HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-1 ~' - . VI'''''~'-''''-'''''':'''''''''''''-'''' .,~.;.~ .....:-.- -. .. ","'~'-: -',' . .~. .-...... __,~;....-.~-..:ot.,,,, ""........~.j'...~ ;:l...::" .._~. .. RESID"JTIAl" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 II J-O fat'ru'/tJt.Jf;-Jt6o; Sprilljkef)) j Dr. CJ1V71 6 nO 1 ;),:7 .~ I 1 ()bhOO Taz Lot H OO(ofXJ fu~(,VIe.AJ ~n&(oe.. L-kvru, YJark.. Job Location: Assessors Map Subdivision: (}.mer: /-leu leDJ. ~. Slntlt, ~ Dartin T. Address: 1./7 f S. II.( IJl7fn ()(}/i .IB . , M flJt1vJ'l bait, Dr t ~ Describe f.'ork: ..... Sef.. IIf mObi/e home ill fttirllfe.w k- JI106i/-e IIoIhe pqr!( Q.lil A;ol v( WA ..1 ~wer fU\J eftelric" (,qlSo d(ji-h,,~o/;//bt7I1M , fh,/flL. wilt Iu Se{fl'l 'b/oJq([tnz.lld)!/1J. ' ,,5" frlf1rb'l'- decl<(!z!;r wl/t bi )'I5h//d :.'ont;I'actoI'S Address Lise. # General ~ntt''-<.)oM Mohi/, 1+aoY ~U 4~1il!Prft.y L~ F'I:L!i1..,1 Plumbing ..'l,e/f JOr ~"''Io1- EZeetrica l S ~ l.f Nechar.ic::.t C~natruction Lender City: I n n n 0[l 11t:J1,' Addition Remodel ,'!obi Ie Hom;J Date of Application Wetr . Phone: ()'o3) '83g~V310 '1'7'3G( Zip: ;...."1'. ,'. ..... .,_ _'.." -..-..-...-". . Rece'pt < /G., /t) flf /VZ 7) rttl) /d~~ .1-/ -')n Sigr:ed: Date: Eroit'{]s Pho'f'ltz '--~.11 t.i.1- fi'8(f! It is the responoibiUty of the permit hoZder> to see that all. inapections a:t'e made at the proper time, that. each ~ess is readaDi.e f1"Ol'lJ the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the front of the propert;y. -Bui!.ding rr;vi::w'!':. approved pLan shc.z.z remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig7'.ated job nur.:beI', job aC.Crcss, type of ir.3pec-;icn requested ar~ w~en you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners r~e ~nd phone nw~cr. Reques:s received befere 7:00 ~ ~~H be nude the s~e dey. requests madeafta :: ::::c::::: ::: ::::~"" dey'q!) nt;33 q~nuir~n Tn~~~~tir.~~ 0, SITE INSPSC':'ION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms~ [J UNDERSLAB ?LUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L & l-!ECHA:iIC:"L: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trencnes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g concretc;.. VNDSRG.f?OU!!D PLU!.f13ING. SSWER. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. ~ ~ ~ UlJDERFLOO,~ PLu.'-.'3L'!G & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatalLation of 11001' insu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iol' to installation of [loop ins~Latior. or deaki"f; , ROUGH ?LU!~BI]lG. Pr.ECTRICAT. & MECH- ANICAL: No :JOl'k is to be cOL'el'ed ,ur.tiL these inspections have beer: made ar.d cpprove.:i. FI.~EPLACE: Prior to plc..cir.g feeing materials and before framing inspec- tier:. Fl?A}!ING: Must be requeated after approv~l of rough plwrhing, 2Zectri- eal & mecr.anical. AU roofing bracing t chimneys, etc. nr~st be ;'completcd, !lo f.X)rk is to be con- "" cec.led until this inspection has . be~n mad~ and approved. ~ ~ I:] O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulatian ~.d " required vapor carriers are in place . . but before any t.ath, gypswn bcard or LXIll covering is applied, and before any insuLation is concealed. DRYWALL I!lSPECTION: To be made after all. dYywall. is in place, but prior to any taping. O J:!ASONRY: S:~el locatio~, bon~ DeaJn3, grou_1-ng or vert1-cals 1-n accordance uith V.B.C. Section 241E. o o WOODSTOVE: After ~nstaz.zation is ccmpleted. DE,'.fJLITIO:"} OR ;~:OVE] B~'ILDI".'CS =:J Sarti :ar:J se'..Je1' ~apped ~t ~op;;rt":i line ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed ar~ fiZl~~ uith gra~~Z --, Pinal - f{hen abcve ite.i1s are completed ~ ar.d when d~oiitior. is complete or st~~- ture moved and pr~ses ~leaned up. I Nobile Hernes ~ ~ Blocking and Set-u.p ; ~ Plumbing connections -- S<::lJe!' and water ~Elcctrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .