HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-8-20 Rooe~pt.~ .. 1~.?1J..., ._.... " RESID&lTlAL-" APPLICAT .;PERMIT 25 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I , I.f::3 ~? ECt::::/?tIf R4F'R ~ ~ ",?r-. Asaeaaor= Map N 'I If () 6Y~ r;:( ::Jt Tao: wt N [y;::.rlf'Y:J Subdivision: t/r ~. 75.6#-.4 l. /':::> . , eo- - -J. ~ Job Loc:ltion: ... ~er: (OP.fflo-frc;f;~ ~~~ . Address: tJ-'L&z.r ~~ Phone: 3cf3 - 3~0. CittJ: O.J ~~~" 0 Zip: 41 <;r(!)~' ~~~_Jb ewl~~~' ~ -,<8' ~c;; . Date of Application Contractors ~PV General Valus t:::? 5"7'2 ~Z> Bldrs Board Reg. Phnnp ~-,:J Address , Lise. II. ~.{s:)~! Siqr.ed:.~/~~), ,,' ~te: CLlll1~ . - l .' Exo:!..ces : Plumbing i Hechanical I EL"" t r:u;a l 1 SUOeti'Ult"1;i,..'!lL_EJec t r ~c in n It is the l'BsponlJibility of ths permit holder to 880 that alt inDpectio718 are made at the prope1' tim~~ that each ~eB8 is :rea.::ab!e fl"Om the street. and that the perrrrit card is located at the front of the propel'ty. .tBui!di.'1fl l>fvi::io'!': approoed plan shall remain on tha Building Sit::; at all times. PtlOCSDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:lesign:J.ted job nurrber, job address, typo of in3pec~iclI 'requested and when you !Jill be ready for inspection, Contractors Ol' OtJnera name and phone number. Requests received bofcl'o 7:00 c::t :..'ill bs rmde the same dcy, l'equests made after 7:00 am r.rill bt! nr:zde the ncxt :.JOl'king day. R'tquirq.rf r'1Pr;?~(!tir.7J!l O SITE INSPECTION: To be nr:zde aftel' excavation, but prior to' set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & Nl:X'H,lNICAL: To be made before any 'I work is ~ovcred. ; f\;l FOOTING j FOUNDATION: To be mde ~ after trenches are excavated and forms GPe erected, but prior to pou~ng ccncret~. UNDSRGtKJUND Pr.UM3ING. SSWER. W.1TER, D.r?AINAGE: To be nr:zde prior to fil- lir.g trenches. [L] [Z] 10 I 'l] o UNDERPWOR PLW.51ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of /1oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM:' To be made pnor to installation of floor insulation or deckiTlfi . ROUG1I P[.lJ.'1Bl!JC. Er.ECTR!CAL .e MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be eOL'ered .until thesB inspections have beer. made and approved. ~ FIREPLACE: mo'r to p'lc.cir.g facing materia ls and before framing in spec- ... tior.. FRAI~INr.: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . completed. No w:J1'k is to be con- , cealed until thio inspection has . bec.n made and approved. ~ Your Ci ty Decigr.atcd Job Nwnber 10: . . I HI INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insulation ar~ '. required vapor ba:rriers GPe in place '.'~.: :.'.;; but b'efore any lath, gypswn board 01' wZZ covering is applied, and befol'o any insulation is concealed. ro:1 DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mde LXJ after all dPywa II is in p Zace, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beamo, grouting 01' verticals in accol'tiance IJith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE..: After installation is ccmpleted. CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms GPe (Jr6~ ted bu t ploior 'to pouring .xm.crete. IVl SIDEr/ALK & DRIt!EWAY~ Fol' all con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-r.JCY, to be made after all. e%ca- ....... . vating cc;rnplete & lom wl'k & :;ub- base material in plir.c~: . ~ o c(~-tuw PENCE: Wher: co.71pl~te -- Provide gates or movable seetiona thl'ough P.U.E. ""': 90/0// DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVE!; BUILDn/aS ::J Sanitary aeuer capped at propcrty lir:o '. ... I " ",I Iii'" r'I..,{ildf'W":'r'\l<'/'~"':11 I..~ i ~.\. .lJ' ::J Septic tank p~cd and fille~ uith ~ra~6l ---, Final - lflzen ab...