HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-3-9 .. RESlDaNTlAL" APPLICAT./PERUIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 1?~51 , " -J"-. / r Job Loootion: 1120 Fairv-iew Drive *28' I ABa.BGOr= "op N \ ') D 1 ~1 1J 1 I I Subdivision: (}.mer: John &1 Beznice Stone 2911t Ing~lls W~y Address: City: Eugene.. OR n n n rN N~.l Additicn Remo2cZ ,'!obi Ie Rome I Date of AppZicaticn l.:or:rI'a~=ors /J4A'n1 Genera 1.. Pl.wnbir.g Electrical Meehar.icat ! Constn./cncm Lender if ({ /JIA/ J1 t7 /I ./ T= Lot N ~ (p 0(0 Rcce: n t .~ " Zip: 97405 Phone: 485-73Cl9 (Park Ma,nag m' 726-6803) , Your City Desigr~tcd ~ob lhunD€r Ia: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'lS?ECTIOtl: To be made after aU insuL::ti.::m w.d required vapor carriers are in place but before any Zath~ gypsu:n beard or wall covering is applied, and before any inauZation ia conceaZed. biJ /f1~ :?;/Y-f:7 ~ Describe ii/ark: Value AcUireS3 50(0 tJf). - Si~ed : Date: Cu ?-q-t'f Lise.!! / ~~~r~3 Pnon~ 51t? '1 /Jifla- 39"lt? f It u ths zoesponsi.bil.ity of the permit holder to 866 that a~l. inopections are r.rade at thE proper tinu;~ that ccch ~ess is rea.daD~" from the stJ-eet. and that the permi t ctu'd is 'Located at the front of the property. .!Jui!.di~ /)i,lJi.:ior. apprOl;ed plan shc.ZL remain on the;. Bu:.l.dinp Sits at aU times. _, '- ..~~ . P.'?OCITJUP.E FOT? INS?E~10r.r REOr/!'ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state !lour Citu .:1esi~1".atea job nur.:ber; job a:!.L"'t!ss, tppe of ir.::pec:ien .. raauesf;CQ. a~.ci when ..ou.wiLl. ue reaa'u jor ir.svcction, Contractors 0;' Owne::,s' 7U:!:'le 'Cr.d r;r.or.e nu.':'l.?cr. ReqUes~s received eefere 7:00 c: :.:i.iz be mac:ie the B~e4 dc.y, requests- mc:ae aft"::r 7:1)0 a7l tJiZz, b.:z made tne nCort :JOrkir,g- Ca:;, Rp"'Ji~p? Tr~ry~~tir.n~ o CJ 51?E I;'.'S?EC':'IO.'l: To be r.rzae after excav~tion~ but prier to Bet up of forma. UllDERSLA3 PLUl.9I,'lG, ELE::7F~Ic'jL & . 1,:ECf:'.':"::~-C;':': To be maae before any work iG ~overed. ~ roOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO.'/: To be made after trencnes are excavated ard forms are erected, but prior to pourirog cencret,;;. =:J U!W!RG.I:?QU.'.'D P~lJ.'.!EIt:c. SE;..:;.::, l.'.'iTE,q, DRA1l1;'CZ: To be ma.::.e prior to fi~- .h.r.g trencne::. =:J U!lDERFLCOR PLW~r::G !, gECYA/:ICAL: To be mace Drior to in~~eLLarion of J100r inGu~tion or decking. POST At.'V BtAl"f: To. be made prior to instalZa:ien of fLoor in,n.:kz:ior. or deckir.;. =:J ~ ROUCH PLtF.fBI.'/C. ELF:C':'.':!C,~!" !, l~CF- ANICAL: Vo work is to be covered .UT.:il these inspee:ior.s r~De beer. made ar..i approve'::. FnrEPL/,CE: Prior to plec:ir.