HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-4-8 .. RESIDANTlAL" APPLICA~/PERJ.1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 / 1.1 7 57 . ~. .>-' Rcc:e~'Dt ~ Job LoC::1.tior:: J /;:),n fO. 1'f'\Jf-f ~0 Dr', *7 () . / -1 ~.J ;:;; 7 -?;; ( T= Loti Of) fa of) KJ ~C Ctmc", EJ 1'2(Ah.,+-~ Rr~gC\.5 Address: r 'If) fJ'L...J:1.eu t' ~'-3f- City: 5 A nP ('\e ) DR (j Date of AppZicaticn (,.'or.::-rac::ol'S A/J /J // ~/til e! /lP_ r(hu II 17 A..../ / /JADnp.A./ ASGBSGOrZ }.!:JP II Subdivision: n n n rX1 Nt"'.l Addi ticr! Remo.=cr ,'!ob:.Za Hom~ 41 / ~g Phone: 3LfLf-40 / / \\~" Zip: q 7...J. t9 I \\1' I DeJ;;~ _ M d.v $11 -0f 00 valulf'/9rcfd" I)/LI Siar.ed: Date: ~v lj-f( -R"1r Genera 1. ~~~i Phone Plur.-.bing Electrical Mechar.ic::.l ConstJ"tlcnO'Pt Lender" Lise." E==-t.l'{JS It ie the 1"espon.ai.bility of the perntit holder to ass that alZ. inopections are made at the prape:r tim€, tr.at tu:.Ch .:dt.b-eBs is l"'ea.::aD:~ f1"Om the stl"eet. and that the permi t care i8 Located at the f1'07lt of the property. .Bui!di~ D{,ui,::ior: approI;ed pl.an sh:::z.z. remain on tna Bu-:'Z.ding $it:; at aU times. P.?Or:~u.r?E POR 'n.'SPE~IO" RECL~ST.:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOLll" City desi~r..2ted J'o!; nur.:ber~ JOG a.6:..ress, type of in:;pec~iC'n requested a;-.c tJ.=-:en you wiLl. De reaay jor ir.spcction, Contractors or Owner-s ncme cr.d phone nu::zac:r. Requcs~s received cefere 7:0tJ t::'. :.>il.Z. be made the same day, requests mc;dc aft~ 7:00 a-n LJiZZ b~ made tne n~t :JOrx.ir..g Ca;'. RpmJi~r.~ T~~~prt.ir.n~ [] CJ SITEI:.'S?~r::IO::: To De r.ude after e.:t'C'av.::tion~ bu.t prier tc set u.p of forms. U!.'DERSLAE PLUl.."EING. ELE~'!'P.IC-1L & . NECH......::;C:.[.,: To be made Defore any work is ~Of)ered. ::J FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO:,': To be rrade after trencnes are excavated ar~ forms are erected~ but prior to pouring concrete;. ::J U.'WERG.f?OU.'.'D P[,U,'.f:JIt:c, DRAn':.C~: To De ma.:::e }ir.g r;rencite~. SF;.r:;.=!. r.,r:""F::'. prior r;o fi i,- ::J U,'lDE.f?FLCQ.=! pr.Ul!3T.'lG ,P, NECYA::IC).!..,: To be ~~e prior to in~:alLation of 11001" ir.c~~tion or decking. POST AND BEAN: To. be made prior to instaLL.:.::ien of floor in,3l.:kz:ior. or deckinG. ::J :J RO!.'G:~' ?LlF.~BJ.'.':;_ E[EC':"!'!C..~:" ;; ,'!!:CH- A!:[C:'J.,: ;:0 :.Jork is to DC co:.:crca .u.r.til tnese inspec:ior.s r~ve beer. made ar~ cpprove~. FIREPLt.CE: ~or to pleci~~ fecin:- mcteI'iai..s and before jr~in{! incpcC!- tior.. :J FRA.'fl::C: f1'.I:;t be recue:Jtcd af:.cr apPl'OV';:i.. of rough pl~bing, 2.lecu.i_ cal & meciumi.::aL At! roojir.q bracinJ ~ chimneys, et~. nr..lst be ~ camplctcd. /)0 work is to be COtl- ......cealed un:.il thiD inspection has . b€en mad.: and apPr'Oved. ~ .=J FIliAL PLU!-fEI!:C ~ FINA.L t.fE':HA..'l1CAL ~ FINAL E:'E:':RICl.L :J o .four City Decigr.a.ted o!ob Numba' 13: ~RO :<.Oh o I/:SULATIOll/t'..1POR BARRIER [,'/SPECTIO,.;: To be ~~de after all insutction ~.d rcqui~ed vapo~ carrie~s are in place but cefore any lath, gypsu:n beard or waZl covering is applied, and before any ir..3uLation is concealed. . DEl:OLITIO!.' OR .