HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-8-2 k~:i;;;;~ _,;, , E~:.~~P:RlvlIT AP:~I;}?IO~~ f:!4:~::;; ):;'{ 'Ifciihuh N~;;;';ei;:H02X';C> O;$1iQ.f'::Ot ,,'. '," if:i~,~ ~:;:: }Hr' V~( ':~~;{~(i;f.~V'2'();{JL_:.::}t;~'~n: .;.i::-.-;l~;'~-:~:-}'~!l:~;?:'-" ,;-,. -,' ~\i~..,~,- 3L,CO?\fP.LETE FEe, SCI-IEI?ULE.BELO\Y.~i;t0~:'::Jk<~:'.; ". ~~;;;~~ ;~11~~e~$:i~~:denli~L]{~~~:ii~W'),if':[' """,:2i~j:?f:;};,',..,:, '.,,;', Multi-Family per dwelling unit':;,;,<, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Seryice Included:..;;:',;"., '7D <. 'Z- 73 I D I bo ( ,_ _' ^" suh",;tIed has the followIng Items Cost Sum': The tOI(OWll.1ol Y'~'- + \ quirE-. specifiC land use ,~::,~~;;.,:_, in . and doe~ nO fe -~<r; -", JOB Dt3sr~TIO~a\~ t-:i)re. .~~~~ ~~i~~;~s~oo $106,00;,::1:,:. , - 8v ,.,0 ~ fiq, ft u' j1tlrtion '.,j;'>, Permits are non.uansferabI9'ltl1d ..,,,;,,' ~) lher~ $ 19,00 ':i:'," if work is no(staned withinA~a~Q Slgnatur" Each Manufd Home or '" - ':'," " of issuance or. if work is suspended for Modular DWelling:)":,,,:,;,:;) 180 days, ':'.':" Service or Feeder $ 50.00 .':--:;:~ ....<.' , ;..':'; 2. CON~90R IN.ST ALLATION ONL Y B.:~;;' . ;'~;:t;(. Q'JXON ELECTRIC, INC. ' , ' ELectrical' .S.?~tr~lcto~ ~ ;S71e '11 MARTitJ '.',:".:,:"";,'"~,,',;,',~,~,:,,,,~,',._'.,,,' ~}i:;K',~R~SWELl, OR 97428. ":0 Address .~.Jti}/~~~:'j ;:;Li/j!~ . ;!'i ,~tl~. . 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