HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-6-22 :'-i"""'-: 97477 - '( (T7 &' Job Location: 'II IS r:.rI ~p Jh?ffYt1' tJ~ 1103 ~ 4/~ - 0- Tc:< Lot# f')r::;K1J{) ov "--.....'n WW.- '-))I? a4AU;) 71 R (-:;; d 0 jUr~ rrd- (J~ / V (f . ~ Z<p: 1/ ASG8SGOl"S foI.ap II Subdivision: CUner: Address: City: n n n n "iPLl Addi ticn . Remodel Mobile Homa ~ ~';).;)-ff Date of Application Cont:ract:ors General Plumbing Electrical Mechar.ic.::.l qonatJ'"Umon Lender 1r.f /.- 5h t/d. Describe r-.'ork: \,{J ()O~l ~ I ~ '\V>M-~LM\- Va lue Address o , ! ; -f1.0. rl I " ,,' ~ &' ~' .1 fp,-j,"t- Siqr:ed: Date: cv (/1 -;:~.;;l -f f Lisc.' Eroires Phone ( .-'" " It is the responaibility of the permit hoLder to Bee that all inapections are made at the proper timc1 tr.at each =ddreso is re~~e from the street. and that the permit card is l.ocated at the frent of the property. -4Eui"!.di:-:.g P,;u'i=ior: approved plan sheU remain on tha Building Sit:; at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~OUES~:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job nur.=bep.. l'aquestcd a~.d when you uil.l be ready fo1' inspection.. Contractors or Otmers ncme end Fhone numbC!'. :..'iZl be rrr:z.de the Bame day.. requests made afta' 7:00 am r.1ill b:z made the next :JOrking day. ~q~~ir~n T~~n~~tir.n~ D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation.. but prior to set up of . forms. n ' UNDERSLAB PWI-fBINC. ELECTRICAL & 1--.f : MECHA:1ICAL: To be made befo1'e any lJOrk is ~overed. :=J FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be m:zde after trenches are excavated and f01'f1ls are erected.. but prior to pouring ~cncretc;. UNDSRGFlOUND PLUMBING, SE:WER, W.1TE,'?, DRAINAGE: To be ma:J.e prior to fil- .Lir.g tren.~hec. --,. UNDERFLOOR Pr.U/.$ING & MECHANICAL: .-J' To be made prio1' to inctal.lation of floor insulation or decking., ~ :=J POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor i1l3~Zation or deoki,," . ROUCH PLlP.fB[NC, ELECTRICAL I: MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered . ur.ti l these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZc.cir.g fecing materials and before framing in spec- tior:. :J FRA!fINC: MUGt be requeated after apppou.:1.l of rough plUJi.bing.. aZcctri- .cal & mechanical. Al! roOfing bracing & ChimnCY8~ etc. nr.J.st be ~ ;'completcd. lIo work is to be con- H....:..cealed until this inspection has ..~ b6~~ made and approved. =:J :J Your City Decigr.ated Job Nwnbc1' Is: O INSULATIONIVAPOF? BARRIER INSPECTIOll: To be made after all insulation cr.d . . required vapor barriers erre in p laae . : but before any lath.. gypswn board or wll covering is applied.. and before - . - a1'!'y irwulation is concealed. O DRYWAr.L INSPECTION: To be made aftep all. drylJaU is in placel but prior to any taping. O. ~SONRY: Steel location.. bona beam:;.. grouting or verticals in accoJ"dance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. job adCrcBs.. type of ir~poc~icn Requests received befere 7:00 ~ i .J I ~~~ DENOLITIOH OR !.:OVEC BUILDIi.'GS ::J Sani tary 88'..1er ~apped :::t propel"r:l' 'Lir.o - , " =.J Septi~ tank p"..:~cd and fille~ '1th ~~.el ; , I I :J Final. - mien above itc:ns are ccmpletcd and when demoZitior: is campleteior 8t~~~' ture moved and pr;:mises ~leaned up. ( "./ o CURB & APPROACH APRON: 'Afte:- forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-IiX:Y.. to bc made aftep aU e:tca- vating complete & form work & ~ub- . base material in place. o o I'ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. t2/~f:="C -, Mobile Hcmes =:=J Blocking and Set-:l.p . =:=J Plumbing connections scwar ~ water ---, Elcctriccl Connection - Blocking.. sat-up -.1 and plumbing connections nr..:st te appl"oved before requesting electrical inspection --, Accessop',,' BuilCing ,,~. --, Final - After p:Jrcr.es.. skirting.. decks.. ---l etc. are cample:cd. o FIlIAL PWltBIIIC AU pl"oje~t conditions.. such as the installation of stpeet tpoes. co::-rplation of the t required landscc:pir.g.. etc... must be satisfied bcfopo the BUILDING FINAL can bo raquestsd. :=J =:=J =:=J :=J FIliAL NECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectio1UJ have been made and approved. FINAL ELECTRICAL .... 