\'Ot';:'':; B!':ILD;::t;S =:J Sani:ary se".Jer ::apped a.t rn:.opo:rty lir.e :J Septi.:: tank p:.J:?.:d (r."'.d f-:.1l2~ LJith :12"'a~e; o --, FinGl - l{hen ahCtJe ite:~:s are completed ---l and when de~olitior. is c~lete or stru.:- ~ure moved ar~ pr~3es .::leaned up. DFfYf.'ALL I!.'SPECTrON: To be made after alZ aoywaZZ is in pZaoe~ but prior to any tapir~. o lo:.!ation, bomI or verticals in U.B.C. Section MASONRY: Steel bec;;:;~~ arou.:ina accord~lCe Lr:'th 2415. ".'obi Z-c Heme:: D After installation is ~O S Blocking and Set-up . ~3. ~ Plwr.hir-iJ connections so::tJcr ar.d water CURB I: APPT?CACP 4pOON: After- ,forms :vi Electrical Ccnr.ectio'l _ Blocking, set-u; are erc;;:ted out pr1.or to pour1.ng ~ ~.p and plwnbinp conr:cctions r.r..:st te appr:n:E:'; con;;:rete. before requesting electrical inspectio~ WOODSTm'E: ccmplet.;;d. o D SID.T~WALg I: DRn'ElI'r'.Y: For all con- ~ Acces=or~ Building crete paving within stTect right- v_ of-wcy, to be madc aftcr all exca- vatin(1 ccm~letc: & fom !JOrk & zub- prFin.::.l _ I.ftcr p~rcr.es~ base mcte1"1.al l.n place.. L t'"' eta _. e- l'e'-d ~ . .......-e '"',,,p ..... skirting, decks~ o :'EI,lCE: "''her. compl::te -- Provide gate6 or movable 8eetions througr. P.U.E. D o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, c~~lction of the required landsccpir:g~ etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDIl:C FI!:AL can be rzquestcd. FINA.L BUILDING: The Final Bu.ilding Inspection must be requested clter the Final Plwnbin; Electrical, and Mechar.icaZ Inspectiona have been made and approv2d, -A:'L nV:H::'ES A....:; CLEANCUTS }fU~T BE ACCES~IE!.E. ADJr..'S':.'f2:.''!' TO EE /.~1Dr t.'!' ".0 C::'S'I" TO C~Y I P:lge ! of : I JOB No.K2>D 16 b jZ~t!: REQ.- L-COG"l' .~ SOLAR ACCESS OcCUOQnCU C. LCT TYPE T;.;f)eICor..st: Lot Sq. Ft;. S of Zot C""e""go 1 of $tories Total Height Topor;raphy !':'E.'.! S~. FTC I X I Main lea-a" I I Carncrt I I Acccsso1'U I I TOT;lC, VALUE S.D.C. IVC."UC; 1..5 z Building Pc.rrrrit State Surch:rrpe Tota l C"n:z......gea lITE:.! I :.'J. I fi--ni:rcs IResidentia! (1 beth) I iSar.i~! Sewer I I Wet"" I I I Pl:.v.'flr~ng Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Tcta~ C1-..t:rocs I "'J'.~' I ;._. I Res. Sc. ftc. I I NE:LJ/E---tend Cir:::ui ts I 1 Terrrp~ra:r!:l Service I I Ele~trical Permit St::te Su:r::harae Total cr.a:rces T';":"'.' ::;. I I I I I f\crn.::ce ETU',Cj ! F-:haus t Hoc:! ; Vent Fan : iI:>odsto:;c Permit" Issu.anc:: Me::r..ar.ic::.Z Pc~t State 5W"cr..::::r.1r. T,,~"C:l C1-M71'('Jf','f E.','CROACHl-.':.::."i' Sc~~ritu D~~C3i~ St01'CWC .'12intenar...:'r. Pc~t Total Lrta7'nc~ Cur!:Jcu~ Sid"""Zk .f>'rrt:c Electrical Label .'4obi l e H::me {4'-{'7~ I Sf/' :"OTAL AJe)!,/..,'T DU!:- . Be::roOt":s: E"er~:.t SU.lrcp.s ."ice: IIJ'r" lnteric,. Corner PanhandZe Cul-de-sac I Lot Faces - I P.L. INorth lEast IS""th IWe8t Wat"!" Yr!1!"