{ General Plumbing Electrical Me~har.ic.::.I COftBt1"&.lctiO'l -/ . \,~A . " ....... CYU.J~ Lender Xa Lot # Phon.: '/'Iht.(C//C/ Zip: Describe 'I'ork: ~U - tJ/cLe /J1/i W~ Dr Va lue ~~, Ot/O I '. f , ~ / \ \0{ Siqr.ed: Date: tC L{-III-fK AtUires3 1?7-t I /I Lise." E:vir.:!s Piton.:! It ill tn. ,.ellpon.tti.bi1.ity of the p~t hOlder to 8S8 that aU. inopections are r.uuis at the proper tint/;# t1-.at each :;ddress is rea.1.2Dt... from tM etJoeet# aNi that the permit card. i8 Zocated at the f1"Ont of the property. "Sui!.di~ Divi::im: approved pl.an shaH remain on tho; Buii.dinp Sit:; at all tUn/;s. PROC!:tJu.r!E Fon INSPEt:7'IOll REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state tlour Citl( desian:z.ted job ntu."'.ber.. job adCrCBB.. type of in3pec~iC71 raquestca a;o-.a 1J.':en you uil.Z. be ready for ir.spection.. Cont:ractors 0;' Owne:-s. name ~d pizane number. Requ€sT:S received befere 7:00 ~ lo.'il.1. be made th~ Bame dcy~ requests made after 7:00 a-n L1i1.I be made the next :x;rking day. RptnJ~~pq T"~~~~r.ir.~q O SITE INSPEC":'ION: To be r.ude after e.xcavation# but prior to 8e~ up of form.. O UNUERSLAB PW/.f9INC. rLE:C1'RIC,1L & f.fEC!:);:IC':'L: To be made hefoT'e any work is ~ovcred. [] FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TIOll: To be muie after trenches are excavated and forms azoe erected# but prior ~o pourir.g ccncret~. UND!RG.I:?OU.','D P'[.UMBINC, SEWER. W.1TE.~ DRAIll/"G2: To be made prior to fii- ,lir.g trenches. =:J =:J WIDE.I:?FLOOR PLUf.!BI.'JG t. J.!ECHANICAL: To be maae prior to in.naLZ.ation. of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To. be made prior to ~nstaLL~:icn of f100r ins~tatior. or dscki71G . ROUCH PLlF.~BI!!C. Er.EC':'p.!CAL t. MECH- ANICAL: //0 :.JOry. is to DC COl,.'erea . .ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing materiaLS and before framing in spec- tior.. I FRA!!ll:r:: Mu:;t be 1'eque:Jted after ---' approlJ.:J.L of rough pLwr.bing.. 2Lectri_ caL & mechani::aL. An roOfing bracing 8 chimneys.. et~. ,",.1st be ;'corrrp1.etcd. No wark is to be con- ,'....cec.Led until thio inspection has . bf>en mad€: and approved. :J :J :J Yau:t' City Desigr.ated o!ob Rumba Io: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I,"ISPECTION: To be ",.ade after all. insuL.:tian a:-.d rcquired 1Japor barriers are in ptace but before any Iath.. gypsum beard 01" LXIZZ covering is applied, and before any inauIation is concea1.ed. ff[) 33V I DE/.::JLITIO!! OR ;~:OVEj BUILDI,"'t;S =:J Sani:ary se.JB1" oapped :It F.:'Pi:1"t"~. Iir.e ~ Septi:: tank p-.qo:d a:1d fiz.z.8~ uith ;;ra.~e: -, Final - rfhen abcve ite::zs are ccmpleted ---1 ar~ uhen d~litior. is complete or Btru~- ~ure moved and pr::miaes ::leane:i up. INobiLe Hcmes ~ Blooking and Set-up ~ PLumbir~ connections s~e.r and ~~er . ELc.ctrica~ Ccnnectio~ - Bl.ccking# 8e~-UF. ana plumb~ng conr.ect~ons nr~st te appr~v€~ beforc requesting eLec=ricaL inspectio~ ~ Ac::es::ol'ii Building )(] Fin:1.L - Aft:::r p~1'cr.es, ~ etc. are campl.e=:::d. skirting~ decks# o DRYWALL IllSPECTION: Tc be made after an ciryua.ll is in place~ but prior to any taping. I~SONRY: Steel Location.. bona beam:;.. prouting or verticc.ls in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 2415. D All. project conditions.. ~uch as the installation of s~reet trees.. c~Ietion o{ the required landscc.pir.g# etc. ~ must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDII.'C FINAL can ~e requ.est3d. ~ FIliAL PWI.fBIIIC :::::J FIliAL l.fE:oHM/ICAL =:J FINAL ELECTRICAL =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Bui1.ding Inspection must be reque3ted a.rter the Fin::zl PZumbi"3 E1.ectricaZ.. ClJ'/.d Hechar.ica1. Inspection:J hava been made and approuzd. o o WOODSTO'IE: After installation is ccmpLet~d. -AI.L /.fA-!:Her.ES AND CLEANOUTS Ift.1ST BE ACCE:S~IBr.E.. ADJl.'S:.'