HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1997-6-10 j . SPR\eIELD .. " ._ ~.~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 NOTICE OF DECISION - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Date ofl.etter Journal Number June 10, 1997 97-05-99 Applicant Owner Surveyor Kenneth Yi 100 E. 18th Street Eugene, OR 97401 Florence Holm 631 Edgemont Way Springfield, OR 97477 L.B. Olson 1410 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 Description of Proposal: The Lot Line Adjustment Application proposes to move the northern lot line of Tax Lot 6901 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-34-13 approximately 27' to the north into Tax Lot 6900 to increase the buildable area of Tax Lot 690 I. Background/Site Information: The ,..",."" ;:es involved are located between west D Street and Edgemont Way within the Urban Growth Boundary of the City of Springfield. The parcels are zoned Low Density Residential/UF-IO on the City of Springfield Zoning Map. The slope of Tax Lot 6901 is greater than 15% and the provisions of Springfield Development Code Article 26-Hillside Development Overlay District apply. The minimum lot size in the Hillside Development Overlay District is 10,000 square feet and the minimum street frontage is 90 feet. Decision: Preliminary Plan Approval. with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Otber Uses Autborized by tbe Decision: None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and all applicable pennit procedures. Criteria of Approval (Ref. Section 33.030 of tbe Springfield Development Cod~: The application shall be approved, approved with conditions, or denied based on compliance with the criteria of Section , ' 33.030 of the Springfield Development Code. Staff shall develop Findings of Fact demonstrating that, the lot line adjustment does not: (1) CREATE A NEW LOT OR LAND-LOCKED PARCEL; The proposal is to adjust the interior rear property line common to Tax Lots 6900 and 690 I of Assessor's Map 17-03-34-13. Tax Lot 6901 abuts W. D Street along the south property line and has an existing 25' access easement extending north to Edgemont Way. Tax Lot 6900 abuts Edgemont Way along north property line. The lot line adjustment will not affect access to public right of way or create a new lot. o" - . , . . FINDING: This proposal does not create any additional lots or land-locked parcels because the lots are pre-existing and maintain frontage on public streets, therefore this criterion has been met, (2) REDUCE AN EXISTING LOT BELOW THE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE APPLICABLE ZONING DISTRICT OR OTIlERWISE VIOLATE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE, OR STRUCTURAL SPECIALTY AND LIFE SAFETY CODE STANDARDS; TAX LOT 6900: The area of tax lot 6900 will be decreased to 15,787 square feet after adjustment of the rear (south) property line approximately 27 feet to the north. Approximately 139 feet of lot frontage on Edgemont Way will be unaffected and exceeds the minimum requirements of SDC 16.030 for lots on east-west streets. 18' setback of all structures from rear property line will be maintained, exceeding the 10' minimum required by SDC 16.050. TAX LOT 690 I: SDC 26.030 states: "The Hillside Development Overlay District ~hall apply to all areas of the City and its urbanizable area above 670 feet elevation or where the slope of the land is 15 per cent or greater in the residential area." The proposed lot has a southern elevation of approximately 440 feet and a northern elevation of approximately 455 feet, according to City topographical information. The proposed lot depth is 75 feet north to south. The slope of the proposed lot is approximately 20%. SDC Table 26-1 specifies a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet and a minimum frontage of90 feet for lots with slopes between 15 and 25%. The proposed lot line adjustment will increase the area of Tax Lot 690 I to 10,519 square feet, exceeding the 10,000 square foot minimum size requirements of SDC Article 26. The 123 feet oflot frontage on W. D Street is unaffected and exceeds the 90' minimum frontage requirements of SDC Article 26. FINDING: The proposed Tax Lot 6900 exceeds the minimum dimension andfrontage standards ofSDC 16.030 and 16.050; the proposed Tax Lot 6901 exceeds the minimum dimension and frontage standards SDC 26.050 for residential lots within the Hillside Development Overlay District, therefore this criterion has been met. (3) IMPEDE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ADOPTED