- kanpc FirevLact' Wcoa:;;tot:e I I I Access. I I II I II I II J II Setback~ , House I Carcac Fi!l!S Value Building Value & Permit This pe1'm":'t ia groantcd em the erpress condition that the said_ construction shalZI in all respcctsl conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nance~ regulating the ccnatr~:ticn _ and u&e of buildings~ and m2y be sucpended or revoked at cr.y t~me upon vie-" I Lotion of any pr::luisior.s nf said Ordir.ances. I .c::::::::- ~v--- ~'0- I;}.. q r,;73. ~ I L")")- I I I ,- I Plan Check ICate Paid: IReceiPt H: ISig>:ed: Fef?: FE Cr:;"F.~~ Plumbing Permit No percon chaZl construct, instal!, a~ter or change any r.e:.) cr e--:.sting pl~~ing or drainage s~8t~ in ~hole or in par;, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~so" may do pZ~bing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant:. '. I / C; . (1) I .7SI-~1 I /,C::; .7'51 I , , /'1 i ...;;,...-._-=. Electrical Permi t Where State LaJ.J reauires tr.at the electrical IJOric be done D:.i an Ele:tri.cal Cont:ractc~~ the eLec~ricaL portion of this pe~it shall r~t~be valid until the Label has been signed by the ELectrical ~onrra:ror. F".' 15.0U "1'-) 1- 3'). 1/5.1<=)"1- I I I I I I I I I. Permit C.:!;';;:~ Mechanical l"an i:.xt::m1.ner vat.: I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXA.~!INE:D the completed appLication for pemit~ and do hereby certify that al.l i:-:fo:'T':".adon hereO'1 i.s t:ru.:? ar.:i corrcct~ an.:! I f~rtr.cr certify that any ar~ all uork perforncd sr~Zl be do~e in ac~or- ciance ~rh the Ordin~nces of the City of Springfic!d~ and th: La.s of tho State of Orep~n p=rt~ining to the work described herein, cr~ :r~: NO CCC~- PI.NCY will be made of anu structur2 witho~t p~rmis3ion of the 3uildinQ Di- vision. 1 further certif:! th.::%t only contra~tors aJ';,d e:npl':'ye€:s ",ho are in compliance with CRS 701.0St will be used on this project I I I ,'2.0 I- ~'-f ~,S.cV ./-17 f.7c:;, I I 300,(0 cr, I- Y\ tL .~j~ rf /I. ~ Signed d -- (/ I ~J1~ ~ /91J1 ,-' : ;;;.:.V~F;~~h" ...~~':::"_:.:"_., ,_ Sp:d-ii:. 7 {) .. S"W2Js .~t, j'- "., ) _ -I-is---- V Do~6(~ w~cDe nobl[~ ~ \--ortL~ G ~'8j3d, ) j;J - \ ) i" I a'fSD \ PrlliWcy ts/ s/rJ P L0n.l t( ." / \ ir~ f( ~-" }'rhr ~:j", ~,,~. ~~i ;.,~, '. } ';;'" :~.' , , g,}.- .'~ : ~4~: ,!! "":'1 ~I r'~\ ~,:\' , ~ ~;..! ~'~ ~~-- .' ~', 'p ~~-"; , ';:j ,,-; . , r~' I r/ ~,:f; :~i :; , '1 (': i . 'i ". .'....,\ .. " I' . rl;.- ~"";.. 1( :~! ,j,d" :;-, , ~ ~'f'" r ,~ , , }~ . ,,' I' .} .' . t' ,. ~>~;>nc.r:::: .'~ I ." ~- . Dj(lyF'.^/P.V /2 XSO ( \ . '. ',", ~ , i, '. ........,. .' , , , -----.-\- .- . .. .=-....:::.:- .:'::"-'.-.: --'" ._- h, --' .' ...._.:- _00'_0. ;;.. ,-:__,- i I. I\), I , '" \;',..:;. J l.o~'. ., I I r ! ! . . r I: . fill &'{/,. c'- --- /)6 #" ~~ .1 .~ ;1 , << ".".~ ..' ...., ,.~ D \; ~V '""'" { ....) 't ~-~ ,.~ , 3'/ ~' . , ! ,~ --.; '~~ \ ;'"" .... / of "" ;J ~ ~, ~ -: :i~ 'i i! ,~ U " . " ..' , '" . ~~; f ~~. ". ,\~,~ ~. ..y.. f't , 1( 1-" . 1 >'" .~ .. -~ .;1 \ \ . " i;\ ;'; :~ \ 'I ~ .: ~ '1 , !> i~. ~ !: '.j. ~. ~ .... L........._.._/,\___ i . ~. '- i"'l .._~_..._.------~-~ _SiP:' W::,:f. .:c J. L /' ". (~ j . ... '~ '" \ ~ i ." J . ~~ ___".~..,. ~.....,,_.....~._...~fII....