{! feeing mctcl'iais and before fr~i"g inspec- tior:, I FRA"~J,':G: M-oJ.:;t be rcque:1tcd after ---1 approvaL of rough pLumbing, electri- caL & mcc~ni~al. Al~ roofir~ bracing t chimneys, et~. fr.i~st be ; completed. //0 w~rk io to be CQn- . ...cee-ted until thiD inspection has "b€en made and appPOvcd. '~ D DR}7.'ALL Il.'SP~CT!O/.': Tc be made after a z.z. Gryl.:a /..l. 1.8 in .0 Zaee, but prior to cr.y tapir~. ft~SOnRY: Steel location, bo~ be~~, aroutina or verticals in accoraance Lr~th V.B.C. Section 2415. ?NO Jtl3 I DE::JLITIO;'! OR :".'DVE; B!.JILDI;;CS ~ Sanita:ry Be'..Jer capped ~t ~op;;rt"~ lir.e ~ Septic tank p:",",,?~d tr.".d f:.l.Ze~ Lrith ;;ra~e:. :J Finel - f{her. c1x:ve ite.~s are ccmpZeted a~d when dc~olitior. is c~lete or stru~- ~ure moved ar~ premiaes cle~ned up. o o WOODSTO'/E: After instaZZation is ccmpletcd. J.:obile Hemec ~ BLocking ard Set-up ~ PLumbir~ connections scwer ar.d wa:er ~ EZcctric~Z Connection - BZocking~ Bet-uF ~ ani plu~ing conr.ections ~~st ce appr~~E~ before requesting elec~ricaZ ir.s?ec;io~ ~ Ac.::'cs.::o1",i Sui ld:.ng .' D CURB I: AJ'PRCACP APRDr,': Afte::o forr.::; are erected bu: prior to pouring co~rete, ~ Final - !.fter p~rcr.es, ~ etc. are comple;cd. 8kirting~ dec~~ D SIDEWALK Ii DRn'Er.',~y: For an con- crete paving within srreet right- oJ~wcy, to be made after alZ exca- vating compz,ete & fo~ ~rk & ::ub- base material in pZa.':!e. D All project conditions, auch as the installation of s~reet trees. c~lction of the required Zandsccpir:g~ etc., must be satisfied beIore tr.e BUILDIhG FINAL can be rzquestcd. :=J FIliAL PW{.$WC :=J FIlr'/o.L l-fE'::HANIC,lL :=J FINAL ELE::,9,ICJ.L ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buil.din4 Ins~ection ~st be reQUested cfter the Final Pl.umbinJ Electrical~ and Mechar.ical. Inapectiona )'l,QOC been made and"approv2d. D :E~CE: ~~er. compl~te -- Provide ~ or movable sectians througr. P.U.E. "'::..r.. MA.':H':L!:S AN:; CLF.'ANCUTS lfUST BE ACCESEIB!E, ADJllS':.'f2,'.''!' ':'0 BE ,.!,1[)F.' 1.7' 1,'0 C'YS'!' TO CI':'Y I P:lge 1 of Z D 'i)tjo / q3 SOLAR ACCESS OCOCUOQ1lC:i G~ LCT TYPE IJOB I Zcmc.o: NO. Lot Sq. Fe;, S ;If lot C""e""g~ !I of ~torieB Total Height Topogra;:hy !':'E,\! S~.F'!'C Main Cc:rn::p Cart'C1"'t I Acccssort! TOT,U, VALUE I S.D.C. 1..5 J: IVc:.L-l.i~J Building Permit State Surch~e Tota I Cha.....ge3 I ITE,\I j','J. I FEE I Fi-.-n.res !ResidentiaL (1 bath) i Sarti t:%r'..! SeLle,. I Wctc..." I PI:.unMng Perr.:i t State Surcr.J:1r!1e Tcta!. cr':=l"OC$ J .'1':,., I :._. I I I 1 I f Res. Sc. ft::. j N::LJIE--eend Cir:1I:i ts ; iTerrrporary 5eMJice EZe::trica! permit 5t.=te Sur::ha.rae Total Charces , T1'":'.' 1"_'/ I i I Purn.:zee !'!'U' S ! E::haust Hoo::. : Vent Fan i "oods'tC:;c Permit'I3su.aTIC": He=r..:1r.ic::.Z Pc~t State Surcr.cr.'u' Tn~~! rr_'7"!'I7...... C;.','CROACHN!:.:::'i' 5e~~~tu D::~o~it Stor-aae .~.2i"tena,..~r Pc1'T1:it Tote Z LMrnc!; ~.?cu: Si4=alk .t',.~c ~Zectl"icaZ Label ."Iobi 1 e H:xne Qb3;<. :"01AL AJe)/......'T Dvr:" 1 I I .11- .W I 1?5,QClI I L 7")1 I X~qdn ~r ~~ (; 't, '-15 I r-.' SIc-- Interic,. Comer Panhandle C\I; I-de-sac x Valu.e cr:J.F.:;: I 1 I I I I 1< ()() 1 . 