HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-10-8 / "....-..-...... .., ...:..:.;.".;..... ,~...," .. RESIDEIIAL" APPLICATIO ER/1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . W'?:>4i <7Jl;..Q,vb...vv'} H n to,3 'do "), l-j Tax Lot ~+V'\A.c...-~OYl eD~Cvvv\.: C ')..Cj L I 4)ou.-LJ'.il Phon": ~y 3. 7p ~~ q.A:j~/~J' ~ DR. ?)JYOS-Zip: ..rob LoC'.-:tion: A$~C8aor~ t'.'ap 'suhdit.l~sion: \ I ~(.!r: \ '1(/]'(J[::;: , I it!!: I , n n r1 tl :1....1.' H OS,OO Describe f.'or7,: \)\W'I~~i")~ ~W\',i Actol.'lfI~ ~J\c.Q .~ddi.dc,! Rcmo..!r.l. .'~o.?i La Hr.o,r;'I~ e~VO(Jh- Value NJk lIJ.drs I\oilrd I(e~. gxpices I("'-~~o Aclrlrps!; Data of AppZicaticn ~(lnt CilC.tlH"S General ~ lumb:lnri ~IA ~jJ I....A Hechal1.lC.:ll E~~l.: t: t:.i..!;;II Lise. 1/ .. __cce'Pt .. I ~4"" . eX-- ~ " Siqr.cd: Date: 6db j()/q:~() Pl-nnp a:.::>.o. :1'::15./ Pf #>L/1""A ~II"" (..<g<:J, ,-r:1<Io ~t<"kL....... '01 ~h.t Y-it:l-k~' :)0:>..<;' f),. , ....'6 s.r . ~.ub Q"N DJ ~ l11)(> r;'\I~_ti~~r.!g EJ.ec t r.i C Ltl n It 1:9 the rcnponfJibiLity or tho permit holder to sae that alt innpcctions are r.1ado at tIle proper timE:~ that each dtb-esD is reacab:e Jrom the Dtpcct. a~1 that the permit card iD Zocated at the fl~nt of the property. 4!Jui!di,'1{l !r:ui~io,': appl"ot,.'ed plan l1hell remain on th.:: eui.ldhl{l ~'itc at all times. r::,'OCEDU.r?E POR INSPECTION R~OUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city designated job nUmber, job ad6ocss, typo of in3poc:ic,1 l'aql.icsted ar:d whml YOIl will be peady for inspecti.on, Contractors 01" Ot.mera ncmc and FOOne number. Requ~sts received bofero 7:00 t::1 :"1~ll. be made the Dame dc:y. requcstD mc.dc aftc:r 7:()O a:n will b~ 'f7t1dc the next :.JOl'kin..] day. B.-'nll~:Y'f'd rJ1~rf'('tJ.r.rr,<: ) ~'l'!''<; IlI!;P,~'r..~."J()N: 7'0 be m'1dc ,= C'xclltJ~-:ii~ll. ~mt prior tc De~ jo-rm::. :J alter up of U:lDERSl,AB [,U',~fBI.vr;. ELECTRICAL ,~ X.'-.'CIIA,'/IC,.1L: To be madc befol'iJ any L.lOl'.l..: is ~ovcl'cd. =:J F'GOT I!lC ~ FOU:m,1 T JCII-' To be made alt.~J' ('l't:llchelJ m'e excavated and for,',1:1 arc erected, bllt prior to !1(lIH'ir.g ccner'et.:. v.'m:;RC,Wlh'.'D !'~UM,'?INC. S.t:fIF:R. rv.1TE.r?, OHM NACE: '/'0 lit! I1llda [wioJ' to fi l- Ti.r:f/ -t;l'cw:hec. =1 _J UNlJr.:,r?F[,OO,~ J'(,Ut,'[lJ.VG ,~ ,',.'EC.'lANICAL: ';"{) be: made: iH'ioI' to 1:~wtaLlation. of liDol' i1ll11llatim! 01' decking. !n,(,"F AlID BEAM: To be made prior to :"I:;!.rdl..:t.L.OH oJ floor inm.lation 01' ,!.:,.,.t:ill(l. -'1 -"j NtJ!'(ill ,nr,u.'!Rmc. F.r.r:CTRrCM~ t, MF:Cll- ,!!.1!'/;"l!,: oVo work .ill to he c.:oL'(!l'cd ;.,~:Tflf;i1"::;i? inspectim::; lIt we bem: ;n:,I:,' ,:Old llf.'prvv.-::!. f'f'Hr:l'/./lCf:: Prior to rlf:c:ir.(J facing !1~:i.:-'0.:1!.:: antI hefoI'I? Imming innpec- I;(,?r:. .J _hi .1'H.,l.'