~and plumbing conr:ections nr~st te apprQved before request~ng electrical inspec:io~ ~ Ac~esso1"d BuiZding ,lcWN/,c)i!, '\7f Final - Aft;;r p:Jrcr.es, ~eta. are comp'Le:;;d. sk~rting, decks, D D CURB & APPROACH AP.ruJN: After' foms are el'ected bu t prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-lJey, to be made after all e:cca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in plaae. D ~ ::J ~ ~ ,- AU pr'oject conditions, such ~s the '%'.nstal'La&~~f.~treet tre~e'),,4Q~'OSiqn~of..t;w~. "'\'~t. required landscc:pir:g, etc. J must be satisjica-bcfS-lif'o the BUILDING FINAL can be request:zd. .. '.' .. \' , .,\.-."'., ~-. .) \ ~-:' \...u FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspec:f.O?11tlU.ft be requeated after the Fi~W.~ng Electrica'L, and Mechar:ica'L Inspectiona have been 'made and approved. . -... ... -t'.: ,..,., ,. ....f, . \IJ \ .....~..~::-~~_..j "" FIliAL PLWlJIIIG FIliAL MEcHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL D PENCE: Wher: complGte -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U,E. -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO' BE M/IDE I'.T /.'0 C:JST TO CT'1'Y I P:lge :! of 2 D JO B NO. -. .', ; Zone: ..", "\'J !Lot Sq. Ft;. i~ of lot Coverag< :# of Stories :'1 :TotaZ Height , ! Topogr::;;hy lITE:.! IMain i ! Ga:/'act'! ! Car>ocr:: I I AcC'essor:J I SQ.F''!'G I I I I I TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. t I I I IUc.I.UC) 1.5 :r Building Permit State Surcn.:rrre Total Cha.....ges ITEI-! Fi:::t:ures ResUier:tiaZ (1 ba.th) ScmitaTY Sewer f:]iLH Plumbing Per6. t State Surcr.arpe Tota! Chcraes ;~"E,'.! RtJ.<:. Sc. ftc. llGL'J/r;o...t.end CirC'.ii ts t T1f1alrrvice EZe~trical Pe~it St::.te Swo:iharae Total Cha:l'ces ;T2',! Purr..::u:e ETU'S E::haus t Hood ~'ent Fan iloodsto:JC Permit I$su..::mc~ Me:::hanic:;l Pel'mi t State Surchcl'GC Tcrtc.Z Ch.arapt': ~tT, ~i...~,'..'E.'!T -- Se~.iritu Deposit 3torapc "~aintcnar~c ?crmit Total ChaT'ocs :'urbC".i: '3idewaZk ';'('n:::e """ed~<< La~~S-" "obi!. e:",. SET "IV e~ ~"'<J~ :".-';'.i'.. ;.....::jiJ:.~' [;[;:;:" I iia., I I SOLAR ACCESS Oc~r;ancu Gl'O"..I. LeT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x I I I I I I I Value l.'Q. FE Cf-:AF.CE ."C.I I I I/'S .00 Il."<,tu A' ")'-) !"2>, '7C:... , ' I c'.'i~.':C" I I I 1-/5.0U I II~PU I .'} "'> In/t'\ ' I I I I I I I FEE CI;'ARCE . , . " ;" , I I I, I I I ~#P I I /10 25" I I /S"' U I I 1$"7T I j REQ.- L-COC"" ,.- q . I I Enaro:J Sources I I Heat I I Water Hrwtr''!' I I Hallpe J I Fireplace I i Wooao<ove II T~pe/Cor.st: Bedroor.:s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. lfIorth lEast IS""th IWest T:;:'le Setback.,; I House I Cara(1c I i I I I I I Access. I I Faes I I I I I I I , ' I I I , ' Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in aZI respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning ~dinancc, regulating the ccnstr~~ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. /.h...