~ "-",,, ......',' "';~ I I Insurance Cove'aQ~ CoverIQe E.Cf!I)t~Shown Beklw ~ '*' dM:nh o FIRE AND THEFT-CAC . ./l o FIRE AND THEFT-COMPREHENSIV ./ I o PERSONAL EFFECTS . r ./ ' I o MOBILE HOMEOWNER'S ../ o OTHER INSURANCE(Descri ./ ~'AL..!r~~ _.... L of: SIG~D X ~dQ8~=~ X ~BuY:'Pu~Sed (eq~ranc;efh(OUgh: """", ./ MUm' __OF " I ' ~N'1 . , . t ,CASH PRICE ,1NSUIlfNCe AGAiNsT tIABIUTY FOR BODILY INJURY,OR P.ROPERTY TRADE.INALWWANCE $ .AS'AMAGE TO OTHERS IS NOT INCLUDED IN 1llISriwlsACTlON., .' :.. I LESS BIlL: DUE on above $ . . 'OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. LABOR AND "..-...............8 1,' "1 NET Al1.0WANCE $ .. ;s6:rrJf~ (}D: CASHDOWNPYMT. .<4t!6P . I CASH AS AGREEO SEE RafARll'S .. 2, L!lIS TOTAL CREDml ,. ';SALES TAX /1/ Not tncluded Above) I 3. Unllllkl Baiance of CIuoh Sale Price, -",. ..,I l!:',~ -:. _h. _ -, "_:i< -. "-" 'l'.c ' OplionaJEquipmenl Cost ofPerts and Set-up I ,;d, , 1 ,i, '.,.1i' "h "1".1 d y CJ2.. ~i J.ii;c.l :l .: .;~ t SUB-TOTAL $ . .~ '.~ j \1 ~: , ~. k "'. ~ Sales Tax. ) . ,-, Non- TaXable Items Various Fees and Insurance -,r,yJ.,..t '~ . ,11 , , .:0- fA.. .' ", ^ ;, . ~:; \ r7 f[' ,t, '1'6.",.- ' .,. ... .<;,=" - .;-~" f ~~ ,., ,<[f!.'., ~p ",. ~~~~~m )~," , ',f'. . " "I" ,,;:&;i.'~~ :'L/-ji'#..I~fU~' . ;~',~,;~:: ~-,.~~-~.::;~-.:' . -,...' .~. :~"." -'" .~ '~'~ . -,. . ~'." ~ ~.,_: ,.",:;;~ .,' ,.__~",', ',' '" ',' ,','~ 0 ,""0 ;-'...~. ,-..,:~M.;;;!.;--,;,: " ~,'" ;.\'f:'~~(' ,,", BAL.ANCE CARRIED TO OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT , ."~~<N :/ :::~S TITLE NO E -7 COLOR AMOUNT OWING TO W / THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS THE ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YOU AND ANY DEBT I OWE ON Twf TRADE.IN IS TO BE PAID BY 0 YOU 0 ME ME AND NO on.ER REPRESENT-'O/ON OR INOUCCMENr. VERBAL OR WRITTEN. . r- HAS BEEN MADE WHICH IS NOT CONTAINED IN THIS CONTRACT. You arn1 I cetfity ltIal the lIaalilOMl terms anct conc1itiMS printed on the oth81 side 01 /1li3 contract me lIfF900 to 8S 8 Part 01 this agreement, the same as il printed above the Signatures; I em 01 staMary ape Of . have.been I~ emancipated. lam putc/rasl(lf} the above desC/ibod trailer, manufaclute<1 hOme or rehide; the optioMJ equipment and accessories, /fle insurance as described f18S been voluntary; /hat my ~~ it /tee;,,oo, all cJBjms ~soerer. el(cept as nored. You and I agrne thai if any p81afl18ph Of provision viO/8le$ the law lUld;s unenforceable, the resl o( the contracf win be valid. ,., .',~:",,_ ' I, OR WE, ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS ORDER ,',' AND THAT I, OR WE, HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE BACK Of THIS AGREEMENT. McKEE HOMES DEALER SIGNED X . aUYER No! VBJkJUni... -- ""- '" '" Off"" ci "" Qxnpanf SOCIAL SECURITY N05..~ :3 ' ~~ I ~-.7..2 SIGNEOX_h. ;t?-.~~.~/7;i1:-'P.... BUYER ~Fr.IIRITYNO _ d _ I __ 11____ B4JI8l!Fa11 SIl "f If ". :\ .1 ~ 1r i ',.', ,,-", , '~&ufW!r.l~rr.ftnlfinRnr.ir>obvbnnkOTf~'eon-ttUVN FORM 1 00 3 Jeniclns &.Itin$ss FOtmS Rav, 1186 ' . M...""lall,",noI$O:>2111 """~i""tlll83 DUPLICATE ~J 'c , 'J . \f ~i './'