7e;- I /5,' 7-=) I ....:"'.-._.;. 15.M) .751 /s,751 Cif;';:~~ REQ.- L-COG~ I Lot Faces .. I I P.L. INorCh lEast ISouth IWest T;...peICor..sr:: . '11 II A.ccess. I I II II II II Watp!" -'!C:2~r!" haru;:c Fir(Jplacf' Waoa.:: tOl.:e Be::.roor:s: - ~I Ene1".'7:J $o:.frcp.s Hca: 7u~f' Sctback~ I House Ca:roac Fzes Building Value & Permit This fJC1'm"';t is granted on the erpress condition that the said. construction shall, in all re8pect~, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, including :he Zoning Crd:nancc, regulc=ting the CC"~c"'..l.:ticn and UDe of buildings, and m:1Y be sucpended 01' revoked. at cr.y time upon vie.l, Lotion of any'pravisior.s of said Ordir~nceD. ! ! j . ; I I i I, IPlan Check FeR: I Cate Paid: IRecdpt #: ISig:o:ed: Plumbing Permit No percon ahalZ. construct, insta!!, aZ,Cer or charlge any r.e:.) cr e--isting plumbing 01' drainage Byst~ in ~hole 01' in par:, unless such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumbcr's license~ except tr~t a pe~son may do pl~bing ~rk to property which is owned, leased or operated py the appli- cant. ~ i ,J .! , ! .1 Electrical Perm it Where State LaL:J reauires t;.~t the electrical. uork be done bu an El.e~trical Contrac:c~J the eLec=rical por=ion of this per.mi~ siza~, r~t.be vaLid until the ZabeL izas b~en siqned by the ELectrical ~on~ra.:tor. I I I 1 I I I I I. Mechanical Permit I'L.an i:.xc:rrl1.ncr .,late I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA..'!INE9 the completed application foro pe7"r.7i:, end de hereby certify that aU i'!:lo~.atiO" hereon is tr~e ar..:: correct, an.:J I further certify that any ar~ aLL work perjo~cd sr~ll be do~e in ac~or- dance with tha Ordin:1nces of the City of Sprin~ficZd, and th= ~s of tha State of Orepan p.::rt~ining to the work dcsc~ibcd here~n, cr.d :r~: NO OCCU- PI.NCY wilL be made of an~ structur~ witho~t parmis3io~ of the 5uiZdinp Di- vision. I furothcr ccrtif~ t~t o~l.y contra~tors ar~ ~LJye€s who are in compliance with ORS 701.05t wiLl. be used on this project t!P- 3:- f-!1 I>.2te .. '. - . ~..~ .{, , ~:. , l, ~ ft~. '1~ .. t. . .~ ~,;f; ,\"" ~{: ' :rt',. '." t.3~ l1~ iI~~:;' '"',i."' Ii,' ~ , ~ /-. , ~~.~ ilj~. r ~. t.:: "i !>~ ~. \ ", 'n..;,'-' ';', I,... l~ ~);/ t:i. . ,~-... -. , f;.\ . ~-~ ~ " '. , . :~""'-'!"~~.;:\::...... 5p/lc E D~'YE WA Y .IZ Xs;D ,.-' '.-..-.-... / .. r', ~i~"~""-* . '~:i)"'\I"4~'~'.:~. ' ~~} ~.~~ .......;..-- .' , \' '" No. ;).~ I /;;2,,,, \.. ,/ \ Nlr:>~Ij.E.. He> IV? E.. ~J-! y: 1/6 .fi ! , i I 1-- ;0 ,",t I ,i-ic; ,;'; ~~: ,-~{; "-'1 :1 :~ \ I I , I 'I 'I f -~ \ I' , ! \ I , < ,I .l ,J -, r i I' I ! T'fil , . "'! . i' ~ . '. '.;.f ~'i '; ~i . \~ i I I I I .. t -'.\ . "I' l ~ "" .1 f\ ~ - :1__..___..___._....____ ,___-~,_ S,peWfi!.-k -~:.... . , '..; ,;-~ '-.~ -' /~:i I,: - "'.&;1