HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-5 .. RESID~T1AL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I Job Location: II ;:::}.,() Fn. ~Il" \11'1( W I ABoesooN Nap N li 0 0 d 1 ?1.1 I I I ./t ....~~'."~oft... : .....,....', Subdivision: Q.mer: Rc"l""o4- Se \ \{\.'l""S Address: 1-/ (')( ^ ~ \.-\, (' \r...'rQ y City: '\7" 2f hP \(')R ClN~' n Additicn I n Remo~e! I n ,'}obi!. Hom. , I Date of Application , ! :"'ontrac::ors 4--$- 'i?'<O General. P1.l.01'.bing !'!c.:':-~c::! ". .... .,:. .'~.-''--.o:''''.'' t: ~...;, .....-.~. .,;. ,_-. ',.f"" . 'Rccef..ot fi J/~~ [)(" :#: I,~ ~ Tc:c Lot # DOt.oCO Phone: Lo ~c)( -51..{ D Q... Zip: q 7 i.( O~ I\~O \I?, Descr:'be fl'01"k: 1.\'/1 vb\. WU:k.. N..vb l~ {b\oV--L ~<>- - u..p Sigr;ed: Date: rl oz ..L. \. t.,L-S-8"Y' Value Addres3 Liac.iI ~irC8 Pnonc f.:8char.ic~Z Co:nstl"'Ucti011 Lcndflr _ _-a......- .1: ill :hs responoibi1.ity of the permit hoZder to see that alZ. iru:pections aI'e r.uroe at :he proper time, t}:at each ::ddres8 is l'eadab:e 11"0111 the streetl and that the pcrmi t ca:rod is l.::Jcated at the front of the property. otBui!diro.g Divido'!":. approt.'ed plan shc:ll. remain on thz Bu-:.lding Sits at all. times. PROCSDW?E FOR It/SPECTra!! RE'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated joe nt.o;:ber, job adercss.. tYPB of in3pec:ic11 raquestcd ar.d when you wal be reaa"y for inspection, Contractors or Ot.me:"s ncme end phone number. Reques:s receit.'ad cefore 7:00 c:': ."iZZ be made the Bame dc.y, reqt4.ests made afta' 7:00 a7I wizz. be made the nat :Jerking day. ~A!'!, n~!:l!c;."r:S AND C!.F:A:':CL'':'S ,'tU=T E.r: ACCE'S~!!!!!'. A["IUS'!".'~::'.',!, TO gE :,~1DE' l.'!' !.'O ["';'ST TO CIT'! o o o FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms CU'e erected, but prior to pounr.g ccncret~. U!,'DSRCP!OUND P:"UMEING. SEfiER. W,1TER~ DRAI!!AGE: To be rooae priOl' to f1.7.- l.i.r.g trEnches. [J o UtlDERFLOOR PLut..'BING & MECHANICAL: To be ~4de prior to 1.n3taL7.ation of 1100r insu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.adc pnor to 1.nstaZL:ticn of floor ins~lation or dsaki7IG. 1?()UGH PUJ!,'BI!JG. E'(,ECT?TCATs & MECH- AOICAL: No ~rk is to be co~ered ,untiL these inspections have beer. madB ar.d approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p'lacir.q facing materiaLS and before framing inspec- tior:, I FRAHING: Must bQ. requeoted after --.J appl'ovaL of rough plwr.bing~ Ollectri- cal & mechani.=al. Al! roOfing bracing & chimncys~ et.:). f1r.J.st DB . completed. lIo wrk is to be ccm- . ~ cealed until thia inspection has . bf>en made and appl'Ot.'ed. D [J u .=J FIlJAL FLUXBII1G ~ FINAL f.fE~HANICAL ~ FINAL E:LEC':RICAL I o Your City Deaigr.ated Job Numb€r Ia: ~~ O~q<t D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insulation cr".d raquired vapor carriers a:r'B in place but cefore any lath, gypsum board 01' wU covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DENOLITIO!.' OR gOVE:; St/ILDI.7IJS ~ Sani ~ary seJer aapped =,t p:.oPCl't":i Zir.e ~ Septi:J tank tr..:?ed and fiLZa~ tJith ;11'a~a~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aLL drywal'l is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~MSONRY: S:~el location, bond beam3~ grou~~ng or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241E. I Pinal - rlhen ahcve ite:ns a:re completed ' ~ and when demolition is complete or st~~. tU:'e moved and prc:m.3es cleaned up. D I Nobile Hcmes D WOODSTO~/E: After instaUation is V1 Blocking and Sat-~p acmpZet€d. S -f:::J ~~ ~ Plumbing connections .- 8<wer or.d water CURB & APPFiOACH AP.r::JN: Afto:, ,formst.. V1 Electrical Conr:ection _ Blocking, set-u:; are cre:Jted but pnoI' to pour1-ng Y'...b.J and plumbing eonr:ections rrr..:st ce appr:n,,"e..: concrete. before requesting elec:rical inspec~io~ SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- ~ Acaesso~' Building of-LJC.Y, to be made after azz. exca- vating cCf7lF?l"t~ & form LXJrk & cub... '7l Firt:Jl _ After p:Jrcr.es~ base matenal 1.n, pZa::e. . ~ ~ B etc. are compZe:ed. D o sk-:.rting~ decka, D PENCE: Wher: compL.zte -- Provide gateS or movable sections through P,U.E:. o D ALL p~oject cor.di:iono, ~uch as the instaZlation of S~I'eet trees~ c~~lc;i~n of the required Zandsccpir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINe FINAL can be rzquestzd. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final PZwnbing Electrical, and Nechar.ical InspectionD hava been made and approvad. I ?::':i? 1 O,f' :! L-COG"'" JOB NO. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Bec.roor.:.s: : Zcmc: Occuvancu Grou~: ILot Sq. Ft;. \:: af lot C.:nJerag: !.i! of Stories 1_ , I U .' h' !",o..a ..e..g.. , ! T...t''''~' ....:-hy I!TEN I SQ. FTC I I"'lain I Ccraae , , ! CarvCl"t i . 1 Accessor:J TOTAL VALUE iS.D.c. 1.5= CtU:t.UC} Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha"fles ;!'1'EM IND. : !'L.-t1.4res ,Resid27'ltial (1 bath) i Sar.itary Sewero I . :.late!" t--\obile p.\~ I PZ:...-::b-:.r.g Perr.:i t State Surcr.a.rge Tcta! C1u:racs , :lE:" I flO.1 I I I I I I '.~es.'. Sa. fta. . : N3LJ/Eztend Circui ts : Temporary Service 'HOVli \2... db.u..,,-.. Eleatrical Permit St::.ta Surcharqe Total Ch.mtces ;7'2.'.1 i lie., FEE IUnuce ETU'S E:=haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I iloodsto:Je 1 I Permit Issuance Me::hanic::.l Permi t State Sureharac Tl'Jta l CMT"fJIUI -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sc~~ritu DZ~o3it Storage .Nainte~e Permi t Total C'naracs Cur,!,CO.i: SidezJ~lk .r:'Nl::e !Zectrical Label .l.fobi Le H:xne '5'10 ~flhoL ~~ 144-5 B :",?TAL APfJT!,',"!, DUF':" , ~ WT TYPE x FEE FEE 108 I I I. I, 1 I I I I. I I I I 35,CO /.--(\ 1.'151 ~ ) t#~~/,.~ l-f~ . - Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value I 1 1 I I I CHARGE [5.00 ,15 IS. '15 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ,,'HARCE 1'5,00 .'75 Ie:" 'IS CIIARCE 1 '1 I I I I I I I I T,;'pe/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - . 5atbacks I P.L, House I Caraae North IEnst ISou th IWest I Enern:J So:~rces j Heat Access, I Water .l!l?otp'!" I Ra119P. j Fircolace I I Wc;oci.:;tot:e II T~'C'e Fees Building Value & Permit This pe1"m'"~t is granted on the exprecs condition that the s~:id. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the censtl'U.:otien and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vie- lation of any provisior;s of said Ordir.ancBs,. , IPlan Check Fee, I Cate Pa;.d, IRecdpt g, iSig"ed' I I I I I I .... ...... - I-~\ I, Plumbing Permit No pereon Dhall construct, instal!, aLter or change any neu or e:isting plumbing or drainage syst~ in whole 01' in part, unless such person is' the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr.at a pe~son may do pl~bing uork to property uhich is o~~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I I I 1 1_"...,.. I , . I I I Electrical Perm it W(1ere State LalJ requires that the electrical IJOrk be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, ths electrical portion of this permit shall ~ot bs valid until the label has bE:en aigned by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit PLan Ercmtner ua~e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!1INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f:J.rtheI" certify that any ar.d all !Jork perfomJed shall be do:1e in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ [q..;s of tho State of Oreg;;m p$I"taining to the lJOl'k described here:.n, end =hat NO OCC!J- pl.ncy will be made of any structur2 without parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors and e:rrpl.?yees who a:t'e in compliance with ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this proj$ct .3-/l/-~<g Date ~..z, ~, {1:"">>' [-~~,: ~ :....\ ~~':,;:t,i:..,:./ l~~!~<1' ;rr ~~~{, 11;: .. ~t\ '~(;':i: .iC"-~<~ ~rt ;;.' .}<- i .;; ~~ f.-. :;, ~i' _: i',,:~ ~:s,' t,;-'; ~i:" ~~~.. ~~:. ~\~~.- ~-~ r~)f" riJ.!,.. fI,'''''' .' t'~;.5:. ' V~{l, If:',' fi(> lit:" ~~;. t;.,.'/' r, " ~..;, ,,,. ,;!~ ,t., :1'.; . 11; 'z:,.' ;!,-'1. ,...: ~,' li_,. w~ ' r~~\ ~l?~ ~~''';: ':;,r f!:~.' ~- rJ;-. , f, . ~:,.,:, "; !br:: 1-' "j'#~' :t::.;t .~ '. ;,j,/ .," -p." ;: ~,(,:~:. ~t?..'r ,~~\.,.' , i~fu"I' ,".., ~,*.~ <,~.;' ",~' ....~ " '"~~";""'f"'''''f'''''' ,':f; '~. ,,' ' ,. . ~r"""""'''''''1''1''''1''"')<''' , . 1" . s~. 0.1['- S C~ ....;. 13/~" /:'- A c. r::: 1\/0 DelYFvVAV 12 XSO ~. --~ L._ --.--....-\.... " . - , - . .' -- ------- --'1.\-- ..,~J .J~.~ ....--..l h . i I , ~ i i I I I I I I Mb-ISI/.. E. !-lb ,'1"1 E. Do ~/"- WlcVe ; I i i i I I I I I I I $ IDbWI!i..";: . -- ~ , , oJ, .. ~ ., ~! ...... ,~ f ,,~ rl , ~l > ?~ :)' '.( ,~~ ,) ,\ .i,q ,J ,;, '; n :1 .~i . . -: ~ , ,. .! ~ " -~ of) ,\ ~ ,H ,t . )~ :i '! ." -' , ~f, i) ) ~ ') ;.' ti ,1 i( '1,:'; " ;~3 ,.J '~~ 'f" :~ n. ,~~ ~~ I': " ,. \1 ') , ~i ,. " " , i::i -/ :a '.\ ..1": , , ~'.l ~.-f .,' .1 ,f' ~.l ? ,._~.;:~