~r..-;J " ~" " I Plan Check Date Paid: IR~cdPt #: S'/..gr:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No per~on Ghall construct, instalL, atter or change any new cr e=isting plumbing 01' drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such parGon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~ay do plumbing work to proper~1 which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical work be done by an EZe~trical Contractor, the eZec~rical ~ortion of this pe~it shall not be vaZid until the label has been :;igned by the Elecr;ricaz" Contractor. Mechanical Permit , Plan Exam'/..nel' uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work per/oM/cd shall be dO:1e in ac::or- dance ~th the Ordinance:; of the City of Springfield, and tn: ~~s of the State of Oreg~n pzrtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY urill be rrade of any otructUl'.t L)itho~t parmis3io~ of t1lC Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contra::tors ~-~ enpl~yec8 who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project \\'\~ ~~S S:100. IS.15 c=:::Plu S.Z<.S ~f- I "-:... '-- M.,,~ltG HvIA. \ 1;rf1\OC ~3? - . ) S"TO RA be< ~f/t<\) . -..-. -,.;~.--,.,-_.... --......,---.--.-. --- Tl.J::PrR. l-OT j,{";~ ~ID" /O'ql. , C '. ' " \. - '..', ",,~\' ' , ,......":...., " " q/31\ ~"'"' \ ,\ , ,I , l/-j , 0.1"4" "., .", .,~~ '"."....~ \ i' 1\ '\r, \ . , . .... \ ',' '. "'" \\ \, \'\ \, .... \', '. '.. \ ,., \'" \/q 132.\j \j,\' \ '~K'i I..HH. \, ", \'-MoBI Wi 5~ HuM.~ ; r.... ADTl\-ttlJf ""~' ,^oQs1L&' l{o.l.\G, , /.1.1 sR,,,",', " ~ utL " ~, ~ "\ . ,:, ". .~ ',j .... ";\ .'. ,\ ~~tA\WJ'T., ,', ,.j t-to'611.e< \ "~ , Wue IJV , \. .J , $?,..tE If 5'2-' , _. \ . . ,,\ ". ", \. rJ ,", "\. \', ,..I , " \ . , " ('. \', ' '\, '~ 1.." ",', .... "'. "'-.J " '; ~~:'", &/ . ' <J ,\ .", \ - I " 'I '.. '..,\r-..'. 'J ", , ,', ',.j \, t. ',\ \. '-" '. "'-, ", " , L, '. -""- ,..,,) (- 1/l-jh <. ',r: " -rr-"'" \"~,J (/ "'~/" ~ ~o.k ~~~~e _Cf 'is ~ l)J ill k ~ r-el1.<ovetl - ~ql S-" ~ '. \:~, \, ""J -:, '. "" '. _/~ ._M_._____.... .( , "~>/ / /," / / -' ',:--c5o/er('tVSIl>i-,~t\Rk-:J~O"1>lJ,."'Y) / /' ./ k()~ OW'NER5 ; MelfLE/\-It L(~~mt ~'DM:~/lv~T.'Wt=~. / ,/ ~_' __ 411 s.MO/llMOLtn+'It'6, ~;tJM.(}cLrn,}l)R.. ;113rPl ~ME: 5KYWtJf (q~2 lL(- y 5~ L':S2 he-f) . _.~ JARK,~ fAlfZllww MO'BILe HeME: pfrf(tt.. 17M\( - '1L.D FA1RVIe0 ~(l.. "=R/L(JJ6.f1aD r#. c(1l(T) J.._ of") ~ I n ( " P...r/( I Q0J}j~~ ,CT1::1Z ~lomY~PftUt%R.eJM HORv!H1:! (OUJt.ifS f'f.S~"U-;1 1'1-4512. Ak,..s 5f.:) I d'/il..Gf' (.,I'O"'!!. Of" (171/ ').Lf r.;! '7 " '....... . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregon Development Services OFFICIAL RECEIPT 16910 Date c;- / 19 qt) Rec'd From //7 L==-;+lcKH r. J'P71f}-f Address 4? I \, /-J?/ool /1-11)\4 71-1- f~ j Received For: /l:Jt//v/,.; /I?,""-7,z;:~]-T-',/J P{..~/1'I/- (<) //2D f?n/?t)/L~_) <:::;P/t("; ~.sO p~// T ~ '7cJz) ~S'.~ .5c=; /;/l P'U~'" r HfIl. 2.r J - 7J ~ /'",,-.VI:>:V F, -c~ ~ 5' 11/ZCcf>?:?4 ;;: ,_)- 2,F C"'L....=<-r 0.-'>;:'<-'L"'c77u<D )..j-~ ~'U/1n~#_: ,r ,lJLt/w; ;,C/G;:;';I.Jl.:=C:P~~ / ~ 617 ~ '<2-_..~i ~_-: -:-- rl'- ~.:S'-iZ7 ...J'nu:CT: ?-b t!!! oJ ~~'m-Qt..cc:-("..... I~'" '1. ~~.., ,7.r elL;t. )-75 - 7 - Amount Received' ," -;2.. - j 4- / /. 7_ ,.J., JJ~J?I~ !!L AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Fnndler BI./SINESS FOflMS.INC IS031~2-'U' . """