TRANSPORTATION OR PUBLIC FACILITIES PLANS OR APPROVED CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS; The two properties seeking Development Approval are currently outside City limits and within the UF-IO Overlay District. The subject site is within an "island" of Urban Growth Boundary area surrounded and served by the majority of urban services as defined in Metro Plan Poli~y 7a, pg, II-B-4. Applications for development requiring City services must submit an expedited annexation application to the Lane County Boundary Commission prior to Final Approval from the Director. FINDING: Stafffinds this Criterion has not been met because granting Development Approval to properties requiring City services without an annexation application impedes implementation of City transportation and public facilities plans by increasing maintenance costs of existing facilities. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedfor compliance with Criteria 3: 2 'J . . . Condition 1) An Expedited Annexa/ion Applicationfor the adjusted Tax Lot 6901 must be submitted to the City of Springfield prior to Final Development Approval. (4) VIOLATE ANY PREVIOUS REQUIREMENTS OR CONDITIONS THE APPROVAL AUTHORITY MA Y HAVE IMPOSED AT A PRIOR PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING; AND The proposed adjustment of Tax Lots 6900 and 6901 ofLC Map 17-03-34-13 does not violate any requirements or conditions imposed at the time of prior public hearing or meeting. FINDING: This criterion has been met because there are no known previous agreements or conditions of approval affected by this application. (5) REDESIGN OR RECONFIGURE LOTS ,\\ ..rt.Ll~ A SUBDMSION BY A SERIES OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS WHICH CREATE TWO LOTS FROM THREE LOTS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A REDESIGN OR RECONFIGURATION OF LOTS. The parcels involved are not within a platted subdivision; no additional lot line adjustments have been proposed, therefore this criteria does not apply. FINDING: The Lot Line Adjustment does not redesign or reconfigure lots within a subdivision because lot lines are being moved to redistribute rear yard area of existing lots and no other changes are proposed Conclusion: Considering these findings off act, staff finds the Lot Line Adjustment complies with the criteria of Article 33, Section 33.030 of the Springfield Development Code and approves the application with the conditions specified below. Conditions: What needs to be done Ily the applicant to obtain final approval? These conditions are required to be completed within 90 dl\Ys of the date of this letter: Condition 1) An Expedited Annexation Applicationfor the adjusted Tax Lot 6901 must be submitted to the City of Springfield prior to Final Development Approval. Condition 2) The applicant must provide new legal descriptions of each tax lot. The Sprinif;eld Development Code requires that a surveyor set new property pins and create new legal descriptions. Condition 3) A Final Map must be prepared by an Oregon Registered Surveyor or Engineer which meets the Lane County Surveyor's standards for a land survey. This map shall include the revised lot dimensions and the following language: "FINAL MAP" "TIllS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT MODIFIES TAX LOTS 6900 AND 690 I, LANE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S MAP #17-03-34-13." ., . 3 " .. \. . . The applicant has 90 days to file a revised Final Map with the Lane County Surveyor's Office and return a filed copy to the City of Springfield Planning Division witb any documents required as a condition of approval. A Final Approval Notice will be issued within 5 days of required final submittals to complete the process. No otber Development Approval, including Building Permits, will be issued until tbe Final Approval Notice has been issued. Appeals: This Lot Line Adjustment request is considered a decision of the Director and as such can be appealed to the Planning Commission. An appeal may be filed by an affected party with the Development Services Department within 10 calendar days of the date of that decision. The appeal must be submitted on fonns supplied by the City in accordance with SDC Artide 15 - Appeals, and be accompanied by a $250.00 fee, refundable if the appeal is upheld. Ouestions: Please call Jim Donovan in the D0~pment Services Department at 541/726-3660 if you have questions regarding this pr~? ~ cc: DSD Building Services, Address File . -, ' . 4