~1!/(;: :..'u::t lIe rcqucoted after i1i';;;;'~!. or J'OUg11 rlwr.bi"g~ <!lcctri- ,~:zl. ,~m,;'(~h...mi::a"l. At! t'Oo[ing bracing ,,, chimneys. ct.::. nr.wt be ('ompl.:t.i:d. !/o work in to l1e con- (:.:r.!,-'cf II/If-i.l thin itlll[)c:c.:tion }lIln 'h,;,!~1 m:ld~ Wl(! approved. =:J [J ~~ /,.l1lr~/I' ,'&;..., ; All project condition8, :me!: as the i,notaLlation of 8treot troe8. CO,-:1pletion of tne requ1:red landscapir.g, ete., must be satisfied before tJ:o BUILDINC FINAL can be rsquootad. !-'UM!, YOUl" City Decigr.ated .Job Number ID: D INSUf.A'l'IONIV,MY)H EMRRIER INsp,r;;CT;;;;... To be made after aU imJUZ.:::tion Qr-.d . rcqu-~red vapor 1:Qt'riers .are in place but 1:efore any lath, !1Ypswn board or ~lZ covering is appZied, and befopo any inaulation is concealed. o DRYfvACL INSPECT!ON: Tc be made afteI' all dl'YLXlU ia in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: SteeZ Zocation, bond beams, grouting or vcrticaZs in accordance with v.n.c. Section 2415. ClC91011 DE/JOLITION OR ;VOVE{; BUILDIj/GS :=J Sani tary Se'-,er ::apped at p:.opt:rty Ur:o =:J Septi.:: tank p-r1pcd and fil.Z~~ LJith f/ra:Jf1Z ::J Final - mtOn above itc~:ts are ccmpZetcd and whon demolition is completo OP Btru~- tUJ'"e moved and pl'lZmi3eS cleaned up. Mobile Hemac :J Blocking and Set-up :J Plumbing connections -- scwer,and wa~or --, Electrical Connection - 'Blocking, 80t-U=' ---1 and plumbing connections ~~st ~e approved before requesting elec~rical inspec:io~ :J AcccsGor.1' Building.~' ,'.' ::J Final - Aftar porc1:~s, etc. are completed. . ,~ sk~rting. decks, o o rlOODSTO'lE: AfteI' inatallation is lx;rnpleted. D PIt/,i!. t!,l:'...'/!t1:I.lC,l!, o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inopectio" must bo requeDted alter tho Pinal PZumbina Electrical, and Mec}lar:ical Inapectionn 1laLla boen made arid approLl2d. ',1,'.(. :.r,l,'.'IlGr.J-.':: 11Nn cr.p..1,'/ou'r:: "fI.~T m: Ar.CF..':r:rnr.R. AD.1TJ.c:1'o'IF..'IT TO ,rrF: MAnE AT NO C[)ST TO r.T'!'Y D f'lN..1f, ,':U:L''J'HIC,~!, '--1 ! o CVR,9 & APPROACH APRON: Afto,:" forma are ;Jre~ted but Pl'ior to pouring COncrete. o SID,r;;rvAcK & DRIt'ErYt.Y: For' all con- crete paving within street right- of-LX:.Y, to be '!lade after all e:r:ca- vating oompZetc & fo~ work & cub- baGe material in pla:::e. o !'ENCE: Wher. compl~te -- Provido gatcG or movable sectiono t}lrough P.ll.E. o I~a{w of :! I JOB NO. I Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. S of lot Coverage N of SteM-e. Tota~ Height Topogra,hy lITEM IM(],1:n SQ.fTG Gcrao'} Caroort I AcceS80l"1J I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (vat.uc) 1.5 " Building pormit State Surcharge ,~._..__..:...:c',....... ~,:,\J SOLAR _ESS IlEQ.