--ve ite:ns are completed ~ ar~ when demolitior: is complete 01' Bt~~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. . Mobi le Bemes =:J Blocking and Sat-up =:J Plwnbing connB~tions -- scuer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up . --..I and pllimbing connoctions rrr~8 t !;o approved before requesting elec~rical inspec~io~ =:J Accessol"q' Bui ld:.ng --, Pin.:zl - After porcf:os, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o .....t""f " AZZ'Frojcat conditions, auc.": ao tile ,:',nstallation of stl'cet trees, '.co::rplottol'l of the required ~ndsccpir.g, etc., must be satioficd bcfor~ the SUILOINe 'FINAL can be raqucotad. [1l FIliAL PLUNBIlIG CIJ FIliAL MECHANICAL ,CKl FINAL ELECTRICt.L ;,r:=] @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeotcd aftel' the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, cmd Mechar.ical Inspectiona ha.vo been made and appl'ov~d. ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEI1NOUTS IWST BF: ACCESsIBU:, AD.1US.'r!fENT roo BE. 1.LA,DE /IT no COST TO CITY I Pa!1e ! of 2 - -a~ - I JOB NO.7~o/ / SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG~ I Zona: LP/""\ Qccuoanc" G. /i?-7~~/ Type/Cor.st: "--~. Bedrooms: ? wt Sq. Ftv.' ~~&> em TYPE f wt Faces - ~""".__" II EnBrOIl Sources Tllee ~ . I Setbacks I I Heat E/ ~c:T.J:f::':A." hI-- s ~f lot C~verag< -><'?- _r-> Inter<or I P' II C f- . ;.y~ '~.. ~" _ . '-'. ouse .aroge Access. I I Water !I~at(>l" ~" ~__ N of Stories Z Corner North /.c' I', Ra,tgo ;~ TotaL Height ';:?7 ~,." PanhandLe Kast -'7"'9" FirepLace .....r. South / Y , i I Wood" to"e Topography -::r~ Cul-de-sac "'~, I I IWest 'C7 lITEM SQ.FTG X VaLue '1 Main 15"'t'/.> ~~9::J7_-I i!s:!:s!.ae _qt?t> /?/-j #~ I I I Caroort I Accessoru I I I I I I TOTAL VALUE ~"1 IS.D.C. l.~ :r (vaLUe) 1/e'/~.rs - I Bui Lding Permi t '3 "'3'/. .-., SOO te SW'charge /~..9s1 TotaL Charges ;>r-.f.~ - I ITEM NO. FEE I Fixtures I Residential (l bath) --;z I Sanitary SeWer I I Wcter I 1':::77:>R~ ~~ ~ ~ PLwnbing Perrci t State SW'cr..l1.1'ge TotaL Charqos lITEM Res. Sn. fta. INaw/~tend Circuits I TemporarlJ Service . NO.' FEE II ,. I ElectricaL Permit State SurcharQe Total Charges lITEM NO. I FEE I Furnace !!TU' S I E::haust Hood I I Vent Fan ~ l' I Woodsto:Jo 7BW/f ~7" 1- Permit I~suance Mechanical Permit State SW'charae Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~rit~ Depo3it I Storage I Maintenance I Pcrmi t Total Characs ICurbcu~ I Sidewalk I Fr.m~e / --::l '-I ' q)' Electrical Label Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: '" . /.<;:- I E < ez::rR / ~c. ~,;;" / ;#<C.rzs'?<i /5-"'. I /I-~P##"4?= ~/??r7': ~ '/.:>-- I 1,!5=:75'I- I q.5t?1 ~_P9 I I ?- I I /th. St:> I 6>.:;-1 /7.Y~ I. CHARGE I I _'5"ZSC> I -;<4'. ~ I /5.-1 '2.'" ~-I /p /..-SZ;:> I ~7@1 IF/~.~I- CHARGE I I C/JARCE /7'_~C> I I?~ I I I I I- I I I I /5Y'I.C'€f -- Fees ~~.- Building Value &. Permit This pennit iD granted- on .the expre!,8,condition that the said construction shall, in all respccts, conform to the Ondinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstru-'ticn and US6 of buildings, and 11I.1.y bc suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provis"for;s"of said Ondinancos. IPlan Check Fee:-:2/~.<::,r IVatc PaW: S!~:JE'~"'?'p IRscdpt N: /./~ ~ I Signed: ~"..-z>. Permit Plumbing No percon shall construct, instaLL, alter or change any new cr e:isting plumb~ng or ~inage system in whole or in part, unless such perDon is the legal possessor of a vaLid plumber's license, except that. a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. . ElectricalPermi t Where State LcrLJ requires tJ..at the eLectrical work be done by an Ele~tricaL Contractor, the electrical portion of,this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. ~...~ ~-:W/,Y Mechanical Permit /:Z .r[;.Ib:y l.ner ~ 3'ic.s:? c::> va," t.r. '" I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aL~ information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfomred shall be dO:1B in accor- dance lVith tha Ordinances of the City of Springficld, and the: Ltr..;s of tha '" State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY ~lt be made of any structurz witho~t p3~iB3ion of the Buildin~ Di- vision. I furthcr certify that only contractors ar.d e:lIpl"yecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.05t ~ill be used on this project tZt4Zg,,j~ o.,tq' ~~ \ )/1/