HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-7-2 '. .~~~':::;" ~. ..' ..... : . ,..'~. '" . " -',-.\.-" ..:.; '. ....':....:. ... .............~_.:. ,,_...,,><tl., ,'" ..'-..-. _'.e. /} "".__" .....,. . Reeeopt' /~//J){ t;;<)() IV ~ ........ "~:,,,,'~:':'t't.'''',0<~...;:.:~.'l...:. .-.>,.;. .. RESID~TlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: '-I ~~ (:. 2c&./L h () A./J L..--./ /10;).,5 d.:it! TJLot # sr, rJS 10() OJner: ,,}:mJit ~~ath Address: Y2/~rI t;P.d; L~~/ tf ASOBSGO:rS Map # Subdivision: City: n n n n Nm.l Addi ticn Remodel ".!obi le Hom3 ')-'d--f5 7 Date of Applicaticn Con 'tractors GeneraL :::::~....4:)~A::::bf CL' PLumbing , Phone: 'ILl? V27~ Zip: ~1i11uJ^1 ~ ciamcLfV VaLue <nO . '7 Addres;: (.""---0;/ /l /.J d; OL Electrical Meahar.ica. l COnstruCtiOM Lender /f17ZcIJ- Vie (f;1) ) , \ \ Siqr.ed: Date: (lQ.... 7-;:).. 7{"j Lise. # Phone Exvil'CS It is the respOMsi.biZity of ths per-mit holder to see that an inDpections are made at the prope:r tim€~ that each ~ess is readahZe from ths st:reet, and that the permit caPd is Located at the front of the property. "Bui!di~ Dividor: approl.:ed plan shaU remain on t~ Building Sit$ at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {rcco:rder} state your City designated job nur.;ber, job ad.Crcss, type of in:;poc-;icn ~aquestcd a~d w~en you will be ready for ir.spcc~;on, Contracto:rs or Owners ~e and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 ~ :..'iU be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be made the next :.JOrking day. ~~mJirp"r1 Tl1.R"'.",..tir."!.q O SITE INSPECTION: To be rrade after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. o UNDER$LAB PLU,~mING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made bejore any IJOrk is IZovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be 11rlde aftor trenchos are excavated and forms are e:rected, but prior to pourir.g ccncret,;;. o UNDERGROUND P['UMBING, S~H. W,1TER. DRAINAGE: To be rmde prior to fil- . Zir.g trenches. o ,0 UNDERFLOOH PW',.'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of j100~ insulation 01' decking. POST AllD BEAN: To be made prior to installation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. ROflGH ?Lm~'BI!,1G. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No lJOrk is to bc eOL.ored .until these inspections have beer. made and appl'oved. FIREPLACE: rno:r to plc.cir.g facing materia ls and before framing inspec- tion. FRAJ1ING: Must be :requeoted after app:roval of rough plwr.bing, alectri- cal & mechanical.. AU roofing bracing a chimneys, etc. ffl".4st be ;' completed. No work is to be con- .:0 ceGled until thiD inspection has . bec,n made and approved. :0 ! ,0 o Your City Decigr.ated Job Number Io: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insul.::.tion ar.d '. required vapor cCU'1'ie:rs aPe in place . . but before any lath, gypsum bomod or wZZ covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bona beam:;, grouting 01' verticals in a...~v~~.a9 with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is C'Omp7.et~d. D D CURB & APPROACH AP.r~ON: Afte~ forms a1'e oreated but prigr to pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIl~AY: For aZZ Con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aZ1. exca- vating complete & foPom work & sub- base m:::.terial in place. f 1[) V59 I DEnOLITIO!.' OR ;~:OVE:; BUILDI;,'CS ~ Sarli tartJ S6'...ler capped ~.t ~op;;rt":i lir.e ~ Septic tank lT~~~d and filla~ with gra~aZ :J Final - rl?len above ite.":/s are cO:1TPletcd and when d~olition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and pr~3es clea.ned up. Mobile Bcmes ~ Blocking a7Ui Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- scwer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J and plwnbing connections m'~st 1;e appr~nled before requesting electrical inspec:io~ ~ Acaessof"b' Building :J Final - Aft<:r p~rcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are complet;;d. o All project conditio~, $uch as the instaLlation of street trees, ca~lotion of the required landscc:pir.g, etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquestad. o FIliAL PW/.IBIIIG o FINAL IfF:~HANICAL o FINAL ELE:CTHICAL' '[] \~ ,0 o O :ENCE: flhen co.'1IplQte -- Previae. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. ' o -".- FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be roequeated atter tho Final Plwnbi"3 Elect:rical, and Mechanical Inspectiono hava been made and approved. ..'. ~-. > ,," , , -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEIJT TO BE J.!.ME AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 't' . .~. ,'~_ ':'t'" _______ , ~OB Izdnc: NOg?f) Y5r SOLAR A.ESS OccuDancl/ GrcrJ.:J: Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~ of lot Coverag~ .~ of Stones I Total H.eight I Topography lITEM IMain I Garace Camort Accessor'u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (vat-ue) 1.5 :r Bui Wing Permi t State Surcharge Total Cha.....ges lITEM ! Fi:::tuI'es i Hesidentid (J bath) Sani taru Sewer wete!" Plumbing Pern:i t State Surcr.arge Total Clu::racs lITEM I Res. So. fta. I Naw/Extend Circuits I 1 Temporary Seruice Ele~trical Permit State SIa'::harqe Total Charces lITEM I ! Pul"n::rce ETU'S I E:::haus t Hood , ! Vent Fan I ' i iI:wdsto:Je Perrrrit Issuance Mecnanic:ll Permit State Surcharac Tnta], Chnrot!D SQ. FTC 1110'1 I I I I I NO'1 I I I I I I 1110. I I I I I I I I I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC"J.ritll Deposit Storage Maintenance PcI"lltit Total Charaes Curbcu~ Sidewalk Fen::e Electrical Label ,"labile Home . .-JTAL ""..fOlJ:.1' DUE:" LOT TYPE x FEE FEE FEE Interior Cornel'" Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value . -.,... - REQ.- L-COG~ T~pe/Cor.st:' . I Access. I I Setbacks "I House Caraae I I I I Bec:roor.:s: I EneY'G:J SO:~Y'ces .Ileat Water lfaatpT' Ranpc Firevlace Woodvtove I Lot Faoes - I I P.L. IlIorth lEast ISouth IWest Tur'c Fees Building Value & Permit This permU is granted on the express condition that the s~iid. construction shallJ in all respccts3 conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpT'ingfield3 incLuding the ZOning C'rdinance3 regulating the constructicn and use of buildings3 an~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- /5..~:/~t!l/ ( 5' . 151, . 1(( c;l , CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j CHARGE CHARCE J I I I I I is./c)' I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: Sig'!'l.ed: , , , Plumbing Permit I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I, No person shalt co/lst1'Uct3 instaLZ3 aUer or change any J"'.ew or e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part3 unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license3 except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is owned3 leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor3 the electl'ical pOl'tion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. I I I I I I i I I , ' I. I I I I , ' Mechanical Permit pt,an E:r:arrnnel' uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit3 and do hereby certify that all ir.fo:-mation hereon is true and correct3 and I f'.J.rther certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfor:rred shall be do:1e in accor- dance :vith the Ordinances of the city of SpringficZd3 and th= La'.JS of tha State of Oregvn p$rtaining to the work described herei.n3 and that NO OCCU- PANCY rviZl be rrnde of any structurz withou.t permissio'!'l. of the Building Di- vision. I furthe1' certify that o'!'l.ly cont1'a~tor8 and e:nplvyecs who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ')-;; ~'o /)