'ALL MANHOLES AND. CLEANOUTS }lUST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST!!EllT TO BE MADE AT 110 COST TO CI'!Y I Page 1 of 2 .' ..-....._..._..._.._."..,._u_.._, ~_. I JOB NO.<a~ 556 I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f l<Jt CJlJerage ~ of Stories Total eeight Topography - ~ :SULAK A~~~::;::; K~Y,- Occupancl( G~ LOT TYPE. Interior Corner 1-, lITEM I;lain SQ.FTG Cc:rO(;,t! Can:>oJ"t I ACCBSSOl'"U , TOTAL VALUE. S.D.C. IlJCt.UC) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surchcrrge Total Cha.--ge. lITEM NO. I FEE I I I I I Futures Residential (1 bath) l-sCZ7lit::zl't/ Sewer ~'Wcter Plwnbing Perrr:i t 'State Surcr.a.rge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. So. fta. I NilLJ/Extend Circuits I Temporary S~ice I I NO'1 I I I I I I FEE Ele=tricaZ Permit State Suraharqe Total Charc:es lITEM Purn:ice ETU'S r E=haust Hood I_- I Vent Pan I ' IlIoodsto;J6 I Pi1i.- Ul..~1-'--- 11/0.' FEE I I I I I Pe1"17T'it Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surcharae Total C1urrQ~g -- ENCROACHMENT -- !Se~~ri~ Davo3it I . Storage Maint~e Perrrrit ...:!:E.!.a l Charpcs Curbcu~ SidAJalk Fen::e E1.ectroica 1. Labe I Nobile Home TOTAL AMoUNT DUE:' - . Panhandls Cut-de-sac x Value CHARGE I I ' I ~ CHARGE CllARGE (5."'<' lc:: ~D _:J ' ~S"OO '--""~".~~~'l.,........ L-COG- Type/Cor.st: Bedroor.tB: I En2rau SU..a'ces Heat Water> .t/r>.otp.r Range Firc'Dl.ace Wood.:;tove Tuoe . Lot Faces - P.L. N01"th lEast South IWest Fees Setbacks House Caraae Access. Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express c0n4ition that the s~id constMlction shalll in all 1"espcctsl confol"m~to the-Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfieldl including ~he Zoning ordinance, regulating the ccnstructien and UDe of bui~ingB, and m~y~e BUGpended 01" reVoked at any time upon vie- lation of any provis~8 of said D1:dinaru:es..... '\ '-. , . J_ " Pl.an Check Fee: Cate Paid: Rec~ipt n: I Signed: -' . ", Plumbing Permit No person Dhall construct, instaU, a! tel' 0"1" change any new ar e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:"son may do plur.-.bing IJOrk to property which is otJned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. , , , . Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical. tJOrk be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaH roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the ELectrical Contract01". I I I l. Mechanical Permit I I I. I I I I I , . I I I I I I I I PLan Exanrz.ner vatS I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pennit, and do hereby cez:tify that all ir.fo:mation hereon is true and correctl and I f'.4.rthe:r certify that any ar.d all' tJOrk perfornled shall bs done in acaor- dance ,:.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the [,a:,;s of ths State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described here~n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY LJill be mde of any structura tJitJur..tt p3rmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ar..d e:npz..,yees rJho ar6 in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project c, - .7- ~ .,~r Date - ..