~"I'!' TO BE ~!.1DE I.'!' no C='ST TO C~Y I P:::r.9t? ! of 2 o CURB /: APP.1?CACP. APROrJ: Afte:" forms are cre~ted but prior to pouring con::1'ete. D SIDEWALK 1: DRn'F:t/!.Y: For all con- crete paving within strect right- of-fiX:.Y~ to be made after all e:rCQ- vatinp compLete & fo~ work & tub. base material in pla.::e. O !"E!.'~E: Wher. compI.zte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E, ' o ?fD ~JL( SOLAR A:;.lESS OcCUDanc'J C~ LCT TYPE IJOB ! Z""., NO. Lot Sq. F:';. I :If lot Caucrag:: .Ii of StOM.es Total Height Topography I !'!'E.~f 'Main I S:;.FTC Cc:raep Carocrt IACCCSSOl"U TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 :: IVC'UC) BuiZdir.g Permit State Surcharge Tot.:l Cha......ges lITEM ! Fi.....-nu-es IResidentiaZ (1 bath1 I Sar.itarlJ I I Wate.~ I Ser..'Cl' Plur.:bing Perr.:i t State Surcr.ar?e T-.-' Ci-.c.raes /11'::".: I Res. Sa. ft~. jNeulE=tend Cir=uits I I Terrrp::Jrarp SCr",;ice Ele~t;riC'al Pe~t St.=te Sur~ha:rae Total C"na.rces ! !TE.'.~ I I Purn:zcc P'!'U' S 1 E::haus t Hoo:! i Vent Fan ; W::Jodsto"JC Perr:-:-;t;. 13su.:mc~ Me=r.:J.r::.c::.! Perr.:-:..t: Sta:c Surcr.c.rac T~:~Z C'f..rrrOP!I CICROACH/.!t.:','T Se~~rit'J D~=c~it Storace f1aintenar'...:'r Pcrmi t Tet.:! C"narnc:: CUr.?cut Side:.1aZk .r('~r. Electrical Lebel MobiZe H::mp. ::"'OTAL ~t...:;; D~I!::. li.J. I i:.....1 I .....1 I Interior Comer Panhandle Cu I-de-sac x V'GLUe I I 1"330,/:;'0 I. FE;; C;':;'F.~: I I I I I I IS-,cO 1 I 751 Ils( 7S-1 FEE I I /5.00 I I .751 I/S,751. I CH~_"~~ I I I I I ( Lf.5~ B .1..0 :<5,00 SIc- I. 7S 3QQ,oSI. REQ.- . L-COG~ T;pcICor..st .- Be:iroor.':s: I Lot Faces _ I I E"er,'7~ Scr.ir~"s JIJ'r'" I Setback.': I .;'Iea: I P.L: I House I Caraac It.ccess. I I W~1;,.!, Hc:':"~ INortiz I I I fiance lEast i I I I FirlmZace ISOt.ith I I I I I Waoa::tol;e , 'West I I I I I Fees Building Value & Permit This pe~t itJ granted on the erpl'ess condition that the sJ.id. constructior. shall, in all respcctD, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning c:rdinance, l"egulc.ting the ccnstrol.:ticn : and uac of buildings, and m:zy be sUDpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie-! ladon of any pr::1visior:s of said Ordir.ances. ! i I I I I .,r "/'. . IPlan Check Fep..' ICate Paid: IRec~ipt II: ISig:-:ed: Plumbing Permit No perean t:halZ. construct, instaz.?.. alter or change cny r.elJ "1' e--:.sting pZ~~ing or drainage 8yst~ in ~nole or in part, unless such Ferson is the legaL possessor of a valid plumber's license, ezcept tr~t a pe~so" may do pl~bing ~ork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appti- """". . "oJ .J ! ,t Electrical Perm it Vnere State LaJ.J reouires tr.at the electrical work be dane o!J Q71 Sl.ectrical Contrcc:c~, tne elec=~~cal portion of :hia pe~it shell r~:~ce valid ur.tiZ the Label r~s been signed by the Electrical ~on:ractor. Mechanical Permit I I. l'um J:..xcnll.ner LJat.:' I I. I I 1 I HAVE CAREFULLY SXA~!I/lED the completed application for pen:'li:, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true ar.d correct, and I f:.trtr.cr certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ncd shoall be done in aecol"- aance :.n.th tne Ordinances of t;u~ City of Springfield, an:! tn.: La:.:s of tho State of Orepjn p=rt~ining to the work described herein, cr~ :r~t NO CCC'- Pf,llCY will DC m::.:ie of any structw'2 lJitho~t parmis;;ion of the 3uilding Oi. vision. I further ccrtifF th:zt only contractors aJ:.d e:71pl:;,yecs who are in ~pliance lJith CRS 701.0S~ wiZl. be used on this project c/ , I ~/{ (j . !.J -li-S& ." Sign2d CUte 1