- Occu?anCU G;JI!If Total Cha.....g03 I ITEM NO. I fE'E I Fixtures n . ~>'\,,;. I Hesid.ntia~ (J bath)~) I Sanitary Sewer Water Plwnbing Permit State SW"cr.al"ge Total Char-nas lITEM I Res. So. rta. I Naw/Extend Circuits Temporary Service Eleatrical Permit State Surcharqe Total Cha.1'qes lITEM Purnace l!1'~J' ''1 Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove Permit Issuanca Mechanical Peromit State surchalV'C Total CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT -- Iso~"rit~ Deoosit I Storage I Maintenance I Permit I Total Chaf'f'DB I Cul'bcu~ I Sid_~k I Fence I Electrical LabeL I Mobi to Home I I I TOTAL AMOU/IT DUE:' I NO. NO. x n'E ~~so 1.~3 ~Lf. 13 , CHARGE.' FEE CIIAHGE I .Y 3'Y,13 ---- 'Of L -1...:Ul" Type/Cor.st: . I f,n~l'fJl/ Sow'r.er, Setbackn 1 I !leat lIouse Ca1'age' I AccesS. I I I II II :~ nl~r:.:'l>O('W~:; : '1';1:-,' I Dot Facer. - I I P.L. jNorth lEast ISouth IWont Water Yr:otr?l' Range FirenLace Wood:;tol,;c Faes Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted OIl the express condition t.hat the Dtl1:d ,:,..III;d.J'u~'II:'.'Il shall, ill aLL renpcctG, conf.orm t.o the Ordina1;ce a.dopteJ by t.jl'" Cit.!i llF Sp}'ingficld, inc!uding the. Zoning Ordinance, l'cguLctiHU till! CCI::;Lr,/,'u:':11 and UGO of uuUding6, and may be Guapellded or revokecl at (;l:Y t.~III.. l,'i',l: 11:"1.- wtion of ClIlY provinionD of naid OrdirulIIcea. I PlaIT Check I Dnte Pnid: IRecdpt II: I Sig'!:cd: rl1r..: j .1 Plumbing Permit No porco'l aJUllZ C01~atl'Uct, ir18taU, attar or change c.ny l:CLJ Cl' C::~:;:'I:IIU plwnbina or cU'ainage. ayste:ll in :..Jholo or in pQl.t, udes:: :mch pCl'aon ia t.he legal pOGGcsnor of a'valid plwnber's license, exccpt that a pC:-:Jon may Ii,) pZwnbina lJOrk t-o l)l'opel'ty which is olJned, Zeaacd OJ' QPi:l'Cltcd hU tI:.; '-'Pi'lt:- cant.. Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tl:at the electl'ical lJoJ'k be done by 011 Elcdl'iCtJl. Controctor, the electrical. portion of thi3 permit ahaU ,:ot b..; vaLU u/ltil. the ZabeZ has been Digned by the ElctJtrical Contractor. , Mechanical Permit PLan Examiner Uat;c I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fo1' permit, and do hereby certify that all ir;fo;"m(1.tion IJCreon is true and corrcct, and I furtheP certify that any ar.d aU lJOl'k perfOlmed shall be done in aC::Ol'- dancQ !.lith th9 ox>dinanceD of tho City of Spl>il1(Jficld, and tile: [q..;;s of ti:a .. Stat. of 01'09"11 p~rt.:JininG to tllo work: dS8cribod hcro::n~ end 'that; NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any $tl'uatur.a withou.t permiS3io."1 of the SuiZdillg Di- vision. I further certify that O:1ty contractora a;;d e.'1Ipl~yecs /J}:o are in compliance with ORS 701.05[; /Jitl be used on this pl'Oj~ct I I I I I I ' I :1 ts~JU /()~~-7() . 0.,',: -I Sian:1J